圣光回归 - 第九章
2005 年首次由Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA出版
作者 埃洛拉· 加百列
在许多书中,简介都只是被大家简单的浏览一下或完全跳过。 然而,我们希望您能花时间阅读这几页。 否则,当您继续阅读文本本身时,您会发现自己有许多疑惑。 另外,请注意本书末尾有一个术语表,如果您遇到不熟悉的术语,这将会有所帮助。
本书由四人编写:Elora Gabriel、Karen Kirschbaum、Shakura Rei 和 Marjorie Bair。 Karen是一个水晶般纯净无暇的管道,她传递了这些页面中记录的所有信息。 正是她作为管道的卓越能力使这项工作成为可能。 我通常(尽管并非总是)是提出问题的人。 我还写了一个简短的叙述来介绍每一章; 在某些地方,我的评论被插入到章节正文中。 Shakura提出了许多问题并帮助出版了这本书。 Marjorie担任这本书的顾问编辑,经常提出自己富有洞察力的问题,并慷慨地分享她在出版领域的专业知识。
造物主神是赫鲁所教导的宇宙论的重要组成部分——正如我们所指出的,赫鲁本人是这些神中最伟大的一位。 根据赫鲁的说法:“造物主神是一个能够获取造物的物质,即来自最初造物主的万能电浆,并将其转化为任何形式的物质的存有。这些物质的形式可能大如宇宙,也可能小如微观粒子世界。”
The Creator Gods are an essential part of the cosmology which Heru teaches - and Heru himself, as we have noted, is one of the greatest of these Gods. According to Heru: "A Creator God is a Being who is capable of taking the stuff of Creation, the plasma from Prime Creator, and manifesting it into form. These forms may be as large as universes and may be as small as microcosms."
我们询问最初造物主是谁创造了造物主神。 他/她回答:“是我。这是我最早的造物行为之一。它们是在这个造物宇宙被创造之前已经被创造出来的存有,所以它们实际上比这个造物宇宙本身创造更古老。”
We asked Prime Creator who created the Creator Gods. He/She replied: "I did. It was one of the first acts of creation. They were created prior to this Creation, so they are actually older than this Creation."
赫鲁:造物主神是在虚空中进行造物创造的。 你们的经典中谈到了这一点,并且非常雄辩地描述了什么是虚空。 进入虚空——无形的、美妙的虚空,那里什么都没有形成,一切都是潜在的——这就是造物主神将前往的地方。 他们或独自前往去,或成双成对,有时则成群结队,这取决于他们的意图。 他们首先会脱离造物,然后进入虚空之中,这有点类似你们在运用我教予你们的第三种冥想方法时会经历的过程。【译注:赫鲁所传授的三种冥想方法会在后面的章节中详细介绍。】 在那个空间里,他们将用他们的神圣思想和神圣之心形成他们的造物意图。他们在虚空中只需要一个意图,一个起心动念,这个意图就会以物质的方式被显化出来。
Heru: The Creator Gods create from the Void. Your scriptures speak of this, describing it with great eloquence. Into the Void - the formless, wonderful Void, where nothing is formed and everything is potential - the Creator Gods will go. They go singly, as couples, or at times in groups, depending on their intent. They will drop out of Creation and into the Void, much as you will do in the third technique. In that space they will form, with their Divine Mind and their Divine Heart, their intent for creation. They will put it forth, and it will be done.
Interestingly enough, there are many kinds of creations. Some of them just require that initial spark. In these cases, the Gods create something independent, with its own life, which itself is tapped into the Void so that it generates its own self-perpetuating creative impulse. A soul, or what becomes a Human Being in all of its multi dimensional layers, would be one of those aspects. At that point it is an individual Being. Whether it is conscious of it or not, it has the power to perpetuate its own existence indefinitely. On the Third Dimensional level where you live this would be largely an unconscious process, but in the Higher Dimensions it would be more of a conscious co-creative process.
Then there are systems which are different in that they are not self-perpetuating. This applies more in the Mineral Realms, and somewhat in the Planet Realms. In these cases, Councils will form to create structure. The Gods in these Councils will place themselves, or a part of themselves, into a Creation Chamber.
