Revelations from The Creator God Horus

Elora Gabriel and Karen Kirschbaum

The Eye of Horus

The Complete Text and Updates
First Published 2005 by Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA


Part 1: The Light Warriors

We have seen how our Creation was invaded by an alien darkness against which it had no defenses. Heru has explained that Angels, Ascended Masters, Creator Gods, and other Beings who were created in Light have had to stand against the Darkness in order to prevent the Fallen Universes from collapsing entirely. None of the Beings in this Creation were made to be warriors. When it was finally seen that the Dark Invaders were both soulless and unredeemable, our Creator formed an entirely new Creation. From this Creation were born the Beings whom we call Light Warriors. Light Warriors are created for one purpose only - to eradicate the Darkness in all its manifestations. They traveled to our Universe hidden and cloaked in the Omniversal Energy. On August 12, 2004, Heru told us that the uncloaking had begun.

Heru stated that the Light Warriors were beginning to uncloak themselves all over our Universe and throughout the Fallen quadrant of our Creation. "They are beyond count," he said, "and they are more than sufficient to do the job." He stated that it would take about two years (from the summer of 2004) to win the battle for Earth. This time frame corresponds with statements made by other channels, although none that I know of have spoken of the existence of the Light Warriors. When we asked why it would take that long, he replied that it takes time for Humans to change.

In first looking at the Light Warriors, they appeared to me almost as if they were made of a pale golden metal, with an indestructible diamond at their core. Even if their bodies were destroyed, which is unlikely, the diamond containing their soul essence would remain. I also felt that they were all expressions of a group soul. Again, even in the inconceivable event that such a being could be destroyed, its soul would simply rejoin the rest of the group soul and nothing would be lost. In the great battle which must occur, our Creator has striven to ensure that no further souls will be lost.

Elora: Heru, perhaps hindsight is wise now that the Light Warriors have arrived. But it seems clear that only a response by force would be effective. I still don't see why this was not understood sooner.

Heru: There have been many debates on this. There were many Beings who wanted to use only Light and Love, for that is the ingrained prime directive in this Universe and all of this Creation as well. And in order to deal with this situation, it has been necessary for Prime Creator to create another Creation from which to draw these Warriors of Light. Within the existing Creation, there was not the material necessary to create Warriors of Light. It's hard to describe it, but this Creation just does not contain the proper elements to produce this type of Being. This is a great reason for the time delay in the Creator coming to the aid of the Fallen part of Creation. This was something completely different than had ever been conceived of by Prime Creator.

Elora: There are times when I feel the stain of darkness, and the trauma of what I've experienced, has gone so deep in my being that I wonder if I can ever be completely healed. Do you feel we will ever be healed? 

Heru: I do. You can work with the Light Warriors, calling them to work on you at the deepest cellular and atomic level, to root out everything that is not of the highest Light. Ask them to come within you and work on your systems. Consider everything from pathogenic bacteria to the state of unconsciousness that Humans have fallen into. There is quite a bit of work on all fronts. The Light Warriors are able to go into both the microcosm and the macrocosm. That is necessary for the elimination of the Darkness, for it extends to the subatomic level as well as the universal level.

Elora: Given that we have uncounted numbers of these Beings, why will it still take two years to free Earth from the Darkness?

Heru: Perhaps because of the need for personal work, and because Humans can only change just so fast.

Elora: The material you have given us on the prevalence of the Darkness in this Universe has been difficult to absorb, but I wish to extend to you my heartfelt thanks for your willingness to tell us the truth. I appreciate the fact that you do not simply give sugar-coated euphemisms, for these would never satisfy my desire for truth.

Heru: And I would say also that it is good to find an ear which is willing to hear. Up until now there have been many veils, and many people have only been able to handle the sugar-coated aspects of truth. For it is a very painful, and in a sense a hopeless message, without the introduction of the Warriors of Light. Until now it has been a hopeless, thankless task that the Light Workers have engaged in.

Elora: Then there is also a reason for the timing of this information coming forth.

Heru: Yes. The other part is that it has been said for some Beings, it's been enough just for them to hold to the Light. And that has been true, that has been the message that has been sent down from the Higher Planes - to just hold on a little longer, until help can come. It grieved us so deeply when some Beings were unable to continue holding on, and would fall or be destroyed. And it took far longer than we had anticipated. [Elora: Did it take longer to make this new Creation than was thought?] Yes. [So Creator, too, is learning] Yes. [Do you have a tremendous love for Creator?] Yes. [And does Creator grieve for this?] Oh yes. Deeply. Prime Creator has never known grief before this.

Elora: So for you, the coming of the Light Warriors must be a great celebration.

Heru: Well, I'm not ready to celebrate yet. It is a beginning of the restoration. And when it is complete, I will celebrate.

Elora: Do you have any doubts that the Light Warriors will be successful?

Heru: No. You have seen accurately the nature of these Beings, that they are made of a diamond-hard matter. There is nothing in this Creation that is as hard and as sharp as that. They are indestructible and invincible, with an unquenchable thirst to find and destroy every last speck of the Darkness. That is their nature, it is what they are made for, and they are relentless.

Elora: On August 17th, 2004, we spoke with Sananda about some other matters. At that time, we also asked him for an update on the work of the Light Warriors. Sananda replied:

Sananda: There are a great many of them working against the Frequency Wall that you were told about yesterday, the Wall that encompasses the Fallen Universes and separates them from the rest of Creation. They are massed there and are pushing forward to break apart that great frequency barrier so that the Light may stream in. They have basically formed a solid wall there. That is the major part of the Force which has been opened up at this time.

