圣光回归 - 第五章
2005 年首次由Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA出版
作者 埃洛拉· 加百列
在许多书中,简介都只是被大家简单的浏览一下或完全跳过。 然而,我们希望您能花时间阅读这几页。 否则,当您继续阅读文本本身时,您会发现自己有许多疑惑。 另外,请注意本书末尾有一个术语表,如果您遇到不熟悉的术语,这将会有所帮助。
本书由四人编写:Elora Gabriel、Karen Kirschbaum、Shakura Rei 和 Marjorie Bair。 Karen是一个水晶般纯净无暇的管道,她传递了这些页面中记录的所有信息。 正是她作为管道的卓越能力使这项工作成为可能。 我通常(尽管并非总是)是提出问题的人。 我还写了一个简短的叙述来介绍每一章; 在某些地方,我的评论被插入到章节正文中。 Shakura提出了许多问题并帮助出版了这本书。 Marjorie担任这本书的顾问编辑,经常提出自己富有洞察力的问题,并慷慨地分享她在出版领域的专业知识。
下面这篇文章是关于我自己在万能能量出现在地球的头六个月中所注意到的事情。 这篇文章写于 2004 年 2 月,当时我还没有与赫鲁取得联系。 我想说明的一点是,我和我的丈夫约翰住在美国北卡罗来纳州阿什维尔附近,这是一个能量非常活跃的地区,这里有许多地脉能量线、门户和能量漩涡点。 这个国家其他能量没有那么活跃的地区并没有经历像我们这儿这么多的能量波动或负面能量的释放。
The text that follows is my own story of what I noticed during the first six months of the Omniversal Energy's presence on Earth. It was written in February 2004, before I made contact with Heru. I would like to note that my husband John and I live near Asheville, NC, an area which is very energetically active with many ley lines, portals, and power points. Parts of the country which are energetically calmer have not experienced as much upheaval or release of negative energies as we have here.
第 1 部分 — 埃洛拉关于宇宙万能能量的文章
Part 1: Elora’s Essay on the OMNIVERSAL ENERGY
我带着对自我进化,以及对行星扬升和自己可以参与到这一个过程中的本能的巨大渴望开启了我这一世的生活。 我十几岁的时候就研究了吠檀多,在 1970 年代阅读了 Findhorn/芬德霍恩通灵,在 1980 年代和 1990 年代阅读了许多其他的通灵书籍,并确信我们星球的快速转变迫在眉睫。
I came into this life filled with a tremendous drive to evolve, as well as a visceral expectation of Planetary Ascension and of my own involvement in that process. I studied Vedanta as a teenager, read the Findhorn channelings in the 70's and many others in the 80's and 90's, and was convinced that the rapid transformation of our Planet was imminent.
到了1990年代中后期的某个时刻,我开始有些失去信心了。 很明显,至少在现实层面,地球并没有发生肉眼可见的转变。 事实上,由于环境破坏日益严重,总体情况似乎变得更糟了。 我不断试着去了解到底发生了什么。 是否有一个神圣计划,它是否出现了偏差? 是否是人类出乎意料的顽固行为和3维世界里过于稠密而沉重的生命能量让计划脱离了正轨(而这种脱离正轨的事确实也多次发生过)? 难道是来自黑暗势力的干扰太大了? 或者整个神圣计划只是一个巨大的幻象,而大多数通灵者只是在老生常谈那些与我们所处的这一时间线现实毫无相似之处的集体意识可能性中的一部分? 我的一些光工朋友也有同样的感觉。 我们都深感失望与疲惫。 我们中的许多人都非常努力地参与着协助地球转变的工作,而当时我们认为我们这颗的星球的转变——如果它真的会发生的话——也可能会是在几千年后的事情了。
Somewhere in the mid to late 90's I began to somewhat lose my faith. It was very clear that, at least on the outer level, Earth was not transforming. In fact, because of the increasing environmental devastation, overall things appeared to be getting worse. I tried and tried to understand what was really happening. Had there been a Plan, and had it gone awry; derailed (as so many have been) by the unexpectedly recalcitrant behavior of Humanity and the density of 3D life here? Had interference from the Dark side simply been too great? Or had the whole thing been a grand illusion, and were most Channelers simply recycling mass thought forms which bore no resemblance to reality? A number of my Light Worker friends felt the same way. There was a sense of weariness, of deep disappointment. So many of us had worked so very hard, and it appeared that the transformation of our planet - if it happened at all - was probably thousands of years down the line.
