The Living Library has been activated,

The Living Library has been activated,
Human limit liberated,
collective chain breaking progressing,
over the horizon a network of life blooms.
As a blue seed, we are called to follow our guidance, source light from the central sun and keep our vibration high. There is an Astral war taking place. Multidimension matrix decryption.
Pleiades seed, rescue and multitasking nightmare
Sirius seed, fighting challenge nightmare
Arcturian anchor the higher mind.
In sacred quest seeks a solution
This is a war need to end,
A stand we must be firm,
Chapter flips,
The end is near.
Weary earth angels defend mother earth,
for the mission, a life we birth,
Come what may,
Victory of the light!!!

Lemuria Light FM (March 2022) Part 1