Lemuria Light FM (December Part 2)
So far Malaysian has been resisting 5G roll out. Good Defence!
Blue Dragon Weaponry
"Of course," added Bertolucci, "after this tiny moment the door would again shut; bringing us back to our 'normal' four-dimensional world ... It would be a major leap in our vision of nature… And of course [there would be] no risk to the stability of our world."
"Of course," added Bertolucci, "after this tiny moment the door would again shut; bringing us back to our 'normal' four-dimensional world ... It would be a major leap in our vision of nature… And of course [there would be] no risk to the stability of our world."
【21Dec2021 Global Mass Meditation】
The exact moment will be at 8:00 am PST in Los Angeles. This equals 9:00 am MST in Denver, 10:00 am CST in Chicago, 11:00 am EST in New York, 4:00 pm GMT in London, 5:00 pm CET in Paris, 6:00 pm EET in Cairo, and then we cross into Wednesday December 22nd for the far eastern time zones: 00:00 am CST (midnight) on Wednesday December 22nd in Taipei and Beijing, 01:00 am JST in Tokyo and 03:00 am AEDT in Sydney.
You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:
Guided Audio:
Explanation Anime:
Help Share on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LemuriaLight/videos/1335756813536331
This few days, there will be bunch of show display here
As the super frequency enters Malaysia, some part of the etheric oriented parts of Kuala Lumpur plundge into darkness. In one hand Etheric Liberation, but in another, those 4D gods in control didn't want to let go of the power. They choose to create drama. As they get use by chimera force, as history repeats...
Certain pillars of light didn't hold.
Light recallibrate.
Sometime collective illusion manifest as haze.
12:21 Protocol: must recite outloud for the best result. ⚜️
We call for everyone to join this extraordinary sacred experience, Divine Intervention Meditation: https://www.welovemassmeditation.com/2021/11/divine-intervention-activation-on-december-21st-at-4-pm-utc-1221.html
It’s the most powerful experience you can ever experience, so don’t miss it.
Divine Intervention is counting down! Take holiday if you must, because this sacred experience only happened once! Get Ready!!!
🔹Guided Audio:
🔹Live Stream:
🔹Watch this before you do meditation:
🔹神圣介入冥想直播,22号(今晚凌晨),台/中/港/马 00:00:
More Info:
We have made history together ‼️
KKB Dragon Dungeon recovery at 76%
Janosh - Last October I started with the first group of Dutch and Spanish participants with Transmission Training. During this training you go back to your most pure self, the source, to find all the answers. As soon as you raise your vibrational frequency,
because let’s be honest, … how can you keep your vibrational frequency high in a world where you are continually subjected to all sorts of triggers and other bull shit that comes your way every single day? The transformation that took place during
the training are (un) believable!
Enroll today for the Transmission Training that we are commencing on January 11,
2022. With a 50% discount only valid today!
Enroll here
open present in C++
German troops singing around a Christmas tree in their trench on the Eastern Front during World War I, circa 1915.
::Earth Journey We've Been::
It's the mind programming, the hell is maintained.
::Earth Journey We Have Been::
Comet Leonards - Divine Intervention
Intention Matters. Only when we come back to heart, the war will cease.
【KL Energetic Situation】Kuala Lumpur is a place with quite a lots of draconian and darkmagician weakening as light enters.
They need more FEAR. So purposefully:
as the result omricorn has gain a certain increment.
Under the chimera influence, some of the group resort to: Raiding the whole Kuala Lumpur. Every night reptilians jumping in to people room to room hording energy.
People woke up super tired and feeling this negativity, dehydration, feeling sleepy, unable to concentrate and dispair feeling. These are the result of the raid. These Draconian and Reptilian Horde usually come at middle of the night, you would smell iritating smog/electric dust. You would also hear fear shock on the wall that shake your heart and solar plexus.
27Dec, they have started to implement these spider looking implants to people's back of the neck.
Please help decree. The more, people realize what actually happened. the easier we can deflect their agenda.
Time To Vacuuuuuuuum!

Final goal - Island of Light sketch