Lemuria Light FM (JUNE) PART 1
Many strong one are feeling want to do disclosure and push for liberation. Please wait until July. The fear level are still very high at this moment in most part of the country. Positive group are still in a certain surpression. Rise above the waterline to operate.
Get prepared. Nontheless. 1 more month to go.
Surfing the Quantum Wave.
Need of superiority comes with inferiority. If we unable to see through this illusion, and keep hammering the inferiority, we will end up the establishing the fragile confidence inside us.
Solution: Knowing yourself through knowing your fear, will free you to new dynamic to know your light.
The only home you need to come back to is the heart.
The Queen's Gambit
Rainbow Thunder appeared in the sky over Marana, Arizona. Photo by Greg McCown
Matrix: Physical matrix exposed, it’s like searing in the beam. If you are ok, begin to invest in physical silver, and gold to preserve wealth. Economy crisis eminent if the gold and silver price raised. They will release vaccine with slight side effect. People might be very fed up if the light grid ratio failed to balanced. People need to shift to a more love base reality, learn to calm the mind, live in the now.
See the difference when you have a dedicated group facilitating meditation?
Please join the group meditation at 9:30pm Malaysian Time and clear covid together:
Chinese: https://zoom.us/j/2020339999?pwd=eCtJdExDYTA2dDd6NXFpQmRGV0pwZz09
English: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/8477206305?pwd=REl5cWRVV3IwSnllcUZPL2dwU1Y5QT09
Passcode: 9quK9B
Dude, Dark matter is just Etheric Matter.
Etheric Matter = Dark Matter is true.
In The Beginning There Was But One Star....
The Star That We Are
Then it exploded....
Sending fragments of star Throughout the Celestial Void.
The sky filled with pinpoints of Light. Thus myriad stars were born.
The Star Borne, Solara
Aichi Prefecture, Japan🍱⛩🎎
Do you know there is a Tartarian Hidden Pyramid in the jungle of Malaysia?
About 250000 years ago, Malaysia, Jarkarta, Jawa, Timur is all part of the MU civilization.
Hint** South and North lies the treasure🌟
Vetican Implant Technology - Unfortunately we have detected quite a lot of people got implanted with this new energy plate on the etheric plane this week. Causing a constant pain coming from this Da Zhui Point, DU14, GV14, 大椎穴.
This implant is programmed to control the Nervous System of the body. Causing the numb of hand and leg. Unusual Nerve Strip. Clumsiness. feeling lazy and weak, fearful reactions....ect.
How to clear it? Join our meditation and get Plasma Wand and Element Activator from us.
Extra implant people may exprience recently is mobile plasmanoid, they recently "work" a lot on the heart and neck.
This type is harder to cleanse, you will need the anti-nanites technology to clear.
**keep this knowledge to yourself, as we are taking risk to bridge the complete understanding of reality to you.
It will come a day we start enjoying all the good and bad moment. Laugh at it, not because we judging it, but from a place where duality ceased...
Such a light hearted state, you come to enjoy EVERY MOMENT.
Live Life to the Fullest!
Defence incoming #3
Landing print in the snow by an owl.
Bora Bora Island
Istanbul, Turkey
【Divine Grace】Malaysia Sun Halo Marathon 11Jun2021
Timeless Angelic Presence
Once more living among us
Bell Ring Calling all to wake up from Amnesia
Time to come back as ONE
Photo by Emerald Dragon
Apricot Blossoms, Shinjang, China
You need to know there are a show running on all political arena right now. Most of the players don't know what's going on.
Since some of you are looking for some buisness idea here it is:
1. write book
2. sue myself for plagiarism
3. provide documents to show i lifted passages directly from my earlier writing
4. collect damages
5. combine profits from book plus damages
6. use the funds to produce movie about legal drama I put myself through
【Quantum Theory】In the famous double-slit experiment, single particles, such as photons, pass one at a time through a screen containing two slits. ... In the experiments, the decision to observe the photons is made only after they have been emitted, thereby testing the possible effects of the observer.
**of course, this is a serious joke too.
Feeling heart discomfort? or your Da Zhui Point, DU14, GV14, 大椎穴. pain, feeling cold, hand numb or just feeling weird...
You should really try out end time technology: Anti Nanites Spray
Solve your problem in 5 sec.
Blue Ray, ready to flip the table after this month?
Soul of blue ray receiving so much energy, and some are feeling excited all the time.
Suggestion - You will need to get your support network ready up in no time.
Earth Activation over Titicaca Lake, Peru.
Do you know that a few dedicated Philippines lightworkers can anchor enough light to reduce crime rate?
The september "mutated strain" has released earlier.
And they are now focusing attack the heart chakra. (last wave attack the throat chakra) This batch will stuff the nanites on arthritis. Sleepiness.
Here is some real solution for prevention:
1. Violet Pen from Lemuria Light
2. Astral Star from Light Mandalas
3. Remote Healing from Anna Alchemy
4. https://www.lazada.com.my/products/le-of-dispute-hydroxychloroquine-sulfate-01-g-x-14-pills-box-of-chronic-arthritis-lupus-erythematosus-rheumatoid-arthriti-i2204153429-s9285648974.html
(Only preventing this wave)
5. Liquid Light From Lemuria Light
and of course violet flame meditation:
and 24hr earthing device:
How art, music and entertaiment industry are controlled.
This is for either October or November. If you still are stuck in the loop, use this as a tips.
If you guys has been following us... you know that the huge wave of change is coming, right? ⚠️