造物光舱在本质上就是造物主神们的内心。而这里也是他们用爱的力量进行创造的地方。当只有一位造物主神存在时,他会用和你们进入你的内心一样的静心方式进入自己的内心,然后再从他的内心进入虚空中,并开始用爱和激情进行造物创造。 当有更多的造物主神存在的时候,他们将把内心互相连接在一起,进而形成一个可以让他们开始共同创造的容器。 他们用神圣意识进行创造,而神圣意识与人类意识的运行机制有着天壤之别。
A Creation Chamber is essentially the heart of the Creator God or Gods. It is the power of their love to create. If a Creator God is singular, he would go into his Heart in much the same way you go into yours to go into the Void, and with love and passion will create. When there are more they will join hearts, and between them will be the vessel in which they create. They create with Divine Thought, and Divine Thought is very different from the machinations of the Human mind.
回到我关于在矿物王国里创造某种物质的讨论:只要某种特定的矿物物质需要继续存在,被造物主神放置在造物光舱中的它自己的那部分碎片就必须一直留在那里。 比如说,如果我想参与红宝石的创造,我就会和其他造物主神一起,带着自己的一部分进入造物光舱。 只要我们希望红宝石的分子结构继续存在于整个宇宙中,我们就会留在那个房间里,积极地持续不断的生成它的存在。 这就是我们创造物质的方式。
To return to my discussion of creating something in the Mineral Realm: That part of the Gods which is placed in the Creation Chamber must remain there for as long as the particular substance is desired to continue to exist. For instance, if I wanted to participate in the creation of a ruby, I would join with others and we would take a part of ourselves into the Creation Chamber. As long as we wanted the molecular structure of rubies to exist throughout this entire Universe, we would remain in that Chamber, actively generating it. That is how we create Matter.
而我们创造植物这种形态的造物的方式也是大致如此。 然而,对于植物来说,我们更多的是会去维持那个包含了某个特定植被整个生命周期的不同阶段的结构形态信息的原型种子的结构。以橡树为例,我们所维持的它的原型种子并不是只包含了橡子的结构而已,而是包含了它从橡子成长为一颗橡树的全过程所有阶段,所有不同时期的全部结构信息。我们会在造物光舱里一直保留那个原型种子。而动物王国很像人类王国,动物们也拥有独立自主的生活,尽管它们更多地是作为一个物种或类型而被创造出来的。而当全球范围内发生物种大灭绝时,其背后的真实原因是创造了这些造物的某个造物主神或造物主神集体留在造物光舱里不断持续生成这些生命结构的那部分自身的碎片离开了。对于动物而言,当创造他们的那些造物主神们的碎片离开造物光舱时,这些动物并不会立即消失。但因为它们的原型结构已经在更高层面失去了造物主神重新创造和维持它们存在的意图,因此它们最终还是会走向灭绝。当然,这些造物主神还是可以被邀请回来重新创造并恢复那些已经消失的造物。
Plant forms are created in much the same way. However, with plants it is more that we would hold the seed form of that particular vegetation - not an actual seed like an acorn, but the archetype of the tree or of that plant form through its entire life cycle. We would hold that archetype there. The Animal Kingdom is much like the Human Kingdom, where animals have independent lives, although they are created more as a species or type. What happens when an extinction occurs on a planetary scale is that this Group, Council, or Person is no longer in the Chamber. With an animal species, they will have left the Chamber. The species will not disappear immediately, but the impulse for it to recreate and stay in form disappears, and so they will die out. However, these Creator Gods can be invited to reconvene and recreate those Beings that have disappeared.
