Lemuria Light FM (November)
All is love, Don't you see?
Delightfulness at this moment is a gift.
Bliss and wonder, beyond all.
There were much of the darkness roaming around the world by this halloween. Together with the release of a certain batch of the virus in Africa(testing period), and energetic infections trying to hit for the last hike of the pandemic, cabal recklessly sending multiple plans into maximum gear.
This is causing the anxiety of the people rise during this two days. Negative syndrome. Over thinking ect.
Stay calm.
Connect inward. Be clear of yourself first before you take action, because intention matters.
Spend less time doubting your close ones. Occupy yourself work out your portion of task.
Put down your thing, spend sometime making vision collage. Collect some of the picture you like. Feel good is key.
If your mind is troubled. Release the emotion that fuel the thought.
Meditate. Sit and just observe the breathing until you feel okay.
Handle your own reality. Connect to the higherself then everything will solve.
There are some reason that Cabal is so panic right now...
What Cabal is panic of, is a good news to humanity...
Master Jedi is all focusing in Resistance Movement...
Stay focus...
⚡️R11/8 active⚡️
In chinese:"idiot translate this"
violet shield Pdf : https://t.me/lemurialight/1106
Animal Crossroad
Yes, if we human do not give in to fear. This can happen in solid.
First step, Be real. 🐾
Here is the test to find out wheather your mission on earth is finished:
If you're alive, it isn't
My love for humanity,
is my strength to fight the deviants.
In the name of The Sirius Star,
All Lightgrid shall hold! ⚜️
Island of Værøy
For most of the people experiencing difficulties in the past 3 weeks,
due to a certain cleansing going on upon the astral plane.
This is experience on some part of the used-to-be-happier society:
-monkey mind and become overly analytical/calculative
-mental loop and emotional
-tiredness, fatigue
-psychology problem
-painful memory and bad dream keep coming back
-cannot focus, easily agitated
-family quarrel
-dry throat, migrane
The next 48hr will be even tougher than todays and yesterday morning.
The shadow government is utilising exotic weapon, broadcasting a type of frequency also resulted in the lost of body moisture.
If affected...
-negative emotion
-stiff neck (come with addiction)
-can’t deliver work properly
-disoriented during work
-choking ect, throat chakra problem.
-bloated solar plexus
-things goes bad.
If this happen, please put down your work and focus on inner work.
It's the upmost importance, to keep your inner wellbeing during this time.
Eat healthy.
Turn off social media...
🌹Beauty of Earth🌹
Now the light enters ⚡️
Satellite Immune
Sophia is the feminine aspect of the universe experience sleep after merging with the primary abnormalities.
We can choose to play the same old game. As the path will become a longer path full of beating come from all directions. We get to put glory on our ego. Win your game, ...
However, we will never be truely free.
Connect to your heart. May every move you make, come from Love. This is the only way we breakaway from the frequency we trapped.
#click Image to watch video#
Let love win today.
As we hug each other dearly.
As we use smile to sweeten our bitter.
As we subsite our anger within taking reflections...
As we remember the good and melt the frosted pain.
We are the warrior of light.
I love you.
If this two month is the last two month of your known mundane.
🌏What do you want to do to mark your life? 💞💓💝
Give and Serve, breakfree of the reality cage.
✨ Risk your egos comfort
Until it’s so second hand
That your baseline is brave
And you wear risk in your heart
Like flowers in your hair.✨
~ Femme.Rising
"Worry is the worst gift you can give a person."
~ Dragon
There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
~ Albert Einstein