Revelations from The Creator God Horus

Elora Gabriel and Karen Kirschbaum

The Eye of Horus

The Complete Text and Updates
First Published 2005 by Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA


Moving from the grand scope of the Creation and the Fallen Universes, let us now take a look at the impact of some of these events on Earth. Many of the Light Workers today were nurtured by a flood of prophecy and channeling which began in the early 1970's. During those years the expectations were high for a rapid shift on our Planet. Despite continued predictions, the expected transition to a higher frequency paradisiacal world has not happened. What caused the delays? Will the shift still occur as predicted? Heru speaks clearly and succinctly on these topics.


Part 1 - How the Great Shift was Delayed

Elora: In a conversation with Sananda, he stated that the Great Shift on Earth was supposed to take place during the 70's and 80's. Do you agree with this, Heru?

Heru: Actually, it was supposed to occur during the 1930's and 40's. Then when that did not occur, it was set again to happen during the 1970's and 80's. [Elora: And now it has been delayed yet again to the period we are currently in?] Yes.

Elora: There was a great wave of prophecy and channelings that began in the early 70's. Basically two things were predicted. First was that the Great Shift or Ascension of Earth was imminent, and the other was that massive Earth Changes would occur. You have explained that the Shift didn't happen then due to delaying tactics from the Dark Forces. Why did the Earth Changes not occur as predicted?

Heru: I believe it was the prayers of the Light Workers and many other Light Beings that held it back. For to have had the destruction without the influx of the Light would have increased the likelihood of the fall of this Planet. Since the influx was not happening, this would have been a very dangerous situation.

Elora: We asked Sananda: Sananda, many people say that the Shift has been delayed in order to give as many people as possible the chance to "make it".

Heru: That has been the reason given, but I would say that the corruption goes into many levels, and this has been a technique of delaying and obfuscation. And it is time for this to stop. On some of the Councils there have been people preaching such delays, whose interest has not really been for the good of Earth or Humanity, but who have been seeking to maintain their own secret interest.

Elora: What kinds of Councils?

Heru: Planetary Councils, the Council of the Solar System, the Hierarchies that sustain this Planet and sustain its place in space, the Councils which sustain this Universe. This is really far more than just a planetary issue.

Elora: The continued delays regarding the Shift on Earth have had some good effects, but the result has also been that the biosphere has suffered terribly. I feel that the situation with the biosphere and the ecology is absolutely critical.

Heru: You are quite correct. I agree that the situation has become very critical.


Part 2 - Environment, Mass Extinctions, Chemtrails, etc.

Elora: Heru, we are experiencing a period of mass extinction on our Planet. But each creature that has ever existed must be stored in the Akashic Records, with its DNA and so on. Would it be possible, when Earth has reached a higher vibration, to bring some of these extinct Beings back?

Heru: Yes, it can be done.

Elora: As you know, I have a profound love for this Earth. I would like to know if you see Her reaching perfection, reaching the full potential that She was designed and created for?

Heru: Yes, and you have been a very important part of that. [Elora: You feel absolutely certain? There is no doubt in your mind?] I am certain.

Elora: Do you feel things will begin to shift politically, economically, and ecologically on our Planet in the near future?

Heru: I see in some respects the tide has already turned politically on the global scale. There have been unforeseen events where the Dark Forces have been held back, knocked out of power.

The ecology is far more complex, and it will definitely take the concerted effort of a great many Beings on this Planet calling for intervention, and the opening up and downloading of technologies that are not readily available to bring balance back into the ecology. There will be assistance from the positive extraterrestrials. And also there is much technology that has already been downloaded but has been hidden or suppressed. What is going to begin to happen is that it will begin to be believed. Currently such technology is ridiculed as conspiracy theory, marginalized, fantastic, and so on. Instead, people will begin to believe it, to see that these technologies are possibly a solution. That perception just in and of itself would go a long ways to changing just about everything. For right now the whole economy and energy of the world is on this one ditch, the oil ditch, for energy. And there is a great disconnect between most Humans and the Planet, between Humans and Gaia or Nature. But this will begin to turn. People will begin to look at alternatives, broaden their minds, and not just keep feeding at the same trough. And that in itself will bring about fundamental changes that are really big and far reaching.

