What's good to do during an ECPLISE?


Guided Meditation in different languages

Have you been feeling restless? Feeling full of pent-up energy? About ready to burst? Well blame it on the moon: June 10th, a new moon "ring of fire" solar eclipse will occur in Gemini. Eclipses always have been known as a way of urging us towards change, and this one is especially very powerful. It has a fitting name called a “ring of fire” Eclipse because this time the moon's distance from the sun won't completely block out the sun's rays. Instead, we'll see a fiery halo in the sky.

【Important Note】 We are still in the midst of Mercury Retrograde Spring 2021, and there is also an eclipse taking place on June 10 (06:41pm Malaysia time).

What this means is, we can turn the tide of collective energy projection (or some may refer it as personal luck) to the brighter side. In our practice 2021 Eclipse is all about renewal, moving forward, and starting fresh. Don’t miss this.

What is good to do during an Eclipse?
1. Write a resolution and place it around your crystals, altar, power place, or your diary.
2. Keep praying inside your mind to end all of the c-19 pandemic as soon as possible! Visualize white light cleansing the fear inside you and in the crowd (what's giving the virus mutation rate.)
3. Make a wish for a better future for yourself and your loved one! Make it into a vision board!
4. Join the mass meditation that's getting viral right now! This meditation makes it possible to clear the terrorist/cabal/inhumane facility to control the world: https://rb.gy/qa80nv

Time of ECLIPSE on 10Jun2021
1:41 CET, 10:41 UTC

Join one of the biggest organized Meditations today.

This special meditation will help liberate the hostage that is experiencing inhumane slavery in the underground base. The extreme torture of the hostages are served to control human psychology using quantum entanglement between relative DNA.

This meditation is operation conduct by the will of the universe. By freeing part of us, we free all of us.
Join one of the biggest organized Meditations today.

This special meditation will help liberate the hostage that is experiencing inhumane slavery in the underground base. The extreme torture of the hostages are served to control human psychology using quantum entanglement between relative DNA.

This meditation is operation conduct by the will of the universe. By freeing part of us, we free all of us. www.welovemassmeditation.com