在整个造物过程中,存在着大量你们称之为“天神能量”的东西。 Devas/提婆实际上是就是那些存在于造物光舱中的造物主神们的碎片。【译注:提婆是印度教原教旨中由创世神梵天创造的天神,也叫天人。因此所谓的天神能量其实就是造物主神们的造物能量】 因此,当你们祈请(信任)这些造物主神们的碎片的帮助时,这个奇妙的天神能量中的造物魔法就会开始活跃起来。而你们与这些源自造物主神碎片的天神能量的互动又会在一定程度上滋养造物主神们处于造物光舱中的碎片。这种现象其实类似于你们在地球上同你们那些你们称之为神的存有们互动的过程,当人们不再信任这些神并停止与他们互动时,失去你们滋养的这些神就会逐渐消失。因此,如果一颗星球比如你们的地球上的一些区域已经不再适合原本生活在其中的那些造物主神们创造的造物生活了,那么造物主神们就会撤回他们在造物光舱中的碎片,并让这些造物逐渐灭绝消失——除非人类用其具有强大力量的内在意识再次祈请这些造物主神的碎片的回归,并用对它们所创造的造物的无限的爱和对这些造物能一直生活在地球上的渴望来滋养这些造物主神的碎片,才能扭转这一切。
Throughout Creation there are a multitude of what you would call Devic Energies. Devas are actually those fragments of the Creator Gods which are in the Creation Chambers. Therefore when you call upon them, that wonderful magic can happen. Working with the Devic Energies would feed them too, in a sense. It is like the phenomenon which has been described with what you call Gods on this Planet, that they seem to die out when people stop believing in them. Therefore if a planet such as yours has inhospitable regions for this particular life form, the Creator God fragments will leave the Creation Chamber and allow it to die out - unless Humans in their great power will call them forth again, and in essence feed them with their love and their desire for the continued existence of what they are creating.
Different Creator Gods are focused on different things. There are Creator Gods who are basically creating substance, material to work with: sort of like yarn, or raw material, or clay to be sculpted. These Creator Gods would be in place to create the stuff of Creation, raw undifferentiated material. And there are various types of specialists, Beings who like to create within their field of specialization over and over again. There are those who are specialists in the Plant Kingdom, and the Animal Kingdom, and in Star creation.
还有一些被称为编织者的造物存有,他们的特长并非是像造物主神那样的创造造物,事实上他们更擅长运用已有的造物物质来重新进行编织并创造出新的世界。 他们会将已由造物主神们创造的材料编织成新的、美丽的形式,赋予它们秩序,赋予它们光泽,赋予它们故事。 故事对于这个编织的过程非常重要——其中包含了这些编织者对这次物质的二次创造的主题和规划。 这些编织者会写一个故事,制定一个故事大纲,并开始围绕该大纲编织他们所需的材料。 因此,他们将创造一个独特的世界并居住于其中。 他们将成为我们宇宙中那些宝石星球的建筑师。【译注:想象一下一个宝石和水晶构筑成的世界,人手一个粉晶大浴缸,一个紫水晶卧室等等,芜湖!】在很多情况下,他们看起来扮演了造物主的角色——是的,他们确实是造物主,但你们现在已经知道了造物有着非常多不同的层次,而他们就是与造物主神们层次不同的另一些更小层面的造物主。
Then there are Beings who are not specifically Creator Gods, but who are more the Weavers of Creation. They take material that has been created and weave it into new and beautiful form, giving it order, giving it luster, giving it stories. Stories are very important to this process - themes, orchestrations. These Beings who are the Weavers would write a story, make an outline, and begin to weave material around that outline. Thus they would create worlds and people them. They would be the architects of jewels in space. They would in many cases appear to be the creators - and yes they are the creators, but you see how many levels there are to this.
埃洛拉:你前面说,如果人类愿意发自内心的祈请造物主神们的碎片的回归,那么那些源自这些造物主神碎片的生命形式就可以再次存在。 这会有助于恢复我们星球上的一些已经消失的生命形式吗?
Elora: You say that Life Forms can be called into existence again if Humans will do the work from our side. Will that help to restore some of the Life Forms on our Planet?
Heru: Oh yes, there is great possibility of that happening.
Elora: Please explain why the Creator Gods work.
赫鲁:啊,是的,为什么它们要造物呢。因为造物是爱和创造力的表达;它就是我们存在的理由。 我们造物主神就是为了造物而生的,就像艺术家一样。 造物是对语言无法描述的事物的表达。【译注:即将尚未显化的无法描述的事物显化出来的过程。】造物主神们的这种造物的渴望来源是无限的,以至于没有任何言语可以描述造物主神们那对于造物的永无止境的热情(动机)。
Heru: Ah yes, why they work. It is the expression of love, of creativity; it is the reason for our existence. We live to create, as an artist would. And creating is an expression of something that language cannot name. The place that this desire to create comes from is so vast that there is nothing which could describe the motivation of creation. And it is never ending.
