Lemuria Light FM (March 2022) Part 1
According to Reuters’ sources, the absurdly long table between Putin and Macron was required because Macron refused to take an administered covid test.
Macron suppose to comply to the law, but he instead working out what the anti vaxxer do? why? because he know how the DNA will be used...
As we more forward in 2022... more political stress will have to sort out among groups and country.
Russian and Ukraine war has very dangerous proposition to offset the balance.
Blood is shedding. These masculine brawling without wisdom is actually playing out what Rothchild Playbook wants.
Bothside loose.
But a very important things to learn is that:
and energetic side:
So, many dangerous situation will play out in the coming days:
Market bubble is going to burst.
Expecting some inflation,
Company collapsed,
Short Bitcoin now(long term)before Mid of March.
Buy Silver, before April
Everything will escalate to the year end.
If you already affected, as in you are surrounded with political stress and seperation...
Sort it out before July.
We hold love for all to learn.
so...where is the brain?
All Orion Group dominated platform are in heavy survilliance right now. Facebook, windows, twitter, whatssap, even my Google drive just now ask me if they can peek into my laptop. Vigilantly, i read the whole thing and feel where it came from: Orion ET group, same group which is behind the Ukraine Blackwater mechenaries...
I decline the access... of course this only happen to a healthy mac, for windows, your screen record are send to isreal Urim Base survilliance network constantly.
There are lots of activities to manuver the surface population now. Reduce exposure(to these compromised network), if you are handling important lightworks.
The world is fractal. Macro in Micro.
Time become surreal when you are close to lightspeed! 😆
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"In refraction, we can feel all surrounding. If you watch it closely, you able to see the gap between dimensions."
~Lemurian Proverb (https://t.me/lemurialight) 🌹
"Transcend the physical, you need to access your crown. But before this, you must master the full understanding on every aspect of your life delimmas. Reaching the understanding is the prerequisite."
~Lemurian Proverb (https://t.me/lemurialight)🌹
"Dreaming a sweet dream would come true."
~Lemurian Proverb (https://t.me/lemurialight) 🌹
Covid to Ukraine War. All ochestraed from Cabal family, and getting us engage in propoganda. While working out thier WWIII
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If you are American and want to visit Europe, maybe it's now or never. A big lock is screwing things up. Check the negative interest rate that is devouring Europeans Economy.
Seriously. Research! Putin is not the bad guy. Turn off the TV.
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Love love~! 🔹More Meme & News (https://t.me/lemurialight) 🔹
Reply point +999 🔹More Meme & News (https://t.me/lemurialight) 🔹
😅 Seemed that the petrol owner start making good bucks 🐟 🔹More Meme & News (https://t.me/lemurialight) 🔹
it’s ring system is 200 times larger than Saturns. Composed of 30 rings, each having a diameter of tens of millions kilometers (120 kilometers).
Ring system mass= 80 Jupiter masses
Planet/Star mass = 13-26 Jupiter masses
Those who follow our website already know Delta is a reptilian forces. Then what is this wave of omicron about?
The first wave of omicron happen in end of 2021, is a pityful wave of disoriented mixure entities got send around which supposingly killed many people, suppose to mean a total attack of all the dark forces.
But there are too many lightworkers and mass meditation this round, many of cabal original plan didn't go as what they wish.
So this round this newest omicron looks like above. Give you a sore thoat, addiction, back ache, severe case breathing problem. But mostly very easy to solve. Just don't panic.
first session: Breath in white light to the affected area, and when you breath out, just relax.
second session: use violet flame.
this batch best to handle in two session. Soon this will be immuned.