圣光回归 - 第八章
2005 年首次由Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA出版
作者 埃洛拉· 加百列
在许多书中,简介都只是被大家简单的浏览一下或完全跳过。 然而,我们希望您能花时间阅读这几页。 否则,当您继续阅读文本本身时,您会发现自己有许多疑惑。 另外,请注意本书末尾有一个术语表,如果您遇到不熟悉的术语,这将会有所帮助。
本书由四人编写:Elora Gabriel、Karen Kirschbaum、Shakura Rei 和 Marjorie Bair。 Karen是一个水晶般纯净无暇的管道,她传递了这些页面中记录的所有信息。 正是她作为管道的卓越能力使这项工作成为可能。 我通常(尽管并非总是)是提出问题的人。 我还写了一个简短的叙述来介绍每一章; 在某些地方,我的评论被插入到章节正文中。 Shakura提出了许多问题并帮助出版了这本书。 Marjorie担任这本书的顾问编辑,经常提出自己富有洞察力的问题,并慷慨地分享她在出版领域的专业知识。
2004 年 6 月 1 日,凯伦听到了一句这样的话:“伟大的工作已经完成。” 我们问赫鲁这句话是什么意思。 赫鲁回答道:“这意味着所有的光之军团都已就位。因为他们中的每个人都已准备好了。一切都已就位,只待伟大转变的发生。” 事实上,从那时起,我们就已经开始看到了更高维度的巨大变化。 我们和其他人一样希望看到这些变化能最终沉降显化到地表上。 不幸的是,低维度似乎是最后一个感受到我们宇宙中正在发生的这些事情的影响的。无论如何,我们非常确实相信,在一到两年内,地球上将会出现一些积极的变化,并且几年后,改善的速度将快速提高。
On June 1, 2004, Karen heard the words, "The Great Work is Complete." We asked Heru what these words meant. Heru responded: "It means that all of the Armies of the Light are in position. For everyone is now in their place. Everything is in place for the great transition to happen." And indeed, from that time on, we began to see massive changes on the Higher Dimensions. We wish as much as anyone else to see these changes filter down to Earth. Unfortunately the Lower Dimensions seem to be last to feel the effects of what is happening in our Universe. We do believe, however, that some positive changes will be noticed on Earth within one to two years, and that after a couple years time the rate of improvement will increase rapidly.
本章总结了我们在 2004 年夏季和秋季观察到的在内在实相领域内发生的变化和胜利。本节包含日期,以便大家可以看到事件的进展。 我们邀请那些有洞察力的读者亲自确认这些材料。 虽然其中一些细节可能不是所有人都感兴趣,但本章中记录的事件无疑是无比令人振奋的。
This Chapter summarizes the changes and victories on the Inner Realms which we have observed during the Summer and Fall of 2004. Dates are included in this section so that the progression of events may be seen. We invite those of our readers who are clairvoyant to confirm this material for themselves. While some of these details may not be of interest to all, the events recorded in this chapter are most inspiring.
第 1 部分 - 黑暗网格
Part 1 - The DARK GRIDS
从 2004 年 6 月开始,赫鲁开始向我们展示黑暗网格,它是控制这个堕落宇宙能量结构的主要部分。 第一个引起我们注意的是位于第六维度的黑暗网格。 赫鲁解释说,它就像一张网一般覆盖了我们宇宙很大一部分,它的作用就像一个帷幕(频率屏障)。 正如地球周围的帷幕会阻止光和更高维的能量进入一样,黑暗势力在我们的宇宙周围也建立了类似的结构。 然后我们意识到第十一维度上也有一个类似的网格。 正如赫鲁所说,这个宇宙中在第十一维度也依然存在黑暗。 最后,第四维度上存在的第三个黑暗网格包围了地球本身。 直到 2004 年夏天,光明势力还不可能影响或摧毁任何这些负面控制结构。
Starting in June of 2004, Heru began showing us the Dark Grids which have been a major part of the controlling energy structures of this Fallen Universe. The first one to come to our attention was the Sixth Dimensional Grid. Heru explained that it was like a net covering a large portion of our Universe, and that it worked like a Frequency Barrier. Just as Earth has a Frequency Barrier around it which prevents the Light and higher energies from entering, similar structures have been set up for our Universe. We were then made aware of a similar grid on the Eleventh Dimension. As Heru has said, the Darkness in this Universe exists up through to the Eleventh Dimension. Finally, a third Grid existing on the Fourth Dimension encompassed Earth itself. Up until the Summer of 2004, it had not been possible for the Light Forces to affect or take down any of these controlling structures.
原先暂定的计划是用宇宙之火焚尽黑暗网格。 然而,这会导致许多与这些黑暗网格密切相关的存有被一起焚毁。因为这个原因,光明势力没有使用宇宙之火,而是转而将万能能量注入了黑暗势力的第六维度黑暗网格那类似空心管道的结构中【译注:参考菩提心智薄膜的作用、位置以及菩提层那与万能能量一致的白光,菩提心智薄膜的由来在此呼之欲出】,从内部对其进行转变。随后光明势力对第十一维度帷幕以及地球周围的黑暗网格发起了攻击。 2004 年夏天,所有三个黑暗网格(第十一维度、第六维度、地球周围)的大部分都被拆除。 剩下的部分将在未来被光之战士摧毁。
Tentative plans were laid for the Dark Grids to be burned with Cosmic fire. However, this would have resulted in the incineration of many Beings who were closely tied to the Grid. Instead, the Omniversal Energy was run through the Sixth Dimensional Grid, which almost seemed to be made of a hollow piping. This was followed by an assault by the Light Forces on the Eleventh Dimensional Grid, as well as on the Grid surrounding Earth. Over the Summer of 2004, large portions of all three Dark Grids were dismantled. The remaining portions will be taken down by the Light Warriors.
第六维度的黑暗网格看起来就像是一张巨大的网。它目前已经覆盖了我们宇宙的 40%,并且还在不断增长。 赫鲁说,哈特曼线是这个网格的一种表现,它“不仅影响在它以下的所有维度,而且会影响包括亚原子粒子在内的物质的所有方面。如果有人说连到地球上的石头都在因为这次黑暗的入侵而哭泣时,请大家不要觉得不可思议,因为真实情况确实如此。因为地球上发生的诸如德国大屠杀此类的惨案的恐怖负面能量会像印记一般深深地烙印在地球上包括石头在内的一切物质中,使得此类创伤变得难以抹去。
The Sixth Dimensional Grid looked like a huge net. Until recently it was covering 40% of our Universe, and growing. Heru said that the Hartmann Lines were a manifestation of this Grid, and that it affected "not only all the Dimensions below it, but all aspects of matter down to the sub-atomic particles, When someone says the stones cry out at the abuse of Earth, it is a literal thing. And that is also how the imprint of horrors, like the Holocaust in Germany, can be imprinted so deeply into the Earth, and be very hard to remove."