Elora: Do the Creator Gods have their own Realm?
赫鲁:他们的家在虚空中,存在于这个造物宇宙之外。 尽管他们甚至可能会进入第三维度来创造一些自己的领域(第三维度的家),但他们最有归属感的,并最终会返回的还是那个存在于造物之外的虚空中的家。 当你通过我在本文其他地方传授给你们的第三种冥想技巧进入的赫鲁世界时,你就会进入造物主神的领域中。 [埃洛拉:那就是你住的地方。] 是的。
Heru: Their home is in the Void, beyond this Creation. Although they may come and manifest forms, even into the Third Dimension, they will identify most with and return to their home which is the Void beyond the Creation. When you enter Heru's world in the Third Technique which I have given elsewhere in this text, you are coming to that place. [Elora: That's where you live.] Yes.
Elora: In the process of creation, how do Twin Flame Creator Gods, such as you and Durga/Sekhmet, work together?
赫鲁:也许最接近我们这个造物过程的类比就是做爱。 总体来说,我们俩的造物的重点是创造新的灵魂。 而其他造物主神会专注于创造不同的动物物种、整个植物的生命体等等。 还有一些造物主神会创造矿物、行星等等。
Heru: Perhaps the closest analogy would be making love. Our focus in general is on the focus of the creation of new souls. Other Creator Gods would focus on creating animal species, entire blocks of vegetable life, and so on. Yet others would create minerals, planets, and the like.
埃洛拉:我认为你们创造灵魂的工作是由你以宇宙始祖的身份同杜尔伽/塞赫迈特作为共同完成的。 那是对的吗? [有关宇宙始祖和灵魂创造的更多信息,请参阅第 11 章。]
Elora: I would assume that your work in creating souls is done with Durga/Sekhmet in your role as Cosmic Progenitors. Is that correct? [See Chapter 11 for more information on Cosmic Progenitors and the creation of souls.]
赫鲁:是的。 [埃洛拉:你们两个是你们所创造的所有灵魂的父母吗?] 我们是少数灵魂的父母,同时也是许多灵魂的祖父母(爷爷奶奶辈儿)。 [埃洛拉:我们这个宇宙里你有多少个直系灵魂子女?] 几百个。
Heru: Yes. [Elora: Are the two of you parents to all the souls that you created?] We are parents to a few and the grandparents of many. [Elora: How many direct children do you have in this Universe?] A few hundred.
Elora: Are there other Creator Gods who create Human Souls?
赫鲁:有。事实上有些人类灵魂是按群体被创造出来的。 你在这个星球上就可以看到这类型的人类集体。 他们的个体间没有那么的分化,也更可能会更多地认同如国籍、宗教等集体性的标签。这并不是说他们没有进化成高度分化的存有的潜力。 但他们最初确实是作为一个群体被一同创造出来的。 有趣的是,在这些群体中将会出现领袖式的个体来提升整个群体的整体水平。 因此,当他们的整个群体崛起时,这些群体中的人类个体也会发生巨大的转变。
Heru: There are others. And some Human Souls are created in groups, by groups. You will see them on this Planet. They are not quite as differentiated, and would perhaps identify more with nationality, religion, etc. That is not to say they do not have the potential for evolution into highly differentiated Beings. But they do begin as a group. And interestingly, in those groups there will emerge Leaders that will raise the entire group up. Therefore when that entire group rises up, great changes happen in Humanity.
如你所知,还有被创造为双胞胎的灵魂,以及被创造为独立个体的灵魂。 它们中的每一个都是对于造物多样性的一种表达。
Then there are Souls that are created as Twins, as you know, and Souls that are created as individuals. Each of them would be an expression of the variety of life that exists in Creation.
Elora: Is there something along the lines of a Divine Plan that you create within?
Heru: There are Divine Principles, which would be the structures - the lines on the road or the walls of the canyon, so to speak. Principles of structure, the way Light forms, and the basic geometries - these things are there within all of these universal structures. The molecular, atomic, and DNA structures follow the same pattern within all the Universes of this Creation.
