Revelations from The Creator God Horus

Elora Gabriel and Karen Kirschbaum

The Eye of Horus

The Complete Text and Updates
First Published 2005 by Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA

Chapter TEN: LIGHT and DARK Aspects

[Elora:] Until the time when I began working intensively with Heru, I had a vague idea that there were higher levels to every Human Being, yet could never determine exactly what they were. Like most people in metaphysical circles, I had heard terms such as Higher Self, Soul Self, Oversoul, and I AM Presence. I had also seen drawings and paintings of the Third Dimensional Self surmounted by a number of higher and progressively more radiant Selves. Still, I had no real sense of what all these levels or Selves actually were.

As Karen and I proceeded in our explorations, my clairvoyance continued to develop. I perceived the higher aspects in a whole new way, and was able to check my perceptions with Heru. Like most of what I have learned in the past year, the discoveries I made in the area of higher aspects were fascinating, illuminating, and sometimes shocking.

What we learned is as follows. Third Dimensional Humans are aspects on a chain of connection which reaches all the way up to the Monad. The Monad (which is the original Soul created by the Creator Gods) is a great, magnificent being, existing on what we would call the Twelfth Dimension. It is, for each of us, that from which we spring. We are expressions, or aspects, of the Monad. Beyond the Monad is only Source, God, or Prime Creator - whatever term one wishes to use. Heru often likens the Monad to a mighty oak tree. To follow the metaphor, this tree then extends a branch of itself into this Universe, or any universe in which it chooses to create aspects. At several junctures along that branch there exist the higher Aspects, with the Third Dimensional Aspect being at the end of the branch.

Karen coined the term "ladder" for this progression of Aspects. A typical "ladder" may contain an Aspect on the Third Dimension, which we would experience as a physical Human Being. Then there might be Aspects on the Fourth, Sixth, Eighth, Ninth, and Eleventh Dimensions, for example. And what are these Aspects? They are people! They are ensouled Beings, similar to Earth Humans in many ways, but living on different dimensional levels. They have names. They have lives, including occupations, friends, clothing and activities that they prefer, dwelling places, and distinct personalities. Among the higher aspects we have met there are healers, teachers, musicians, and counselors. Most of the higher Aspects we encountered are living on higher dimensional planets in such locations as Arcturus, Sirius, or the Pleiades. Occasionally we found an Aspect living on a higher dimensional Starship. Higher dimensions have matter just as we do, and to them it is solid, just as physical matter is solid to us. However the higher one goes the more fluid matter becomes, and the easier to change and influence. Higher dimensional bodies in. the Fallen Universes age, as physical bodies do, though much more slowly. A strong infusion of energy can rejuvenate a higher dimensional body, whereas rejuvenating a physical body is very difficult.

Time moves differently in the higher dimensions. We found that a month would pass for us when only a week had gone by for a Sixth Dimensional Being. Because of the greater density in the lower dimensions, and because time is so slowed down here, the lower Aspects in the "ladder" tend to be somewhat wearied. This would not be the case in a Light Universe.

Higher dimensional Beings require nourishment, as we do, although they need less of it. The highest aspects seem to subsist mostly on pure water and light. Those in the middle ranges, such as the Sixth to Eighth Dimensions, could be sustained by a few pieces of perfect fruit per day. These Beings need sleep and periods of rest as well, though again less than we do.

All of the aspects on one "ladder", or one branch of the Monad, have a strong commonality. The personalities will be different, yet similar, as they are all expressions of the same Monad. Certain core qualities will show forth in all the Aspects, and there will be a recognizable soul essence about all of them as well. 

The Monad and its Aspects are connected to one another by fine, glowing strands which are called Light filaments. Light Filaments look like fiber optic cables, and they carry prana [Higher dimensional energy]. By working with the Light Filaments, skilled healers can affect the state of Aspects on various dimensions.

Aspects in other dimensions, depending on their state of evolution, may be more or less aware of their own higher and lower Aspects. A very evolved Fourth or Fifth dimensional Aspect may give much guidance and help to his Third dimensional Aspect. In other cases there may be a lack of guidance and help, or even a negative influence. The most difficult fact to accept about the higher Aspects is that they are not always the pure, radiant Beings that we have been led to expect with terms like "Higher Self'. The Monad, according to Heru, is incorruptible. However, Higher Aspects who dwell within one of the Fallen Universes are just as susceptible to the corrupting influence of the Darkness as are Third dimensional Humans. And, as Heru has repeatedly said, the Darkness exists in this Universe up through to the Eleventh Dimension. We were shocked to find that even many LightWorkers have Dark Aspects. In fact, since it is common to have about four Aspects on the "ladder" between the Third dimensional Self and the Monad, and due to the great difficulty in resisting the Dark influences, most Human Beings have one or more Dark Aspects. The worst I have seen was a person with four Dark Aspects. Therefore even among Light Workers it is a rarity to find a person who has only Light Aspects. Fortunately, because all Aspects are ensouled Beings, reclamation is hoped for in the vast majority of cases. The reclamation of Lost Souls, as Heru terms it, is discussed in more detail in the last section of this Chapter.