摧毁黑暗网格的只是诸多为控制我们的宇宙而进行的大规模战争中的一场战斗。 不幸的是,在地球上的我们还无法亲眼目睹正在发生的这一切所产生的巨大影响。 截至 2004 年夏天,我读到的每一份清晰明确的资料都明确给出了地球的大转变将在两年内变得明显起来。
The breaking down of the Dark Grids is only one battle in a very large war which is being fought for the control of our Universe. It is unfortunate that, here on Earth, we cannot yet see for ourselves the great impact of all that is occurring. As of the Summer of 2004, every clear source that I read gives a time frame of about two years for the Great Shift to become apparent on Earth.
2004年6月11日,我们向赫鲁询问道:赫鲁,我们想了解一下第六维度黑暗网格的现状。 光明势力何时会将其摧毁?
On June 11, 2004, we asked: Heru, we would like to check on the status of the Dark Grid on the Sixth Dimension. What is the timing for bringing it down?
赫鲁:情况现状似乎有所变化,因为看起来现状这个网格已不再是黑暗的了,因为万能能量给它注入了伟大的圣光,使它从内部被转化了,因此它没有被摧毁。你们中的许多人都在一些不同不寻常的情况下察觉到了数量庞大的黑暗存有的出现。 这是因为这些躲藏在或依附在这个黑暗网格上的这些生物正在像蟑螂一样四处逃窜。 他们疯狂地四处乱串,试图寻找到新的窝,但总的来说,他们并没有成功。 一场大清理正在发生,光之军团正在寻找并将他们监禁起来。
Heru: It seems to be changing because it appears that this Grid is no longer Dark, and instead of being destroyed it has been transformed from within. The Omniversal Energy has infused it with great Light. Many of you have perceived unusual amounts of Dark Beings in unusual circumstances. This is due to the fact that Beings who have been wrapped around or hanging onto this Grid are fleeing like cockroaches. They are scurrying around madly trying to find new homes, and by and large they are unsuccessful. There is a great sweep-up happening, where armies of Light Beings are finding them and incarcerating them.
这个宇宙中的许多存有在用尽全力的呼唤着希望重获自由。 正是来自包括你们在内的众多存有呼唤自由的声音,启动了拆除第六维度黑暗网格的过程。 这种源自大家内心对自由的强烈渴望的呼唤,是任何文字都无法形容的。 虽然无论如何黑暗网格的拆除都必然会发生,但现在,它发生的时间大大提前了,而且发生的方式也要温和得多了。 当然,对于那些靠黑暗网格为生的负面存有来说,这个过程并不温和——对他们来说,这是光明与黑暗的最终决战。 而对于光之存有来说,这意味着解放的到来。
Many Beings in this Universe have cried out for freedom. It was this call from so many voices, including yours, that initiated the process of dismantling the Sixth Dimensional Grid. And it may not be in the words that you're putting it, but it is the heartfelt desire for true freedom. The dismantling of the Grid would have happened anyway, but it occurred much sooner and in a much gentler manner than would otherwise have been. Of course the experience was not gentle for the Beings who were hanging onto it - for them Armageddon is here. For Beings of Light, liberation is here.
[埃洛拉:] 从 2004 年 7 月 31 日开始,当位于第十一维度的黑暗网格开始崩溃时,我们可以看到整个宇宙都在欢呼庆祝。庆祝我们的宇宙在经历了数百万年的暗夜后,终于迎来了冉冉升起的太阳。经历了亿万年的漫长岁月后,大家终于可以第一次在更高维度的星球上感受到来自我们银河中央太阳的圣光。 赫鲁在 8 月 1 日时这样说道,“这是一个非常欢乐的时刻;今天有许多庆祝的活动。有趣的是,当黑暗网格还存在时,这个宇宙中许多不同地方之间是无法进行互相通信的,其他造物宇宙也无法有效的与这个宇宙进行联络。所以你会发现今天全宇宙的电话都被打爆了。
[Elora:] When the Eleventh Dimensional Grid began to come down, starting on July 31, 2004, we could see great celebrations happening all over the Universe. It almost seemed as though the sun had come out for the first time in millions of years. From Higher Dimensional Planets, it was possible to perceive the Great Central Sun of our Galaxy for the first time in eons. Heru stated on August 1st that "It is a very joyous time; there are many celebrations happening today. Interestingly, with this Grid in place it was impossible to communicate between many different places in the Universe, and actually for this Universe to effectively communicate with the other Universes. So you would say the phone lines are very busy today with hellos and reunions, and catching up and celebrations."
埃洛拉:下面是一段我们在 2004 年 8 月与萨南达的对话:赫鲁告诉我们,位于第十一维度的黑暗网格已基本崩溃,第六维度的黑暗网格也是如此。 围绕地球的黑暗网格似乎也正在崩溃。 这是真的吗?
Elora: From a conversation with Sananda in August, 2004: We've been told by Heru that the Eleventh Dimensional Dark Grid has essentially come down, as has the Sixth Dimensional Dark Grid. It also appears that the Dark Grid surrounding Planet Earth is in the process of crumbling. Is this correct?
赫鲁:黑暗网格在第十一维度上应该消失了约 60%,在第六维度上消失了约57%,在第三维度上消失了约45%。
Heru: The Grids appear to be about 60% gone on the Eleventh Dimension, 57% on the Sixth, and about 45% on the Third.
埃洛拉:如果是这样,为什么我们没有在地球上看到有任何的变化呢? 这里看起来依旧和过去一样的黑暗和沉重。
Elora: If so, why don't we notice anything different on Earth? It seems just as dark and dense as ever here.
赫鲁:你必须记住,地球的振动频率是由人类的意识决定的。 数百万年来,人类在 DNA 与细胞的层面上都受到了黑暗网格的影响。除非黑暗网格被完全拆除,在此之前人类的意识将难以有质的变化。拆除的过程中有可能出现滞后一两年的情况,在某些情况下甚至可能会滞后三年。 人类意识不会立即发生改变,但我们依然可以期待看到其他的一些变化的出现。 第一个出现的变化是从现在开始将不会再会有黑暗存有转世为婴儿。其次,光之工作者将有更多机学习未被黑暗扭曲篡改的知识。 然后我会说,在接下来的一到三年内, 我们将有希望看到人们将普遍感觉到生活变得更轻松了。
Heru: You must remember that it is Human consciousness that holds the vibrational frequency of this Earth. And Humans carried the effect of this gridwork for many millions of years on the DNA level, on the cellular level. The Grids will be dismantled completely before there is a change in Human consciousness. There will be some lag of perhaps a year or two, and in some cases three. It is not going to be an instant change in Human consciousness but there are several changes to look for. The first will be with the babies that are born from now on; there will be virtually no Dark Beings coming in. Secondly, the LightWorkers will have much greater access to non-contaminated sources of knowledge. And then I would say over the next year or two or three, to look for some general lightening of the load for everyone.
你们的领导人可能仍然会是一群仿佛来自讽刺漫画里的可笑疯子,但会他们会变得越来越手无缚鸡之力。 人们的注意力将开始从散布恐惧的人身上转移。 这本身就将扭转目前地球的一切。
The madman in the White House, although he may remain in the White House, will be increasingly powerless, more of a caricature than anything else. People's focus will begin to turn away from the fear-mongers. And that in itself will be a turning of the tide.
