Revelations from The Creator God Horus

Elora Gabriel and Karen Kirschbaum

The Eye of Horus

The Complete Text and Updates
First Published 2005 by Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA


"No man is an island, entire of itself," wrote John Donne. And none of us is without soul family, profound connections which stem from the deepest level of our creation of our Being. While the subject of Twin Flames is well known (though often misunderstood), to the best of my knowledge the concept of Cosmic Progenitors has not been introduced to Humanity prior to this text. These topics are both fascinating and useful. Connection with one's Twin Flame is a powerful evolutionary event from which, as Heru says, there is no turning back. Given the events which are occurring in our Universe, I believe that most of the Light Workers can look forward to this occurring in the relatively near future. As for the Cosmic Progenitors, I can attest to the fact that working with them is a life-changing process. Being Creator Gods of a high order, the Progenitors are extremely powerful, far beyond the Beings who are normally known as Spirit Guides. Therefore the wisdom, protection, insight, and love which they can bring into a person's life are unsurpassed. For me it has been like having the light come on, as well as a profound re-connection to my Soul Family.


Part 1 - Cosmic Parents and Progenitors

We will introduce this section with a quote from our friend Z, a Sixth Dimensional Being who had recently contacted his own Cosmic Progenitors for the first time.

"As the return of Christ has been prophesied, it will happen in this way. More and more people will become aware of their Soul Parents - and the Godhead will incarnate further into the Earth Plane as these discoveries are made. As the Darkness appears to increase on the Physical Plane, this connection will bring much joy, safety, and protection, and will bring many manifestations of the Christed type of consciousness on this Planet. Instead of one Christed Being on Earth there will be many."

And now we return to our discussions with Heru. We asked: Heru, please define the term "Cosmic Progenitor".

Heru: Cosmic Progenitors are a specialized group of Creator Gods who are capable of creating Souls. [Elora: Is it a rare ability to be able to create Souls? Are there relatively very few Creator Gods who can do this?] That is correct. I would say in general that in each Universe there would be perhaps two dozen or so of the Creator Gods who would have that ability. And there would be several hundred of the Creator Gods in each Universe. The Creator Gods were created by Prime Creator in another Creation, the most recent one before this one.

Elora: When you use the term "Soul", what exactly do you mean?

Heru: It is certain that not all entities are Souls, for many are just thought forms or some other such flotsam and jetsam. A Soul is a very sacred part of Prime Creator. When they are ready to create a Soul, the Creator Gods will go to Prime Creator and in essence request an egg. In this egg are all of the Divine structures and patterns that are contained within Prime Creator, just as when a mother produces a Human egg, her DNA is within that. The Creator Gods are the only ones who are able to make this request and hold it. It is through their Love, and sometimes then the Love of the Cosmic Parents, that this egg is then fertilized and activated so that it may come forth with a life of its own and become that mighty tree that we have spoken of in our various analogies.

Elora: What are these "eggs" like?

Heru: I see these forms actually as not looking so much like eggs, rather as very crystalline in structure. Interestingly, just as a woman would have no control over the genetic makeup of the particular egg that she would release, we in a sense have no control over which of those diamond crystalline forms we draw out from Source. So to us it is a beautiful surprise with each new soul that we create. The crystalline structures have a uniqueness to them that is new and unexpected for us each time. And these crystalline forms, through intent and love and prayer, can be created into individual souls, or you can give birth to entire universes in this way. To do an entire universe, though, would generally take more than two of the Creator Gods. It would take a circle of Beings to pull forth one of these structures forth and create a Universe with it.

Elora: In esoteric writings, it is said that the Monad is the first individuated manifestation beyond Source. When the Cosmic Progenitors create a Soul, then, is it actually the Monad that they create?

Heru: Yes. And they may create Monads as Singular or Twin Monads.

Elora: How can the Monad be only one step from Source, if it's created by the Progenitors?

Heru: Because before it is requested and drawn out of Creator, it is not separate from Creator. It is the act of drawing it forth into the membrane that causes it to become separated from Source.

Elora: Are the Monads then created directly from the Void?