However there are also representatives who are mainly, at this point, scouting everywhere. Those are the ones that you have been seeing. They are running a reconnaissance and information gathering mission that is three quarters complete, and from that their strategy will be built. More and more of them will uncloak as the strategies are formed. More will be unveiled and uncloaked, and they will begin their mission in this part of the Universe. Therefore not a lot of action has taken place at this time. However if you are in need at any time, any of the Scouts are available for help. But you should be seeing many more in the weeks and months to come.

Have you called them in to sit with you and protect you? Do so. They are very effective in preventing any of the psychic attacks. All of the Light Workers have been under attack in that way, and the Dark has used these attacks as an avenue to invite in the physical. So you would have an Etheric virus and then have the Physical virus, and have an Etheric parasite and then the Physical parasite. But now you can protect yourself with these Light Warriors. They come in pairs and you can have as many pairs as you feel you need. That sense of safety will allow you to truly relax. As you relax, you will release many of the deep traumas you are holding from many lifetimes.

Elora: Sananda, what feelings do you have when you see the arrival of these Forces?

Sananda: Relief. And joy. And the comfort of knowing that this long awaited process is beginning. For us it has been somewhat touch and go until they were unleashed. There was great danger to all of us, that any of us might be killed or might succumb to the Darkness. We were surrounded.

[Elora:] We strongly suggest that all Light Workers call upon the Light Warriors for protection. Those who are "high profile" or experience a good deal of interference for any reason may want several as personal guardians. The first group of Light Warriors tended to "drift" and therefore requests for protection had to be reinforced on a continual basis. The second wave of Light Warriors, which arrived in October 2004 and are described in Chapter 8, do not have this tendency, and they are also more powerful. Also note that the first wave of Light Warriors came in pairs, whereas the second wave did not. You may call on other Light Warriors to protect your home as well. Chapter 17 gives more information on working with the Light Warriors.


Part 2 - Appearance and Attributes of the Light Workers

As it became clear to us just how important the Light Warriors are, we decided to make contact with one of this great force. Between August 20 and September 14, 2004 we had several communications with Rashona, one of the Light Warriors. For ease of reading, I have divided these into two subject headings.

Elora: Rashona, would you please begin by describing your appearance.

Rashona: In your world I would appear to be roughly fourteen feet in height, slightly more male than androgynous. We are similar to an Angelic form in that we have a Human-like form with wings; however they are both in the front and the back so that we have four wings. Our skin appears somewhat plated. It has a similar appearance to the iridescent small feathers on the neck of certain birds, only as if they were almost in the form of a scale, and they are extremely hard. We are white and gold with a faint iridescence. Our eyes are gold. Our wings are largely white with little flecks of gold.

Elora: Please describe some of your other attributes, such as the type of matter you are made from, and the "indestructible diamond" at your core.

Rashona: There are no words or concepts in your Universe for the hardness of our matter. It is as if the atomic and molecular structure of our beings is tenfold stronger than yours is, so that we may penetrate any form of matter. The diamond at our core would be the same, and it is the original matter that our Creation was founded upon. And then our beings were grown out from there.

Elora: This reminds me of the matter of a neutron star, which is so dense that even a tiny piece placed on the Earth's surface would immediately plunge through to the core.

Part 1: The Light Warriors

We have seen how our Creation was invaded by an alien darkness against which it had no defenses. Heru has explained that Angels, Ascended Masters, Creator Gods, and other Beings who were created in Light have had to stand against the Darkness in order to prevent the Fallen Universes from collapsing entirely. None of the Beings in this Creation were made to be warriors. When it was finally seen that the Dark Invaders were both soulless and unredeemable, our Creator formed an entirely new Creation. From this Creation were born the Beings whom we call Light Warriors. Light Warriors are created for one purpose only - to eradicate the Darkness in all its manifestations. They traveled to our Universe hidden and cloaked in the Omniversal Energy. On August 12, 2004, Heru told us that the uncloaking had begun.

Heru stated that the Light Warriors were beginning to uncloak themselves all over our Universe and throughout the Fallen quadrant of our Creation. "They are beyond count," he said, "and they are more than sufficient to do the job." He stated that it would take about two years (from the summer of 2004) to win the battle for Earth. This time frame corresponds with statements made by other channels, although none that I know of have spoken of the existence of the Light Warriors. When we asked why it would take that long, he replied that it takes time for Humans to change.

In first looking at the Light Warriors, they appeared to me almost as if they were made of a pale golden metal, with an indestructible diamond at their core. Even if their bodies were destroyed, which is unlikely, the diamond containing their soul essence would remain. I also felt that they were all expressions of a group soul. Again, even in the inconceivable event that such a being could be destroyed, its soul would simply rejoin the rest of the group soul and nothing would be lost. In the great battle which must occur, our Creator has striven to ensure that no further souls will be lost.

Elora: Heru, perhaps hindsight is wise now that the Light Warriors have arrived. But it seems clear that only a response by force would be effective. I still don't see why this was not understood sooner.

