Revelations from The Creator God Horus

Elora Gabriel and Karen Kirschbaum

The Eye of Horus

The Complete Text and Updates
First Published 2005 by Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA


On June 1, 2004, Karen heard the words, "The Great Work is Complete." We asked Heru what these words meant. Heru responded: "It means that all of the Armies of the Light are in position. For everyone is now in their place. Everything is in place for the great transition to happen." And indeed, from that time on, we began to see massive changes on the Higher Dimensions. We wish as much as anyone else to see these changes filter down to Earth. Unfortunately the Lower Dimensions seem to be last to feel the effects of what is happening in our Universe. We do believe, however, that some positive changes will be noticed on Earth within one to two years, and that after a couple years time the rate of improvement will increase rapidly.

This Chapter summarizes the changes and victories on the Inner Realms which we have observed during the Summer and Fall of 2004. Dates are included in this section so that the progression of events may be seen. We invite those of our readers who are clairvoyant to confirm this material for themselves. While some of these details may not be of interest to all, the events recorded in this chapter are most inspiring.


Part 1 - The DARK GRIDS

Starting in June of 2004, Heru began showing us the Dark Grids which have been a major part of the controlling energy structures of this Fallen Universe. The first one to come to our attention was the Sixth Dimensional Grid. Heru explained that it was like a net covering a large portion of our Universe, and that it worked like a Frequency Barrier. Just as Earth has a Frequency Barrier around it which prevents the Light and higher energies from entering, similar structures have been set up for our Universe. We were then made aware of a similar grid on the Eleventh Dimension. As Heru has said, the Darkness in this Universe exists up through to the Eleventh Dimension. Finally, a third Grid existing on the Fourth Dimension encompassed Earth itself. Up until the Summer of 2004, it had not been possible for the Light Forces to affect or take down any of these controlling structures.

Tentative plans were laid for the Dark Grids to be burned with Cosmic fire. However, this would have resulted in the incineration of many Beings who were closely tied to the Grid. Instead, the Omniversal Energy was run through the Sixth Dimensional Grid, which almost seemed to be made of a hollow piping. This was followed by an assault by the Light Forces on the Eleventh Dimensional Grid, as well as on the Grid surrounding Earth. Over the Summer of 2004, large portions of all three Dark Grids were dismantled. The remaining portions will be taken down by the Light Warriors.

The Sixth Dimensional Grid looked like a huge net. Until recently it was covering 40% of our Universe, and growing. Heru said that the Hartmann Lines were a manifestation of this Grid, and that it affected "not only all the Dimensions below it, but all aspects of matter down to the sub-atomic particles, When someone says the stones cry out at the abuse of Earth, it is a literal thing. And that is also how the imprint of horrors, like the Holocaust in Germany, can be imprinted so deeply into the Earth, and be very hard to remove."

The breaking down of the Dark Grids is only one battle in a very large war which is being fought for the control of our Universe. It is unfortunate that, here on Earth, we cannot yet see for ourselves the great impact of all that is occurring. As of the Summer of 2004, every clear source that I read gives a time frame of about two years for the Great Shift to become apparent on Earth.

On June 11, 2004, we asked: Heru, we would like to check on the status of the Dark Grid on the Sixth Dimension. What is the timing for bringing it down?

Heru: It seems to be changing because it appears that this Grid is no longer Dark, and instead of being destroyed it has been transformed from within. The Omniversal Energy has infused it with great Light. Many of you have perceived unusual amounts of Dark Beings in unusual circumstances. This is due to the fact that Beings who have been wrapped around or hanging onto this Grid are fleeing like cockroaches. They are scurrying around madly trying to find new homes, and by and large they are unsuccessful. There is a great sweep-up happening, where armies of Light Beings are finding them and incarcerating them.

Many Beings in this Universe have cried out for freedom. It was this call from so many voices, including yours, that initiated the process of dismantling the Sixth Dimensional Grid. And it may not be in the words that you're putting it, but it is the heartfelt desire for true freedom. The dismantling of the Grid would have happened anyway, but it occurred much sooner and in a much gentler manner than would otherwise have been. Of course the experience was not gentle for the Beings who were hanging onto it - for them Armageddon is here. For Beings of Light, liberation is here.