Heru: They are created in the Void but not from the Void. The Creator Gods draw some of the primal Creative Energy of the Creator into the Void and encapsulate it with a membrane. Within that Membrane are all of the signatures, the personal signatures for that Being. And then they bring to it, and impregnate it again with those same signatures, much in the same way that an egg would be fertilized in a Human. This is done in the Void. The energy they draw forth is an Unformed Plasma of Light which is the substance from which all Creation is formed.

Elora: Let's return to the subject of Cosmic Progenitors. The Cosmic Progenitors create the Monads, and the Monads are the original individuated Beings, the Souls.

Heru: Yes. [Elora: Do all Souls have Progenitors?] Yes, they do. [Do Progenitors create Souls other than Monads?] I don't know of any but that does not mean it does not happen.

Elora: You have also spoken of "Cosmic Parents". Is there a distinction between Cosmic Parents and Progenitors?

Heru: Yes. Sometimes a Soul has both Cosmic Parents and Progenitors, but other times the Parents and Progenitors are the same Beings. When there are Cosmic Parents as well as Progenitors, the Progenitors would work through the Parents in creating a Soul. In Karen's case, her Cosmic Parents are the Beings who ensoul the Sun in this System and one of the Stars in the Pleiades. Her Parents are in this Universe, but her Progenitors remained in the home Universe. They are wonderful, glorious beings.

Elora: How about myself?

Heru: Durga/Sekhmet and I are your Cosmic Parents as well as your Progenitors.

Elora: Please define the term "Cosmic Parent" and explain exactly what they do, and in what way they are parents.

Heru: We have made the distinction that for some people the Cosmic Parents and Progenitors are the same, while in some cases they are separated. In the case where they are separated it is because the Cosmic Progenitors themselves are not Twin Flames. And because of that it is necessary to have an intermediary to perform the coupling, as you would say, to generate a Soul. [Elora: So in essence the Parents would make love?] Yes. [And interface with the Progenitors in creating the Soul or Souls.] Yes.

Elora: In other words, sometimes even Creator Gods who are Twin Flames might unite with different Creator Gods to bring forth Souls.

Heru: Yes; and we have. Interestingly enough, often there is a desire for what you might call cross-pollination, for a greater variety of material. [Elora: And Cosmic Parents would also not necessarily be Twin Flames?] Correct. The desire in this Creation for diversity is unquenchable, and drives a lot of what happens.

Elora: Are Cosmic Parents and Cosmic Progenitors generally related?

Heru: Oftentimes that is the case, but more often one Parent would be from another lineage. Again, the desire for diversity is unquenchable. Therefore, more often than not there is a mixing of lineages.

Elora: When Parents and Progenitors are different, do they both act as guardians, mentors, and teachers?

Heru: They both carry some of those qualities; it is just a greater degree in the Progenitors. While the bonds to both Parents and Progenitors would be very strong, there would be a difference in magnitude between them, in the sense that the Parents would be roughly the same size and power and potency as the offspring, but the Progenitors would be an increased magnitude of greatness.

Elora: Who can become a Cosmic Parent? Is it only the Monads, or can the Aspects become Cosmic Parents?

Heru: It is the Monads who become Cosmic Parents. The Aspects can involve themselves in the process of creating, and that does happen.

Elora: Do all Humans have Progenitors, including Humans who originated in this Universe?

Heru: Yes, all Humans would have Parents and Progenitors, and in some cases those would be the same Beings. More often, however, they are different.

Elora: You have said that many Humans are really ETs, or in some case Angels. Do these have Parents and Progenitors as well? 

Heru: They would have some kind of Parent, unless they are from outside this Creation. Then it's a somewhat different structure. But provided that they were created within this Creation, there would be Parents. In the Plant Kingdom, and in the Devic Realm which rules the Plant Kingdom, there is the combination of parenting and vegetative propagation. [Elora: But generally Beings in this Creation have Parents.] Yes.

Elora: Does each of us then have a Cosmic lineage which is like a family tree?

Heru: There is a lineage, yes. However, I would like to add the following. The Cosmic Progenitors create Beings [Monads] who then go on to become Parents. But when these Monads go to procreate, they are then directly interfacing with the Progenitors, rather than the Parents. Therefore the lineage is not stepped down like a family tree. Each time, the Beings who are involved in creating will work directly with Cosmic Progenitors, not necessarily the same ones, but always with Cosmic Progenitors. [Elora: And Cosmic Progenitors are always Creator Gods?] Yes, and sometimes there will be more than two involved in creating a Soul.