Heru: There have been many debates on this. There were many Beings who wanted to use only Light and Love, for that is the ingrained prime directive in this Universe and all of this Creation as well. And in order to deal with this situation, it has been necessary for Prime Creator to create another Creation from which to draw these Warriors of Light. Within the existing Creation, there was not the material necessary to create Warriors of Light. It's hard to describe it, but this Creation just does not contain the proper elements to produce this type of Being. This is a great reason for the time delay in the Creator coming to the aid of the Fallen part of Creation. This was something completely different than had ever been conceived of by Prime Creator.

Elora: There are times when I feel the stain of darkness, and the trauma of what I've experienced, has gone so deep in my being that I wonder if I can ever be completely healed. Do you feel we will ever be healed?

Heru: I do. You can work with the Light Warriors, calling them to work on you at the deepest cellular and atomic level, to root out everything that is not of the highest Light. Ask them to come within you and work on your systems. Consider everything from pathogenic bacteria to the state of unconsciousness that Humans have fallen into. There is quite a bit of work on all fronts. The Light Warriors are able to go into both the microcosm and the macrocosm. That is necessary for the elimination of the Darkness, for it extends to the subatomic level as well as the universal level.

Elora: Given that we have uncounted numbers of these Beings, why will it still take two years to free Earth from the Darkness?

Heru: Perhaps because of the need for personal work, and because Humans can only change just so fast.

Elora: The material you have given us on the prevalence of the Darkness in this Universe has been difficult to absorb, but I wish to extend to you my heartfelt thanks for your willingness to tell us the truth. I appreciate the fact that you do not simply give sugar-coated euphemisms, for these would never satisfy my desire for truth.

Heru: And I would say also that it is good to find an ear which is willing to hear. Up until now there have been many veils, and many people have only been able to handle the sugar-coated aspects of truth. For it is a very painful, and in a sense a hopeless message, without the introduction of the Warriors of Light. Until now it has been a hopeless, thankless task that the Light Workers have engaged in.

Elora: Then there is also a reason for the timing of this information coming forth. 

Heru: Yes. The other part is that it has been said for some Beings, it's been enough just for them to hold to the Light. And that has been true, that has been the message that has been sent down from the Higher Planes - to just hold on a little longer, until help can come. It grieved us so deeply when some Beings were unable to continue holding on, and would fall or be destroyed. And it took far longer than we had anticipated. [Elora: Did it take longer to make this new Creation than was thought?] Yes. [So Creator, too, is learning] Yes. [Do you have a tremendous love for Creator?] Yes. [And does Creator grieve for this?] Oh yes. Deeply. Prime Creator has never known grief before this.

Elora: So for you, the coming of the Light Warriors must be a great celebration.

Heru: Well, I'm not ready to celebrate yet. It is a beginning of the restoration. And when it is complete, I will celebrate.

Elora: Do you have any doubts that the Light Warriors will be successful?

Heru: No. You have seen accurately the nature of these Beings, that they are made of a diamond-hard matter. There is nothing in this Creation that is as hard and as sharp as that. They are indestructible and invincible, with an unquenchable thirst to find and destroy every last speck of the Darkness. That is their nature, it is what they are made for, and they are relentless.

Elora: On August 17th, 2004, we spoke with Sananda about some other matters. At that time, we also asked him for an update on the work of the Light Warriors. Sananda replied:

Sananda: There are a great many of them working against the Frequency Wall that you were told about yesterday, the Wall that encompasses the Fallen Universes and separates them from the rest of Creation. They are massed there and are pushing forward to break apart that great frequency barrier so that the Light may stream in. They have basically formed a solid wall there. That is the major part of the Force which has been opened up at this time.

However there are also representatives who are mainly, at this point, scouting everywhere. Those are the ones that you have been seeing. They are running a reconnaissance and information gathering mission that is three quarters complete, and from that their strategy will be built. More and more of them will uncloak as the strategies are formed. More will be unveiled and uncloaked, and they will begin their mission in this part of the Universe. Therefore not a lot of action has taken place at this time. However if you are in need at any time, any of the Scouts are available for help. But you should be seeing many more in the weeks and months to come.

Have you called them in to sit with you and protect you? Do so. They are very effective in preventing any of the psychic attacks. All of the Light Workers have been under attack in that way, and the Dark has used these attacks as an avenue to invite in the physical. So you would have an Etheric virus and then have the Physical virus, and have an Etheric parasite and then the Physical parasite. But now you can protect yourself with these Light Warriors. They come in pairs and you can have as many pairs as you feel you need. That sense of safety will allow you to truly relax. As you relax, you will release many of the deep traumas you are holding from many lifetimes.

Elora: Sananda, what feelings do you have when you see the arrival of these Forces?

Sananda: Relief. And joy. And the comfort of knowing that this long awaited process is beginning. For us it has been somewhat touch and go until they were unleashed. There was great danger to all of us, that any of us might be killed or might succumb to the Darkness. We were surrounded. 

[Elora:] We strongly suggest that all Light Workers call upon the Light Warriors for protection. Those who are "high profile" or experience a good deal of interference for any reason may want several as personal guardians. The first group of Light Warriors tended to "drift" and therefore requests for protection had to be reinforced on a continual basis. The second wave of Light Warriors, which arrived in October 2004 and are described in Chapter 8, do not have this tendency, and they are also more powerful. Also note that the first wave of Light Warriors came in pairs, whereas the second wave did not. You may call on other Light Warriors to protect your home as well. Chapter 17 gives more information on working with the Light Warriors.