The best and most hopeful example that we have of the restoration of a Fallen Higher Aspect is Majaron, to whom Heru refers several times in this section. Majaron is the Sixth dimensional Aspect of Karen's Twin Flame. When we first encountered him, Majaron was heavily veiled. We were unable to see him, and even Heru had a difficult time penetrating his disguise. Eventually we learned that he was about 90% Dark. Imagine the Sixth dimensional equivalent to a gangster and drug dealer - that was Majaron. He was heavily attached by a Dark Being and had come to the point where he completely identified with the Dark side. Using techniques taught to us by Heru, and with the help of Durga/Sekhmet, we worked on Majaron. We were able to assist his transformation back to a loving and positive Being of Light, albeit one who had missed a great deal of growth and spiritual maturity due to his eons of existence as a Fallen Being.

Much as we might prefer not to think of the possibility of Dark Aspects, knowledge about them can be important and helpful. Having Dark Aspects directly above the Third dimensional Self can have a deleterious, even crippling effect on the Third dimensional Human. We observed that in most cases of this nature the person in question found life a continual struggle, despite the best of intentions and despite tremendous efforts to heal. Also, Heru tells us that it will not be possible for Light Workers who came here from the Unfallen Universes to return home until all of their Aspects are of the Light. Dark Aspects also impede the Ascension process. Therefore, clearing the Aspects and Light filaments is a tremendous aid to growth and evolution.


Part 1 - Communication between the different Dimensional Levels

Elora: Heru, when we are working down from an Eighth Dimensional Aspect, for example, to transform an Aspect on the Sixth Dimension, we notice that the Eighth Dimensional Aspect does not engage in this work unless we ask it. Why is that?

Heru: You Third Dimensional Humans do not understand the greatness of your power - that you can request what nobody else can request. A Sixth Dimensional Being could request something but it would only apply to that Dimension, or an Eighth Dimensional Being for the Eighth Dimension, or whatever. But there is a specialness in the Humans on the Third Dimensional level. For built into them is a mechanism for Ascension, and it does not happen until a Being fully incarnates on the Third Dimensional level. And when this happens, they can call for action on all the Dimensions.

Elora: It also appears that the individually ensouled Apects on the various Dimensions are not always that aware of one another.

Heru: That stratification [i.e. that most Beings are essentially confined to the Dimensional levels where they reside] is one of the fundamental structures in this Universe. Were it not there, there would be a level of chaos that is undesirable. And yet that stratification has become so embedded as to be hampering the influx of the greater Light. This applies to the question you asked about the releasing of normal rules and boundaries at the time. This is correct, and specifically for this Planet in that it is one of those key points at which everything is aimed: the greatest Darkness and the greatest Light, the greatest chaos, and the greatest growth. When you visit the Pleiades it looks stagnant to you, but those living there do not feel that. For them it is the ordered progression of growth that they are familiar with. If they were to plunge into this Planet, it would be very hard for them. But Earth is almost like a rocket that, when the thrusters are fired, will break through those stratifications and allow the upward movement of all into the higher dimensional levels. This is a truly revolutionary process. So once again, we point out the key position that this Planet assumes at this time.

For what is happening here is not occurring elsewhere. It can only happen here, and what is happening here has implications that are far reaching. Imagine these so called lowliest little Humans, the little ants or whatever you call them, that are demeaned throughout the Universe as stupid, as Dark, as unevolved - yet they are making something happen that has never happened before. And that is this Rocket Ship of Ascension. [Elora: Planetary ascension?] Yes. [And thus contributing to the Ascension of the Universe?] Yes. And by the way, speaking of the Ascension of the Universe, don't think that because this Universe is far, far away from the Central Universe, the Godverse, that it must always remain so. It is as much a matter of vibration as it is of age. Just as there as wormholes and wrinkles in time and collapsing space within this Universe, so there are such things between the Universes. And don't think that the Being who Ensouls this Universe doesn't want to be close to home.