第 2 部分 – GODINJ/戈丁造物主集体的解放
Part 2 - The Liberation of The GODINJ Collective of Creator Gods
赫鲁在之前的章节中向我们解释过,我们的宇宙是由一群造物主创造的。 这个造物主的组合被称为GODINJ/戈丁造物主集体。 他们中的一些存有堕落了,其余的存有则被黑暗势力所束缚。 截止2004 年 9 月 1 日,这个造物主集体还剩4位存有存在。
Heru has explained elsewhere that our Universe was created by a group of Creator Gods. This composite of Creator Gods was called The Godinj Collective. Some of these Beings fell, whereas others were chained by the Darkness. Of the composite, four remained, up until the first of September 2004.
埃洛拉(于 2004 年 9 月 2 日):赫鲁,我感觉昨晚发生了一件大事,而且这件事与GODINJ/戈丁造物主集体有关。是这样吗?
Elora on the 2nd of September, 2004: Heru, I felt that something major happened last night, and that it had to do with Godinj Collective. Is this correct?
赫鲁:是的。 看起来似乎是GODINJ/戈丁造物主集体已经重新恢复了力量,并发出新的造物主能量脉冲来恢复这个宇宙。 [埃洛拉: GODINJ/戈丁造物主集体目前还剩多少位存有?] 这个集体目前有四位原始成员,还有一位他们新增加的,以前未曾存在于这个集体的新存有。 [那四位原始成员是两对双生火焰吗?] 是的。
Heru: Yes. It is as if Godinj Collective has re-energized Itself and is sending out a renewed pulse of Creator God Energy for the restoration of this Universe. [Elora: How many Beings are still part of Godinj?] Four of the original Creator Gods, and they have added one new Being that was never there before. [Are the four original Beings two pairs of Twin Flames?] Yes.
Elora: It appeared to me that The Godinj Collective had been veiled or in chains; and had freed Itself and was sending out huge amounts of Light.
赫鲁:是的,GODINJ/戈丁造物主集体新增的第五位存有在融入这个造物主集体的过程中释放出了巨大的能量,而这些能量就是你所看到的那些光芒的来源之一。这位存有在解救 GODINJ/戈丁造物主集体的过程中发挥了重要作用。 这项救援任务是在光之战士的帮助下展开的,而现在的第五位戈丁造物主便是参与该任务的存有之一。 [埃洛拉:戈丁造物主们实际上被黑暗势力困住了?] 是的。
Heru: Yes, and part of that Light has been the incorporation of a fifth Creator God who was instrumental in freeing The Godinj Collective. There was somewhat of a rescue mission sent with the help of the Light Warriors, and one of the Beings involved in the Mission was this fifth Being. [Elora: Godinj was, in fact, trapped by the darkness?] Yes.
埃洛拉:在我看来,这就像是一道巨大的光芒在更高维度上照耀着我们的整个宇宙。 第五维度以及第五维度以上的所有维度都被它照亮了。我们的宇宙看起来就像一个破败不堪、肮脏而昏暗的旧阁楼,里面充斥着各种垃圾和蜘蛛网。突然,有人在这阁楼里点亮了一盏明灯。明亮的灯光让这阁楼黑暗之物原形毕露,几乎无处遁行,只能奋力往这个阁楼的更低处逃窜。
Elora: It looked to me as if a huge light was shining over the whole Universe on the Higher Dimensions. It appeared to light up Dimensions Five and above. And the Universe looked shabby, dirty, and bleak - like an old attic full of junk and cobwebs, where someone suddenly turns on a brilliant light. But this Light did also show up who was of the Dark and who wasn't and left few places to hide, except for the very lowest Dimensions. Is all of this basically correct?
赫鲁:是的,确实如此。 黑暗存有试图将自己隐藏在任何可能的地方,但目前他们大多都隐藏在第五维度以下。 目前在第四维度的情况非常混乱,并且这种情况还将持续一段时间。
Heru: Yes, it is. The Dark Beings will be attempting to hide wherever they can, but mostly below the Fifth Dimension. There is tremendous chaos on the Fourth Dimension right now, and this will continue for some time.
埃洛拉:我还看到了一场光明与黑暗间的巨大的战斗正漫延在我们的整个宇宙中,我听到有人说“战斗已经开始”。 这一切看起来就像光明与黑暗之间的最终大决战。 我的看到的这些是真的吗?如果是,你能提供详细信息吗?
Elora: I also saw a huge battle raging over the entire Universe, and I heard the words, "Battle is joined." It looked like Armageddon. Is this correct, and if so can you give details?
赫鲁:是的,千真万确。而在这场战斗中,光之战士是不可阻挡的,因此战斗进展的速度比我们预期的还要快。 我们很高兴看到这一切正在给这个宇宙带来转变,而不是无休止的拖延。
Heru: Yes - this is it. The Light Warriors are unstoppable, and it is going faster than we had anticipated. It's good to see that for a change instead of all the endless delays.
埃洛拉 (于 2004 年10月6日):昨晚在与 Farwaren/法瓦伦(GODINJ/戈丁造物主集体的成员之一)的谈话中,她表示她和她的双生火焰将要孕育一个孩子。虽然目前这还没有发生,但将发生在不久的未来。 Farwaren/法瓦伦激动地说,这个孩子将成为我们这个宇宙的宇宙化身。 真的是这样吗?
Elora on the 6th October, 2004: In a conversation with Farwaren [one of the Members of the Godinj Collective] last night, she stated that she and her Twin Flame were going to conceive a child. This had not occurred yet, but would in the near future. With great emotion, Farwaren said that this child would be something like a Cosmic Avatar for this entire Universe. Is this correct so far?
Heru: We believe it to be so, yes.
Elora: She said that the child would be a singular soul, containing both male and female, and that it would be almost as if it would contain all the Light which has been drained from our Universe through these eons of darkness. Did I hear this correctly?
赫鲁:是的,这就是我们的计划,我而且们相信这一定会实现。 [埃洛拉:你在帮助法瓦伦他们吗?] 我没有直接帮助他们,但我已经提供了一些帮助。
Heru: Yes, that is the intent and we feel confident that that will come to fruition. [Elora: Are you helping them?] Not directly, but I have lent some assistance.
Later that same day, we asked Prime Creator: We understand that Farwaren and her Twin are going to give birth to a Cosmic Avatar. Is this sort of thing going to occur in the other Universes?
Prime Creator: Something of an equivalent magnitude is left up to each group of Creator Gods that created each Universe - in what way they would express their newfound freedom and liberation. I believe this will not be the only expression in this Universe. There are a great many beautiful things to come about.
Part 3 - The Restoration of the Great Central Sun and the Battle for Our Universe
埃洛拉 (于 2004年 9月9日):赫鲁,光战士现在正在努力解放我们宇宙的中央太阳吗?