Part 2 - Appearance and Attributes of the Light Workers

As it became clear to us just how important the Light Warriors are, we decided to make contact with one of this great force. Between August 20 and September 14, 2004 we had several communications with Rashona, one of the Light Warriors. For ease of reading, I have divided these into two subject headings.

Elora: Rashona, would you please begin by describing your appearance.

Rashona: In your world I would appear to be roughly fourteen feet in height, slightly more male than androgynous. We are similar to an Angelic form in that we have a Human-like form with wings; however they are both in the front and the back so that we have four wings. Our skin appears somewhat plated. It has a similar appearance to the iridescent small feathers on the neck of certain birds, only as if they were almost in the form of a scale, and they are extremely hard. We are white and gold with a faint iridescence. Our eyes are gold. Our wings are largely white with little flecks of gold.

Elora: Please describe some of your other attributes, such as the type of matter you are made from, and the "indestructible diamond" at your core.

Rashona: There are no words or concepts in your Universe for the hardness of our matter. It is as if the atomic and molecular structure of our beings is tenfold stronger than yours is, so that we may penetrate any form of matter. The diamond at our core would be the same, and it is the original matter that our Creation was founded upon. And then our beings were grown out from there.

Elora: This reminds me of the matter of a neutron star, which is so dense that even a tiny piece placed on the Earth's surface would immediately plunge through to the core.

Rashona: We are not heavy in that way, it is just that the bonds of the atoms are stronger. We do not require that kind of density, but we can penetrate that kind of density with ease. Were a Human to go to a neutron star, of course they would be crushed, whereas we would not be.

Elora: What sort of weapons or energies do you use in battling the Dark Forces?

Rashona: We use a flight that is different than the flight you would use in this Universe. We use these four wings to create a spin, an upright spin. We almost become like a drill bit, enabling us to create wormholes at will and go anywhere at will with this spin. So speed in flight is one weapon. The second weapon that we have is a laser-like beam which is emitted from our eyes, that we turn on and off at will. It will incinerate whatever it is aimed at. The third weapon we have is that we are impenetrable and that nothing can touch us.

Elora: It is my understanding that all of you are manifestations of one group soul. Is this correct?


Some of us have the sense that if you were not needed for a time to actively work against the Darkness, you could go into a dormant state from which you could awaken at need. Is this correct?

Rashona: Yes, and I would also say that in a sense we sleep with one eye open, so that we may remain vigilant. [Elora: Therefore if you were guarding Creation, and there were no active threats, you could sleep and guard at the same time.] Yes.


Part 3 - The Work of The Light Workers

When the Light Warriors arrived in our Universe, they set about developing a strategy. More can be learned about the progress of their work in Chapter 8. However, in general, they have chosen first to go after the great military strongholds of the Dark, and to free the Great Central Sun of our Universe. While we would like them to go after the worst offenders on our Planet, they stated that "a part of our strategy is to separate the Dark Beings from the Fallen Humans, so if there is a chance of reclamation that may be done." Cleaning up the Darkness on Earth is not at the very top of the list for the Light Warriors, for good reason; but I believe we will begin to see the effects of their work early in 2005.

Elora: Can you briefly describe your strategy?

Rashona: Our strategy is highly complex because it is both multi-dimensional and multi-sized, going from the sub-atomic to the universal macrocosmic level. Let me just state that we have Light Warriors positioned on every level and every Dimension, and it is a magnificent push through all of these Dimensions in an orchestrated manner. And let me also state that we are unstoppable.

Elora: Do the Light Warriors have the power to affect the physical, and is that power limited?

Rashona: Yes, we have that power. I know of no limitation.

Elora: Can you, and will you, clean up pollution on this Planet?

Rashona: That appears not to be our primary objective. There are those that will come after us who will be working on that. We will, however, take out the sources of these pollutants, for instance the nuclear power plants.

Elora: Can you, and will you, clean up blocked or contaminated energy portals?

Rashona: Yes. We are highly effective at that. We are already aware of the major portals that need to be worked on and are building a strategy for clearing them.

Elora: Will you break down, deactivate, and/or destroy the nuclear weapons on this Planet?

Rashona: That will be one of our primary objectives, yes.

Elora: Humans have been promised help and relief so many times that many of us find it hard to believe that help is finally here. We've all been told that we would be rescued by Mass Landings, Photon Belts, various types of Divine Intervention, and what-not; yet on our Planet things are still getting worse. If you have the ability to affect the physical, is there any way that you could manifest your presence in a way which would be perceivable to Third Dimensional Humans?

Rashona: Not yet but soon. In the next few years.

Elora: On August 20, 2004, we asked Rashona: We are told that large numbers of you are massing against the Frequency Wall that cuts us off from the rest of Creation. Is this correct?

Rashona: Yes, it is. We are working to break it down. In one or two places it has been breached, although the opposition is attempting to shore it up. But we have made inroads.

Elora: Are most of the Light Warriors working on this Wall, or is this only one Division?

Rashona: Oh no, it is only one of a multitude of Divisions. It is not anywhere near the majority. About 15-20% of our total Force is arrayed there.