Elora: To return to our earlier question, is it because of this stratification, then, that a higher level Light Aspect would not necessarily fix the Dark Aspect below it?

Heru: That is correct. The best way I can explain it is that there's not a great deal of permeability between the Dimensions and not a great deal of traffic in energies between the Dimensions. It is very stratified. What would be air in this Dimension would be solid as brick in a lower one; and it is the same above you. So were your Eighth dimensional Self to attempt to reach into the Seventh Dimension, it would be met by a wall of density that it would not be able to penetrate. What would be air in the Seventh Dimension would be solid in the Sixth. The higher Aspects may be dimly aware of unpleasantness happening below, but they pretty much have an independent life and no real way of correcting the problems which might exist in the lower aspects.

Again, this is the greatness of the Third dimensional form, and soon even the Second and First dimensional forms, if you can imagine that. It is from these lower Dimensions that the real movement takes place. It is the ability of the lower Dimensions to go into the higher Dimensions which enables this crossing of the barriers to happen. And once that opening is made, then the upper Dimensions may come through that opening to assist the lower Dimensions. [Elora: There are actually First and Second dimensional forms?] Yes, and I don't believe there are words in your language to describe them. It would be like a universe inside a dot and a universe inside a line. It seems there is a book called Flatlanders that would give a description of it.

Elora: Would a Being such as an Ascended Master have more power, vision, and ability, than a higher dimensional Aspect?

Heru: Correct. Greatly more, because they have created within their template that opening or shaft between all of the Dimensions and they are free to travel up and down that shaft, as if they had an elevator and had control of the buttons.


Part 2 - Working with the Individualized Aspects

Elora: How does an individualized Aspect go to the Dark, if its Higher Aspect [or Monad] is of the Light? In other words, how would a Light Aspect spawn a Dark one?

Heru: It is not a matter of spawning. It is more a matter of the fact that everything in this Universe is quite susceptible to corruption. It's as if the immune system were in a weakened state. There are "viruses" rampant throughout the Universe [i.e. various forms of Darkness] and it is very easy for a Being to catch a virus, with that virus being of a lower vibration. [Elora: So a Light Aspect becomes Dark?] That's what happens. It is commonly called the Fall.

Elora: People with Dark Aspects seem to have major twists in their Light Filaments, enough to choke off the flow of the Prana energy coming from the Higher Planes. But I noticed that even with people who have all Light aspects, often the Light Filaments will appear slightly kinky or wavy. This will start in an almost imperceptible fashion from an Eleventh Dimensional Aspect, but increase with each level as it goes down. What is the meaning of kinks in the Light Filaments?

Heru: That is the inherent weakness of this Universe in manifested form. The blueprint has been replicated so many times that there are weaknesses in it, and so a mutation on the highest level will become greater and greater as each level descends, bringing forth on the Third Dimension problems, disease, and discomfort. [Elora: These kinks reflect a distortion of some type?] Yes.

Elora: Regarding Ascension, can a person only Ascend when all Aspects are Light, and when they are all completed?

Heru: There are instances when Ascension has taken place before that is complete. However, there is a great deal of burning and pain associated with it. It has been done; it can be done; it is not recommended. [Elora: So it's recommended to wait till all Aaspects are clear and complete?] Or close to it.

Elora: Please speak more about the strands which connect the higher and lower Aspects.

Heru: They look like fiber optics and they are called Filaments of Light. They are the encoding which would create the DNA on the physical level, but they exist on many Dimensions. And they are, in a sense, how form is created in any Dimension. It is from those Filaments that the body is formed, so a distortion in them would create a distortion in the body of that Dimension.

Elora: Why would an Aspect start to become Light just because the Light Filaments were straightened and cleared?

Heru: Let us take the case of Majaron. Due to the straightening of the strands, he was brought into a state of awakening and into a state of instant karma. His karma was up against his face and there was no escaping it. [Elora: Why would straightening the strands have such a powerful effect?] Because these strands are so powerful. They are the vehicle through which prana travels. Without those strands, there is no life. Distortions in the strands will create distortions in the life and the straightening of the strands will bring a restoration of life in its pure sense.

Elora: How does this work given that the strands were straight to begin with, yet some Aspects turned to the Dark? Or would turning to the Dark occur as a result of having crooked strands?

Heru: No, it is more the former. It is more that a Being would be hit by corruption, almost like being slammed with a dirty snowball. The distortion would hit the Being on that Dimension and almost spin them around, if you can imagine that. At least in Majaron's case, it was like being spun around. And that twisted the cords and choked the Life Force. In other cases it could be different, but something of that nature.