Elora: Will there be a reduction in population to reduce the load on Gaia?

Heru: Some. I wouldn't say the dramatic numbers that some have predicted, but there will be somewhat of a reduction. And in some places it won't be anything more than a decline in birth rate. It is actually happening already in some places, where people are choosing not to procreate the way they have been programmed to do. Part of the burden of the great population on this planet has been the fact that everybody that's ever been on this Earth wanted to be here now. In a sense everybody needed to be here to witness this special time. And everybody has come; the party has been fully attended. But it is not needed for everyone to stay, so that part has been fulfilled.

Elora: Heru, we discussed with Sananda whether it is possible to do anything about the extreme abuses of the environment that are happening now, such as requesting an instant return of karma for the worst abusers. He didn't see any productive avenue to follow.

Heru: It will be time for instant karma to begin its return within one to two years. So the time basically is at hand. The reason it has been delayed to this point is that it has been necessary for the true extent of evil to be revealed. Now it is like a snowball, and the beginnings of the instant karma are there. It seems slight, it seems small, but believe me it is rolling down a rapid slope.

Elora: From where we are at, we can't see it at all.

Heru: No, but it is happening. And will it change anything to ask for it? It's almost like this. When a pendulum swings on a long arc, there is that moment where it reaches the top of the arc. And with this situation, it appears to be about there. The evil being committed has swung as far as it can go on its arc. It is at that "pause point" where it is still and poised and ready to come back. There's nothing that anyone can do to change that arc or to prevent it from coming back. Therefore I believe that Sananda's statement was basically his way of expressing the fact that it's going to happen and it's about to happen. And whether you pray for it to happen or not, it's still going to happen. It's almost a mechanical numeric trajectory.

Elora: A channel in Florida predicted some time ago that there would be a hurricane which would look like an eye, and that this would signal a series of major Earth changes. Hurricane Charley looked like an eye at one point in its development. Can you comment on this?

Heru: The channel you mention did foresee this hurricane, and I do believe a series of events will begin to transpire which will make it apparent that we have reached a tipping point in the ecological systems on this Planet. And it will begin to be apparent to more of the mainstream people that it is not just coincidences or random events.

Elora: Do you think these changes will be mostly weather related, or also earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.?

Heru: I see some increase in earthquake activity, not so much volcanic. But I do see some major polar ice cap events, such as melting and large blocks of ice breaking free and so on. [Elora: Enough to raise sea level? It takes a lot to do that to any significant degree.] It may begin to, yes. [How about Yellowstone? Some people say there will be a big volcanic eruption there.] I do not see it happening. I know there has been much talk about it.

Elora: We are very distressed about the chemtrails. What is their purpose?

Heru: The purpose is control of the Ionosphere via some undisclosed weapon, not HAARP. There is an element of mind control. It is already being used as a net of control of consciousness. 

Elora: What do you mean by control of the Ionosphere?

Heru: The chemtrails are composed of both lighter and heavier elements. The lighter elements drift up to the Ionosphere, and the heavier ones sink down to earth. Each layer of the atmosphere holds a consciousness. If you think of the atmosphere as being somewhat analogous to the auric field of the Earth, then the surface would be the skin and each of the layers would hold a certain vibration. With the chemtrails, the part that flows down to the earth has toxins for Humans and mind control elements. The part that goes up creates a distortion in the Ionosphere that makes the Planet impenetrable, to some extent, to beneficial influences and higher energies outside. These upper layers then form what is essentially a frequency barrier, or a physical manifestation of the Etheric Frequency Barriers that shroud this Planet.

Elora: In other words, the upper layers are to hold back the evolution of the Planet and Humanity, and the lower layers are to sicken, weaken, and control people.