Elora: When the Monads procreate, what are they creating?

Heru: If they desired to create a Soul, they would be able to do so with the assistance of their Cosmic Progenitors. They would call in their own Progenitors, and through their incredible expression of love, a new Soul would be birthed.

Elora: Can you describe the experience of creating children?

Heru: What is created is Love. If you could picture Durga/Sekhmet and myself standing together and focusing all of our Love on each other, then what is in the middle begins to materialize and form as a third Being - or as Twins, in the case of the creation of a Twin Soul. Thus your term of making love is very apropos.

Elora: Here on Earth, when a man and woman make love, they create an embryo. A Spirit comes into that body, but the Spirit comes from elsewhere. Can you compare this to the creation of Beings by the Cosmic Progenitors?

Heru: This is the difference, that when Beings are in such a descended state as those on Earth, there are many bodies created in all sorts of ways - with love, without love, with drunken passion, at any level of creation. Those bodies are then ensouled with existing souls. The work of Cosmic Progenitors is much different than that. It is the actual creation, through Love, of a new Being. Through intent, creators such as Durga/Sekhmet and I can create ensouled Beings such as you, or can choose to create more worlds. And it is always a choice what kind of Being to create.

Elora: Heru, earlier you said that the Creator Gods must go to Prime Creator to receive these crystalline structures or "eggs". When some Creator Gods fell, we know that they created Fallen Races like the Dark Reptilian Races in this Universe. Why would Prime Creator give "eggs" containing this sacred soul-matter to Fallen Creator Gods?

Heru: Because they were Creator Gods. Even though they were Fallen, they still had the right to ask for these Eggs. [Elora: Did not Prime Creator have the right to refuse?] Evidently not, and that has certainly been a problem - just as Prime Creator did not destroy the Fallen Creator Gods, and certainly Creator had the ability to do so.



Elora: Please define the term "Twin Flame".

Heru: Twin Flames are born when the Creator Gods and the Cosmic Parents decide to create a Being as twins. In Human bodies, there are sometimes twins who are fraternal and sometimes twins who are identical and who are from the same egg. This would be the case with Twin Souls. They would be created by splitting the original form of an egg. This is done with intent; it is done with great love and reverence; and it is done to magnify the power of Creation. As I revealed to Karen recently, the mechanism of the power generation that happens between Twin Souls is one of the most powerful generators in all of Creation. It is a hard mechanism to describe. She related what she could to you; I don't know that I could give a better description than that.

[Elora:] Karen was shown a picture of two trains which were moving in a sort of figure eight configuration. They would come together at the train station, merge, and then separate again. As they reached the widest part of the figure eight, they would then both begin the return to the train station, where they would merge or pass through one another once more.

Elora: Please discuss the power generating aspect of Twin Flames.

Heru: That back and forth motion, the separation and the return - that is the power. The depths of the Soul's longing to return to its Twin - that is the fuel. When the merging takes place a magnificent burst of energy is created which illuminates and inspires all of Creation. That joy, the beauty of that merging, are shared on a subatomic level with the entire Creation. The specific incidents and experiences are not shared, but there is a qualitative sum of the sharing between the Twin Souls, almost like a sum of that merging. The depth, the breadth, and the power of that synthesis reaches all of Creation.

Elora: Do Twin Flames actually spend more time apart than together?

Heru: Time - well, you know time. Perhaps. And you must understand that the pain of the separation of Twin Flames only exists in the Fallen Universes. In the Unfallen Universes this process is not painful. It is actually very joyful, like a dance where the partners will be close to each other, holding each other, and then swing out, feeling the momentum of that exhilarating swing, and then that momentum swings them back together again. That back and forth swing is an exquisite mechanism.

Elora: Does this coming together and moving apart happen eternally, or is there a point where they are united and don't part any more? Do even you and Durga/Sekhmet part at times?