Elora on the 9th September 2004: Heru, are the Light Warriors now working to free the Great Central Sun of this Universe?
赫鲁:是的。 当这种情况发生时,光之战士将开始解放包括你们太阳系的太阳(太阳圣子-苏力耶)在内的每一个太阳。
Heru: Yes. When this happens, the Light Warriors will begin to go after the individual Suns, and the Sun of this Solar System [the Solar Logos] will be then worked upon.
埃洛拉:我还看到在我们宇宙的中心附近还存在有其他东西,但不是宇宙中央太阳。在那儿有十二颗恒星排列构成了一个完美的椭圆形。 这个椭圆形是否存在,它是什么?
Elora: I have also seen something which is near the center of this Universe, but is not the Great Central Sun. There are twelve stars, in a perfect ellipse. Does this exist, and what is it?
赫鲁:是的,它确实存在。 它是一个支点或着说门户。 从某种程度上来说,它两者都是。 它就像一个螺旋能量漩涡,允许来自最初造物主的能量进入并维持这个宇宙的平衡。 [埃洛拉:那这些恒星也被解放了?] 是的。
Heru: Yes, it does exist. It is a fulcrum point or a portal. In a way it is both. It is something like a gyroscopic energy vortex that allows in energy from Prime Creator and also maintains the balance of the entire Universe. [Elora: And this is also being freed?] Yes.
埃洛拉(2004 年 9 月 13 日):我一直在观察我们宇宙的中心区域和更高维度中正在发生的战斗。 我希望你能确认和/或评论一下我所看到的内容。 在这一周的大部分时间里,我观察到宇宙中央太阳被一个看起来像章鱼的巨大怪物缠绕住了
Elora on the 13th September 2004: I have been observing the battle that has been going on in the Inner Regions and Higher Dimensions of our Universe. I would like you to confirm and/or comment on what I saw, please.
【译注:电浆章鱼】,它的大小一定有一个银河系那么大。 我猜想这个生物已经诱捕或攻击宇宙中央太阳很长一段时间了。 而光之战士目前正在对它进行攻击。
For much of the week, I observed that the Great Central Sun was in the strangle-hold of a gargantuan monster that looked something like an octopus, and it must have been the size of a galaxy. I assumed that this creature had been entrapping or attacking the Great Central Sun for a very long time. The Light Warriors were attacking it.
赫鲁:是的,确实如此。Heru: Yes, that is true.
埃洛拉:周五晚上,这个生物似乎被分解并摧毁了。 事实上,它似乎已经爆炸了,并导致了一股巨大充满了尘埃、烟尘、灰烬和碎片的以太冲击波在我们宇宙中由内向外扩散。是这样吗?
Elora: On Friday night, it appeared that this creature had been broken up and destroyed. In fact, it seemed to have exploded; and a huge wave of dust, soot, ash, and debris was passing outward through the Universe. Is this correct?
赫鲁:是的。 [埃洛拉:这次爆炸是否伤害了我们宇宙中央太阳周围的区域?] 我并没有看到任何真正的光之造物受到伤害。 周围或许有一些堕落存有受到了伤害,但我没有看到任何光之存有受到伤害。
Heru: Yes. [Elora: Did this explosion harm the regions around the Great Central Sun?] I don't really see anything of the Light that was harmed. There may have been Fallen Beings around it that were harmed, but I don't see any Light Beings having been harmed.
埃洛拉:周六,我强烈地感受到了这股充满了烟尘和灰烬的以太波的影响。 我感觉我的内在世界仿佛快要因为这些灰烬、烟雾和砂砾的笼罩而窒息了。
Elora: On Saturday, I strongly felt the effects of this Etheric wave of soot and dust. It felt to me as though the Inner Planes were choking with ash and smoke and grit.
赫鲁:是的。Heru: Yes.
埃洛拉:周日,在我们的宇宙中央太阳周围仍有一些碎片存在,但情况似乎平静了一些。 事实上,到了周日晚上,我感受到了一种强烈的平静感。 我可以更清楚的看到我们的宇宙中央太阳,尽管它周围的空间中仍然有很多的尘埃。 我似乎还可以看到三个巨大的光之存有在宇宙中央太阳周围盘旋着。我看的没错吧?
Elora: On Sunday some debris was still present, but things seemed calmer. In fact, by Sunday evening, I felt a strong sensation of peace. In looking at the Great Central Sun of the Universe, I could see it more clearly, though there was still a lot of dust in the air. It also seemed that I could see three huge Light Beings hovering around the Great Central Sun. Did I see correctly?
赫鲁:是的。Heru: Yes.
埃洛拉:这些存有是谁? 他们是六翼天使吗?
Elora:Who are these beings? Are they the Seraphim?
赫鲁:你们确实可以这么称呼他们。 这三个存有是赋予了你们宇宙中央太阳的灵魂的父母集体。
Heru: That would be the equivalent word in your language. These three Beings are basically the collective parent of the Being which ensouls the Central Sun of this Universe.
Elora: Is the Central Sun partially of the Dark?
赫鲁:它被黑暗势力困住了很长一段时间。 虽然它奋力抵抗,但还是受到了损害。 我不能说它堕落了,但它确实需要进行大量的疗愈,而且现在这些疗愈正在进行中。
Heru: It had been trapped for so long. It had resisted mightily, but was damaged. I can't say that it was corrupt, but much healing needs to happen, and will happen now.
Elora: Is the Great Central Sun the presence of God in each Universe?
赫鲁:你可以这样称呼它。事实上我们都通过我们的内在世界的门户同我们我们这个宇宙造物主的临在紧密的链接在一起【译注:这里的意思是我们的内在世界就像是我们宇宙中的宇宙中央太阳一般的存在,是链接我们和造物主的能量门户。在我们这个宇宙就是链接我们和GODINJ/戈丁造物主集体的门户】,而这个宇宙造物主的神圣火花就是通过这个门户的链接不断的进入这个宇宙,进入我们的身体中。 这种形式的链接既适用于宏观世界,也适用于微观世界。 在微观世界中,人类的每个细胞或原子中都存在着和造物主的神圣火花的链接; 而每个银河系系和宇宙也是如此。 在宏观宇宙中,宇宙中央太阳扮演着这个连接的门户的角色。 因此现在宇宙中央太阳终于被解放了,仅此一点就会给这个宇宙带来巨大的转变。
Heru: You could call it that. Within each person there is that connection, and through that connection the Divine Spark of the Creator. That format follows on the macrocosm as well as the microcosm. On the microcosm, within each cell or atom of a Human there is also that Spark and connection; and within each Galaxy and Universe there is that Spark and connection. On the macrocosm, the Great Central Suns plays that role. Now that the Central Sun is free, that alone will change a lot in this Universe.
Elora: It now appears that the Light Warriors are regrouping to set up their next strategy.
赫鲁:他们已经制定好接下来的战略了,所以他们正在向着新的目标进发。 他们接下来的任务之一就是要解放你们这个太阳系的太阳。
Heru: They have already set it up, but they are staging their positions. One of the next positions they will be taking will be to work on your own Sun.
