Lemuria Light FM (October) part 2
Positive Draconian factions overtaking the lord of Karma (Etheric Mantis Race). 🍖
Phillippines Mass Meditation on the rise! ⚡️⚡️⚡️
Foward we go!
These few coming day will be a little bit uncomfortable to majority of the people. Mental part will keep looping with a lots of programming, trying to get us into low vibration mode.
Many are feeling weird, and the negative belief you once know as "not real" are surfacing, imprinting, repeating, as if your mind are finding way for you to eat a bad soup. Keep trying to get you into fear to make lesser decision.
During this time, what actually happen is the permit of certain Negative ET "gods" that come to earth at the year 1996, has expired. They are fighting among themselves. And they about to be send back to Rigel Star system. They have controlled a quite large group of followers, disiples, user, subordinate. And mind controlled them to give energy to thier network complex. Now as the permit is expired, they start sabotaging thier downline to vax.
These are the greys.
They controlled whatssap, facebook and zoom, from 4th dimension. They have advance technology to monitor your life, your preference, and eventually, they want to moderate your reality. It's normal at this time those technology has a bit malfunction for those who contributing for the humanity awakening.
They understand personality in super-analytical way. So right now they are hyperdriving most of human implants to think negative things. Get them into fear mode, to choose control, so thier freewill will be within thier graps.
Important to note that, this mind of yours, is not yours. If your implants are not clear enough, during this time likely you will have no control over your thinking.
Do not over assess your thought. Merely observe. Stay on higher vibration, uplift your mood, simplify.
Only observe your mind, but do not try to de-program your mind by analysing. Its part of the trap for you to stuck in analytical loop.
Be real
Be present
There is no better place to be... than the center point.
Feel more, think less
Mind is controlled. Heart is door way to liberation.
Watch old photo, remind you of happy moment to break the fearful thinking.
work on meditation:
Choose Love. You will win in the long run.
Gray Starseed Traits:
-you’ve been misunderstood your whole life
-a large head with a disproportionately smaller body
-you don’t have much (or any) hair on your body
-an intense interest in human genetics and DNA (maybe you even have a career in this field)
-lower body temperature
-an interest or occupation in healing and/or medicine
-you may have a photographic memory
-there are those deeply awakened spiritually will show skill to read personality clearly
-dark brown (almost black) eyes
-you’re drawn to the Dracos constellation
-an interest in or fascinaton with dragons
-you have problems showing your emotions to others and being vulnerable
-you work best with a well-organized team
-like to mind program people
-expert in finding loop hole in law, know how to avoid rules. Yet abide with the agreed terms.
-low creativity, high analytical skill
Sun Halo signifies Galactic Central Sun enters. ✨

Full Moon Yesterday. What's going on above is going to affect the ether. The coming days will be a long stretch to the event. Many Drama cooking.
Amazing how our mind programming works now a day...
【Plenetary Situation】On Dec2021, this year end, the upfront surpression of the cabal will be VERY obivious. Right now, they are pushing fast on all the NWO agenda, enforcing the discrimination on those who are not comply.
More of these anti-human-right agenda will start bugging many of the sane human at the year end.
There will be confusion coming from the vaxxed(energy controlled) or the please-go-back-to-normal group.
There will be resistance. There will be disclosure. There will be you and me facing the tyrrany up front. But we will do it under a much lighter energetic situation. Even the covid is going to be gone soon...
Do not wait until fire reaches your front yard. Show resistance NOW.
I'm sorry, maybe the last wave of pandemic won't happen. Clearing in lightspeed!
In the end, it's all about
The love you're sending out.
✨The un-awakened mind tends to make war against the way things are. To follow a path with heart, we must understand the whole process of making war within ourselves and without, how it begins and how it ends. War’s roots are in ignorance. Without understanding we can easily become frightened by life’s fleeting changes, the inevitable losses, disappointments, the insecurity of our aging and death. Misunderstanding leads us to fight against life, running from pain or grasping at security and pleasures that by their nature can never be satisfying.✨
~ Jack Kornfield
EU... on the last leg?
Who is That Pokemon???
Energy Waves or Particle?
A balance of heart and mind is needed now more than ever. Misinformation is meant to stir your emotions and to react instead of thinking our way through a situation and responding. We see an amazing amount of this misinformation in the mainstream media, operatives on the internet, and within our own community as once cogent people are now acting on emotion. We should make sure to take the time to meditate to clear our minds and as well as take measures to protect our vibrations by clearing our work and living spaces on a regular basis. Mass media was the best thing that ever happened to the Intelligence Communities as every person plugged in is within their influence. If we unplug from their alternate reality we begin living our own.
~Corey Goode
"Mantak Chia and his team need your help!
Many of you wrote us that you cannot find Mantak Chia's YouTube channel. We regret to inform you that it was deleted due to hackers‘ attack.
We hope to get our channel back! And we need your help to do this. Please write to YouTube your reason why this channel was important for you! Give the link to the channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/utcoffice
Here is how you can send the appeal
1. Open Youtube
2. Click your profile picture
3. Click «send feedback»
This channel contained 950 videos, thousands of comments and testimonials... It was helpful for so many people.
Let’s join our forces to save it! "
There are certain operation going on right now. Half of the lightgrids out there are undergoing despair and psychology problem. Our lightgrid is fine.
The Grey's agenda is on the move, disrupting online awakening. Inducing confusions. Encouraging dispute.
If you online group is affected, you will likely feel very confuse and people having all type of misunderstanding.
This is when you need to regroup, having a tele conference with camera on to really get to know each other.
Stay clear. This won't last forever, light will reach the surface soon!
Gornaya Shoria: https://rb.gy/jhw5xj
Yaylyu 🇷🇺
Ready to climb into your very own Facebook, I mean Metaverse, I mean Matrix Pod? Does anyone really think Zuckerberg, Musk or any of these other Big Tech (AI Prophet) Billionaires have humanity's best interests at heart? These companies have too much power over our perceptions of reality and need to be regulated and in some cases broken up into smaller corporations. We are seeing all of the signs of a transhumanist timeline unfolding and have to do everything we can to steer people toward the spiritual ascension timeline over the technological false ascension timeline.
~Corey Goode
Meta is the orion Grey's agenda, as they already infected and take over MZuckerbergs freewill long ago... this is about growing a Cybrog identity that quantum lock with your own reality (second step is to collect your real DNA to grow). Is like growing two brain together. One without your control.
There are also certain plan stopping it. This few weeks is key...
If you wish to help.
Show resistance.
"The Veils are thin
Careful what you let in
Allow for the deepest
Kuching Malaysia
Super energy is going to anchor.
Polar minor shift 7th round.
Lets push on physical transmutation!
(Not yet)