Revelations from The Creator God Horus

Elora Gabriel and Karen Kirschbaum

The Eye of Horus

The Complete Text and Updates
First Published 2005 by Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA


The text that follows is my own story of what I noticed during the first six months of the Omniversal Energy's presence on Earth. It was written in February 2004, before I made contact with Heru. I would like to note that my husband John and I live near Asheville, NC, an area which is very energetically active with many ley lines, portals, and power points. Parts of the country which are energetically calmer have not experienced as much upheaval or release of negative energies as we have here.


Part 1: Elora’s Essay on the OMNIVERSAL ENERGY

I came into this life filled with a tremendous drive to evolve, as well as a visceral expectation of Planetary Ascension and of my own involvement in that process. I studied Vedanta as a teenager, read the Findhorn channelings in the 70's and many others in the 80's and 90's, and was convinced that the rapid transformation of our Planet was imminent.

Somewhere in the mid to late 90's I began to somewhat lose my faith. It was very clear that, at least on the outer level, Earth was not transforming. In fact, because of the increasing environmental devastation, overall things appeared to be getting worse. I tried and tried to understand what was really happening. Had there been a Plan, and had it gone awry; derailed (as so many have been) by the unexpectedly recalcitrant behavior of Humanity and the density of 3D life here? Had interference from the Dark side simply been too great? Or had the whole thing been a grand illusion, and were most Channelers simply recycling mass thought forms which bore no resemblance to reality? A number of my Light Worker friends felt the same way. There was a sense of weariness, of deep disappointment. So many of us had worked so very hard, and it appeared that the transformation of our planet - if it happened at all - was probably thousands of years down the line.

That's how things stood with me until September of 2003. Despite feeling discouraged about outcomes on Earth, I never ceased to explore inner realms. It was about mid-September that John and I both noticed a great increase of psychic attacks and various types of attachments in people we knew: Everybody was picking up dark forces, negative entities, and even discarnates. Even John and I were getting attachments, for the first time in many years! I own a small business, and had to continually clear my Staff. At times the "infestations" were so bad that one sensitive employee couldn't get to work until she was cleared.

John and I separately went to guidance and asked what was going on. To our surprise, we were told that the upsurge in attacks and attachments was due to something positive - an increase of Light on the planet. The cockroaches were being flushed out of the cracks, so to speak. This information interested me greatly, so we did our best to get more details. Some of my contacts on the Inner Realms said they didn't know where this Light was coming from - it was a source so high that even they couldn't comprehend it, but they could certainly perceive it. I tuned in to the Omniversal Energy, as I call it, and found that it felt like an intense beam of Light Energy which was experienced as descending directly through the Crown Chakra.

John is quite a good channel and has recently been channeling a Being who identifies himself as Maitreya (not the current Maitreya, but the first one on Earth to hold that office). Maitreya had a lot to say about the Omniversal Energy. He said that it is the highest and most powerful energy we have ever known on this Planet. He told us that this energy is what we have been waiting for - and while its arrival was expected to occur quite a bit earlier, it is indeed here now. As it intensifies, Maitreya told us, the Omniversal Energy would change everything on our world beyond recognition. It will clean up our planet to the very last corner, and as the Omniversal Energy increases in power, absolutely nothing will be able to withstand it. The Omniversal Energy will gradually raise the frequency of Earth as well, so that all matter here will become less and less dense.

Maitreya said that the Omniversal Energy is affecting not only Earth but our entire Universe. It's my understanding that what we call the Star Seed helpers on Earth not only came here from other planets, but originally came from other universes, in an attempt to help this one. In any case, Maitreya stated that the Omniversal Energy will ultimately cleanse and transform our entire Universe. He said there would be dark corners for a time, and many highly negative Beings would choose to leave Earth as the Light increases, to hide out in such places. Even they, eventually, would have to face the music. Earth, however, was in line to receive a high dose of this energy and is therefore a good place to be right now. As closely as I could get, the Omniversal Energy had arrived on September 5, 2003, and we started noticing the effects very shortly after that.