Heru: Yes, we do. It is an eternal process. The dance goes on. [Elora: In the periods of separation, is there a coming together with other partners?] Yes. And also you must understand that there is a part of the Twin Flame construct, almost like a Hara Line [an energetic line passing vertically through the center of the body which is the energetic axis upon which the body is manifested], a line that is never separated.

Elora: In this Universe, it is generally considered best for Twin Flames not to reunite until they are both spiritually mature and ready to ascend. Is this also the case in the Light Universes?

Heru: No, it is not. This is purely a function of being in a Fallen Universe. And how horrible these misaligned joinings can be!

Elora: You mentioned that Humans can have either fraternal or identical Twins. Is there a correspondence to the Fraternal Twins with Twin Souls?

Heru: That part of that analogy does not have a correspondence. A Twin Soul is either identical or it does not happen. Unlike Human Beings though, when the Twin Soul is created, the male-female polarity is inserted in there. [Elora: And that remains constant?] Oftentimes it will reverse, where each Soul will take on the opposite sex for an incarnation, but the fundamental gender will always revert to the original.

Elora: In what sense are Twin Souls identical? They appear to be similar but different.

Heru: Yes, and the difference is the different path that each has taken and the different choices that have been made in gathering life experiences. However, each time there is that merging at the train station, so to speak, all of those experiences will become the experiences of both souls. There is a separation where experiences are gathered and a reunion where experiences are shared and merged, again a separation where experiences are gathered, and so on back and forth.

Elora: Are the original Twin Flames the Monads, in that a Monad can be created as a twin?

Heru: Yes. [Elora: Are the Twin Flames always of opposite gender, even at the level of Monads? It's said that at the level of Monads there is no gender.] It is hard to describe because it is more complex than just a sexual gender. I'm not sure I can describe it.

Elora: So when we think of Twin Flames, these are really Aspects of Twin Monads, correct?


Elora: Are these Twin Aspects usually created on the same Dimensions? For example, would Twin Monads generally both choose to create Aspects on the Third, Fifth, Eighth, and Tenth Dimensions, so that each Aspect has its Twin?

Heru: That is a highly individual choice and it would depend upon the incarnational path that each Twin Monad decides to embark upon. There is a great deal of individual variation in the stories of each path of incarnation. Of course the paths of incarnation in the Fallen Universes are highly distorted, and this results in many disasters and unplanned for events that shake things up and change things. In a Light Universe, the Twin Monads would generally coordinate things so as to have Aspects on the same rungs of the ladders, so that the dance may be played out with their partner. But it is not a rule and at times, for whatever reason, there are exceptions to that in the quest of creative expression.

Elora: You have stated before that some Beings have Twin Flames and others do not. Please explain how and why this occurs.

Heru: The how is very simple. Returning to the analogy of Human birth, some Souls are created as Single Souls and some are created as Twins. The percentages are different, however. I would say roughly 60% of Souls are created as Twins. There is a small group, perhaps 6% of Souls, who are actually created as a Group Soul, wherein you would have multiple Souls that would actually be identical twins. [Elora: Like a woman who has sextuplets.] Yes. It is less common, but it does happen.

As for why, it is simply a choice. The path of the Singular Soul is no less great than the path of the Twin Soul. There are dynamics and mechanisms, paths of awakening and enlightenment, which happen with a Singular Soul and do not happen with the Twin Soul. Perhaps you could say the dynamic of separation and return for the Singular Soul would be played out not with a Twin, but with Prime Creator, or with the Creator Gods or the Cosmic Progenitors. It is an equally beautiful path, just a different path.

Elora: For those who have Twin Souls, does the union with the Twin Soul replace union with Prime Creator?

Heru: It is almost as if through that mechanism, that is the union with Prime Creator, that is how it is expressed. God is known through that union.

Elora: What is the purpose of creating multiple Twins over single or double Twins? Is it again the diversity that drives this Creation?

Heru: Yes. I don't know that there is any specific linear phrase that you could use to explain it. It's just one of the aspects of the joy of creating.

Elora: In terms of joining with a Twin when one has many of them available, how is it decided which Twin one joins with, and can one join with more than one Twin at a time?

