Lemuria Light FM (July) Part 1
Central Sun in physical portal ☀️
In one month time
Pheonix Power:
As the Great Deva team is cleansing and manuvering the earth situation. Together with lightforces. We want to give our full and sincere starry support for the great possitive 4D faction to bring forth a better world as they are handling much of the karmic entanglements between groups. They are fighting the demonic beings (cause of Covid) from vatican.
But this you will realize there are many company and group will be affected after the power struggle instilled.
Introduction to the great devas:
and The Blue Dragon:
First time viewing this # https://t.me/lemurialight/461
During this time many of the political proposition in many countries may seemed to offset and tightened control. This is inevitable pheonemenal when super negative human incarnated reptilian king Donald Rumsfeld are removed.
Many people feel dispair, please continue to send light for the earth. The stretch of everything will end well before 2022 Dec. But after one month energy plane will have much lesser negative controls over groups. Much possitive feeling will return after Jupiter return to Aquarius at 28July
May the force be with you.✨
The secret of the universe lies within us. If we can control our mental, emotional projection, we can control our reality.
After the E Movement Control in Malaysia, we have detected not only despair mentality, but also scarcity mindset are burbing out from many corners.
Mainly it establish upon a few foundation of belief:
1. Want to go back to Normal (and why can't we just get vaccinated and go back to normal????!!!!!)
2. Do not know how long the lock down going to be. (AAaaargghhhhh!!!!)
3. Don't have energy to work on your dream. (Just feel so lazy, sleepy and tired when it come to your own dream)
So let us answer this three question:
1. It's never going to go back to normal. And even if vaccinated, won't solve the problem at all. (do a bit reasearch you will see solid proof) The problem lies in people are not united to face the obivious and real collective problem.
2. It's going to last longest(worse case) to next year December. (We are using the meditation to shorten the time to the threshold.)
3. Weak determination is the main cause. Second, learn to live without the EMF pollution, learn to meditate and live without all the digital sleeping pills. and FOCUS on manifesting your dream life.(if it is not now, WHEN?)
Solution for the Scarcity Mindset:
1. Start grow your own vegetables at home. As our prediction: https://rb.gy/nckzxk
2. Feeling limited or lacking? GIVE . LOVE . Manifest! which this is the total different mindset of the lacking. Total different way of living. Doesn't means go lazada to shop your purse to empty. There are many way we can contribute to the world. and keep our gestrue of giving of all sort, this way you can keep yourself feeling wealthy and generating prosperity energy. Grow some veg. at where you stay. You'll see the benifits of this in a very short time. (this is the key to live off grid)
3. Sage your home properly with the right tool. Keep the energy above the threshold. Off your phone. (bored? see how poorly you treat your true life?) Meditate or work out. Eat properly. Learn to connect to universal energy. Yoga. Be grateful of where you are!
Only through sheer determination, we can change our life. It will be so worth it, and you will be thankful of you making the decision today!
Do not be afraid.
Lack of creativity and persception is because we are using too much of what is create to control us. It exist only because we allow to.
Live true life. Today.
Ninh Binh
Yo whatssup
American Samoa
Sai Gon,VietnamJust now.
Karnak Temple perfectly align with milky way. ♥️😳
Thunder hits Vietnam's matrix.
Ginnie Spring, SUA
People gathered around lava, Iceland
ET existance in area 51 challenge the orthrodox thinking that earth is the only place in the whole universe that is inhabitable.
and phone too.
Sirian Starseed: When everything is over, I will go for a vacation far far away...
As for those sirian who hasn‘t connect to the higher vibration, will carry one of the unmistaken traits - a deep lonesome feeling inside.
Tips: Become a workoholic won't help...
Only through realizing who you are...you can free your thought from bouncing between the two mirrors.
Lago di Braies, Italy
3 important things:
Leaves a trail of integrity and love.♥️
Live life to the fullest. 🌊
Bless those who suffer in duality.🌟
Lyran as expression gateway of the universe: Creativity.
➜dreams and visions of flying to different planes of existence or to other planets
➜a slim appearance: you may have a thin face with pointed nose, etc.
