Lemuria Light FM (JUNE) PART 2
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
“Simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being.
Patient with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are.
Compassionate toward yourself,
you reconcile all beings in the world.”
~Tao Te Ching 🐉
Never, ever before Throughout the shifting sands of history Have Angels been free to incarnate Into Earthly frequencies,
Anchoring themselves Into the core of matter.
~Solara, The Star Borne
Philae Temple, Aswan (ISIS Temple).
#So much things we have gone through since we reincarnate here.

Narathiwat (นราธิวาสย) Thailand, boarder land with North Malaysia
There are many suffering, in million form, around the world. Be grateful Here and Now.
Just for laugh
Someone have to dive below, for light to reach the very core of the duality. For these beautiful refraction between the sun and earth continue to exist. 🌈
Remember: Home, is right Here, right Now.
Malaysian, Catch your surprises in the sky recently.
Gift from the Greater Reality.
The most important things in the matrix...
Incredible Art by Gabriel Keleman
~ Evidence-Based Research:
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16373590/ (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov%2F16373590%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0uau6emH3mvGKxnTAsy3EjpS03UzbyXIhJFLRBW-0nKBwdGhdFRT_7hCc&h=AT3iRP90wZjwacU25eXBfwMBTJfDpfEsG2OPvnLfT-I2tQNti73BxCWpdIHUr2D_bNnBhQVfG8lljZnTwKfrvouSlWRfl22mXgkvipUXreDPOD3iZBCdYJoXNJOTDVTQ_tLaawMojMPlGlK0xI8e4Dolxw&__tn__=-UK-y-R&c%5B0%5D=AT3d3u_CUJZFzNNU_YjwYM1SroPnWwmInatvipl34kAPhi5nTVhzuKMofcvGGM-VUUeFueul4VMCySTFdyJgSrD5Uyi7jRZuRHGckohuq4Dpvj3xKfBrTIyZqgw7vzBWpNKkxuu7japDQHYZDP3Aoyc5jYwHKg5G3cRDsy_mrttTcMJf_Wo038L2zIUY__xYdHEjXJhBxYLt-sjeisD_Cy05fDeJhPW0805bv8SLSnx67C7jueMYqW4DGBE)
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11807730/ (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov%2F11807730%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3NIiH2UGXyvzXT6wmJQnqUsRTolyG6FXybLQWQVjy1jvkFTSGTIJzdQXk&h=AT1lTDc8Rn2L41NB2TM_jfbbdQ6O_vSUBWstdgjiOcS8izthUhyOBD6nFYLiGryg3yrkdYa5Kkax6TmzUQmDWLbIf-n19ctT1r6aJ2ofT_5mpqbIgtd7wpb5FMl9Dp0ktv5iL-BOKwl0QhSa-dWMMCA4Kg&__tn__=-UK-y-R&c%5B0%5D=AT3d3u_CUJZFzNNU_YjwYM1SroPnWwmInatvipl34kAPhi5nTVhzuKMofcvGGM-VUUeFueul4VMCySTFdyJgSrD5Uyi7jRZuRHGckohuq4Dpvj3xKfBrTIyZqgw7vzBWpNKkxuu7japDQHYZDP3Aoyc5jYwHKg5G3cRDsy_mrttTcMJf_Wo038L2zIUY__xYdHEjXJhBxYLt-sjeisD_Cy05fDeJhPW0805bv8SLSnx67C7jueMYqW4DGBE)
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24209915/ (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov%2F24209915%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3ML5nbfIcVNLE9PPPGAh7_klIZKDe027lI-51LVsp9nNPly0hDoFBG3Fg&h=AT2LdtH-BGqfYA1K-5vQHJrjlcfW1O7kFlSC2HGteWhbF9sYkNm0Se93jbt8Zmu8eaplq7i5IrHJT7-BXjfdwaOD71vYtBJEVJKLcwfJrv26oez00-lwDnyovMJ50N6QN1V2fWGQJ6-R-TkMaFBvyr2s3Q&__tn__=-UK-y-R&c%5B0%5D=AT3d3u_CUJZFzNNU_YjwYM1SroPnWwmInatvipl34kAPhi5nTVhzuKMofcvGGM-VUUeFueul4VMCySTFdyJgSrD5Uyi7jRZuRHGckohuq4Dpvj3xKfBrTIyZqgw7vzBWpNKkxuu7japDQHYZDP3Aoyc5jYwHKg5G3cRDsy_mrttTcMJf_Wo038L2zIUY__xYdHEjXJhBxYLt-sjeisD_Cy05fDeJhPW0805bv8SLSnx67C7jueMYqW4DGBE)
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7712215/ (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7712215/?fbclid=IwAR3yGpupgotDOaRBwmtGD2VdvVYnQOmnY7nsQaXr2AZBBQm_tfglQkc3IHU)
The Heart is Not a Pump
Many of us live under the medical myth that the heart is a pump, an idea borne of an industrialised culture that views the body as a machine.