[Elora:] On August 26, 2004, Heru told us that part of the "Wall" or Frequency Fence around the Dark Universes had been breached by the Light Warriors. This wall, incidentally, appears to me something like the gigantic chunks of the Alien ships which crashed to Earth and lay in the desert in the movie Independence Day. It is extremely thick and made of some dense and highly unpleasant material. Heru said that a "good sized chunk" had been broken out of the Wall, and that Light Beings were starting to come in from the other side of the Wall in order to assist our Universe, though not yet in large numbers. He commented that "It is sooner than we thought, and more has happened than we thought. It does look like nothing can stop the Light Warriors." Heru also stated that people who were sensitive will begin to make energetic connections to their Home Universes for the first time, though they may not understand where this sense of "home" comes from.


On August 31, 2004, Rashona stated:

Rashona: As you know the Frequency Fence has been breached sooner than was anticipated. And the uncloaking of the first wave of Light Warriors that are seeded throughout this whole quadrant of the Dark Universes is going very rapidly and well. We are making great progress on this.

Elora: Are you able to work on the Twin-Soul rift in this Universe?

Rashona: That is very complicated. The rift itself, though causing evil, is more of a tear in space. I believe that the first wave of Beings that are coming in will address it, and they will be coming through shortly, within three months. This rift is one of the first issues to be addressed, for it affects not only Human minds but the Universes as well.

Elora: Heru stated that you would be working on some of the Beings who ensoul the Stars, such as our own Solar Logos, who is 65% Dark. What do you do when you work on such a Being?

Rashona: Generally, a Being like that would have attached to it a soulless vampire of some kind, and we would remove that. And that would remove most of the Dark. However at that point an ensouled Being is given a choice - the choice point to choose Light or Dark. Any time Beings are faced with that decision, if they choose to renounce the Dark they will then be put into the care of caregivers for healing. If they do not choose to renounce the Dark, they will be put in a holding pen until such time as they can be dealt with. [Elora: And given further chances for reclamation?] Yes, and at that point it is out of our hands - unless they once again are able to attach themselves to the Dark, which is unlikely once they are confined.

Elora: Is it true that the Light Warriors sing as they go into battle?

Rashona: Yes. That is in fact one of our great weapons or tools. It disrupts the stability of the Dark.

[Elora:] I have heard the Song of the Light Warriors as they battle the Dark. They all sing together in a grand, stirring harmony. Their song is somewhat reminiscent of parts of Handel's Messiah.

Part 4 - The Children of Promise

Once the Fallen Universes are cleansed of all the Darkness, a great deal of healing will still need to be accomplished. Many Beings have fallen, and even those who held to the Light have been damaged in one way or another. As Heru stated in the last section, the Omniversal Energy contains, encoded within it, a number of Beings and "programs" 'which will enable the damaged parts of Creation to heal. He has also said that "a great deal of work must be done to restore not only the Third Dimension but all of the other Dimensions." Even the atomic structure has been distorted in the Dark Universes. The healing of the Fallen Universes is a monumental task, but the help that is almost on our doorsteps is fully equal to that task.

Elora: Heru, when the Light Workers first came to the Fallen Universes, we could say that they came with Plan A. Plan A was an attempt to mend and heal things, but without destroying the Dark Forces. However it wasn't enough, and we weren't equipped to deal with the virulence of the Darkness. Therefore Plan B was created, which would be the coming of the Light Warriors. Did Plan B change things?

Heru: Yes. Plan B would supersede all of that even if Plan A doesn't entirely work. At this time, representatives from all over the Creation are lining up at the parameters of this Frequency Fence. Once the Fence has come down that is cordoning off this part of Creation, you will see a great influx of new, wonderful, fresh, unsullied, and uncorrupted Beings. In fact they are lined up anxiously waiting to come. As soon as it is deemed safe, they will begin their work. And there are legions of legions, countless numbers of Beings wanting to help. [Elora: All of us here are pretty tired.] Justifiably so. Also, you have called on the same Angels and Masters for generations and generations, and it is not only you who are tired.

Once the Frequency Fence comes down, some areas may receive help sooner than others. It may be individual planet by planet that would be safe enough for these Beings to come to. In other words, some planets might be safe for them to travel to, but others might not be so for a time. These Beings will not be asked to risk themselves.

What I would like to say to you and the other Light Workers is this: that the burden of the restoration and repair will not be yours, nor will the burden of the battle that is coming be yours. Your work has been essentially to hold onto as much Light as you could, hold the space. And now that help has come, you may consider your job well done.

The Ascended Masters and other Beings who are helping this Planet want everyone to know that even though there has been failure in intended missions, the fact that the Light was held long enough until aid could come has been vitally important. This Universe did not collapse, and that otherwise would have happened. But there are Beings here who are uncorrupted; who have, through the greatest of traumas, held the Light, held the original desire to still implement the Plan even though it was being thwarted at every stage. And how incredibly important that has been in the process of bringing help to this Planet.

That is one of the great miracles. That any of the Beings on this Planet have been able to hold the Light and hold integrity is truly a marvel. Of course many have succumbed and many have become corrupt. But enough - and each one is very precious - enough have held onto their integrity and have been willing to sacrifice their lives for truth again and again.

Elora: You have mentioned some Beings called the Children of Promise. Please tell us about them.

Heru: They are a family from one of the older Universes in this Creation.

They have held with them many of the unsullied blueprints of many different kinds of systems, systems for the Animal and Plant Kingdoms and Mineral Kingdoms, in somewhat of a different way than how you brought them to this Universe. Their promise is the promise of restoration. It is not exactly known how this restoration will happen, for we have never attempted it before, but they do appear to have the material and the talent to do a great deal of positive work.

Elora: How and when will they be coming to universes such as ours?

