Lemuria Light FM (January 2022)Part 2
【Paranoid Chinese New Year Inbound】2022 year of Tiger, as light forces is cleansing the lower mental plane. Many people will have tendancy to break into paranoid mode during this CNY. (in one weeks time)
Remember, to stay clear and focus on love. Everything will dissolve in true love.
Focus on cleansing ourselves if we are affected.
#click image to watch video#
【Area Sheild】is a very powerful technique to reduct the impact of the geopatic stress in Area of Effect (AOE).
This can be done by setting up an Ashtar Grid or Mass Meditation.
We tried to warn you!
-Malaysia Lightworker
I have looked at this photo so many times … I feel as if I could fall inside of it…
The man in the photo is Evgeny Stepanovich Kobytev. In 1941, he was a young man who had aspirations of becoming an artist as he loved painting. He had just graduated from the Kyiv State Institute in Ukraine and was looking to embark on his career as an artist when Germany invaded the Soviet Union. Kobytev had to set his dreams aside to fight in the war.
He fought in several fierce battles in Ukraine, but was wounded in September of 1941 and became a prisoner of war. He was locked away in a prison camp called "Khorol pit"where approximately 90,000 civilians (including Jews) and POWs died. Inside, the stench was unbearable but it was better than living outside, completely vulnerable to the elements.
Kobytev spent two brutal years in the camp, before he finally managed to escape. He then quickly rejoined the army and served out the remainder of the war fighting in battles to liberate German-occupied cities in Ukraine.
This coming Chinese New Year, everyone who are inside Matrix will be like...
Coming one month those who are very blue pill will act:
Hello Everyone,
We have created a list of some ways to identify the 'Mind Infection'. It is crucial to be completely honest with yourself to identify where the negative patterns are within your character, mind, thoughts, behaviors etc. The dark invades our thoughts making us believe they are our own thoughts! This is literally mind control. The invisible entities also speak negatively to people. Especially empaths hear this horrible chatter. Doing inner work to identify & clear the infection will create a pure connection to our inner-self, and Higher self. You must KNOW what is truly you, and what is not! 'KNOW THYSELF'
It is important to make sure all of our thoughts & actions are based in compassion, love, rationality, and genuinely helping oneself and others. Putting protection around your mind/mental body & emotional body is very important as well.
This is a valuable step in one's evolution and Ascension process.
Victory of the Light
“Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.”
― Carl Jung