[Elora:] When the Eleventh Dimensional Grid began to come down, starting on July 31, 2004, we could see great celebrations happening all over the Universe. It almost seemed as though the sun had come out for the first time in millions of years. From Higher Dimensional Planets, it was possible to perceive the Great Central Sun of our Galaxy for the first time in eons. Heru stated on August 1st that "It is a very joyous time; there are many celebrations happening today. Interestingly, with this Grid in place it was impossible to communicate between many different places in the Universe, and actually for this Universe to effectively communicate with the other Universes. So you would say the phone lines are very busy today with hellos and reunions, and catching up and celebrations." 

Elora: From a conversation with Sananda in August, 2004: We've been told by Heru that the Eleventh Dimensional Dark Grid has essentially come down, as has the Sixth Dimensional Dark Grid. It also appears that the Dark Grid surrounding Planet Earth is in the process of crumbling. Is this correct?

Heru: The Grids appear to be about 60% gone on the Eleventh Dimension, 57% on the Sixth, and about 45% on the Third.

Elora: If so, why don't we notice anything different on Earth? It seems just as dark and dense as ever here. 

Heru: You must remember that it is Human consciousness that holds the vibrational frequency of this Earth. And Humans carried the effect of this gridwork for many millions of years on the DNA level, on the cellular level. The Grids will be dismantled completely before there is a change in Human consciousness. There will be some lag of perhaps a year or two, and in some cases three. It is not going to be an instant change in Human consciousness but there are several changes to look for. The first will be with the babies that are born from now on; there will be virtually no Dark Beings coming in. Secondly, the LightWorkers will have much greater access to non-contaminated sources of knowledge. And then I would say over the next year or two or three, to look for some general lightening of the load for everyone.

The madman in the White House, although he may remain in the White House, will be increasingly powerless, more of a caricature than anything else. People's focus will begin to turn away from the fear-mongers. And that in itself will be a turning of the tide.


Part 2 - The Liberation of The GODINJ Collective of Creator Gods

Heru has explained elsewhere that our Universe was created by a group of Creator Gods. This composite of Creator Gods was called The Godinj Collective. Some of these Beings fell, whereas others were chained by the Darkness. Of the composite, four remained, up until the first of September 2004.

Elora on the 2nd of September, 2004: Heru, I felt that something major happened last night, and that it had to do with Godinj Collective. Is this correct?

Heru: Yes. It is as if Godinj Collective has re-energized Itself and is sending out a renewed pulse of Creator God Energy for the restoration of this Universe. [Elora: How many Beings are still part of Godinj?] Four of the original Creator Gods, and they have added one new Being that was never there before. [Are the four original Beings two pairs of Twin Flames?] Yes.

Elora: It appeared to me that The Godinj Collective had been veiled or in chains; and had freed Itself and was sending out huge amounts of Light.

Heru: Yes, and part of that Light has been the incorporation of a fifth Creator God who was instrumental in freeing The Godinj Collective. There was somewhat of a rescue mission sent with the help of the Light Warriors, and one of the Beings involved in the Mission was this fifth Being. [Elora: Godinj was, in fact, trapped by the darkness?] Yes.

Elora: It looked to me as if a huge light was shining over the whole Universe on the Higher Dimensions. It appeared to light up Dimensions Five and above. And the Universe looked shabby, dirty, and bleak - like an old attic full of junk and cobwebs, where someone suddenly turns on a brilliant light. But this Light did also show up who was of the Dark and who wasn't and left few places to hide, except for the very lowest Dimensions. Is all of this basically correct?

Heru: Yes, it is. The Dark Beings will be attempting to hide wherever they can, but mostly below the Fifth Dimension. There is tremendous chaos on the Fourth Dimension right now, and this will continue for some time.

Elora: I also saw a huge battle raging over the entire Universe, and I heard the words, "Battle is joined." It looked like Armageddon. Is this correct, and if so can you give details?

Heru: Yes - this is it. The Light Warriors are unstoppable, and it is going faster than we had anticipated. It's good to see that for a change instead of all the endless delays.

Elora on the 6th October, 2004: In a conversation with Farwaren [one of the Members of the Godinj Collective] last night, she stated that she and her Twin Flame were going to conceive a child. This had not occurred yet, but would in the near future. With great emotion, Farwaren said that this child would be something like a Cosmic Avatar for this entire Universe. Is this correct so far?

Heru: We believe it to be so, yes.

