Lemuria Light FM (MAY) PART 4
Creation is within the breath. In each Inhalation the universe expand. In each exhalation the universe diminishes.
Create within thought.
Diminishes within thought.
In between only the everlasting flower, unfolding.
Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.
Many good things is the small thingi!
Many good things is the small thingi!
...you may not see the good thing is happening all around you at the most affordable price🤣😅😄:

Background Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4GeEXHUiXQ
Alternative BG Music:
We are here to learn coexist with each creation with a distinct vibration and style of life. But before that, lets realized that by 2012, the light forces and universal consciousness has identify the tumour of the creation need to be remove. They are called CABAL and Archons(non physical)
This also means the deconstruction of Matrix must take place. We are in the midst of the cleansing right now.
Much of the trauma are expected to surface. BUT It's not nessessary you have to endure this so called "release" if you are equiped with the full knowledge of the complete reality. Lets start with the genesis:
Of course, for lightwarrior soul. We are here to bring heaven to earth.
【Philippine 20May】Goddess energy and Celestial Energy
Consciousness in this month is compartmentalized. Jumping space need certain skills called Shifting + Goddess Vortex.
This stretch will last another 3 days
Most beautiful star constellation with many starseed incarnated on earth are often the pretty and tender one.

Nyiragongo Volcano erupts in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
This volcano can be dangerous, as inside it has the largest lava lake in the world.
On the flipside, the Light Forces are in the middle of the main offensive of clearing Chimera underground bases.
Since 1996, the Chimera has captured many Pleiadians and Resistance members, took them underground, and as their last line of defense, the Chimera are now torturing the hostages and causing the emotional disruption in collective consciousness.
This is a very difficult time for the Resistance forces and for the Pleiadian fleet, and they need assistance from the surface population.
Meditate as often and whenever they feel guided, for this situation to be resolved as quickly and as painlessly as possible.
Interviewer: What's your name?
Me: Hired.
Interviewer: You're Hired?
Me: Thank you, sir.
Book to recommend:
If I were you, I'd want to get a physical book for the optimal spiritual experience.
Blue Dragon Vibes:
Yellow Dragon Vibes:
Red Dragon Vibes:
Positive Draconian:
50% of the dragon soul is in human form. I will introduce some of them in the music form. Feel the vibes.
Many are feeling unsettled, battered and tired easily. As if the muscle easily nervous without/with minor external influence. Some are feeling mental energy drain without much work been done. Some having hand and leg numb. or super monkey mind...It's okay, after this full moon situation will be much better.
Tommorow full moon will be one of the strongest energy in the history.
On May 26, 2021, the full moon will sweep through the Earth’s dark umbral shadow creating a total eclipse of the moon. This May full moon is 2021’s closest (and therefore biggest and brightest) full moon of the year: a supermoon! The eclipse will take place happen in the early morning hours, before sunrise, for those in western North America and at other times for people elsewhere on the globe. This particular eclipse is also special because the totality, or total phase, is so short-lived, lasting less than 15 minutes.
Picture: Yesterday's Double Moon Halo
seemed like there is a tendancy that 5% muggles will experience mental break down today.
Tonight, we are going to build a kingdom of heaven.
Water store memory since the earliest Polarian time. Big foot giants was one of the DNA vehicle that prepare the water memory into the complexity that be able host more dynamic of life.
History throw back - Supermoon Turkey
Bali Island
“Are you really sure that a floor can't also be a ceiling?” ― M.C. Escher
The almost vertical stairs at Machu Picchu in Peru
São Miguel, Azores, Portugal
"Way to Paradise"
Entity Smiting "Cloud" - Ashtar Command
Las Lajas cathedral, Colombia
Captain South America 🛡
Frequencies are shifting massively. The old is crumbling, falling away.
Illusions being shattered.
The karmic portals of the past are closing now. This is the time to face oneself with gentle but absolute authenticity fur in knowing who we really are, how we really have been in all the permutations of dark and light allows us, to is the portal to what we can become
"On May 26, 2021, according to the Aztec calendar, we officially entered the time of the Sixth Sun.