Heru: I would think by the beginning of next year [i.e. January 2005] you will begin to see them. They are, in some manner, actually incarnating into the children that are being born on the Planet at this time. They are incarnating not as the whole Being that they are, but as a fraction of themselves. A large influx of that energy will be happening as soon as early next year. Once the Frequency Barrier to this cordoned-off part of the Creation is broken through, much change will happen quickly. And as the Light Warriors are unveiled and begin to assemble in each locality, much change will happen rapidly.

Elora: Going back to the Children of Promise, I saw them as looking like a very large Angel, and it almost appeared as if they had a sun in their heart area. Also they seemed to carry many colors within them for healing, including some that we don't know of. Is this correct?

Heru: They take many forms, but yes, that would be accurate. And yes, there are thousands upon thousands of colors. Many of them have not been seen on Earth or have not been seen for a long time.

Elora: I had the impression that they would be borne in on the pulse from Godverse.

Heru: As I said, they are fractionally being born into children now. There will be manifestations of them in the next year. Fully aware Beings, and Beings who can complete the magnitude of the work that is required, would be coming on that pulse. But I believe that you will see and hear about them before then. For the present, it will be fractions of what they are. [Elora: And they will be able to heal on all levels, from the microcosm to the macrocosm? Even the atomic structure, which is distorted in this Universe?] All of that is correct.


Part 5 - The BREATH of GOD

In the last paragraph above, Heru mentions the "pulse from the Godverse". This was touched upon in Chapter Four, Part 3, and is also referred to as "The Breath of God". Some time after the arrival of the Omniversal Energy, I began to see this coming. It looks to me like a great tidal wave which will sweep through the Universes with magnificent power. The Breath of God will probably arrive in our Universe in about 300 years, although timing is very difficult to predict now; As Heru says, that is only a fraction of a second in Cosmic time. Heru and Sananda have both stated that (in this Universe, at least) there will be a period of chaos both before and after this event. As to whether this event will completely set everything to rights, Heru does not know. He said that given how long the Darkness has existed in some universes, and a million other unfathomable complexities, no one knows what the results of this event will be. This Universe, unlike those which were created by the Dark, "is very repairable" but certain parts of it may not be reclaimable, some Stars may collapse, and a few Beings may not make it either. However, everything and everyone that can be saved will be saved.

We do not have a great deal of information on the Breath of God, but we asked Heru a few questions.

Elora: Heru, is the energy pulse from the Godverse in response to the Invasion of Darkness and the Fall of the Universes, or is it part of a vast Cycle that was going to happen anyway? It is said that many Cosmic Cycles are coming to a close at this time.

Heru: It is actually both. There was a periodic pulse scheduled to come, and the Creator has used that energy to propel and to bring forth the cleaning and the solution to the invasion. So in a sense the pulse from the Godverse is the vehicle through which all of this is being transmitted. And the Omniversal Energy could be seen as the first wave of that pulse, almost as if the aura of the pulse from the Godverse precedes itself in this way.

Elora: Had we not done the work that we did in this Universe, what would have happened? Would it have been unprepared for the Omniversal Energy and the pulse from the Godverse?

Heru: Yes, it would have been unprepared, and most likely this Universe would have collapsed. But much help has been given, and much energy has been set in place for that not to happen. If you look at your own efforts and you multiply it many times, there have been similar efforts in many different arenas.

Rashona: We are not heavy in that way, it is just that the bonds of the atoms are stronger. We do not require that kind of density, but we can penetrate that kind of density with ease. Were a Human to go to a neutron star, of course they would be crushed, whereas we would not be.

Elora: What sort of weapons or energies do you use in battling the Dark Forces?

Rashona: We use a flight that is different than the flight you would use in this Universe. We use these four wings to create a spin, an upright spin. We almost become like a drill bit, enabling us to create wormholes at will and go anywhere at will with this spin. So speed in flight is one weapon. The second weapon that we have is a laser-like beam which is emitted from our eyes, that we turn on and off at will. It will incinerate whatever it is aimed at. The third weapon we have is that we are impenetrable and that nothing can touch us.

Elora: It is my understanding that all of you are manifestations of one group soul. Is this correct?


Some of us have the sense that if you were not needed for a time to actively work against the Darkness, you could go into a dormant state from which you could awaken at need. Is this correct?

Rashona: Yes, and I would also say that in a sense we sleep with one eye open, so that we may remain vigilant. [Elora: Therefore if you were guarding Creation, and there were no active threats, you could sleep and guard at the same time.] Yes.


Part 3 - The Work of The Light Workers

When the Light Warriors arrived in our Universe, they set about developing a strategy. More can be learned about the progress of their work in Chapter 8. However, in general, they have chosen first to go after the great military strongholds of the Dark, and to free the Great Central Sun of our Universe. While we would like them to go after the worst offenders on our Planet, they stated that "a part of our strategy is to separate the Dark Beings from the Fallen Humans, so if there is a chance of reclamation that may be done." Cleaning up the Darkness on Earth is not at the very top of the list for the Light Warriors, for good reason; but I believe we will begin to see the effects of their work early in 2005.

Elora: Can you briefly describe your strategy?

Rashona: Our strategy is highly complex because it is both multi-dimensional and multi-sized, going from the sub-atomic to the universal macrocosmic level. Let me just state that we have Light Warriors positioned on every level and every Dimension, and it is a magnificent push through all of these Dimensions in an orchestrated manner. And let me also state that we are unstoppable.

