Revelations from The Creator God Horus

Elora Gabriel and Karen Kirschbaum

The Eye of Horus

The Complete Text and Updates
First Published 2005 by Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA


The Creator Gods are an essential part of the cosmology which Heru teaches - and Heru himself, as we have noted, is one of the greatest of these Gods. According to Heru: "A Creator God is a Being who is capable of taking the stuff of Creation, the plasma from Prime Creator, and manifesting it into form. These forms may be as large as universes and may be as small as microcosms."

We asked Prime Creator who created the Creator Gods. He/She replied: "I did. It was one of the first acts of creation. They were created prior to this Creation, so they are actually older than this Creation."

Heru: The Creator Gods create from the Void. Your scriptures speak of this, describing it with great eloquence. Into the Void - the formless, wonderful Void, where nothing is formed and everything is potential - the Creator Gods will go. They go singly, as couples, or at times in groups, depending on their intent. They will drop out of Creation and into the Void, much as you will do in the third technique. In that space they will form, with their Divine Mind and their Divine Heart, their intent for creation. They will put it forth, and it will be done. 

Interestingly enough, there are many kinds of creations. Some of them just require that initial spark. In these cases, the Gods create something independent, with its own life, which itself is tapped into the Void so that it generates its own self-perpetuating creative impulse. A soul, or what becomes a Human Being in all of its multi dimensional layers, would be one of those aspects. At that point it is an individual Being. Whether it is conscious of it or not, it has the power to perpetuate its own existence indefinitely. On the Third Dimensional level where you live this would be largely an unconscious process, but in the Higher Dimensions it would be more of a conscious co-creative process.

Then there are systems which are different in that they are not self-perpetuating. This applies more in the Mineral Realms, and somewhat in the Planet Realms. In these cases, Councils will form to create structure. The Gods in these Councils will place themselves, or a part of themselves, into a Creation Chamber.

A Creation Chamber is essentially the heart of the Creator God or Gods. It is the power of their love to create. If a Creator God is singular, he would go into his Heart in much the same way you go into yours to go into the Void, and with love and passion will create. When there are more they will join hearts, and between them will be the vessel in which they create. They create with Divine Thought, and Divine Thought is very different from the machinations of the Human mind.

To return to my discussion of creating something in the Mineral Realm: That part of the Gods which is placed in the Creation Chamber must remain there for as long as the particular substance is desired to continue to exist. For instance, if I wanted to participate in the creation of a ruby, I would join with others and we would take a part of ourselves into the Creation Chamber. As long as we wanted the molecular structure of rubies to exist throughout this entire Universe, we would remain in that Chamber, actively generating it. That is how we create Matter.

Plant forms are created in much the same way. However, with plants it is more that we would hold the seed form of that particular vegetation - not an actual seed like an acorn, but the archetype of the tree or of that plant form through its entire life cycle. We would hold that archetype there. The Animal Kingdom is much like the Human Kingdom, where animals have independent lives, although they are created more as a species or type. What happens when an extinction occurs on a planetary scale is that this Group, Council, or Person is no longer in the Chamber. With an animal species, they will have left the Chamber. The species will not disappear immediately, but the impulse for it to recreate and stay in form disappears, and so they will die out. However, these Creator Gods can be invited to reconvene and recreate those Beings that have disappeared.

Throughout Creation there are a multitude of what you would call Devic Energies. Devas are actually those fragments of the Creator Gods which are in the Creation Chambers. Therefore when you call upon them, that wonderful magic can happen. Working with the Devic Energies would feed them too, in a sense. It is like the phenomenon which has been described with what you call Gods on this Planet, that they seem to die out when people stop believing in them. Therefore if a planet such as yours has inhospitable regions for this particular life form, the Creator God fragments will leave the Creation Chamber and allow it to die out - unless Humans in their great power will call them forth again, and in essence feed them with their love and their desire for the continued existence of what they are creating.

Different Creator Gods are focused on different things. There are Creator Gods who are basically creating substance, material to work with: sort of like yarn, or raw material, or clay to be sculpted. These Creator Gods would be in place to create the stuff of Creation, raw undifferentiated material. And there are various types of specialists, Beings who like to create within their field of specialization over and over again. There are those who are specialists in the Plant Kingdom, and the Animal Kingdom, and in Star creation.

Then there are Beings who are not specifically Creator Gods, but who are more the Weavers of Creation. They take material that has been created and weave it into new and beautiful form, giving it order, giving it luster, giving it stories. Stories are very important to this process - themes, orchestrations. These Beings who are the Weavers would write a story, make an outline, and begin to weave material around that outline. Thus they would create worlds and people them. They would be the architects of jewels in space. They would in many cases appear to be the creators - and yes they are the creators, but you see how many levels there are to this.