Heru: Correct. Another aspect of this is that, as we've come into the more highly charged area of space that some have called the Photon Belt, there is a Cosmic Wind which has greatly increased. The chemtrail "shroud" is a defense against that. Of course it keeps getting torn away and so needs to be replenished daily ... and ultimately it will fail.

Elora: Are the chemtrails then being mandated from very high levels of the Secret Government? 

Heru: Yes. Earth, being one of the Twelve Critical Planets, is what you would call a very coveted world. It has a central importance. It has been seeded with an unusual amount of diversity and an incredible depth of knowledge, which has been brought here from many planets, and indeed from many universes. Much hinges on whether this Planet shifts into Light, both for this Universe and perhaps some surrounding universes. There are twelve such planets in this Universe and they are all being fought over.

Elora: In that case, Earth must be the most important planet within our entire Galaxy.

Heru: Yes, Earth is by far the most important planet in this Galaxy. The other planets in this Galaxy are pretty simple - they may have more evolved life forms on them, but their fate is in a sense already established. The path they are walking down has been long established, Light or Dark. Earth is very pivotal, and because it's so complicated it's been impossible to completely control it from the Dark side.

Elora: Is it correct that the chemtrail formula now contains more heavy metals?

Heru: Yes, and other toxins. Viruses, fungus, and small amounts of radiation. The toxicity of the chemtrails is greater now than it has been in the past. Those responsible are also intensifying efforts with the chemtrails as the Cosmic Winds become stronger. But it will end in tatters, it will end soon - most probably within about one to two years.

Part 3 - Cosmic Cycles and Times of Transition

Elora: What is the significance the year 2012?

Heru: There are two factors here. The first is what I would call the Millennium factor. It is similar to what happened in the year 2000. A great deal of energy was projected upon that point in time from the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, and a good thing happened. If you recall that New Year's Eve, a very deep peace and silence occurred, as there were many prayers for peace at that time. So you have that factor, because many people are focused on 2012.

Beyond that, 2012 is a significant astrological event where a lot of factors are lining up. If you would, imagine a clock-but instead of there being a dial, there are wheels within wheels within wheels. Every few years, some of them line up to their beginning point with each other. For example, this year the innermost and the next would line up to zero. And then maybe ten years later the second and third might line up to zero. 2012 is a rare point in history where all of the wheels will line up to zero. We are at a place where the Light from the Central Sun of the Universe will be shining without obstruction upon this Planet for the first time in many hundreds of thousands of years. Therefore it is a gateway of great opportunity, and it is a significant time.

Elora: What do you feel will happen at that time?

Heru: It is not known; it will depend on how much growth can take place. Those of us who are working on this have high hopes. How much can take place in that time will depend upon the reclamation of the Sun in this Solar System, which we believe will be done by then. We also believe that the Central Sun of this Galaxy will be reclaimed in large part, for the Central Sun of this Galaxy is not as Dark as the Sun of this Solar System, but it is not all Light either. We believe there will be a very incredible influx of Light onto this Planet through this succession of gateways.

Elora: Are we Humans safe on the Planet during this transition?

Heru: It appears that most everyone will be. There will be an intervention to prevent an all out nuclear war. Humans can withstand some amount of radiation, but the full onslaught of a nuclear blast, such as occurred in Japan, does cause irreparable harm to souls, and that will not be allowed.

Elora: You are confident that all this is so, and that the intervention will hold?

Heru: Yes. However I do want to say that it is important to be conscious, conscientious, careful, and to protect yourselves at all times. For there is a great degree of random debris flying around, and it would be very easy for some of that to strike you. However, as long as you maintain your focus on serving the highest orders of Llight, a great degree of protection does surround you and there is less chance of your being hit by random debris than a denser person.

Elora: You have mentioned a Cosmic Wind which is increasing at this time. What is the Cosmic Wind?