Elora: She said that the child would be a singular soul, containing both male and female, and that it would be almost as if it would contain all the Light which has been drained from our Universe through these eons of darkness. Did I hear this correctly?

Heru: Yes, that is the intent and we feel confident that that will come to fruition. [Elora: Are you helping them?] Not directly, but I have lent some assistance.

Later that same day, we asked Prime Creator: We understand that Farwaren and her Twin are going to give birth to a Cosmic Avatar. Is this sort of thing going to occur in the other Universes?

Prime Creator: Something of an equivalent magnitude is left up to each group of Creator Gods that created each Universe - in what way they would express their newfound freedom and liberation. I believe this will not be the only expression in this Universe. There are a great many beautiful things to come about.


Part 3 - The Restoration of the Great Central Sun and the Battle for Our Universe

Elora on the 9th September 2004: Heru, are the Light Warriors now working to free the Great Central Sun of this Universe?

Heru: Yes. When this happens, the Light Warriors will begin to go after the individual Suns, and the Sun of this Solar System [the Solar Logos] will be then worked upon.

Elora: I have also seen something which is near the center of this Universe, but is not the Great Central Sun. There are twelve stars, in a perfect ellipse. Does this exist, and what is it?

Heru: Yes, it does exist. It is a fulcrum point or a portal. In a way it is both. It is something like a gyroscopic energy vortex that allows in energy from Prime Creator and also maintains the balance of the entire Universe. [Elora: And this is also being freed?] Yes.

Elora on the 13th September 2004: I have been observing the battle that has been going on in the Inner Regions and Higher Dimensions of our Universe. I would like you to confirm and/or comment on what I saw, please.

For much of the week, I observed that the Great Central Sun was in the strangle-hold of a gargantuan monster that looked something like an octopus, and it must have been the size of a galaxy. I assumed that this creature had been entrapping or attacking the Great Central Sun for a very long time. The Light Warriors were attacking it.

Heru: Yes, that is true.

Elora: On Friday night, it appeared that this creature had been broken up and destroyed. In fact, it seemed to have exploded; and a huge wave of dust, soot, ash, and debris was passing outward through the Universe. Is this correct?

Heru: Yes. [Elora: Did this explosion harm the regions around the Great Central Sun?] I don't really see anything of the Light that was harmed. There may have been Fallen Beings around it that were harmed, but I don't see any Light Beings having been harmed.

Elora: On Saturday, I strongly felt the effects of this Etheric wave of soot and dust. It felt to me as though the Inner Planes were choking with ash and smoke and grit.

Heru: Yes.

Elora: On Sunday some debris was still present, but things seemed calmer. In fact, by Sunday evening, I felt a strong sensation of peace. In looking at the Great Central Sun of the Universe, I could see it more clearly, though there was still a lot of dust in the air. It also seemed that I could see three huge Light Beings hovering around the Great Central Sun. Did I see correctly?

Heru: Yes.

Elora:Who are these beings? Are they the Seraphim?

Heru: That would be the equivalent word in your language. These three Beings are basically the collective parent of the Being which ensouls the Central Sun of this Universe.

Elora: Is the Central Sun partially of the Dark?

Heru: It had been trapped for so long. It had resisted mightily, but was damaged. I can't say that it was corrupt, but much healing needs to happen, and will happen now.

Elora: Is the Great Central Sun the presence of God in each Universe?

Heru: You could call it that. Within each person there is that connection, and through that connection the Divine Spark of the Creator. That format follows on the macrocosm as well as the microcosm. On the microcosm, within each cell or atom of a Human there is also that Spark and connection; and within each Galaxy and Universe there is that Spark and connection. On the macrocosm, the Great Central Suns plays that role. Now that the Central Sun is free, that alone will change a lot in this Universe.

Elora: It now appears that the Light Warriors are regrouping to set up their next strategy.

Heru: They have already set it up, but they are staging their positions. One of the next positions they will be taking will be to work on your own Sun.

Elora: My impression is that they are targeting key strongholds of the Darkness. I saw that there are great military strongholds of the Darkness which appear much like the Death Star in the movie "Star Wars". There seem to be between 700 and 800 of them in our Universe, and I felt the Light Warriors would be going after them next. In fact, it looks like they've already started.

Heru: Yes, you are seeing accurately.