Elora: Do the Light Warriors have the power to affect the physical, and is that power limited?

Rashona: Yes, we have that power. I know of no limitation.

Elora: Can you, and will you, clean up pollution on this Planet?

Rashona: That appears not to be our primary objective. There are those that will come after us who will be working on that. We will, however, take out the sources of these pollutants, for instance the nuclear power plants.

Elora: Can you, and will you, clean up blocked or contaminated energy portals?

Rashona: Yes. We are highly effective at that. We are already aware of the major portals that need to be worked on and are building a strategy for clearing them.

Elora: Will you break down, deactivate, and/or destroy the nuclear weapons on this Planet?

Rashona: That will be one of our primary objectives, yes.

Elora: Humans have been promised help and relief so many times that many of us find it hard to believe that help is finally here. We've all been told that we would be rescued by Mass Landings, Photon Belts, various types of Divine Intervention, and what-not; yet on our Planet things are still getting worse. If you have the ability to affect the physical, is there any way that you could manifest your presence in a way which would be perceivable to Third Dimensional Humans?

Rashona: Not yet but soon. In the next few years.

Elora: On August 20, 2004, we asked Rashona: We are told that large numbers of you are massing against the Frequency Wall that cuts us off from the rest of Creation. Is this correct?

Rashona: Yes, it is. We are working to break it down. In one or two places it has been breached, although the opposition is attempting to shore it up. But we have made inroads.

Elora: Are most of the Light Warriors working on this Wall, or is this only one Division?

Rashona: Oh no, it is only one of a multitude of Divisions. It is not anywhere near the majority. About 15-20% of our total Force is arrayed there.

[Elora:] On August 26, 2004, Heru told us that part of the "Wall" or Frequency Fence around the Dark Universes had been breached by the Light Warriors. This wall, incidentally, appears to me something like the gigantic chunks of the Alien ships which crashed to Earth and lay in the desert in the movie Independence Day. It is extremely thick and made of some dense and highly unpleasant material. Heru said that a "good sized chunk" had been broken out of the Wall, and that Light Beings were starting to come in from the other side of the Wall in order to assist our Universe, though not yet in large numbers. He commented that "It is sooner than we thought, and more has happened than we thought. It does look like nothing can stop the Light Warriors." Heru also stated that people who were sensitive will begin to make energetic connections to their Home Universes for the first time, though they may not understand where this sense of "home" comes from.


On August 31, 2004, Rashona stated:

Rashona: As you know the Frequency Fence has been breached sooner than was anticipated. And the uncloaking of the first wave of Light Warriors that are seeded throughout this whole quadrant of the Dark Universes is going very rapidly and well. We are making great progress on this.

Elora: Are you able to work on the Twin-Soul rift in this Universe?

Rashona: That is very complicated. The rift itself, though causing evil, is more of a tear in space. I believe that the first wave of Beings that are coming in will address it, and they will be coming through shortly, within three months. This rift is one of the first issues to be addressed, for it affects not only Human minds but the Universes as well.

Elora: Heru stated that you would be working on some of the Beings who ensoul the Stars, such as our own Solar Logos, who is 65% Dark. What do you do when you work on such a Being?

Rashona: Generally, a Being like that would have attached to it a soulless vampire of some kind, and we would remove that. And that would remove most of the Dark. However at that point an ensouled Being is given a choice - the choice point to choose Light or Dark. Any time Beings are faced with that decision, if they choose to renounce the Dark they will then be put into the care of caregivers for healing. If they do not choose to renounce the Dark, they will be put in a holding pen until such time as they can be dealt with. [Elora: And given further chances for reclamation?] Yes, and at that point it is out of our hands - unless they once again are able to attach themselves to the Dark, which is unlikely once they are confined.

Elora: Is it true that the Light Warriors sing as they go into battle?

Rashona: Yes. That is in fact one of our great weapons or tools. It disrupts the stability of the Dark.

[Elora:] I have heard the Song of the Light Warriors as they battle the Dark. They all sing together in a grand, stirring harmony. Their song is somewhat reminiscent of parts of Handel's Messiah.


Part 4 - The Children of Promise

Once the Fallen Universes are cleansed of all the Darkness, a great deal of healing will still need to be accomplished. Many Beings have fallen, and even those who held to the Light have been damaged in one way or another. As Heru stated in the last section, the Omniversal Energy contains, encoded within it, a number of Beings and "programs" 'which will enable the damaged parts of Creation to heal. He has also said that "a great deal of work must be done to restore not only the Third Dimension but all of the other Dimensions." Even the atomic structure has been distorted in the Dark Universes. The healing of the Fallen Universes is a monumental task, but the help that is almost on our doorsteps is fully equal to that task.

Elora: Heru, when the Light Workers first came to the Fallen Universes, we could say that they came with Plan A. Plan A was an attempt to mend and heal things, but without destroying the Dark Forces. However it wasn't enough, and we weren't equipped to deal with the virulence of the Darkness. Therefore Plan B was created, which would be the coming of the Light Warriors. Did Plan B change things?

