Lemuria Light FM (February 2022)Part 2
Do not waste today's energy on social media. Sit still and be still. Empty your mind.
one heart true love
Here I Am.
Here We ARE.
Enough is Enough!
To all overseers of the template of duality on planet earth, you have now been released from your roles.
We are now Reclaiming our Planet.
The duality program is no longer prominent on planet earth.
The Game is Over!
2022 was not only our Panic Cycle in politics, but in Canada, it was the culmination of the 3rd wave from the Confederation of Canada in 1867.
What people must understand is that the scheme is already in play to direct pension funds to pour money into losing projects to try to further Schwab’s Agenda 2030. Australian pension funds are to shift money to help a collapsing Europe and ignore their own people. Of course, they put a different spin on it, but there is no reason to invest in Europe when it is in serious trouble. Joseph Dear, CIO at CalPERS, called green a “noble way to lose money.”
The Truckers have timing on their side. They need to break the grip that Schwab has around the throat of Canada. This protest has expanded and they need to bring the government to its knees to extricate it from this foreign enemy. Trudeau’s support is minimal and even his own party is starting to crack.
The Grid News: many of the Malaysian recently woke up with the back congestion. These are the gap of our energy grid protection, where we are out of quota many times. We will need sometime to address this part, as there are many pillars to fix it up to par while there are cabal focusing in creating physical war on the other part of the world.
Enough is Enough!
Since 2013, Ashtar group has been anchoring a full spectrum dynamic conversion code to transmute the last abnormalities on earth. By 2019, Timeline of earth already become failsafe.
This codes firstly anchor through the starseed on earth and later has work through various dragon forces.
These process is called Compression Breakthrough. (https://prepareforchange.net/resistance-movement/cornerstone-cobra-articles/)
Map of establishments and laboratories for the production of biological and biological weapons of the United States in Ukraine soil
Russia had previously warned several times about the existence of US biological weapons projects in Ukraine and Georgia. The last time in the past year, Nikla Patroshev, the secretary of the Russian Security Council, warned about the existence of these programs near the Russian border.
There are much unreported event happening at the back end, away from the limelight of the main stream social media.
First layers on the geopolitical agenda we observe the cabal is turning the public enemy from covid to Putin. It was actually an invasive treatment from both Russia and Ukraine.
Covid seemed to cluster to attack area to area, like a moving terrorist. But in overall, many of the people recovers and tested PCR from positive to negative in one day time. #BecauseTheEntitiesIsClearingUpFast
The offsetting Digital Currency and force crashing the market is failing...
Even the new pharmaceutical regulation is failing...
The land is still own by the people...
But this year, will have many dangerous situation surface. If we can hold the grid, reward is ensured.
Lets give The Rothchild Playbook a F+

28Feb Malaysia Huge Pleiades Starship across KL