[Elora:] The destruction of the Death Stars was a tremendous battle which raged for several weeks. Great squadrons of Light Warriors attacked these gargantuan military strongholds, appearing in wedge-shaped phalanxes and literally cutting the artificial planetoids to pieces. After they had destroyed all the Death Stars, the Light Warriors began to target the next level of the military power held by the Darkness, which were great intergalactic battleships. These were much smaller than the Death Stars but there were many more of them.

Elora: I felt that the Twelve Critical Planets, including Earth, are somewhere on this list, but not at the top of the list.

Heru: Yes, and there is a strategic reason for that. It is not felt that they will be targeted for destruction by the Dark, but if they were surrounded by Light Beings and liberated, then that would invite an attack. Therefore the Light Warriors would rather leave the Twelve Critical Planets alone for the present and go after what would essentially attack them later - as you said, the military strongholds.

Elora: How about the masses of Dark Beings in the Fourth Dimension? They are not being targeted yet?

Heru: Not yet, but they will be soon. Actually, there will be some kind of a comb or a sieve to capture the Fallen ensouled Beings for reformation, and to separate them from the Dark Beings. That will come down the line a little later. So you can see what is going to happen; there will be a parting of the ways there.

Elora: Overall, are things still moving faster than expected?

Heru: Yes, they are.

[Elora:] As the days passed, I continued to watch the Great Central Sun of our Universe. As the clouds of dust and debris cleared away, I was able to see that it had the form of a huge white lotus. The bud appeared to be closed, but very gradually began to open. In the early stages of this process, only a faint beam of pure white light was emitted from the nearly closed petals. Many Celestial Beings could be seen working with this Sun, which is definitely an ensouled Being. First I saw the Seraphim singing to this Being, using pure tones of sound to heal and awaken it. After a few days they were replaced by the five members of the Godinj Collective, who also used what we might call "sound therapy". At all times thousands of other Higher Dimensional Beings were gathered around, encircling this dramatic scene of restoration. Many appeared to be praying, and all watched with reverence and often with tears of joy. On September 14, 2004, we had occasion to speak to Kuthumi, one of Earth’s Ascended Masters. I asked Kuthumi for his perspective on the events occurring with the Great Central Sun of the Universe, remarking that it appeared to me like a lotus unfolding. He replied:

Kuthumi: This Sun has been in chains for many million and millions of years, and as such was never fully able to express its light and its glory. And yes, it is much like a flower unfolding, endlessly unfolding. What you are witnessing is the beginning of a beautiful process of infinite petals unfolding; and each petal that unfolds emits waves of Love and Light that stretch to the ends of the Universe. The lack of this Light has had a deleterious effect on every aspect of life in this Universe. And so this will be truly a dawning of a Golden Age. [Elora: The Being which ensouls the Central Sun - it is expressing itself through the form of the lotus? It's as though the lotus is its body?] Yes. It is a most magnificent Being; and there is an actual mechanism of creative energy that is expressed as this unfoldment takes place. It is lovely to behold.

[Elora:] About another week passed before the Great Central Sun became fully open. It appeared as a magnificent, radiantly white lotus with a multitude of petals. And then suddenly the Lotus appeared to become activated. Great, effulgent rays of golden-white Light poured from every petal, and filled the Universe with its glory. I could see Angels standing near the Sun in ecstasy, bathing themselves in the Light. I wish I could say that this Light penetrated everywhere. Alas, from what I could observe, not much of it reached the Lower Dimensions or Planets like ours which are imprisoned behind very dense Frequency Fences. Still, much of our Universe is now filled with the Light where darkness reigned, and the Light of the Creator is seen here once more.

Elora on the 6th October 2004: Heru, we would like to start by asking you to confirm several things that were told to me by Farwaren, who is a Member of the Godinj Collective, on Sunday night. First, Farwaren said that a large group of Helpers and Healers had come through the breach in the Great Wall and are in one of the safe areas, waiting for the time when they can be deployed to other areas. Is this correct?

Heru: Yes, indeed it is correct. The numbers would look large to you, but I would tell you that this is only the forerunner of what is to come. There are so many more waiting to come.

Elora: Next, she showed me that a vast wave of Light Warriors was about to move through the breaches in the Wall. They were still on the other side of the Wall, but shortly to pass through. The numbers that I could see were vast, uncountable. So many in fact, that it seemed that the Light Warriors currently in our Universe were only a small advance guard. Would you comment on this?