We have been transitioning for 29 years from the fifth sun to the sixth sun. But as of Wednesday, we are now under the sole influence of the sixth sun.
Each Sun lasts 6,625 years.
The fifth sun was a "sun of light", which means that people only looked outside themselves for God, health, protection, spirituality, which gave authority to the patriarchal energy of control and the external illusion of the system.
The sixth sun is a different one than the fifth sun is a "dark sun", which means that we will now look inward in the dark for introspection, guidance, creation, a shift towards feminine energies.
It is believed that under the blood eclipse under the sign of Sagittarius there will be a great frequency jump that will shake the control systems, (government) since they can no longer sustain themselves in the new energy of the sixth sun.
The change is related to the lunar eclipse.
Everything will get more chaotic, but in a good way. From chaos comes order - what an exciting time to be alive and witness this momentous awakening.
The control systems have Hacked into your DNA and controlled freedom, so that you cannot ascend to this new consciousness.
This is a reset, the update of the DNA, the energy comes from the divine Central Source.
Please stay calm, be positive, manifest love for Mother Earth during this time.
Avoid negative energy and ground yourself; meditate as much as you can, connect to the Universe." - Pema Albani -
Blood moon two days ago. Signify the transmutation of etheric world jump into second gear.
Cabal is executing another round of lock down in many countries. Executing at the time of Mercury Retrograde. Because at this time the fear mind program can easily looped and generate anxiety and fear to power up the negative energy grid.
Some of the affected countries citizen has reported tiredness after sleep.
This is cause by the excessive extraction of energy from the 4D plane.
【2021 Mercury Retrograde】
♒️January 30 to February 20
♊️May 29 to June 22
♎️September 27 to October 17
This is the time lockdown will be push. Proof of past, present and future that your reality is control by a bunch of elites who knows astrology well.
The one need to beware is the third wave of the year.
Please help meditate and manifest a bright future together.
Some feeling feverish energy, dry throat and stiff neck. Some feeling as if you don't like to talk as much as usual, as if a slight 10% feeling of choking. If that is true to you, thats ok, we are cleansing up this energy from a plenetary scale. This release of neg. energy are scheduled to happen at the begining of Mercury Retrograde of 2021.
If you fully understand why, it lead to unenvitable discovery of who controlling this world: CABAL / khazarian mafia / Illuminati
Warning: Many disinfo regarding to thier trace. But it's very easy to find if you follow the right source: https://www.rt.com/news/
That is not control by them.
We recommend you at least own a few UVC light for your home cleansing.
Google: UVC Light
UVC light won't solve it like super fast, but it prevent the energy anchored to the physical world (dirty plasma dust, itchy smog, bugs, ticks, spiders...ect.) Therefore it's effective.
More complete device:
1. All Infection Remedies Spray by Lemuria Light.
2. Astral Star (anti nanites effect protocol) by Light Mandalas.
3. Violet light pen by Lemuria Light.
4. Theraputic Grade Soap and Tibetan Herbs packs by Anna Alchemy
5. Balance Restore by The Living Heart:
Animal totem of Lemuria Light maybe a blue bandded bees. Dedicated, heartworking and intellegent. We have served publicly at the consciousness frontline since 2015.
Fun Facts About Neurons
• Average number of neurons in the human brain = 100 billion
• Average number of neurons in the octopus brain = 300 million
• Rate of neuron growth during fetal development in utero = 250,000 neurons/minute
• Diameter of a neuron = 4 to 100 microns
• Length of giraffe primary afferent axon (from neck to toe) = 15 feet
• Velocity of signal transmitted through a neuron = 1.2 to 250 miles/hour
• There are as many neurons in the human brain as stars in the Milky Way
• The number of ways information travels in the human brain is greater than the number of stars in the universe
Humanity is the miracle element in this Great Cosmic Transition.