I do want to add that when there is a severe blockage it not only affects the Beings below, but those above the blockage. For prana, in order to really work, needs to make a complete circuit. It descends down from the upper dimensions to the lower dimensions and makes a loop or a circle. If that circle is blocked it detrimentally affects everyone, all the Aspects.

Elora: What is the connection between sleep and Light Filaments?

Heru: When a Human sleeps, this allows the body to repair itself, re-nourish itself, and be re-energized, and much of this happens through the Light Filaments. When the Filaments are damaged, it would almost be as if your airways were constricted and you were struggling for air. That is how your body would feel, having an impeded flow of energy. [Elora: I have observed that it is harder to fall or stay asleep when the Filaments are damaged, and easier when they are repaired, along with having a better quality of sleep. Why is this?] I do not know, but it appears to be correct.

[Elora:] We will conclude this Section with a quote directly from a Monad who was observed to be actively working on all of his individualized Aspects - in this case, Beings on the Tenth, Eighth, Sixth, and Third Dimensions.

Elora: Zandrion, please explain the work you are doing with your various individualized Aspects, and what is the purpose of this work.

Zandrion: It is a fundamental restructuring of the Life Energy of these Beings so that they may handle the influx of the greater Energies that are coming, without it distorting and blowing them up or having a blowout like a tire. [Elora: This implies that Beings who are not getting worked on in this way could get "blown out"?] Well, don't assume that anyone is not getting worked on. At this time there is a great concerted effort for everyone to get worked on. Everyone is very busy right now. It's like people who are getting ready for a car race where they are doing the last minute adjustments, tinkering, calibrating, tuning up, and so on. They know in a few minutes the starting bell will ring and it will be a very fast and furious transformation. So there is much going on at this time.

And all this activity is more complex than I can really describe, because it's not just the vertical levels that you see. On each level that there is a Being, there is a horizontal segment of work that is happening as well. It's something akin to what Karen was describing in seeing her twelve Selves in twelve different planets. It is not exactly Parallel Selves, but that would perhaps be the closest description to it: where the energy comes down from the Omniversal Energy, to me, and it goes out in all directions. Then it goes down to the next level, and on that level it again goes out in all directions. Therefore in each area it's not just the Light Filaments between the levels, but there is also quite a bit of work to be done in aligning the patterns that go out horizontally. For example, when you tune into all of your bodies, the physical, emotional, and so on, they go out and out. It would be more like that - what radiates out from each life that is lived. There is a great deal of work to do and everyone is very busy.


Part 3 - The Recovery of Lost Souls

By "Lost Souls", Heru means those Beings from the Creation who were originally Light and pure, and who have become Fallen and corrupted by the Forces of Dark.

[Heru:] As I have stated, the Dark itself is not ensouled. It has made forms in a parasitic fashion, using some energy and genetic material from the Creation and forming it into the hideous demonic entities and shapes that you have all experienced. Therefore when we speak of the recovery of lost souls, we are not addressing the Dark Beings. We are speaking of members of this Creation, ensouled Beings who have succumbed to the Dark, and their possible or probable reclamation. Many of these Beings are high, beautiful, and mighty creations and creators in their own right.

The question has arisen: when Beings “fall”, are they aware that they are falling? I cannot say for sure, but I believe often there is not an awareness of the fall. Therefore why some have fallen and some have not is not known at this time. To reclaim someone who has become full of Darkness, and is not self-aware of being Dark, is a great challenge. Now that the Light Warriors are here, we believe that this work will commence and be possible.

Since the coming of the Omniversal Energy, many of these Beings have been incarcerated and isolated so that they may do no further harm. Especially with the Higher Beings such as the Elohim, the Angels, and the Creator Gods, there has not been a successful reclamation. We are very hopeful, however, that this will change now the Light Warriors are here. We are greatly heartened at events like the reclamation of Majaron. For that has been one success out of only a few. There have been others, but not that many dramatic turn-arounds. And let me state that this was due entirely to the pure and unselfish love that Karen holds for her Twin Flame. Without that unconditional love, this reclamation would never have taken place.

Elora: Heru, did a number of us have Dark lifetimes? I seem to remember some lifetimes where I was involved in Black Magic.