Heru: Yes, that is correct. As they come through in the next weeks and months, you will begin to see a great acceleration in the turning of the tide. I guess you could say it's at that tipping point right now, and when things first start to move it's slow but then it accelerates and accelerates more rapidly. And that is at hand.

Elora: It seemed to be that maybe a tenth of a percent of the total Force is here already.

Heru: Yes. And they will be coming in waves as well, so this second wave is not the full complement. It will be like the tide coming in, in the ocean. So the first wave was small, the next will be bigger, the next after that bigger still.

Elora: I was told that when the Light Warriors fill our Universe in vast numbers, they will set up a multi-dimensional and very fine grid or net, which will allow them to seek out and destroy all darkness. This will be done so that nothing slips through the cracks.

Heru: Yes, that is correct.

Elora: I see this Universe as being shaped something like a huge, oval, flattened disk - not unlike the shape of a galaxy. Is this more or less correct?

Heru: Somewhat. However if I were to describe it in a shape that you could relate to, I would say it is more the shape of a red blood cell: a flattened disk, slightly thicker at the outside edges, and having a very distinct membrane to it. 

Elora: Then is it also correct that the area where the chinks in the Great Wall have been created is on the other side of the Universe from where we are, so that when the Light Warriors and other Beings come in from the Light Universes, they have to cross most of this Universe to get here?

Heru: That is correct.


Part 4 - Interview with a Second Wave Light Warrior

On October 22, 2004, Karen and I spoke to Vikhona, a member of the Second Wave of Light Warriors. This new group of Light Warriors feels very strong, and considerably more substantial than the first. They also seem to have more of an emotional nature, and one can sense the heart feelings in speaking with them. There is a great deal of Light around them, and they are very beautiful.

Elora: Greetings. May I begin by clarifying that you are one of the Second group of Light Warriors which has entered our Universe?

Vikhona: Yes, I am. [Elora: Would it be correct to call you "Second Wave Light Warriors"?] That is a good description.

Elora: I saw six huge Second Wave Light Warriors guarding our Planet, one in each direction. They are each nearly as tall as the diameter of Earth. Is this correct?

Vikhona: That is correct. [Elora: Are they just guarding our Planet at this time?] Their primary purpose at this point is to guard, but they are also working with the magnetic energy fields of the planet. You might perceive, if you looked, a beam of energy coming out of each one's solar plexus to the Earth. It is penetrating to the core of the Earth and supporting and energizing this planet.

Elora: It appears that you are more powerful than the First Wave Light Warriors, and have some enhanced abilities. Would you comment on this please?

Vikhona: Yes, we are a magnitude of perhaps twelve times stronger. We typically appear larger in size, and as such all of our abilities are that much greater. [Elora: Do you believe that each "batch" that comes through will be stronger and more capable?] Yes.

Elora: Did a new group of micro Light Warriors also come in with you?

Vikhona: No, but there will be a new group with the next, in about three months time [i.e. January 2004]. There are seven groups of us in all.

Elora: I noticed something in the area of your heads that almost looked like a rotating eye, or the revolving lens of a lighthouse. Can you tell me what I was seeing?

Vikhona: It would be almost as if we had a helmet with a rotating beam of light, which can illuminate all of the hidden cloaked Beings and cloaked substances, weapons, all of that. [Elora: Does this mean that the Second Wave Light Warriors will have better vision than the first group?] Considerably, yes.

Elora: Do you also come in pairs?

Vikhona: No, although we can travel in pairs and often do.

Elora: We have all noticed that you and your companions "drift" less than those in the first wave. Is this true?

Vikhona: Yes. It is almost as if we are more solid and more dense. If you were to put an elemental quality on us, we would be earth and they would be air. [Elora: The first group was lighter, and would almost seem to float around?] Yes. We are much more solid and will tend to stay in one place to do our work, though we are also very mobile.

Elora: Will you begin your work on Earth and the other eleven critical Planets soon?

Vikhona: Yes. [Elora: Can you give us a time frame for Earth?] I believe it will be approximately four to five weeks before this begins [i.e. about the first of December, 2004].

Elora: Can you give us any details of how this work will begin?