We also began to observe that many people around us were experiencing dramatic and intense life changes. For example, Karen had followed a certain Eastern Master for all of her adult life as well as for six lives prior to this one. On September 6, she decided that he was not a being of integrity and renounced him. Shortly after that her Father died, her apartment was flooded, and she had to deal with ongoing psychic attacks from the Astral minions of her former Guru. Of the four Staff members who worked in my business at the time, three of them had deaths in their families in the months directly after the entry of the Omniversal Energy. I myself broke a karmic contract of over 3000 years standing and went through other intense changes and realizations.

I was personally told that this Energy or Light comes from a central power source within the Omniverse (the Central Universe within this Universal System, often called the "Godverse"). It was for this reason that I coined the name "Omniversal Energy".

Initially, the Omniversal Energy was not well absorbed onto our Planet. Due to the Frequency Barriers and the like, much of it was seen to be "sheeting off". That has changed to some extent, and I also see people becoming more acclimatized to this Energy as well. A balancing of the Omniversal Energy seemed to occur at the time of the “Harmonic Concordance” of 1987, but I emphasize that it had arrived to some extent on our Planet before that time.

As of February 2004, things have continued to be quite intense in our area. John, Karen, and I all noticed that areas located on or near Ley Lines became too highly energized for comfort. In fact all of us moved from such areas to places which were more energetically quiet.

With the arrival of the Omniversal Energy, I feel once again that our world is on track for a rapid transformation. Just how rapid I do not know for sure, but I believe the rate of change is going to be speeding up exponentially. I do hope that those of us who have been doing our work for so long will ultimately be able to ride the waves of change in a joyful way, as well as being able to help others who may be struggling.

I have found that the Omniversal Energy is highly intelligent, responsive, and seems to know everything. I often communicate with it. I don't know what percent of its full intensity we are currently receiving, probably no more than a tenth. Any person who is sensitive to energies can tune into the Omniversal Energy simply by requesting the connection. The connection will be felt directly through the Crown Chakra and will feel like a very pure and powerful white light. One may also request other colors of this Light, such as rose, emerald, gold, or silver; and these may be used for protection and healing.


Part 2: The Nature and Arrival of the OMNIVERSAL ENERGY

Elora: Heru, would you please speak on the Omniversal Energy - what it is, how it got here, and so on.

Heru: The Omniversal Energy is a beam or ray of light, projected directly by Prime Creator as a beam of focused intent designed to penetrate all levels of Creation. It has, to a greater or lesser degree, penetrated and touched every atom of Creation, with the intent of restoring the true Light of the Creator to all Creation. Embedded in this beam or ray of light are encoded many programs and many Beings, including the Light Warriors. These programs and Beings are designed to activated sequentially in order to perform the restoration of the Fallen Universes and all Beings and substances contained within them.

Elora: Will the Omniversal Energy continue to increase in strength?

Heru: Yes. I would describe it almost like the rotating beam from a lighthouse, and it is rotating through all of the Fallen Sector. It's not so much that the beam will become stronger as that every time it comes through, it will affect more, and will penetrate more deeply. The rate of rotation is so rapid that the effect is very constant, not as fast as a strobe light, but it's as much on as off.

Elora: But it will continue to increase, in our experience?

Heru: Yes, it will. As the Frequency Barriers fall, more and more of that Light will penetrate. And as time goes by, more of the programs will be activated as well. [Elora: It will increase until the Breath of God reaches us?] I know of no time that it will not continue. It may increase indefinitely, and may just be a new standard level of existence.

Elora: I'm surprised that so few people are aware of the Omniversal Energy and the timing that it came in.

Heru: Well, remember the Frequency Fences at that time were still very much intact. Many are feeling changes in energy and are attributing them to astrological events or the coming of the New Age and so on. Much of what has happened in the past year has been attributed to other events and causes.

Elora: Is Omniversal Energy the best name for this energy or light?

Heru: It is a very good name. [Elora: I experience it as being like a living presence, very intelligent.] Oh yes. [And it seems to know everything.] Yes, it is like the finger of God in your life.

Elora: How did the Omniversal Energy reach the Fallen Sectors? Is it being stepped down through the Great Central Suns?