Heru: Very much so, and Karen as well had a couple of very Dark lives. [Elora: Would we have been considered Fallen Humans during those lives?] It is more that you take the totality of the sum of a person's evolution. If you were to isolate a single life, you could say it was a Fallen life. But if you were to look at the whole life path of the multiple incarnations, you would see that many Beings would have had a Dark life and then in the next life would be busy digging out of it. However far they would get in that life, it might not be very far, but just the attempt is important.

Elora: How did we bring ourselves back to the Light, and did this require the awareness that we had fallen?

Heru: It did require the awareness of having fallen, and the way back is arduous - or has been arduous, I want to put that in the past tense - and slow. It involves all of the Laws of Karma and effort.

Elora: Apparently sometimes Beings are aware that they are falling, and other times they are not.

Heru: Yes, and I still do not understand the entire mechanism of those Bbeings who are not aware that they are Ffallen. [Elora: It's as if part of the Fall is sometimes this unconsciousness, and that is the most deadly part of it.] Yes, very much so, for at that point there is no real ability for that Being to struggle against the Darkness.

Elora: The Light Workers who have become Dark or who have Dark aspects won't be able to return to their Light Universe, will they?

Heru: They could, if they were allowed to, but we will not allow that to happen. They will not be allowed to return. [Elora: When they die in this life, where will they go and what will happen to them? They won't have to reincarnate here, will they?] Not necessarily. They will be given the choice where they want to process, and will be given much help.

Elora: What about those of us who don't have Dark aspects, yet are carrying all sorts of effects from our exposure to the Darkness? Will we have to get completely cleaned up before we can return to any of the Light Universes? 

Heru: I believe there will be much help given and that it would be easiest for a person to do that, to make that journey without the baggage. However, it can be a fairly quick process with the help that is coming.


Part 4 - The Individualized Aspects and The Monad

Elora: In esoteric circles, it is said that Monads are the source of all Souls in Creation. The Monad is supposed to be the first individualized expression of consciousness beyond Source. It is believed that the Monad splits repeatedly, or at least forms a multitude of Aspects, and this is how the individual Souls are created. Is there any truth to the concept of the Monad?

Heru: Yes. Let me give you the example of Karen and her structure. When she was first birthed, the name that she associates with that is Kapharatha, and that would be her Monad. That is the original envelope, the original membrane that contains and brings forth her energy. And from that many things can happen. Kapharatha has a number of descending ladders, starting in the Eleventh Dimension and descending to the Third. She also has parallel Aspects on the twelve key Planets in this Universe. As I have said, she is widely represented throughout this Creation, for she also has lives in other Universes as well. For the purposes of this conversation we will not go into details of those lives. But you can imagine that there are whole series of incarnational ladders and parallel Selves. The life that Karen has here might then look as the leaf tip on the branch of a mighty tree that has many branches into many universes, and the root would go back to the Monad. [Elora: Or in this analogy, is the tree itself the Monad?] You could say that.

Elora: Let's take my own Highest Self, Aleandria. She is the One of whom I am only an Aspect. Is she herself a branch, or is she the Monad?

She is the Monad.

Elora: I always imagined the Monad as being impersonal consciousness. However, I see Aleandria as a fully individuated Being, not exactly Human, but like a Goddess.

Heru: Let me say this about impersonal consciousness. If Creator Gods have personalities, and even Prime Creator Itself has personality, why would a Monad not have personality? It is your supreme person. [Elora: Is it my projection that I see her with a Human form, albeit very great and magnificent?] No more so than when you see fleeting glimpses of me in form. That is not your projection either. It is one way of seeing me, and one way of seeing her.

Elora: Can you define the term "Monad"?

Heru: This is one of the most difficult definitions in our discourses. When a Soul is created, the Creator Gods would petition Prime Creator for permission to create a new Soul, and that is a very distinct act of creation. When that Soul is created, the seed is born, and that seed would be the Monad. From that Monad would flow all of the Aspects. Like a seed, it would sprout roots and leaves, flowers and stems and fruits. Once that has happened, you no longer see the seed. The seed is somewhat consumed in this process, and yet the original blueprint and intent is present within every cell of that plant's being. Where do you locate the original seed, once this has taken place? In a mighty oak tree, where is that original seed? It is contained within the entire Life Force of that tree. It is there, it is just not localized in anyone place. So that perhaps creates more questions than it answers. [Elora: If we use the analogy of the oak tree, I envision the Monad as being like the tree, and the Aspects as being parts of a single branch which reaches into the lower dimensions. Is that a good way to think of it?] Yes, it is.

Elora: Do the Monads always remain on the highest Dimension below Source - i.e. what we would call the Twelfth Dimension - and is it only the Aspects which descend?