Heru: Yes. Plan B would supersede all of that even if Plan A doesn't entirely work. At this time, representatives from all over the Creation are lining up at the parameters of this Frequency Fence. Once the Fence has come down that is cordoning off this part of Creation, you will see a great influx of new, wonderful, fresh, unsullied, and uncorrupted Beings. In fact they are lined up anxiously waiting to come. As soon as it is deemed safe, they will begin their work. And there are legions of legions, countless numbers of Beings wanting to help. [Elora: All of us here are pretty tired.] Justifiably so. Also, you have called on the same Angels and Masters for generations and generations, and it is not only you who are tired.

Once the Frequency Fence comes down, some areas may receive help sooner than others. It may be individual planet by planet that would be safe enough for these Beings to come to. In other words, some planets might be safe for them to travel to, but others might not be so for a time. These Beings will not be asked to risk themselves.

What I would like to say to you and the other Light Workers is this: that the burden of the restoration and repair will not be yours, nor will the burden of the battle that is coming be yours. Your work has been essentially to hold onto as much Light as you could, hold the space. And now that help has come, you may consider your job well done.

The Ascended Masters and other Beings who are helping this Planet want everyone to know that even though there has been failure in intended missions, the fact that the Light was held long enough until aid could come has been vitally important. This Universe did not collapse, and that otherwise would have happened. But there are Beings here who are uncorrupted; who have, through the greatest of traumas, held the Light, held the original desire to still implement the Plan even though it was being thwarted at every stage. And how incredibly important that has been in the process of bringing help to this Planet.

That is one of the great miracles. That any of the Beings on this Planet have been able to hold the Light and hold integrity is truly a marvel. Of course many have succumbed and many have become corrupt. But enough - and each one is very precious - enough have held onto their integrity and have been willing to sacrifice their lives for truth again and again.

Elora: You have mentioned some Beings called the Children of Promise. Please tell us about them.

Heru: They are a family from one of the older Universes in this Creation.

They have held with them many of the unsullied blueprints of many different kinds of systems, systems for the Animal and Plant Kingdoms and Mineral Kingdoms, in somewhat of a different way than how you brought them to this Universe. Their promise is the promise of restoration. It is not exactly known how this restoration will happen, for we have never attempted it before, but they do appear to have the material and the talent to do a great deal of positive work.

Elora: How and when will they be coming to universes such as ours?

Heru: I would think by the beginning of next year [i.e. January 2005] you will begin to see them. They are, in some manner, actually incarnating into the children that are being born on the Planet at this time. They are incarnating not as the whole Being that they are, but as a fraction of themselves. A large influx of that energy will be happening as soon as early next year. Once the Frequency Barrier to this cordoned-off part of the Creation is broken through, much change will happen quickly. And as the Light Warriors are unveiled and begin to assemble in each locality, much change will happen rapidly. 

Elora: Going back to the Children of Promise, I saw them as looking like a very large Angel, and it almost appeared as if they had a sun in their heart area. Also they seemed to carry many colors within them for healing, including some that we don't know of. Is this correct 

Heru: They take many forms, but yes, that would be accurate. And yes, there are thousands upon thousands of colors. Many of them have not been seen on Earth or have not been seen for a long time.

Elora: I had the impression that they would be borne in on the pulse from Godverse.

Heru: As I said, they are fractionally being born into children now. There will be manifestations of them in the next year. Fully aware Beings, and Beings who can complete the magnitude of the work that is required, would be coming on that pulse. But I believe that you will see and hear about them before then. For the present, it will be fractions of what they are. [Elora: And they will be able to heal on all levels, from the microcosm to the macrocosm? Even the atomic structure, which is distorted in this Universe?] All of that is correct.


Part 5 - The BREATH of GOD

In the last paragraph above, Heru mentions the "pulse from the Godverse". This was touched upon in Chapter Four, Part 3, and is also referred to as "The Breath of God". Some time after the arrival of the Omniversal Energy, I began to see this coming. It looks to me like a great tidal wave which will sweep through the Universes with magnificent power. The Breath of God will probably arrive in our Universe in about 300 years, although timing is very difficult to predict now; As Heru says, that is only a fraction of a second in Cosmic time. Heru and Sananda have both stated that (in this Universe, at least) there will be a period of chaos both before and after this event. As to whether this event will completely set everything to rights, Heru does not know. He said that given how long the Darkness has existed in some universes, and a million other unfathomable complexities, no one knows what the results of this event will be. This Universe, unlike those which were created by the Dark, "is very repairable" but certain parts of it may not be reclaimable, some Stars may collapse, and a few Beings may not make it either. However, everything and everyone that can be saved will be saved.

We do not have a great deal of information on the Breath of God, but we asked Heru a few questions.

Elora: Heru, is the energy pulse from the Godverse in response to the Invasion of Darkness and the Fall of the Universes, or is it part of a vast Cycle that was going to happen anyway? It is said that many Cosmic Cycles are coming to a close at this time.

Heru: It is actually both. There was a periodic pulse scheduled to come, and the Creator has used that energy to propel and to bring forth the cleaning and the solution to the invasion. So in a sense the pulse from the Godverse is the vehicle through which all of this is being transmitted. And the Omniversal Energy could be seen as the first wave of that pulse, almost as if the aura of the pulse from the Godverse precedes itself in this way.

Elora: Had we not done the work that we did in this Universe, what would have happened? Would it have been unprepared for the Omniversal Energy and the pulse from the Godverse?

Heru: Yes, it would have been unprepared, and most likely this Universe would have collapsed. But much help has been given, and much energy has been set in place for that not to happen. If you look at your own efforts and you multiply it many times, there have been similar efforts in many different arenas.