埃洛拉:我认为他们现在的目标是黑暗势力在我们宇宙中的关键据点。 我看到在我们的宇宙中存在一些非常庞大的黑暗势力的军事据点,这些据点看起来很像电影《星球大战》中的死星。 我们的宇宙中似乎有 700 到 800 个这样的黑暗势力据点,我觉得光战士们接下来将会肃清这些据点。 事实上,看起来他们已经开始行动了。
Elora: My impression is that they are targeting key strongholds of the Darkness. I saw that there are great military strongholds of the Darkness which appear much like the Death Star in the movie "Star Wars". There seem to be between 700 and 800 of them in our Universe, and I felt the Light Warriors would be going after them next. In fact, it looks like they've already started.
Heru: Yes, you are seeing accurately.
[埃洛拉的补充:]摧毁死星的战斗异常激烈,并且持续了数周。 光之战士军团的一支强大的中队攻击了这些巨大的军事据点,他们以楔形方阵出击,并一举将这些人造小行星都切成了碎片。 在摧毁了所有死星之后,光战士开始将他们的下一个目标锁定为黑暗势力的另一个重要军事力量组成,即黑暗势力的巨星星际战舰。 虽然它们在体积上比死星要小得多,但在数量却要多得多。
[Elora:] The destruction of the Death Stars was a tremendous battle which raged for several weeks. Great squadrons of Light Warriors attacked these gargantuan military strongholds, appearing in wedge-shaped phalanxes and literally cutting the artificial planetoids to pieces. After they had destroyed all the Death Stars, the Light Warriors began to target the next level of the military power held by the Darkness, which were great intergalactic battleships. These were much smaller than the Death Stars but there were many more of them.
Elora: I felt that the Twelve Critical Planets, including Earth, are somewhere on this list, but not at the top of the list.
赫鲁:是的,这里面有一个战略方面的原因。光明势力不认为这十二颗行星会成为黑暗势力想要毁灭的目标,但如果这个时候光明势力试图包围并被解放这些行星,那反而会招致黑暗势力对这些星球进行攻击。 因此,光战士宁愿暂时放缓在这十二颗关键行星上的行动,转而擒贼先擒王,去解决那些可以攻击这12个行星的根源——也就是你前面提到的那些黑暗势力的巨型军事据点。
Heru: Yes, and there is a strategic reason for that. It is not felt that they will be targeted for destruction by the Dark, but if they were surrounded by Light Beings and liberated, then that would invite an attack. Therefore the Light Warriors would rather leave the Twelve Critical Planets alone for the present and go after what would essentially attack them later - as you said, the military strongholds.
埃洛拉:那存在于第四维度的大量黑暗存有现在怎么样了? 他们还没有成为光战士的目标吗?
Elora: How about the masses of Dark Beings in the Fourth Dimension? They are not being targeted yet?
赫鲁:还没有,但很快就会了。 实际上,光明势力接下来会对因黑暗感染而堕落的存有进行梳理和筛选,并对他们进行针对性的修复以将他们最终和真正的黑暗存有分隔开。具体的内容会在之后公布出来,这样你就可以了解到接下来会发生的事情。这将会是第四维度的一个分水岭。
Heru: Not yet, but they will be soon. Actually, there will be some kind of a comb or a sieve to capture the Fallen ensouled Beings for reformation, and to separate them from the Dark Beings. That will come down the line a little later. So you can see what is going to happen; there will be a parting of the ways there.
Elora: Overall, are things still moving faster than expected?
赫鲁:是的,没错。Heru: Yes, they are.
[埃洛拉:] 日子一天天过去,我继续观察我们的宇宙中央太阳。 当尘埃和碎片散去后,我看到它呈现出一朵巨大的白色莲花的形状。 花蕾看似闭合了,但实际上它正慢慢地开始绽放。 在这个过程的初期,几乎闭合的花瓣中,只发出了微弱的纯白色光芒。 我可以看到许多宇宙存有与宇宙中央太阳一起工作,毫无疑问,我们的宇宙中央太阳绝对是一个有灵魂的存有。 首先我看到六翼天使们对着我们宇宙中央太阳歌唱,用纯净的音调频率来治愈和唤醒它。 几天后,Godinj/戈丁造物主集体的五名成员取代了他们,这五名造物主也使用了和六翼天使类似的,我们称为“声音疗法”的方式去疗愈宇宙中央太阳。 任何时候都有数以千计的来自其他更高维度的存有聚集在那周围,围绕在这激动人心的疗愈现场周围。 他们中的许多人似乎在祈祷,所有人都怀着崇敬的心情观看着这一切,并时常流下喜悦的泪水。 2004 年 9 月 14 日,我们有机会与地球扬升大师之一库图米进行交谈。 我向库图米询问他对宇宙中央太阳所发生的这一切的看法,他说,在我看来,它就像一朵正在绽放的莲花。 他的回答如下:
[Elora:] As the days passed, I continued to watch the Great Central Sun of our Universe. As the clouds of dust and debris cleared away, I was able to see that it had the form of a huge white lotus. The bud appeared to be closed, but very gradually began to open. In the early stages of this process, only a faint beam of pure white light was emitted from the nearly closed petals. Many Celestial Beings could be seen working with this Sun, which is definitely an ensouled Being. First I saw the Seraphim singing to this Being, using pure tones of sound to heal and awaken it. After a few days they were replaced by the five members of the Godinj Collective, who also used what we might call "sound therapy". At all times thousands of other Higher Dimensional Beings were gathered around, encircling this dramatic scene of restoration. Many appeared to be praying, and all watched with reverence and often with tears of joy. On September 14, 2004, we had occasion to speak to Kuthumi, one of Earth’s Ascended Masters. I asked Kuthumi for his perspective on the events occurring with the Great Central Sun of the Universe, remarking that it appeared to me like a lotus unfolding. He replied:
库图米:宇宙中央太阳已经被黑暗势力囚困了数百万年,因此它至今尚不能完全的展现它的光和伟大。 是的,它很像一朵正在绽放的花朵,并会无穷无尽地永远绽放。 你所目睹的正是这无限花瓣展开的美丽过程的开始; 每片展开的花瓣都会散发出爱与光的能量波,并一直延伸到这个宇宙的尽头。 过去这种光的缺失已经对这个宇宙中生命的各个方面造成了损害。 因此,这将是真正的黄金时代的黎明。 [埃洛拉:赋予宇宙中央太阳灵魂的那位存有——正通过莲花的这种形式表达自己的临在? 也就是说这朵莲花就是它的身体?] 是的。 它是一个最伟大的存有;在这朵莲花绽放的过程其实就是光之能量进行创造的一种表现形式。而这一过程看起来将是那样的美妙。
Kuthumi: This Sun has been in chains for many million and millions of years, and as such was never fully able to express its light and its glory. And yes, it is much like a flower unfolding, endlessly unfolding. What you are witnessing is the beginning of a beautiful process of infinite petals unfolding; and each petal that unfolds emits waves of Love and Light that stretch to the ends of the Universe. The lack of this Light has had a deleterious effect on every aspect of life in this Universe. And so this will be truly a dawning of a Golden Age. [Elora: The Being which ensouls the Central Sun - it is expressing itself through the form of the lotus? It's as though the lotus is its body?] Yes. It is a most magnificent Being; and there is an actual mechanism of creative energy that is expressed as this unfoldment takes place. It is lovely to behold.
