Lemuria Light FM (February 2022)Part 1

🐾 It happens🐾
Now has become 5G😒
Happy Chinese New Year, everyone! 🐾
Some of you in this year might feel a rebellious inner calling and become somewhat an anti-norms - become the odd ones in the chinese big family without mask is a challenge. However this journey would bare wonder fruits into our life and seed liberation to our next generation.
We bare a fruit to liberate people mind, is a stand worth fighting.🐉
~Lemuria Light
✨✨Lemuria Light back on post✨✨
Perspective is everything 🌹
In 12Feb2022, Lemuria Light Tachyon Chamber has to the public!
This result in pure energy spread across Malaysia. Blue sky reappear after few weeks of the greyish fog disappears from the air.
We love you.
In love, we present you the new Healinging package for life changing experience of Lemuria Light.reopen
More: https://bit.ly/3gFIKxJ

In the blue dawn, many factions of power are in disarray, misalign and scattered. Although there are certain work trying to bring all together, the current state of the totality of our super consciousness self is shown in the fading stripes of white in the sea of blue energy.
To united all energy into the inversion process that is likely going to begin very quickly, we encourage everyone to help to anchor energy as One Family.
This energy would bridge the four sun with our solar system, that will bring more of harmony mandala pattern from the 4 sun where they already have completed the harmonic evolution in it's on system, and bringing the evolution pattern here to earth.
The inversion will push forward the intergration of shadow on the planetary scale.
You can choose one of the mudra to help anchor the energy.
Goddess Vortex Meditation
The Full Moon Meditation
11:11 Mudra
The Mudra of Returning
We are full time lightworkers from Malaysia. In Lemuria Light, we have an average of 4 hour+ of the meditation, daily. To ensure a better wellbeing of Malaysia Citizen.
So far, we have been quite successful in preventing many negative scenario roll out.
Beside all the defence of the vortex point and local geopolitical propositions, we are very much focusing in building a community of love.
Please support our community:
Join us.
How most Red Dragon see the world:🔺🐲🔻
And here is why a panda knows kongfu. The answer lies deep within the DNA...
This is the conversation you will hear in the Antares society 😏
Happen a lot lately. #Inception
🌹Love is our essence. it's not something we attain outside. If you don't feel it all the time, maybe it's time to ask, ...how true am I being to myself? am I living a life or a lie?
Photo: Master Erial Ali