Elora: You say that Life Forms can be called into existence again if Humans will do the work from our side. Will that help to restore some of the Life Forms on our Planet?

Heru: Oh yes, there is great possibility of that happening.

Elora: Please explain why the Creator Gods work.

Heru: Ah yes, why they work. It is the expression of love, of creativity; it is the reason for our existence. We live to create, as an artist would. And creating is an expression of something that language cannot name. The place that this desire to create comes from is so vast that there is nothing which could describe the motivation of creation. And it is never ending.

Elora: Do the Creator Gods have their own Realm?

Heru: Their home is in the Void, beyond this Creation. Although they may come and manifest forms, even into the Third Dimension, they will identify most with and return to their home which is the Void beyond the Creation. When you enter Heru's world in the Third Technique which I have given elsewhere in this text, you are coming to that place. [Elora: That's where you live.] Yes.

Elora: In the process of creation, how do Twin Flame Creator Gods, such as you and Durga/Sekhmet, work together?

Heru: Perhaps the closest analogy would be making love. Our focus in general is on the focus of the creation of new souls. Other Creator Gods would focus on creating animal species, entire blocks of vegetable life, and so on. Yet others would create minerals, planets, and the like.

Elora: I would assume that your work in creating souls is done with Durga/Sekhmet in your role as Cosmic Progenitors. Is that correct? [See Chapter 11 for more information on Cosmic Progenitors and the creation of souls.]

Her: Yes. [Elora: Are the two of you parents to all the souls that you created?] We are parents to a few and the grandparents of many. [Elora: How many direct children do you have in this Universe?] A few hundred.

Elora: Are there other Creator Gods who create Human Souls?

Heru: There are others. And some Human Souls are created in groups, by groups. You will see them on this Planet. They are not quite as differentiated, and would perhaps identify more with nationality, religion, etc. That is not to say they do not have the potential for evolution into highly differentiated Beings. But they do begin as a group. And interestingly, in those groups there will emerge Leaders that will raise the entire group up. Therefore when that entire group rises up, great changes happen in Humanity.

Then there are Souls that are created as Twins, as you know, and Souls that are created as individuals. Each of them would be an expression of the variety of life that exists in Creation.

Elora: Is there something along the lines of a Divine Plan that you create within?

Heru: There are Divine Principles, which would be the structures - the lines on the road or the walls of the canyon, so to speak. Principles of structure, the way Light forms, and the basic geometries - these things are there within all of these universal structures. The molecular, atomic, and DNA structures follow the same pattern within all the Universes of this Creation.

But as far as a theme or a message, that will in many ways vary from Universe to Universe. Nevertheless, you would still recognize the basic forms of life. You won't go from this Universe to another Universe and find all the Humans and Higher Beings to be made of geometric shapes, a triangle for a head and a trapezoid for a body and so on. Life throughout this Creation follows certain forms, and you would recognize those forms from universe to universe. You will recognize life, you will recognize kinds of matter. There are other Creations where life forms are geometric, but that is not part of this structure of Universes. And there are certain archetypal forms which are found throughout the Universes.

Elora: How many Creator Gods are there, and how many are able to do the work of creating Universes?

Heru: The Creator Gods do not exist in huge numbers. There are maybe a thousand or a few thousand in all the Universes, in all of our Creation. I never sat and counted them. And among the Creator Gods there are not many who can create Universes and for whom that is their profession, where it is not just a one time interaction or activity. [Elora: You and Durga/Sekhmet can create Universes?] And have. [Elora: Was this as part of a group effort, or just the two of you alone?] As part of a group effort. By and large for a Universe of this size it would take more than two Beings, even Creator Gods, to do so. However she and I have created, alone, a small Universe for just the two of us. She and I occasionally retire there for some rest and recreation. It is like a little jewel.

Elora: As a Creator God, do you have Higher Aspects, or is it just you and the Monad?

Heru: It's a little difficult to describe because it's sort of yes to both. I have presences and lives on each of the levels, but in a way it's just me and the Monad because all of those levels are enlightened.

Elora: Would it be correct to say that many of the Gods and Goddesses of ancient mythology were, in fact, Ascended Masters?

Heru: You could put it that way, or you could say that they were visitors from the Higher Realms, the God Realms, or the Creator Gods. I hesitate to use labels because they seem so bound by concepts. [Elora: Would the appearances and disappearances of the Gods, as recorded in legends, be the Gods and Ascended Masters moving in and out of physical manifestation?] Yes. Also the veils at that time were thinner, so it would be easier for Humans to see those manifestations.