这就是我直到 2003 年 9 月为止的情况。尽管对地球上所发生事情的结果感到沮丧,但我从未停止探索内心的领域。 大约在九月中旬,约翰和我都注意到我们认识的人受到的精神攻击和各种类型的执念都突然大幅增加:每个人都在受到黑暗力量、负面实体,甚至是元素灵的攻击。 就连约翰和我也有了执念,这是多年来的头一次! 我有一家小企业,而在这段时间里,我必须不断地为我的员工做各种能量清理作业。 有时,这种“黑暗能量的感染”异常严重,以至于我的一名敏感的员工在完成能量清理前,根本无法上班工作。
That's how things stood with me until September of 2003. Despite feeling discouraged about outcomes on Earth, I never ceased to explore inner realms. It was about mid-September that John and I both noticed a great increase of psychic attacks and various types of attachments in people we knew: Everybody was picking up dark forces, negative entities, and even discarnates. Even John and I were getting attachments, for the first time in many years! I own a small business, and had to continually clear my Staff. At times the "infestations" were so bad that one sensitive employee couldn't get to work until she was cleared.
我和约翰开始分头去寻求指引,询问到底发生了什么事。 令我们惊讶的是,我们被告知这些攻击和执念的激增是由一些积极的因素——地球上的光——的大量增加导致的。 可以这么说,蟑螂正在从裂缝中被冲走。 这些信息让我非常感兴趣,所以我们竭尽所能的去了解更多的细节。 甚至连与我在内在世界里连接的一些高维存有都说他们不知道这种光是从哪里来——它的源头所处的维度是如此之高,甚至连这些高维存有都无法理解,但他们肯定可以感知到它的到来。 后来我将这种能量取名为万能能量,并开始调节我自己的频率好与它进行连接,随后我发现那种连接的体验就像是一束非常强烈的圣光能量,直接穿过顶轮进入了我的身体。
John and I separately went to guidance and asked what was going on. To our surprise, we were told that the upsurge in attacks and attachments was due to something positive - an increase of Light on the planet. The cockroaches were being flushed out of the cracks, so to speak. This information interested me greatly, so we did our best to get more details. Some of my contacts on the Inner Realms said they didn't know where this Light was coming from - it was a source so high that even they couldn't comprehend it, but they could certainly perceive it. I tuned in to the Omniversal Energy, as I call it, and found that it felt like an intense beam of Light Energy which was experienced as descending directly through the Crown Chakra.
约翰是一个相当优秀的通灵管道,他最近一直在通灵一个自称为弥勒(在中国也叫弥勒佛)的存有(不是现任的弥勒,而是地球上第一个担任该职务(弥勒能量的管道)的存有)【译注:弥勒其实代表的是一种能量和意识的频率,其中的核心是喜乐自在,当然还有其他许多特质。而能完整的表现出这些能量和意识频率的人就能成为弥勒能量原型在地表的管道】。 关于万能能量,弥勒有很多话要说。 他说,这是我们在这个星球上已知的源自最高维度的最强能量。 他告诉我们,这种能量就是我们一直在等待的东西——虽然它本应来的更早一些,但它现在确实就在这里了。 弥勒告诉我们,随着它的增强,万能能量将改变我们世界上的一切,使之焕然一新。 它将荡涤我们这个星球的每一个角落,随着万能能量的威力增强,绝对没有任何事物能够阻挡它。 万能能量也会逐渐提高地球的频率,因此这里的所有物质都会变得越来越轻盈而高频。
John is quite a good channel and has recently been channeling a Being who identifies himself as Maitreya (not the current Maitreya, but the first one on Earth to hold that office). Maitreya had a lot to say about the Omniversal Energy. He said that it is the highest and most powerful energy we have ever known on this Planet. He told us that this energy is what we have been waiting for - and while its arrival was expected to occur quite a bit earlier, it is indeed here now. As it intensifies, Maitreya told us, the Omniversal Energy would change everything on our world beyond recognition. It will clean up our planet to the very last corner, and as the Omniversal Energy increases in power, absolutely nothing will be able to withstand it. The Omniversal Energy will gradually raise the frequency of Earth as well, so that all matter here will become less and less dense.