Heru: No. Prior to the advent of the Omniversal Energy, the conduit path of energy from Prime Creator would pass through the Central Sun of a Universe to the Central Sun of a Galaxy, to the Sun of a Solar System, and so on. However, corruption and Fallen energy had taken over so many of these systems that this was not working. So the Omniversal Energy was designed to come directly to every atom, bypassing that whole structure. In your traditions and mythology in many places there are statements that one cannot look directly at God - if you look directly at God you will perish, you will be blinded, etc. And the Omniversal Energy bypasses all of that. For the first time and for all of Creation, there is a more direct energetic conscious flow both ways: from Prime Creator to all aspects of Creation, and from each aspect of Creation back to Prime Creator.

Elora: So the Omniversal Energy is not traveling on a path?

Heru: No, it is being broadcast universally throughout all of Creation, both the Fallen and Unfallen Universes. It has a somewhat different effect on the Unfallen Creation, for in those regions it gives every atom a more direct communication with Creator, and just sparks up everything a little. I don't know if it's considered a huge change there. Everyone likes it; it feels very good. In this Sector, it is of course having the effect of disrupting and discomforting the Dark, and bringing hope to all Light Beings. And this will also assist in the reclamation of the fallen nature of matter in this Sector, for the very stones of this Earth and much of the other solid space in this Fallen Sector have been defiled. The atomic structure itself has been distorted.

Elora: When I work with the Omniversal Energy, I feel it through my Crown Chakra. I call on it, and I ask it to do things, and I ask for information. Can you give other suggestions to readers to work with it?

Heru: Many people will pray blindly to a God that they have never seen, have only vaguely experienced, and never receive direct feedback of that God's existence. If people will address not only Prime Creator in their prayers, but also call upon the Omniversal Energy with Prime Creator, they will find their connection to become a direct face to face communication. And this changes everything.

Elora: Is the Omniversal Energy why so many in the West are now waking up?

Heru: People in the West have been experiencing awakenings for several decades. And it is actually still a fairly small minority of people that are having these awakenings. This is not so much tied to the advent of the Omniversal Energy as much as it is tied to the Changing of the Ages, and the larger cyclical wheels of time that are lining up for the 2012 portal. Given all the delays in launching the Omniversal Energy, it was felt that once it had finally been released, it would be advantageous for its full impact to correspond to the 2012 timing when this was all happening.

Elora: Without the arrival of the Omniversal Energy, apparently things would have been very bleak in our Universe.

Heru: It would look to be at some point a great conflict on the horizon, where the Forces of Dark would seek to wage a final battle of subjugation of the Light Forces, and would have almost certainly have succeeded in that. So yes, things would not have looked good without outside help.

Elora: How did you feel about the coming of the Omniversal Energy?

Heru: Well, we knew. We were petitioning for it for some time, and it was in my mind overdue. And there had been delaying tactics by the Dark in an attempt to stop it. [Elora: Doesn't the Omniversal Energy come from the Godverse?] Yes. [So how could the Dark delay this?] It's a similar scenario to this planet receiving help form the outside. This is a Free Will Universe, and so there need to be petitions made for something like the Omniversal Energy. And so great discussions were had - do we call for it, do we not, and again and again things were voted down. [Elora: So it was not going to come until called for?] Yes. [And does agreement have to be reached for this sort of thing, not just within the Forces of Light?] Well, that is in an interesting question. The Light Beings cloaked themselves and held a meeting and did this petition without the rest of the Council knowing about it. And that is how this was accomplished. However, even once the Omniversal Energy had been released, there was a last-ditch effort by the Dark to stop it from reaching Earth. The timeline on Earth was distorted, bringing this time lag about, so that you are in fact not in linear time where you were supposed to have been. Earth's timeline has been rifted, somehow taken out of its proper place and distorted. These Beings are very clever.

Elora: If the timeline hadn't been moved, when would the Omniversal Energy have reached Earth?

Heru: It looks like around 1976. [Elora: That's a long delay.] Yes, and much damage has been generated due to that delay.

[Elora:] Light Workers who were awakened during the 70's will remember the tremendous sense of anticipation that was felt during that decade, and the feeling that the great shift on Earth was imminent. We know now that these intimations were based on the fact that the Omniversal Energy should have arrived on our Planet around 1976. It is tragic that the Dark was able to move Earth out of its timeline and therefore delay the coming of this great event. From this point, however, we can look forward in the knowledge that no more delays can or will occur.