Heru: It is a combination of several factors. There is the Galactic Photon Belt, which occurs on a 26,000 year cycle. But there is a greater cycle happening too, which has aligned this Galaxy with the Central Sun of the Universe; and the Central Sun is also in alignment with the Central Universe of all universes, the Godverse. It is a long, majestic Cycle that is coming into play with many more facets than I can describe.

Elora: Essentially, the Cosmic Wind is a flow of very high energy?

Heru: Yes. And I see it literally blowing people off the Planet. Not physically, but people will be leaving their body because the intensity is too great for them to stay here.

Elora: A number of channels are giving very dire predictions for the coming years. Do you agree?

Heru: I do believe things will be somewhat rougher than they are now. I do not see them being quite as universally dire as some are saying. [Elora: So maybe 10-20% worse than they are now?] Yes, approximately.

Elora: If things aren't going to be that bad, why is it that you have several times counseled us on the importance of staying safe?

Heru: Have you not just gone through a series of very difficult psychic attacks in recent months? That is what I'm speaking of. If you look at how disruptive and draining that has been for you, I would counsel you to position yourself where you do not need to go through any more of that. It is not so much that I see things getting significantly worse other than the continued pressure from above, of the entities and the negative life forms being pushed down into the Third Dimension. But in a sense there are still entities and negative life forms all around you, that given an opportunity would love to have you for dinner. And that will continue for roughly another year [i.e. until or through the fall of 2005]. [Elora: So the psychic negativity is what you are more concerned about?] Yes.

Elora: Many sources have spoken of a separation of the old and new Earths. Do you see this happening?

Heru: It has been believed that there would be a literal separation of the worlds. However this is not to be. What has happened is that those who have entered into a more Fourth or Fifth Dimensional state, such as yourself and Karen, are living in the New World; and those that are operating more from their first and second chakras are living in the Old World. There is currently a separation, and this has been allowed for the purposes of growth and comfort. But in the end, all will be reunited as one world. And all will actually still exist on the Third Dimension. However, with the Frequency Fences gone, just as Humans are capable of traversing all twelve Dimensions from the Third - which includes the First and Second Dimension and going into the states of consciousness of the Plant and Animal Kingdoms - this Planet then will be free to express itself and communicate on all those Dimensions as well.

Elora: So it's as if we have different states of consciousness and density currently co-existing side by side?

Heru: Different vibratory rates. This is a natural occurrence on this Planet, however it has been suppressed, fragmented, and so on. The Nature Spirits would be a good example of Fourth Dimensional life on this Planet.

Elora: The expectation that there would be a separation of worlds has now changed, due to the coming of the Light Warrior?

Heru: Yes. [Elora: This is then a recent change, for when we spoke about this earlier, perhaps in the late Spring, you felt the separation was going to happen.] Yes, it is a recent change. [And you feel this is a more positive solution.] Yes, I do.

Elora: You have mentioned that there will be an amnesty of karma for Beings who are willing to turn to the Light. Please elaborate on this a bit.

Heru: This information is not brand new, as it has made it into some writings on the Planet. Several years ago the Lords of Karma announced that all karma could be cleared within this lifespan, if a person so desired and worked diligently to do so. With the advent of the Omniversal Energy, this is further enhanced. If a person were to call forth their original blueprint, call forth their Monad [Higher Self], and ask that the way be made clear for the releasing of all karma, and that the path of reunion and liberation be made known, it will be so. At this point in time nothing is impossible, and the advent of the Omniversal Energy makes this so. Listen to those words, for there is the hugest blessing embedded in them. Tell yourself in your heart that nothing is impossible. Imagine, if you would, one of those paintings of the Annunciation, where the Holy Spirit is entering Mary, and Gabriel is announcing that she is now pregnant with God's child. This is an allegory; I am not commenting now on whether that image is historical or not. I am using that as an allegory for the fact that each soul on this Planet has now been impregnated with this Omniversal Energy in a very similar way to that image of the Annunciation. Take to heart the grandness of this event.