弥勒说,万能能量不仅影响地球,也将影响我们整个宇宙。 据我了解,地球上有着这样一批存有,他们被称为星际种子,他们有的是来自我们这个宇宙的其他星球,而有的甚至来自自我们这个宇宙以外的其他宇宙,他们来到这里,试图帮助这个星球完成转变。 无论如何,弥勒表示,万能能量最终将净化和改变我们的整个宇宙。 他说,我们的宇宙可能还会有一些阴暗的角落,随着光的增强,许多极度负面的存有会选择离开地球,转而躲藏在那些阴暗的角落里。 然而即使是这些存有,最终也将不得不面对圣光那无比美妙的频率的洗礼。而地球本身就处在无比庞大的万能能量在我们这个宇宙流动时的必经之路上,会接收到非常多的万能能量,因此我们现在事实上是居住在了一块我们宇宙中的风水宝地上。 据我所知,万能能量最早是于 2003 年 9 月 5 日到达的,在此后不久我们就开始注意到了其带来的影响。
Maitreya said that the Omniversal Energy is affecting not only Earth but our entire Universe. It's my understanding that what we call the Star Seed helpers on Earth not only came here from other planets, but originally came from other universes, in an attempt to help this one. In any case, Maitreya stated that the Omniversal Energy will ultimately cleanse and transform our entire Universe. He said there would be dark corners for a time, and many highly negative Beings would choose to leave Earth as the Light increases, to hide out in such places. Even they, eventually, would have to face the music. Earth, however, was in line to receive a high dose of this energy and is therefore a good place to be right now. As closely as I could get, the Omniversal Energy had arrived on September 5, 2003, and we started noticing the effects very shortly after that.
我们也开始观察到,我们周围的许多人都开始经历戏剧性的、剧烈的生活变化。 例如,凯伦在她这一世的整个成年后的生活中以及在此之前的六世中,都在追随某位东方的大师。 2003年9月6日,她认定这位大师并非一个言行一致的存有,随后与他断绝了关系。 在那之后不久,她的父亲便去世了,而她的公寓也被洪水淹没,她不得不应对来自她之前追随的那位所谓的GURU/大师(印度教或锡克教的宗教导师或领袖)的星光层爪牙的持续精神攻击。 当时在我公司工作的四名员工中,其中就有三人在万能能量进入后的几个月内就经历了亲人离世的变故。 我本人打破了持续了长达三千多年的业力契约(负面灵魂契约),并经历了其他剧烈的变化和认知洗礼。
We also began to observe that many people around us were experiencing dramatic and intense life changes. For example, Karen had followed a certain Eastern Master for all of her adult life as well as for six lives prior to this one. On September 6, she decided that he was not a being of integrity and renounced him. Shortly after that her Father died, her apartment was flooded, and she had to deal with ongoing psychic attacks from the Astral minions of her former Guru. Of the four Staff members who worked in my business at the time, three of them had deaths in their families in the months directly after the entry of the Omniversal Energy. I myself broke a karmic contract of over 3000 years standing and went through other intense changes and realizations.
我个人被告知,这种能量或光来自整个宇宙系统内的最中央的能量源(即整个造物宇宙系统内的中央宇宙,通常被称为“上帝宇宙”)。 正是出于这个原因,我创造了“万能能量”这个名字。
I was personally told that this Energy or Light comes from a central power source within the Omniverse (the Central Universe within this Universal System, often called the "Godverse"). It was for this reason that I coined the name "Omniversal Energy".
最初,万能能量并没有被我们的星球很好地吸收。 由于频率栅栏(黑暗势力的帷幕科技)等原因,其中大部分被未能到达地表就被“剥落”了。 这一问题目前已经开始改善,我也看到人们也越来越适应这种能量。 万能能量似乎在 1987 年的“和谐汇聚”之时达到了一个平衡点,但我想强调的是,它在某种程度上在那之前就已经到达了我们的星球。
Initially, the Omniversal Energy was not well absorbed onto our Planet. Due to the Frequency Barriers and the like, much of it was seen to be "sheeting off". That has changed to some extent, and I also see people becoming more acclimatized to this Energy as well. A balancing of the Omniversal Energy seemed to occur at the time of the “Harmonic Concordance” of 1987, but I emphasize that it had arrived to some extent on our Planet before that time.
