Lemuria Light FM (August) Part 2
✨Being a candle is not easy. In order to give light one must first burn.✨
One of the effect of the negative plasma energy thats so outrageous right now is ...
The avian group
#click image to watch video#
interesting book founded

【Solar Portal Induction Preparation】Ashley Warren Hampshire
Reported 11/08/2021
After our solar system node created on 8th August 2021 https://youtu.be/XgALl1HhdmM (https://youtu.be/XgALl1HhdmM?fbclid=IwAR1eH5pQzCAXEja9qBbsb3pL88gGeDCIyxRgPFx-hdMSc7roI7B2WQDUqN8)
Light Forces begin to channel the evolution sequence and cycle into our solar system preparing for implosion. This will cause monolithic shift in the coming days.
Solara prediction about 1 year plus or minus. The dam will break: https://bit.ly/2XlZmnW (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DdPPzeOar--8%26t%3D10s%26fbclid%3DIwAR0zPrkTK_RyGmgGagN4CU6j6h2N7WFnRlyOUwzn3Cz2oqHWQu9qLmHJL-8&h=AT0ydLukjbnUrk3Jf2jBvdJshD5w-vni2CHVY5uT9RhfDk1ppYyBaaedd1-figQetukDuQxSsEBVMiQRIAO-zHnKIW8MYICddLKWBKJt2TGKqET3nSdKHEgzyj-2dW6egFt9qDEeOCkdEdygQyKZebDbfg&__tn__=-UK-R&c%5B0%5D=AT11wg4gDFJXvhAypYe2nB-pfDFjzkqIXmJw4sGwNDZNlrxo7RlkLEn1alMycmVuXQ5RW139mNwYZ4Qfum7RsTUrkqiskeSV0DxpxCeXc2-EZ41849t164WYHVMNJfDO68rOrX26VssTuR3x8NLI3Vc25jh0O05xR_Fsy1R6QeFR34mP3Q-nUnNJHXijD6O_YfbctA)
All the rigid old energy will force to compress into multiple deadlocks across the surface earth and be facing the all direction challenge. At times, it will be dissolve in multitude of the solution codes coming in next year.
We recommend to show resistance as the White Eagle recommends: https://bit.ly/3iCHYmU (https://www.facebook.com/LemuriaLight/photos/a.136183347034837/839063280080170?__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXNK4Br1qi6xTV1r8iCrA2VN5ieaZjz-JBSFx0N1L7oPHRQw4tw9VLtzg7-em9z-Um7rpYMbPV_FuXXyfuNQRcbORp5YcUCUgnfhc2oTRnI0AHe91akVk4B-gF3Sv8YEwPfDP0efTIC_-sbfi1PS6Rtctm2vhPFqYaFcK2Zp5uQPQ&__tn__=-UK-R)
What actually happen is that, there are so many entities yesterday night....🤣

❗️Downdetector reports mass outages or glitches for Telegram and twiter users.
Is this about time to warn people about vsin?
COVID CASH COW? Big Pharma rakes in BILLIONS from coronavirus vaccines.
Here are the numbers from companies that published financial results, per AFP report:
▪️Pfizer and BioNTech are the biggest winners.
▪️Pfizer earned more than competitors, raking in $10.8 billion in the first half of this year, with $33.5 billion projected for the year.
▪️BioNTech recorded $8.6 billion in sales in the first half, with the ONLY product they have on sale being the covid vaccine.
▪️US startup Moderna, is the only company with an mRNA vaccine, reporting over $5.9 billion in sales for the year so far.
▪️ AstraZeneca, which is not yet FDA approved has generated $1.2 billion in sales for the British pharmaceutical giant.
▪️ Johnson & Johson's vaccine, made by Janssen the company’s Belgian subsidiary has made $264 million in sales but expects to make $2.5 billion by years.
✨When you bring your awareness into the present moment, everything else falls away. When you are fully present, your mind is not preparing responses to what it is hearing while you're listening and feeling. Drop your evaluating and reactive nature. Trust that your heart will have the appropriate response when the time comes. Allow your mind to be quietly responsive, like a pool of water, natural in its unconditional acceptance of the moment.✨
~ The Mayan Oracle
Pieniny National park Poland
【Solar Portal is Active】Beyond all the energetic problem that we experience (emotional and plasma) we have the solar portal available to all. If you are sensitive you will be able to see the bright star far above your head is actually the solar portal once again made accessible to all realities.
Please spend time to clear each chakra with violet flame, and once the last bit of plasma left, you will able to feel the timeless, purest energy enters your body again.

Red Durian
Experience one keeps up hope.
Smart one keep himself updated.
Wise one keep himself connected.
Master keep up a good fight.
#keepcalm #itwontalwaysbelikethis
We are here for a purpose.
Beauty of Life. 🌹
During this hard time, only those who live a true life is defiance against the internal collapse of the matrix.
Stay true.
Simply live in the moment,
is the best blessing.
If you be able to enjoy a simple life, you are bound to live life to the peak. ✨🌏
A type of ET
Meanwhile in Malaysia...
✨ May the sun bring you new energy by day,
May the moon softly restore you by night,
May the rain wash away your worries,
May the breeze blow new strength into your being,
May you walk gently through the world, and know its beauty all the days of your life.✨
~ Apache Blessing