Vikhona: I am not on that particular Task Force, and so I do not know. We do not have quite as much of a group mind as the initial Light Warriors had, and so I am not able to see what everyone is doing. [Elora: You are more individuated?] Yes.

Elora: It appears to me that the second wave of Light Warriors have been progressing through the Universe with their net, scooping up huge numbers of Fallen and Dark Beings. We have seen these Beings fleeing through our airspace in the last two weeks, so to speak. It hasn't been a pretty picture, as the Dimensions near ours looked like something out of "Night on Bald Mountain". Things seem much more peaceful since the new group of Light Warriors arrived - would you agree?

Vikhona: Yes, I would.

Elora: I also felt that the Light Warriors would be driving the Dark and Fallen Beings to a place which is somewhat "off to the side" of our Universe, much as cowboys would round up several herds of cattle into one huge massed group. This place appears to be a large area between galaxy clusters, where there are few or no life forms. Am I correct so far?

Vikhona: Yes, that is correct; and they will be held there pending whoever is to process them. We are not to do any processing.

Elora: There will be an enclosure created there? 

Vikhona: Yes. Each universe will have a similar enclosure. [Elora: The number of Beings that will be gathered there must be countless.] Yes. We do not know how many there are, but there are many, many. All sizes and shapes. [Elora: Will they have to be sorted?] Yes. There are both the Fallen and the Dark among them.

Elora: I felt this would start in about one week's time from now, or near the end of October 2004.

Vikhona: That sounds about right.

Elora: When Heru first told us about the Light Warriors, he said that they were contained within the Omniversal Energy and they were “uncloaking”. However, I saw your group appear on the other side of the Great Wall or frequency fence. Do the Light Warriors “uncloak” from within the Omniversal Energy, or do they come in from the other side of the Wall?


Vikhona: Both. You may perceive the Omniversal Energy as a directed beam, but it is not limited to that beam that you perceive. [Elora: In other words, some Beings “uncloaked” from within this Universe, and some “uncloaked” from outside the Universe.] Yes. And some “uncloaked” outside the Frequency Fence.

Elora: Is there anything else you would like to add?

Vikhona: Just that we are brand new Beings, and are not infallible in the results of our efforts. We are unwavering in our desire to serve the Light, and I ask for patience and forgiveness in the fact that this is taking some time. I know many conditions here are at a critical state, and I know most or all will be salvaged. I regret any moment that goes by that the pain is not relieved immediately for so many. But we are doing what we can as quickly as we can, and more help is on the way. We serve only the will of Prime Creator, as I know you do as well. My deepest heartfelt desire is to stand with you after the Restoration is complete, and drink with you a toast of a celebratory glass of light wine - pun intended!

After this conversation, we asked Heru: Given all these hopeful developments, do you still feel that it will require about two years to "win the battle for Earth", so to speak? About two years before we will be able to experience some real positive changes here that we can see with our own eyes?

Heru: Things do seem to be proceeding somewhat more quickly than originally forecasted, and I would revise that estimate to be between one and a half to two years [i.e. somewhere between the Spring and Fall of 2006]. However, there will be people earlier on for whom their personal lives will change dramatically for the better. My hope is that this text can get out rather quickly and spread somewhat widely. If it is known that people can call upon the Light Warriors and use the techniques I have given then many individuals will benefit by having a much better quality of life, even though the world itself still may look to be in shambles. [Elora: Do you think that the Light Workers in particular will find their lives improving quickly?] That is what this text is targeted at, yes.

Elora: When we began these conversations in the early Summer of 2004, you stated that our Universe was about 75% Dark. What is the percentage of Darkness in our Universe now?

Heru: It is down to about 60%, so there has been much good work, but there is still much to be done.

[Elora:] I would like to add several notes to this Chapter as this goes to press. First, as of early November of 2004, work began on the Solar Logos of our Sun. Our sunlight should become energetically cleaner and clearer as time goes on. We are also told that some large sections of our Universe are substantially cleaned up. The best news of all is that, on the first of December 2004, the Light Warriors arrived in large numbers to begin their work on Earth. They are, at the time of this writing, beginning to dismantle the Frequency Fences behind which we have been imprisoned. We would caution our readers not to expect immediate miracles, as Heru has stated that things may actually appear somewhat worse during the next year or two. However, we believe that the greater influx of Higher Energies into our Planet will be a tremendous aid and support for all Beings who hold to the Light.