[埃洛拉:]大约又过了一周,我们的宇宙中央太阳才完全绽放开来。 它看起来就像一朵华丽的、光芒四射的白莲花,有着众多的花瓣。 然后这朵莲花突然似乎被激活了。 伟大而灿烂的金白色光芒从每片花瓣中倾泻而出,让宇宙充满了它闪耀的圣光。 我可以看到天使们欣喜若狂地站在宇宙中央太阳的附近,沐浴在圣光中。 我希望我能说这圣光已经穿透了我们整个宇宙。 唉,但据我观察,没有多少能量到达了宇宙较低的维度或像我们这样的行星,这些行星被囚禁在非常密集的频栅帷幕后面。 尽管如此,我们宇宙的大部分地方现在都充满了圣光,即使目前黑暗的统治依然存在,而在我们的地球上,造物主的圣光也将再一次被大家所看到。
[Elora:] About another week passed before the Great Central Sun became fully open. It appeared as a magnificent, radiantly white lotus with a multitude of petals. And then suddenly the Lotus appeared to become activated. Great, effulgent rays of golden-white Light poured from every petal, and filled the Universe with its glory. I could see Angels standing near the Sun in ecstasy, bathing themselves in the Light. I wish I could say that this Light penetrated everywhere. Alas, from what I could observe, not much of it reached the Lower Dimensions or Planets like ours which are imprisoned behind very dense Frequency Fences. Still, much of our Universe is now filled with the Light where darkness reigned, and the Light of the Creator is seen here once more.
埃洛拉(于 2004年10月6日):赫鲁,我们首先想请你确认 Farwaren/法瓦伦(Godinj Collective/戈丁造物主集体的成员)在周日晚上告诉我的几件事。 首先,法瓦伦说,一大批担任救援和疗愈角色的存有已经穿过了帷幕上的缺口,目前正在我们宇宙中的一个安全区域,等待着被部署到其他区域的时机的到来。这是真的吗?
Elora on the 6th October 2004: Heru, we would like to start by asking you to confirm several things that were told to me by Farwaren, who is a Member of the Godinj Collective, on Sunday night. First, Farwaren said that a large group of Helpers and Healers had come through the breach in the Great Wall and are in one of the safe areas, waiting for the time when they can be deployed to other areas. Is this correct?
Heru: Yes, indeed it is correct. The numbers would look large to you, but I would tell you that this is only the forerunner of what is to come. There are so many more waiting to come.
埃洛拉:接下来,她(法瓦伦)向我展示了一大波光战士即将穿过帷幕的缺口的画面。 他们目前仍在帷幕的外侧,但很快就会穿过帷幕进入我们的宇宙。 我看到他们的数量是惊人的,根本无法计算。 事实上,这一批即将到达的光战士的数量是如此之多,以至于目前在我们宇宙中的光战士似乎只是一个小型的先遣队。 你对此有何评论?
Elora: Next, she showed me that a vast wave of Light Warriors was about to move through the breaches in the Wall. They were still on the other side of the Wall, but shortly to pass through. The numbers that I could see were vast, uncountable. So many in fact, that it seemed that the Light Warriors currently in our Universe were only a small advance guard. Would you comment on this?
赫鲁:是的,确实如此。 当它们在接下来的几周和几个月里出现时,你将开始看到你们宇宙潮流的转变正在加速。 我想你可以说现在你们正处于这个转变的临界点,当事情刚开始发生变化时它很慢,但随后它会加速,不断的加速,变得越来越快。 而这一切现在就将发生在你们眼前。
Heru: Yes, that is correct. As they come through in the next weeks and months, you will begin to see a great acceleration in the turning of the tide. I guess you could say it's at that tipping point right now, and when things first start to move it's slow but then it accelerates and accelerates more rapidly. And that is at hand.
Elora: It seemed to be that maybe a tenth of a percent of the total Force is here already.
赫鲁:是的。 而且它们将分批出现,因此第二波并不是结束。 它们将像海洋中的潮水一样,一波接着一波的涌来。 因此虽然第一波很小,但下一波会变大,再下一波还将更大。
Heru: Yes. And they will be coming in waves as well, so this second wave is not the full complement. It will be like the tide coming in, in the ocean. So the first wave was small, the next will be bigger, the next after that bigger still.
Elora: I was told that when the Light Warriors fill our Universe in vast numbers, they will set up a multi-dimensional and very fine grid or net, which will allow them to seek out and destroy all darkness. This will be done so that nothing slips through the cracks.
赫鲁:是的,确实是这样的。Heru: Yes, that is correct.
埃洛拉:我认为这个宇宙的形状就像一个巨大的、椭圆形的、扁平的圆盘——与银河系的形状没什么不同。 这或多或少是正确的描述吗?
Elora: I see this Universe as being shaped something like a huge, oval, flattened disk - not unlike the shape of a galaxy. Is this more or less correct?
赫鲁:一定程度上是的。 然而,如果我用一种你能联想到的形状来描述它,我会说它更像是红细胞的形状:一个扁平的圆盘,外缘稍厚,并且有一个非常明显的膜。【译注:也就是挠场结构。】
Heru: Somewhat. However if I were to describe it in a shape that you could relate to, I would say it is more the shape of a red blood cell: a flattened disk, slightly thicker at the outside edges, and having a very distinct membrane to it.
Elora: Then is it also correct that the area where the chinks in the Great Wall have been created is on the other side of the Universe from where we are, so that when the Light Warriors and other Beings come in from the Light Universes, they have to cross most of this Universe to get here?
赫鲁:是的。Heru: That is correct.
第 4 部分 - 采访第二波的光战士
Part 4 - Interview with a Second Wave Light Warrior
2004 年 10 月 22 日,我和凯伦与第二波光之战士成员Vikhona/维科纳进行了交谈。 这批新来的光战士感觉非常强大,而且比第一批还要强大得多。 他们似乎也拥有更丰富的情感,与他们交谈时我们可以感受到他们内心的感受。 它们身边环绕着大量的光,它们非常美丽。
On October 22, 2004, Karen and I spoke to Vikhona, a member of the Second Wave of Light Warriors. This new group of Light Warriors feels very strong, and considerably more substantial than the first. They also seem to have more of an emotional nature, and one can sense the heart feelings in speaking with them. There is a great deal of Light around them, and they are very beautiful.
埃洛拉:你好。 首先请允许我再次确认一下,你是进入我们宇宙的第二波光战士之一吗?
Elora: Greetings. May I begin by clarifying that you are one of the Second group of Light Warriors which has entered our Universe?