截至 2004 年 2 月,我们所生活的地区的局势仍然相当紧张。 约翰、凯伦和我都注意到,这一地区地脉能量线上或附近的区域的能量变得过于活跃,让人不适。 事实上,后来我们所有人都从这些地区搬到了能量层面更加安静平稳的地方。
As of February 2004, things have continued to be quite intense in our area. John, Karen, and I all noticed that areas located on or near Ley Lines became too highly energized for comfort. In fact all of us moved from such areas to places which were more energetically quiet.
随着万能能量的到来,我再次感到我们的世界正在快速转变。 我无法确定这个转变到底会有多快,但我相信这种变化将会以指数级的速度加快。 我确实希望我们这些长期从事协助地球转变工作的人最终能够以快乐的方式驾驭这变革的浪潮,并能够帮助其他可能陷入困境的人。
With the arrival of the Omniversal Energy, I feel once again that our world is on track for a rapid transformation. Just how rapid I do not know for sure, but I believe the rate of change is going to be speeding up exponentially. I do hope that those of us who have been doing our work for so long will ultimately be able to ride the waves of change in a joyful way, as well as being able to help others who may be struggling.
我发现万能能量非常聪明,而且反应敏捷,并且似乎无所不知。 我经常和它交流。 我不知道我们目前接收到的万能能量能达到它原本能量强度的百分之多少,可能不超过十分之一。 任何对能量敏感的人都可以通过请求连接来进入万能能量的频率中。 这种连接将通过我们的顶轮被直接的感受到,感觉就像连接上了一种非常纯净和强大的白光。 人们还可以要求这种光转变为其他颜色,例如玫瑰色、翠绿色、金色或银色; 这些不同颜色的光可以用于保护和疗愈我们自身。
I have found that the Omniversal Energy is highly intelligent, responsive, and seems to know everything. I often communicate with it. I don't know what percent of its full intensity we are currently receiving, probably no more than a tenth. Any person who is sensitive to energies can tune into the Omniversal Energy simply by requesting the connection. The connection will be felt directly through the Crown Chakra and will feel like a very pure and powerful white light. One may also request other colors of this Light, such as rose, emerald, gold, or silver; and these may be used for protection and healing.
第二部分 — 宇宙万能能量的本质和到来
Part 2: The Nature and Arrival of the OMNIVERSAL ENERGY
Elora: Heru, would you please speak on the Omniversal Energy - what it is, how it got here, and so on.
赫鲁:万能能量是一束光的射线或能量,它是由最初造物主将意识集中后直接投射出的一道旨在穿透所有维度造物的最初造物主的意识光束。 它或多或少地渗透并触及了所有造物的每一个原子,其目的是将造物主的真实之光恢复到它所有造物中。 嵌入在这束或光线中的是许多程序和存有,这其中就包括了本源创造的光之战士存有。 这些程序和存有被设计为按顺序激活,以便执行堕落宇宙以及其中包含的所有存有和物质的恢复。
Heru: The Omniversal Energy is a beam or ray of light, projected directly by Prime Creator as a beam of focused intent designed to penetrate all levels of Creation. It has, to a greater or lesser degree, penetrated and touched every atom of Creation, with the intent of restoring the true Light of the Creator to all Creation. Embedded in this beam or ray of light are encoded many programs and many Beings, including the Light Warriors. These programs and Beings are designed to activated sequentially in order to perform the restoration of the Fallen Universes and all Beings and substances contained within them.
Elora: Will the Omniversal Energy continue to increase in strength?
