Arhattā is a level of attainment in old buddhist doctrine

arhattā is a level of attainment in old buddhist doctrine meaning a people has reach a level of attainment. Mastery of 5 element in a good way, but still with certain mind programming.
Most of Arahatship is 4.5D consciousness. They know the laws and rules inside matrix therefore knows how to avoid being entangled into mundane.
Mahayan Buddhism has viewed the śrāvaka path culminating in arhatship as a lesser accomplishment than complete enlightenment, but still accords due respect to arhats for their respective achievements. Therefore, buddha-realms are depicted as populated by both śrāvakas and bodhisattvas. Far from being completely disregarded, the accomplishments of arhats are viewed as impressive, essentially because they have transcended the mundane world.
Many of the astral, hindu, taoist, tibetan gods are these level of attainment. In the secret space program by corey goode refer them in term: the factions.
Right now as the astral stucture reformatting, many of them are involve in the change.