Lemuria Light FM (July) Part 3
French Alps
When I say 12tons of Popcorn...
In the last days of the old year, we sow our Ideas-Seeds for the New Year
【18 July 2021 at Woodcote Lane, near Upham, Hampshire, UK】
According to the Mayan Dreamspell calendar Tzolkin, 18 July 2021 is a day
with the Solar Seal Yellow Warrior with Tone 8,
Blue Storm - Activation, Catalyze, Energy, Self-Generation
Red Moon - Universal water, Flow, Purify
Yellow Human - Free Will, Influence, Wisdom
Yellow Seed – Targeting, Awareness, Flowering
The Electric Tone 3 - Activation, Bonding, Service
White Worldbridger - Equalize, Death, Opportunity
The energies Red Moon and Blue Storm
In the very center of the formation is depicted the Source.
8 days from the beginning of the Red Moon wavespell and 4 + 1 = 5 days until the end of the wavespell
18 July 2021 is a day with the Tone 8, this is the 8th day of the Red Moon wavespell.
Around the central figure we see three arcs A, B and C.
And along the periphery of the formation, we see 12 figures located on two rings - internal and external.
The arc A occupies a sector of the circle, which encompasses 8 figures: from 1 to 8.
The arc B occupies a sector of the circle, which encompasses 4 figures: from 9 to 12.
The arc C occupies a sector of the circle that encompasses Figure 9.
As in each wavespell, also here in the Red Moon wavespell alternate the 4 types of energies:
Red energy - feminine, Yin, element Earth, direction East, Beginning, Physical body
White energy - masculine, Yang, element Air, direction North, Refining, Spirit
Blue energy - feminine, Yin, element Water, direction West, Transformation, Soul
Yellow energy - masculine, Yang, element Fire, direction South, Ripening, Awareness
The energies Red and Blue are feminine, Yin, they come from the Earth.
The energies White and Yellow are masculine, Yang, they come from the Sky.
On the crop circle, the figures from the inner ring represent the days with feminine Yin energy, and the figures from the outer ring represent the days with masculine Yang energy.
For example, the days of the Red Moon wavespell alternate like this:
Day 1: Red Moon - feminine Yin energy
Day 2: White Dog - masculine Yang energy
Day 3: Blue Monkey - feminine Yin energy
Day 4: Yellow Human – masculine Yang energy... and so on.
The arc A encompasses the first 8 days of the Red Moon wavespell: from July 11 to 18 inclusive.
The arc B encompasses the next 4 days of the wavespell that are ahead: from July 19 to 22 inclusive.
The arc C shows the last, 13th day of the wavespell. On the crop circle, it coincides with the 9th day. The explanation is that both the 9th and the 13th day have Red Yin energy:
Day 9: Red Earth with Tone 9
Day 13: Red Dragon with Tone 13
White Worldbridger and Yellow Warrior
Each of the 6 figures from the inner ring represents also a Bridge and symbolizes the energy White Worldbridger - Solar Seal No. 6.
The White Worldbridger is the Challenging power of the Yellow Warrior.
Each bridge consists of 6 bright bars, three internal and three external.
The 6 bridges have 36 bright bars in total.
The number 36 symbolizes the energy YELLOW WARRIOR - the Solar Seal of the day 18 July 2021.
Kin 36 in the Tzolkin calendar is with the Solar Seal Yellow Warrior.
The Yellow Electric Seed is the third year of the current 13-year cycle with the main energy White Wizard. In the White Wizard wavespell, on the 3rd position is the Yellow Electric Warrior with Tone 3.
Thus, in the New Year of the Yellow Electric Seed, we will also receive the energy of the Yellow Warrior. This energy will imbue us with Fearlessness and encourage us to boldly fight for the realization of our dreams, for freedom and justice, to build bridges to each other, to build bridges to the spiritual worlds.
The energy Yellow Human, the Yin and Yang energies
Each of the 6 figures from the outer ring depicts a cup which is being filled with nectar (with cosmic energies) from the Sky.
In the crop circles the cup or the chalice is repeatedly used as symbol for the energy YELLOW HUMAN.
Dragon forces perform
Implosion preparation progress
Intense transformation continues
Deep trauma release in progress
High pressure ahead
The Star Emmesary of the Light Emblem Connection.
【Best result without earphone】
Everything is energy.
Let’s go through the day with an activation that raises the energy and does not connect us with the overriding negativity. Remain in your frequency, your creation and disconnect from the created negative vibe. The activation Disconnection feeds your subconscious to disconnect with the frequencies that are irrelevant for you. Wishing you a magical season.