维科纳:是的,我是。 [埃洛拉:称你们为“第二波光战士”合适吗?] 这是一个很好的描述。
Vikhona: Yes, I am. [Elora: Would it be correct to call you "Second Wave Light Warriors"?] That is a good description.
埃洛拉:我看到第二波光战士中六位巨大的成员守卫着我们的这个星球,每个方向各一名。 它们每个都几乎与地球直径一样高。 这样的描述是否正确?
Elora: I saw six huge Second Wave Light Warriors guarding our Planet, one in each direction. They are each nearly as tall as the diameter of Earth. Is this correct?
维科纳:正确无误。 [埃洛拉:他们此时只是在守护我们的星球吗?] 他们此时的主要任务就是守护地球,但他们也在与地球的磁能场合作。 如果你仔细观察的话,你可能会看到到有一束能量从他们每个人的太阳神经丛射向地球。 它正在渗透到地球的核心并支撑和激活这个星球的能量场。
Vikhona: That is correct. [Elora: Are they just guarding our Planet at this time?] Their primary purpose at this point is to guard, but they are also working with the magnetic energy fields of the planet. You might perceive, if you looked, a beam of energy coming out of each one's solar plexus to the Earth. It is penetrating to the core of the Earth and supporting and energizing this planet.
Elora: It appears that you are more powerful than the First Wave Light Warriors, and have some enhanced abilities. Would you comment on this please?
维科纳:是的,我们相较第一波光战士力量大约增长了12倍。 我们的体形通常看上去会更大,也因此我们所有的能力都变得更加强大了。 [埃洛拉:你相信每一个新“批次”创造出来的光战士都会比之前的更强大、拥有更多的能力吗?] 是的。
Vikhona: Yes, we are a magnitude of perhaps twelve times stronger. We typically appear larger in size, and as such all of our abilities are that much greater. [Elora: Do you believe that each "batch" that comes through will be stronger and more capable?] Yes.
Elora: Did a new group of micro Light Warriors also come in with you?
维科纳:目前没有,但是将在大约三个月后进入你们宇宙的下一波光战士中将会包含一支全新类型的光战士队伍 [即2005年1月]。 目前我们一共有7种类型的光战士。
Vikhona: No, but there will be a new group with the next, in about three months time [i.e. January 2004]. There are seven groups of us in all.
埃洛拉:我注意到你头部附近有一些东西,看起来几乎像是旋转的眼睛,或者灯塔的旋转透镜。 你能告诉我我看到的这个是什么吗?
Elora: I noticed something in the area of your heads that almost looked like a rotating eye, or the revolving lens of a lighthouse. Can you tell me what I was seeing?
维科纳:这几乎就像我们有一顶带有旋转光束的头盔,它可以让所有躲藏在暗处的隐形存有,物质和武器等原形毕露。 [埃洛拉:这是否意味着第二波光战士的洞察能力会比第一波光战士更好?] 是的,我们在这方面有了大幅的提升。
Vikhona: It would be almost as if we had a helmet with a rotating beam of light, which can illuminate all of the hidden cloaked Beings and cloaked substances, weapons, all of that. [Elora: Does this mean that the Second Wave Light Warriors will have better vision than the first group?] Considerably, yes.
Elora: Do you also come in pairs?
Vikhona: No, although we can travel in pairs and often do.
Elora: We have all noticed that you and your companions "drift" less than those in the first wave. Is this true?
维科纳:是的。而且我们在结构上也更加坚实、密度也更大。 如果你想用一种元素特质来形容我们的化,那我们就是土壤,而他们就是空气。 [埃洛拉:也就是说第一波光战士比较密度较小,看起来几乎是像空气一般漂浮在环境中的?] 是的。 而我们更加坚实,并且倾向于留在一个地方完成我们的工作,尽管我们也时常需要“流动”到其他地方去完成任务。
Vikhona: Yes. It is almost as if we are more solid and more dense. If you were to put an elemental quality on us, we would be earth and they would be air. [Elora: The first group was lighter, and would almost seem to float around?] Yes. We are much more solid and will tend to stay in one place to do our work, though we are also very mobile.
Elora: Will you begin your work on Earth and the other eleven critical Planets soon?
维科纳:是的。 [埃洛拉:你能给按我们地球时间的计算模式,给予我们一个你们这项工作的大致时间表吗?]我相信大约这需要四到五周的时间才能开始[即大约2004年12月1日]。
Vikhona: Yes. [Elora: Can you give us a time frame for Earth?] I believe it will be approximately four to five weeks before this begins [i.e. about the first of December, 2004].
Elora: Can you give us any details of how this work will begin?
维科纳:我并不是负责这项工作的那个特定的工作组的成员,所以我不知道。 我们不像最初的光战士那样拥有集体意识,所以我看不到每个人在做什么。 [埃洛拉:你们的个体更加的独立?] 是的。
Vikhona: I am not on that particular Task Force, and so I do not know. We do not have quite as much of a group mind as the initial Light Warriors had, and so I am not able to see what everyone is doing. [Elora: You are more individuated?] Yes.
埃洛拉:在我看来,第二波光之战士已经在使用他们的光网格在这个宇宙中推进他们的任务了,他们在这个过程中捕获了大量的堕落者和黑暗存有。事实上,在过去的两周里,我们已经看到这些生物开始从地球上向外逃窜了。 这并不是一幅美丽的图画,因为我们地球附近的维度现在看起来就像《荒山之夜》中的场景。自从新一批的光战士到来后,情况似乎变得更加平稳了——你同意我这种说法吗?
Elora: It appears to me that the second wave of Light Warriors have been progressing through the Universe with their net, scooping up huge numbers of Fallen and Dark Beings. We have seen these Beings fleeing through our airspace in the last two weeks, so to speak. It hasn't been a pretty picture, as the Dimensions near ours looked like something out of "Night on Bald Mountain". Things seem much more peaceful since the new group of Light Warriors arrived - would you agree?
维科纳:是的,我同意。Vikhona: Yes, I would.
埃洛拉:我还觉得光明战士将把黑暗和堕落的存有赶到我们宇宙的另一头去,就像牛仔们将几群牛聚拢到一起,并形成了一个更大的牛群以方便管理一样。 这个地方似乎是银河系群之间的一片广阔的区域,那里几乎没有什么生命。 到目前为止我的说法正确吗?
Elora: I also felt that the Light Warriors would be driving the Dark and Fallen Beings to a place which is somewhat "off to the side" of our Universe, much as cowboys would round up several herds of cattle into one huge massed group. This place appears to be a large area between galaxy clusters, where there are few or no life forms. Am I correct so far?
维科纳:是的,你说的没错;它们将被留在那里等待今后的发落。 不过这目前不在我们的责任范围内。
Vikhona: Yes, that is correct; and they will be held there pending whoever is to process them. We are not to do any processing.
Elora: There will be an enclosure created there?