赫鲁:是的。 我将其描述为几乎就像灯塔发出的螺旋式旋转的光束,它正在旋转穿过所有堕落的造物宇宙。 与其说光束会变得更强,不如说每一次穿过,它的影响力都会更加强大,也会穿透更深的区域。 它旋转速度是如此之快,使得它的效果非常稳定,虽然速度不像频闪灯那么快,但这一速度已足以保证万能能量从始至终都是那样的强大。
Heru: Yes. I would describe it almost like the rotating beam from a lighthouse, and it is rotating through all of the Fallen Sector. It's not so much that the beam will become stronger as that every time it comes through, it will affect more, and will penetrate more deeply. The rate of rotation is so rapid that the effect is very constant, not as fast as a strobe light, but it's as much on as off.
Elora: But it will continue to increase, in our experience?
赫鲁:是的,是这样的。 随着频率屏障(黑暗势力的帷幕技术)的破碎,越来越多的圣光将会进入地表。 随着时间的推移,更多的程序也会被激活。 [埃洛拉:它会增加,直到上帝的呼吸(最初造物主的强大圣光能量)触碰到我们每个人?] 我不知道它会不会一直持续下去。 它可能会无限地增加,并且可能将就此创造一个新的实相的标准。
Heru: Yes, it will. As the Frequency Barriers fall, more and more of that Light will penetrate. And as time goes by, more of the programs will be activated as well. [Elora: It will increase until the Breath of God reaches us?] I know of no time that it will not continue. It may increase indefinitely, and may just be a new standard level of existence.
Elora: I'm surprised that so few people are aware of the Omniversal Energy and the timing that it came in.
赫鲁:嗯,这是因为当时的帷幕在很大程度上仍完好无损。 也有许多人感受到能量的变化,但他们将其归为星象或新时代的到来等事件导致的。 过去一年发生的大部分事情都被他们归结(误以为)为由其他事件和原因造成的。
Heru: Well, remember the Frequency Fences at that time were still very much intact. Many are feeling changes in energy and are attributing them to astrological events or the coming of the New Age and so on. Much of what has happened in the past year has been attributed to other events and causes.
埃洛拉:万能能量/ Omniversal Energy是这种能量或光的最佳名称吗?
Elora: Is Omniversal Energy the best name for this energy or light?
赫鲁:这是一个很好的名字。 [埃洛拉:我感觉它就像一个有生命的活生生的存有,非常聪明。] 噢,是的。 [它似乎知道一切。] 是的,它就像你生命中上帝的手指。
Heru: It is a very good name. [Elora: I experience it as being like a living presence, very intelligent.] Oh yes. [And it seems to know everything.] Yes, it is like the finger of God in your life.
埃洛拉:万能能量是如何到达堕落的造物宇宙的? 是通过上帝宇宙的宇宙中央太阳逐级沉降下来的吗?
Elora: How did the Omniversal Energy reach the Fallen Sectors? Is it being stepped down through the Great Central Suns?
赫鲁:不。在万能能量出现之前,来自最初造物主的能量管道会穿过所有造物宇宙的中央太阳,到达银河系的中央太阳,再到达太阳系的太阳,等等。 然而,腐败和堕落能量已经接管了许多这样的中央系统,以至于这些来自最初造物主的能量无法发挥其应有的作用。 因此,万能能量被设计为绕过整个造物宇宙的结构,直接到达每个造物的原子。 在你们许多地方的民间传说和神话中,都有这样的说法:人们不能直视上帝——如果你直视上帝,你就会灭亡,你会失明,等等。而全宇宙能量绕过了所有一切。 对于所有造物来说,第一次出现了一种更直接的能和最初造物主进行互动的双向能量意识流动:最初造物主的能量意识从它那流淌而出,而后直接进入到造物的各个方面,随后又从造物的各个方面直接回流到最初造物主那。
Heru: No. Prior to the advent of the Omniversal Energy, the conduit path of energy from Prime Creator would pass through the Central Sun of a Universe to the Central Sun of a Galaxy, to the Sun of a Solar System, and so on. However, corruption and Fallen energy had taken over so many of these systems that this was not working. So the Omniversal Energy was designed to come directly to every atom, bypassing that whole structure. In your traditions and mythology in many places there are statements that one cannot look directly at God - if you look directly at God you will perish, you will be blinded, etc. And the Omniversal Energy bypasses all of that. For the first time and for all of Creation, there is a more direct energetic conscious flow both ways: from Prime Creator to all aspects of Creation, and from each aspect of Creation back to Prime Creator.
Elora: So the Omniversal Energy is not traveling on a path?