Heart to Heart, Janosh
Sit up straight. Don't cross arms or legs. Before you start, take three deep breaths, very slowly: in through your nose, out through your mouth. For best results use headphones so you can feel the music.
2.Connect mentally to this Star Emblem.
3.Feel your negative emotion surfaced
4.Continue to Breath in and Breath out to clear the emotion
5.Relax all part of your body.
**This music are meant to use it as an ambience in a room for study, sleep and yoga.
Activation Code Pronounciation: I AM THE LIGHT
Starry Emblem: The Great Brotherhood of the Star
Music by Janosh: https://youtu.be/GqOnSqf6ncM
Church St. Etienne france
Deep thought of the Moth
✨There’s a birthing process happening behind the scenes, so trust and have faith that all is being revealed, and our greatest expansion is being prepared.✨
~ Christine Clemmer
Sichuan, China
Saturnia, Italy
Victoria Waterfall, Zimbabwe
Cayman island 🇰🇾
🌊 You're not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop 💧
~ Rumi
Meet the Eye of Earth, Croatia's Cetina Cave Spring
Klevan, Ukraine
Some of the population experiencing insomnia due to stress energy passing from people or generating internally by yourself.
Should you consider meditation?
Swallow's Nest, Yalta, Ukraine
Full Moon In Aquarius
Heal Up. Get somewhere near the moon light. Invoke and recite:
"I invoke Ascended ones, goddesses and All Stellar Ray to heal every part of my beings. I AM THE LIGHT."
Stay in the stillness of mind as long as possible.
"enlighten my path. Guide me to serve my family and friends and uplift everyone from confusions and inner conflicts. Clear all fear within me regarding to __.
I am on my path to completing my purpose. May the Ascended Masters and Stellar ray shine my path. Illuminate my fear, trasmute it into complete understanding.
I am divine will, I am love, I am"
The Journey
The key of being defiance in this world - To have Unconditional Love.
#Goddess #Energy
Dallol Volcano in Ethiopia
And Bruce Lee said:" Be like water..." 🤣
Palouse, Washington, USA
Tochigi Prefecture
Japanese Olympic was use in mass ritual to power up the entity behind the covid pandemic...
This will get them to harness some negative energy generated from viewers. That would then channeled to attack people on the energy plane:
1. some experience tiredness. Keep sleeping.
2. muscle pain on lower back.
3. feverish energy on face without reason.
4. left side of the head feeling heavy and tightly painful. Couldn't think straight.
5. Clumsiness, lazy and tiredness with constant irritations.
6. wake up around 3-5am and finding the body feels heavier and heavier.
Please use the following emblem to help cleanse the energy from your space:
Things is going to get crazier to expose the dark. Deflection on Max.
Whatever appearances arise, all of them are just manifesting, like the images in a mirror that simply occur. Discriminate to see if your own mind is like this or not.
—Karma Lingpa, Dzogchen
Waitomo cave
Many strong one are feeling want to do disclosure and push for liberation. Please wait until July. The fear level are still very high at this moment in most part of the country. Positive group are still in a certain surpression. Rise above the waterline to operate.
Get prepared. Nontheless. 1 more month to go.
Cobra update Sunday December 16, 2018
Sunday, December 16, 2018 Yellow Vests and the Vortex of Paris On November 10th, 1793, there was an activation of Goddess of Reason and Liberty in the Notre Dame church in Paris:

A second basement DOES exist, although the waitress denied it
French protesters storm the town hall against Macron's covid passport requirements. https://t.me/lemurialight/682
Road to Paradise, Queenstown
lupines at Skogafoss, Iceland
✨~ Love the unloved
Be kind to the unkind.
Help the less fortunate.
We can make beautiful changes in the world once we start using our superpower called LOVE~✨💙💫
From a broader scale of view ... we all have been duped into acting mentally retarded. As we celebrate in a compromised way, we have concented to give up our human rights.
All great works starts in a wild dream.
Hows the new year of Mayan Calendar? Mood Swing?
Blue Dragon Vibes 🐳🌊
Me: waiter, this soup is cold
waiter: It's Gazpacho
Me: Gazpacho this soup is cold
Authentic Gazpacho Recipe - Gimme Some Oven
Once thought to be extinct, the Oriental blue clearwing moth (Heterosphecia tawonoides) was rediscovered in Malaysia Taman Negara National Park after 130 years. It mimics appearance and behavior of bees to escape predators.
Earnslaw burn track, Glenorchy
Percisely about 2amish already started. If you feeling depleted in the morning, hearing noises on the wall, ...
Healing the earth starts now!