维科纳:是的。 每个宇宙中都会建立起这么一个类似围栏的结构。 [埃洛拉:那里面一定聚集了不计其数的黑暗和堕落存有。] 是的。 我们不知道它们到底会有多少,只能说真的是非常非常多。各种形状和大小的都有。 [埃洛拉:需要对它们进行分类吗?] 是的。 因为其中既有堕落者,也有黑暗者。
Vikhona: Yes. Each universe will have a similar enclosure. [Elora: The number of Beings that will be gathered there must be countless.] Yes. We do not know how many there are, but there are many, many. All sizes and shapes. [Elora: Will they have to be sorted?] Yes. There are both the Fallen and the Dark among them.
埃洛拉:我觉得这将在大约一周后开始,或者在 2004 年 10 月底左右开始。
Elora: I felt this would start in about one week's time from now, or near the end of October 2004.
维科纳:大致是这么一个时间。Vikhona: That sounds about right.
埃洛拉:当赫鲁第一次告诉我们关于光战士的事情时,他说他们是被包含在万能能量中的,并且正在“揭开自己的面纱”。 可是,据我观察,你们的队伍是直接出现在帷幕的另一侧的。 那么光之战士到底是从进入我们的万能能量中被释放到我们这个宇宙中的呢,还是从帷幕的另一侧自己进来的?
Elora: When Heru first told us about the Light Warriors, he said that they were contained within the Omniversal Energy and they were “uncloaking”. However, I saw your group appear on the other side of the Great Wall or frequency fence. Do the Light Warriors “uncloak” from within the Omniversal Energy, or do they come in from the other side of the Wall?
维科纳:两者都有。 你可能将万能能量视为定向光束【译注:定向传送光束】,但它并不限于你感知到的可见光束的范围。 [埃洛拉:换句话说,一些光战士是直接出现在我们这个宇宙内部的,而一些则是我们从宇宙外部穿越被破坏的帷幕进入的。] 是的。
Vikhona: Both. You may perceive the Omniversal Energy as a directed beam, but it is not limited to that beam that you perceive. [Elora: In other words, some Beings “uncloaked” from within this Universe, and some “uncloaked” from outside the Universe.] Yes. And some “uncloaked” outside the Frequency Fence.
Elora: Is there anything else you would like to add?
维科纳:我想说即便我们是最初造物主最新的造物,且我们一直矢志不渝地服务于光,但这也并不意味着我们的工作就能一切尽如人意。因此我想在这里请求得到大家的耐心和宽恕,因为这确实需要再花一些时间。 我知道这里的许多情况都十分危急,但我也知道大部分人或所有人都会被成功拯救。 我很遗憾,很多人的痛苦没有立即得到缓解。 但我们正在尽快采取行动,更多的帮助即将到来。 我们只服务于最初造物主的意志,我知道你们也是如此。 我最衷心的愿望是在这个宇宙被修正完成后,我们能与你们站在一起,与你们一起举杯庆祝,将我们手中的圣光美酒一饮而尽!
Vikhona: Just that we are brand new Beings, and are not infallible in the results of our efforts. We are unwavering in our desire to serve the Light, and I ask for patience and forgiveness in the fact that this is taking some time. I know many conditions here are at a critical state, and I know most or all will be salvaged. I regret any moment that goes by that the pain is not relieved immediately for so many. But we are doing what we can as quickly as we can, and more help is on the way. We serve only the will of Prime Creator, as I know you do as well. My deepest heartfelt desire is to stand with you after the Restoration is complete, and drink with you a toast of a celebratory glass of light wine - pun intended!
这次谈话结束后,我们问赫鲁:鉴于所有这些令人充满希望的进展,你是否仍然认为需要大约两年的时间才能“赢得地球之战”? 大约两年后,我们就能在这里经历一些我们可以亲眼看到的真正积极的变化?
After this conversation, we asked Heru: Given all these hopeful developments, do you still feel that it will require about two years to "win the battle for Earth", so to speak? About two years before we will be able to experience some real positive changes here that we can see with our own eyes?
赫鲁:事情的进展速度似乎比我们最初预测的速度要快一些,我会将这一估计修改为一年半到两年之间[即2006 年春季和秋季之间的某个时间]。 话虽如此,但你们中的一些人的个人生活会在地球解放的时间到来前就发生巨大的好转。 我希望这篇文章能够尽快发布并被广泛传播出去。 如果人们知道他们可以召唤光战士并使用我所提供的技术,那么许多人将受益于更好的生活质量,即使你们的世界本身看起来仍然一片混乱。 [埃洛拉:你认为特别是光工,会发现他们的生活在迅速改善吗?] 这就是本文的目标,是的。
Heru: Things do seem to be proceeding somewhat more quickly than originally forecasted, and I would revise that estimate to be between one and a half to two years [i.e. somewhere between the Spring and Fall of 2006]. However, there will be people earlier on for whom their personal lives will change dramatically for the better. My hope is that this text can get out rather quickly and spread somewhat widely. If it is known that people can call upon the Light Warriors and use the techniques I have given then many individuals will benefit by having a much better quality of life, even though the world itself still may look to be in shambles. [Elora: Do you think that the Light Workers in particular will find their lives improving quickly?] That is what this text is targeted at, yes.
埃洛拉:当我们在 2004 年初夏开始这些对话时,你说我们的宇宙中黑暗的占比大约是75%。 那么现在我们宇宙中黑暗的占比又是多少呢?
Elora: When we began these conversations in the early Summer of 2004, you stated that our Universe was about 75% Dark. What is the percentage of Darkness in our Universe now?
赫鲁:下降到了 60% 左右,所以我们做了很多好的工作,但还有很多工作要做。
Heru: It is down to about 60%, so there has been much good work, but there is still much to be done.
[埃洛拉补充信息:] 在本书付印时,我想为本章添加一些注释。 首先,从 2004 年 11 月初开始,修复我们太阳系的太阳圣子苏力耶的工作开始了。 随着时间的推移,我们的阳光应该变得更加明媚而纯净。 我们还被告知,宇宙的许多的区域已经被彻底清理干净。 最好的消息是,2004 年 12 月 1 日,大批光战士抵达地球,开始他们在地球上的工作。 在撰写本文时,他们正在开始拆除囚禁我们的帷幕。 我们要提醒读者不要指望立即出现奇迹,正如赫鲁所说,未来一两年情况实际上可能会变得更糟。 然而,我们相信更多的高频能量涌入我们的星球将为所有持有光之存有带来巨大的帮助和支持。
[Elora:] I would like to add several notes to this Chapter as this goes to press. First, as of early November of 2004, work began on the Solar Logos of our Sun. Our sunlight should become energetically cleaner and clearer as time goes on. We are also told that some large sections of our Universe are substantially cleaned up. The best news of all is that, on the first of December 2004, the Light Warriors arrived in large numbers to begin their work on Earth. They are, at the time of this writing, beginning to dismantle the Frequency Fences behind which we have been imprisoned. We would caution our readers not to expect immediate miracles, as Heru has stated that things may actually appear somewhat worse during the next year or two. However, we believe that the greater influx of Higher Energies into our Planet will be a tremendous aid and support for all Beings who hold to the Light.