Heru: It does not appear possible for more than one Twin to join at a time. Regarding how it is determined which Twin one joins with: let me go back to the analogy of a dance with a partner that I have used before. Instead of a tango with a Twin Soul, those who have multiple Twins will be engaged in something more like a square dance with four sets of partners. You would have the joining and the dancing and the swirling of each couple. And then at a certain time in the music, the partners allemande left and go to the next partner, and around and around.

Elora: So there is a kind of sequence.

Heru: Yes. There is more variation. And perhaps even inserted in there are a few swings around the room with non Twin Soul partners. You could have a very complex dance there that would include families, cousins, and so on.

Elora: Is there a greater responsibility towards each other when there are many Twins? For example, with one Twin we only need to concern ourselves with helping that one individual if help is needed. But with multiple Twins, what if several become severely damaged or turn to the Dark - do we feel the effects of that from each Twin that is in trouble?

Heru: Yes, of course. And remember that the original pattern for this Creation was created in a Light Universe with no thought of encountering these kinds of problems. With what has happened there is perhaps some greater risk, but there are also greater opportunities for rescue.

Elora: When you use the term "Twin Soul" is that the same thing as "Twin Flame"? Or is there a difference?

Heru: They are the same. However "Soul Mate" is different. To define that term, let us take an example in your case. Your Soul Mates would be more like your brothers and sisters, those who were created by Durga/Sekhmet and myself at roughly the same time period. Therefore they would be very close Beings to you, and in a sense you would have perhaps spent some incubation time together. [Elora: Then there is also the category that you call "ancient friends". Those are people we have known and loved on many occasions.] Yes.

Elora: So we have Twin Flames which are also known as Twin Souls, and we have Soul Mates. Are there other levels of relatedness? I have seen some quite complicated schematics listing various levels.

Heru: The other level I would add to this would be Soul Family - cousins and siblings who are created at a different time period, and where there is no sense of that incubation together. [Elora: Are close relationships often formed with Soul Family and Soul Mates?] Very much so, yes.

Elora: For a Human who is in Third Dimensional incarnation, what is the importance of knowing and being connected to the Twin Flame?

Heru: It is a life changing occurrence, a very deeply life changing occurrence. Generally Twin Souls will decide prior to a life whether to have contact or not. Once conscious contact is made, either on the Inner or the Third Dimensional Plane, there really is no going back. For there is nothing that will create an amnesia which will allow a person to forget the feeling of contact with their Twin.

Elora: Such contact is an enhancer to one's evolutionary process? It spurs on the individual's evolution?

Heru: Yes, very much so.

Elora: What about the sense of emptiness or loss?

Heru: Prior to that contact, the amnesia will be there, and the feeling of the loss of one's Ttwin would perhaps only be the vaguest of senses. After contact, there is no forgetting it.

Elora: The longing in a lifetime for a true partner, is that built into the Human wiring or is it a remembering?

Heru: It is both. For those who do not have Twin Souls, there is also a longing for union which gets expressed as desire for a partner. And that is also hardwired, but for them the ultimate reunion will be with Prime Creator.

Elora: How is the Twin Flame important for the evolution of the Higher Dimensional Aspects of a Human? Is it more or less the same?

Heru: Yes. On those Dimensions, the separation is not generally as painful even in this Fallen Universe, so usually there are less problems in the Higher Dimensions.

Elora: Is this Universe based on the principle of polarity, and how does that relate to the existence of Twin Flames?

Heru: Yes. This Universe was created much in the same manner as Human Souls. It was created as a Twin, and this is the feminine half of the Twin Universe System. Let us take the metaphor of Creation being like a giant flower, with the series of Universes being the flower petals around the Prime Creator. You would find that many of these petals, instead of being created as a single lobe, would be created as a double lobe. Many Universes are created as Twins.

Elora: Is Creation itself based on the principle of polarity?

Heru: That is one of the fundamental principles, yes. If you look at the yin and yang symbol, this polarity is a primary building block upon which the Creation becomes dynamic. If you look at the atomic structure and what holds the electrons and binds them to an atom, it's all a mechanism of polarity.

Elora: There is much talk in metaphysical circles of duality, and how life in these lower Planes, at least, is based on duality. Is duality a distortion of polarity, and a result of the Fallen state of the Universes?

Heru: Yes. There is no duality in an Unfallen Universe.