➜Needs of traveling
➜very artistic, expressive
➜positive, uplifting personality
➜must feel freedom in life and show others the same kind of respect.
➜speaking your mind and owning your truth may be a challenge or your greatest asset
➜fairy and feminine energy
As lyran, earth experiment post great importance to end the galactic war that destroy many of the planets around lyra. This understanding will reach a milestone collectively at the compression breakthrough (the solar flash).
Lyran is extremely creative. They have natural sensing ability and participate much on earth work.
Lyran as expression gateway of the universe: Creativity.
➜dreams and visions of flying to different planes of existence or to other planets
➜a slim appearance: you may have a thin face with pointed nose, etc.
➜Needs of traveling
➜very artistic, expressive
➜positive, uplifting personality
➜must feel freedom in life and show others the same kind of respect.
➜speaking your mind and owning your truth may be a challenge or your greatest asset
➜fairy and feminine energy
As lyran, earth experiment post great importance to end the galactic war that destroy many of the planets around lyra. This understanding will reach a milestone collectively at the compression breakthrough (the solar flash).
Lyran is extremely creative. They have natural sensing ability and participate much on earth work.
Light in expressing through plants 🌿☘️🌳
Beaver Falls in Havasupai Indian Reservation inside Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona.
The Garden of Eden are the words to describe this water paradise where stepped waterfalls plunges over limestone.
Ability to keep balance in this time is the key to be defiance against all darkness.
Most of the people suffer inablility to create thier own dream right now. They are demotivated and distracted when they come to create their dream.
How to breakthrough?
Learn energy work today: www.lemurialight.com
Live . Laugh . Love
Phi Phi Island
The number 4, marks 4 season, 4 corners of evolution: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. 4 signifies an evolution cycle.
Timing of all, registered how well your personal evolution cycle sync with the universe. In layman term - how well is your "luck".
From two weeks ago to 28July, light warrior at the frontline, who engage with the matrix system, are in the certain interesting etheric proposition.
If unaware, some will get left unprotected or in diffcult position by the energy plane rearrangement. Behind this arrangement there are lightforces Emissary safe guarding all reality, whilst letting a space for karmic believers to express.
Now all arhat, ashura, demon, engaging in karmic expression and karmic rearrangement. They will induce desire for people vibrating at the same bandwidth to come together and sort out the drama. While we need to handle the Covid Pandemic which should be the biggest priority.
(The biggest collective problem is the scarcity mindset.)
My suggestion is to stay neutral and be free from the entanglements of the matrix. (e.g. at the moment of successful hook by the matrix, you will see sudden raise of uncontrollable emotion that interlock you with the one you engaged will become on the same page of the journey later on.)
I'm Grateful. Lets continue.
Lavender Field · Disha Goyal
Grand Canyon, USA
Skill aquired: Boss Deflection LvL13
I have been a seeker and I still am.
But I stopped asking the book. I started listening to the teaching of my own soul.
Arcturian Code
One of our network people confirmed Magnatized Protein in the Pfizer -
Silent matter.
Rumble Etheric.
Chaos flyers unsettle the kid.
Time weavers embedding solution.
Be melting snow. Wash yourself of yourself.
~ Rumi

There are two ascension path will soon merge.
~Emerald Dragon🐉
Cancer new moon 2021, July 9th - New Begining
At the time of this New Moon, we are still working with the energies of the T-Square - Mars, Saturn, and Uranus. This tend to inspire action, however this action is sometimes created through feeling pushed up against a wall or through frustration.
T-Squares can trigger us to reach a Watershed, finally forcing us to step up and change our way. T-Squares can certainly trigger us, but they can also lead to huge breakthroughs.
If you are feeling this energy under the New Moon, think about how you can connect with the fearless warrior within. You may also find guidance by asking yourself the question- How can I lead with love rather than fear?
Livestream of Ascensions
If you have the mood of silence today. Go silence. Rest. 🌠
Lemuria Light is a light tower support multitude of the network and individual to flourish even at the time like this. Defiance up until today.
so we begin with our favorite question...What do you want to contribute today?