Elora: We know that the Monads create Aspects. Are the Monads creating Souls by so doing?

Heru: This is an area of semantics where, in this context, we are using the word Monad interchangeably with the word Soul. The Monad does not create the Soul, the Monad is the Soul; and it can be expressed in many different ways simultaneously. Again, to use Karen as an example: her Monad has projected itself into life forms in several different universes, and into Third dimensional bodies in this Universe on the Twelve critical Planets. But these are not separate Souls. These are all part of her Monad, living many lives on many dimensions simultaneously. Therefore what she sees as her “ladder” is only what is reaching from the Twelfth Dimension to the Third Dimension on this Planet. There are many other “ladders” in many other places. And they are finely filigreed, like a beautiful fir tree.

Elora: The Aspects on the different “ladders” which are projected into various universes, as well as the Aspects on multiple ladders within a universe - these are what we call Parallel Selves?


Elora: When we Ascend, do all Aspects merge into one?

Heru: In a way. It's one of those things that is very indescribable. You know how a telescoping device will have sections that will telescope out, and then as they go in, one slides into the other. It's not exactly a merging but it is a coming together.

Elora: So is this what happens when the Aspects merge back into the Monad?

Heru: It's sort of like that. Going back to the telescope metaphor, there remains some autonomy still within each layer of the circle. If you were to look at the telescope head on, it would be concentric circles. [Elora: Is this why you say that you yourself still have Aspects?] Yes. [Do all Aspects Ascend together?] Yes.

Elora: Are the higher Aspects always the same sex as the Third dimensional Aspect? It seems that would not be the case, since we know that people change sexes often from one incarnation to the next. Yet the Aspects we've encountered so far seem to be the same sex as the Aspect on the Third Dimension.

Heru: It would work that way in general. In the Third Dimension there is the choice to switch back and forth between different genders for experience, and to give greater opportunity for the dance to play out in a greater complexity. However that choice is not given to the other Aspects on the ladder. In an Unfallen Universe it happens in a fairly orderly manner. It would be a pattern, so to speak, where for example every sixth or tenth incarnation there would be a gender switch. But for the most part the incarnations would happen in the original gender. However in the Fallen Universes everything is much more chaotic, which leads to a great deal of confusion.

Elora: Why did some of the Monads come into this Universe and others not?

Heru: At the time this was taking place, it was not seen that the Frequency Fences would be erected. The boundaries between Universes then were of such a permeable nature, and movement back and forth was so easy, that it really didn't seem to matter. [Elora: So it was basically an individual choice or preference.] Yes. However, I don't know that the Monad actually ever travels. You could say they are here and they're not here. It is difficult to describe structures on the Twelfth Dimension. Perhaps the best analogy for it would be the idea of a Parallel Self - that the Monad could project itself into a universe.

Elora: What has been the effect for those whose Monad was on the other side of the Frequency Fence?

Heru: You would find people who would have trouble accessing their higher Aspects, and would be characterized at times by losing faith in Creator. The advantage of it is that when the Monad is in the same Universe as the Aspects, the higher Aspects are then in no danger of falling. The disadvantage is in the fact that there is less support. Really it's just an awful situation either way you look at it. And it is soon to be ended, soon to be irrelevant. But in sorting out one's journey, I would say that you could look at that one particular quality - the ability to hold faith in the Creator - as an indication. [Elora: Did the Monad in some cases fall?] Up through to the Eleventh Dimension there can be Fallen Aspects, but the Monad seems to be impermeable.

Elora: Please define the Seven Rays and their purpose. [The Seven Rays are discussed at length in the Alice Bailey texts and other esoteric writings.]

Heru: The Seven Rays are used in this Creation as follows. Imagine a giant crystal prism through which the Light of Creator is focused, breaking into these Seven Rays. They are used by the Creator Gods, the Angels, and so on, to focus and color projects that they are working on. So for instance when the Creator Gods decide to create a life, they would focus one of these Rays on that life form, giving the new Monad that particular quality to radiate throughout all of its many Aspects. Or if a group of Angels were working on a project that they wanted to give life to, and wished to give it vibrancy and strength and energy, they would in essence take that crystal and imbue the project with one of those Rays. So it is a tool of focused intent.

Elora: Did the Monads stem from the Rays?

Heru: No. They are imbued by the Rays. 

Elora: When, in the cosmological tree of Creation, were the Rays created?

Heru: The Rays were actually brought into this Creation from a previous Creation. [Elora: The same one as the one from which the Creator Gods came?] No. They predate the Creator Gods.