The heart however is so much more beautiful and fascinating than we ever could have imagined!
“Modern analysis of the heart has shown that in spite of the fact that the most powerful ventricle of the heart can shoot water six feet into the air, the amount of pressure actually needed to force the blood through the entire length of the body’s blood vessels would have to be able to life a one hundred pound weight one mile high” - Stephen Buhner
So how does the blood move around the labyrinth-like vessels of our body?
It moves of its own accord.
You see, blood flow is not a simple stream like we once thought.
It is in fact composed of two streams, spiralling around each other much like the image of a DNA double helix, at the centre of which is a vacuum.
“Blood flow through living vessels is much more like a tornado than anything else: Such a vacuum is necessary for producing a vortex” - Stephen Buhner
How cool is that?
This spiral dance is not only found in the bloodstream, but also in the blood cell itself!
Blood cell’s in fact spin on their own individual axes of rotation. They are smaller spinning cells in a larger spinning vortex.
If your mind is not blown yet, let’s go back to the heart.
The heart itself has recently been discovered not to be a mass of muscle, but rather a ‘helicoidal myocardial band’ that has spiralled in upon itself, creating its unique shape and its separate chambers.
This is called the Helical Heart, and you can see doctors unravel it by searching ‘Helical Heart’ on Youtube.
Pair this with discoveries that the heart functions as an endocrine gland, has its own nervous system that makes and releases its own neurotransmitters, and omits an electromagnetic field that is far stronger than the brain’s, and we begin to move from the idea that the heart is simply a mechanical pump.
It is a spiralling organ of perception.
If that’s not beautiful, we don’t know what is.
Morne Brabant, Underwater waterfall: https://youtu.be/nvmbfsXTlmA
Beautiful Mind llluminates 🌳🐾
When reality is getting lucid...🌸⚡️☄️
Maybe it's time to think about how do you want to graduate from duality? 😉
"You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens." ~Rumi
25Jun Sun Halo
Chile Marble Caves
Love you all! 🌸💖
The great outdoor 😄
TzuChi(Malaysia) & and Hostpital are the key nodes to be illuminated for alternating Malaysian Movement Control and Covid Situation's Timeline.
Summary: a month ago, TzuChi has volunteered for the goverment's vaccination programe. They did it out of love.
The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.
Check Daily Schumann Resonances: http://sosrff.tsu.ru/?page_id=7

🌈Rays Of Light Affirmation🌈
I Am protected by my angels and guided by my spirit guides.
I invoke the energy, wisdom and positive qualities of the Rays of Light to flow through every aspect of my being and to assist me in my life today.
I invoke the Rays of Light to oversee the light entering into my being, ensuring I absorb the perfect amount and intensity to assist me in my current spiritual growth process on the Earth.
Allow me to understand the qualities and influences of the Rays of Light, so I may integrate its energy deeper within my spiritual being.
May I open my heart for the Rays of Light, so that I may use their power to heal and transform Earth and Humanity.
It is my purpose to become all that I was created to be.
I am unifying my energies more fully with the Creator and my inner truth.
My purpose is to merge with all Rays of light as this will symbolise our unification and greater understanding of ourselves as an expression of the Creator.
I Am One with the Rays of Light.
So Be It & So It Is
Is owning
Who you Are
Long Live the Yellow Vest!!! ~Antares Maitreya