但就造物的主题或造物的蓝图而言,每个宇宙在很多方面都会有所不同。 尽管如此,你仍然会在不同的宇宙中看到相似的生命的基本结构形式。你不会在你们从这个宇宙旅行到另一个宇宙后,发现另一个宇宙的所有的人类和高等生物都是由基本的几何形状组成的,那个宇宙不会出现头部是三角形,身体是梯形等等的人类或者生物。 整个造物宇宙中的所有生命都遵循着一定的结构形式,你会从一个宇宙进入到另一个宇宙后,从里面的各种生命和物质中,非常轻易的就认出这些具有共性的结构形式。当然,确实存在有几何式结构的生命,但这不是宇宙通用造物结构的一部分。目前整个造物宇宙中都发现了某种通用的造物原型结构。
But as far as a theme or a message, that will in many ways vary from Universe to Universe. Nevertheless, you would still recognize the basic forms of life. You won't go from this Universe to another Universe and find all the Humans and Higher Beings to be made of geometric shapes, a triangle for a head and a trapezoid for a body and so on. Life throughout this Creation follows certain forms, and you would recognize those forms from universe to universe. You will recognize life, you will recognize kinds of matter. There are other Creations where life forms are geometric, but that is not part of this structure of Universes. And there are certain archetypal forms which are found throughout the Universes.
Elora: How many Creator Gods are there, and how many are able to do the work of creating Universes?
赫鲁:造物主神的数量并不多。 在所有的造物宇宙中,大约一共有一千或几千个造物主神。 不过我从来没有坐下仔细数过他们的数量到底有多少。 在造物主神中,能够创造宇宙并专注与此的存有并不多,因为创造宇宙不是一个一次性的,一蹴而就的过程。 [埃洛拉:你和杜尔伽/塞赫迈特可以创造宇宙?] 是的,并且我们已经创造了一些宇宙。 [埃洛拉:这是造物主神们共同努力的结果,还是只是你们两个人合作的结果?] 这是造物主神们作为团队努力的一部分。总的来说,对于创造如你们宇宙这般大小的宇宙来说,需要两个以造物主神,甚至更多的造物主神们,才能做到这一点。不过,她和我为我们两个人创造了一个小的宇宙。 我和她偶尔会在那里休息和放松娱乐。 它看起来就像一颗小宝石。
Heru: The Creator Gods do not exist in huge numbers. There are maybe a thousand or a few thousand in all the Universes, in all of our Creation. I never sat and counted them. And among the Creator Gods there are not many who can create Universes and for whom that is their profession, where it is not just a one time interaction or activity. [Elora: You and Durga/Sekhmet can create Universes?] And have. [Elora: Was this as part of a group effort, or just the two of you alone?] As part of a group effort. By and large for a Universe of this size it would take more than two Beings, even Creator Gods, to do so. However she and I have created, alone, a small Universe for just the two of us. She and I occasionally retire there for some rest and recreation. It is like a little jewel.
Elora: As a Creator God, do you have Higher Aspects, or is it just you and the Monad?
赫鲁:这有点难以描述,因为从某种程度上来说,你上面提到的这两点都是正确的。 我存在于整个造物宇宙的所有维度之中,但在从另一个角度来说,所有的这些维度又都是由我和单子所创造的。
Heru: It's a little difficult to describe because it's sort of yes to both. I have presences and lives on each of the levels, but in a way it's just me and the Monad because all of those levels are enlightened.
Elora: Would it be correct to say that many of the Gods and Goddesses of ancient mythology were, in fact, Ascended Masters?
赫鲁:你可以这么说,或者你可以说他们是来自天界、神界或造物主神的访客。 我其实对使用上面这些标签有些犹豫不决,因为它们似乎受到这些标签本身概念的束缚而难以准确表达我想表达的全部含义。 [埃洛拉:传说中所记载的诸神的出现和消失,是否就是诸神和扬升大师的肉身显化出来和消失的过程?] 是的。 因为当时的地球上的面纱(帷幕)比较薄,所以人类更容易看到这些现象并将它们记录了下来。
Heru: You could put it that way, or you could say that they were visitors from the Higher Realms, the God Realms, or the Creator Gods. I hesitate to use labels because they seem so bound by concepts. [Elora: Would the appearances and disappearances of the Gods, as recorded in legends, be the Gods and Ascended Masters moving in and out of physical manifestation?] Yes. Also the veils at that time were thinner, so it would be easier for Humans to see those manifestations.