赫鲁:不是的,它是如同广播一般的在整个造物宇宙中传播的,包括堕落的宇宙和未堕落的宇宙。 它对未堕落的造物宇宙的影响会有一些不同,在那些区域,它可以让每个原子与最初造物主有更直接的沟通,并且只是如火花一般在其中一闪而过。 因此我不知道这在未堕落的宇宙中是否会被认为是一个巨大的变化。 但那里的所有人都喜欢这个感觉;那种感觉美妙。 而在堕落的宇宙中,它当然具有扰乱黑暗势力,让他们感到寝食难安的作用,并为所有光之存有带来希望。 这也将有助于帮助这个堕落宇宙中的所有造物恢复他们原初的美好本质,因为这个堕落宇宙中的一切,从地球上的岩石到整个宇宙区域的所有立体空间,都已经被黑暗玷污了。这里一切造物的原子结构本身都已经被扭曲了。
Heru: No, it is being broadcast universally throughout all of Creation, both the Fallen and Unfallen Universes. It has a somewhat different effect on the Unfallen Creation, for in those regions it gives every atom a more direct communication with Creator, and just sparks up everything a little. I don't know if it's considered a huge change there. Everyone likes it; it feels very good. In this Sector, it is of course having the effect of disrupting and discomforting the Dark, and bringing hope to all Light Beings. And this will also assist in the reclamation of the fallen nature of matter in this Sector, for the very stones of this Earth and much of the other solid space in this Fallen Sector have been defiled. The atomic structure itself has been distorted.
埃洛拉:当我使用万能能量时,我感受到它通过了我的顶轮进入了我的身体。 我呼唤它,请求它开始运作,并请求它给予我信息。 您能给读者提供其他运用这股能量的建议吗?
Elora: When I work with the Omniversal Energy, I feel it through my Crown Chakra. I call on it, and I ask it to do things, and I ask for information. Can you give other suggestions to readers to work with it?
赫鲁:很多人会盲目地向一个他们素未谋面的、只有着非常模糊的概念的、且从未得到过任何关于它的存在的直接证据的所谓神明进行祈祷。 如果人们在祈祷中不仅向最初造物主祈请它的临在,而且还向最初造物主祈请它的宇宙万能能量的临在,那么他们就会发现他们和最初造物主以及万能能量的联系变成了直接的面对面交流。 而这将改变一切。
Heru: Many people will pray blindly to a God that they have never seen, have only vaguely experienced, and never receive direct feedback of that God's existence. If people will address not only Prime Creator in their prayers, but also call upon the Omniversal Energy with Prime Creator, they will find their connection to become a direct face to face communication. And this changes everything.
Elora: Is the Omniversal Energy why so many in the West are now waking up?
赫鲁:几十年来,西方人民一直在经历觉醒的浪潮。 而事实上,只有相当少数的人正在觉醒。 这与其说与全能能量的出现有关,不如说与时代的变迁以及为 2012 年门户即将开启的更大的宇宙周期循环有关。 考虑到万能能量在发送的过程中有所延误,现在一般认为,当它最终被发送到位时,这股力量能给地表转变带来最有利的帮助的时机,将是在它与2012年开启的新的大宇宙周期门户互相作用后的一段时间内。(也就是我们现在所知的2012-2025这段周期内)
Heru: People in the West have been experiencing awakenings for several decades. And it is actually still a fairly small minority of people that are having these awakenings. This is not so much tied to the advent of the Omniversal Energy as much as it is tied to the Changing of the Ages, and the larger cyclical wheels of time that are lining up for the 2012 portal. Given all the delays in launching the Omniversal Energy, it was felt that once it had finally been released, it would be advantageous for its full impact to correspond to the 2012 timing when this was all happening.
Elora: Without the arrival of the Omniversal Energy, apparently things would have been very bleak in our Universe.
赫鲁:在你们造物宇宙的某个时刻,即将发生一场巨大的冲突,黑暗势力将寻求对光明势力发动最后的征服之战,并且几乎肯定会成功。 所以,是的,如果没有外部的帮助,这里的事情将变得一团糟。
Heru: It would look to be at some point a great conflict on the horizon, where the Forces of Dark would seek to wage a final battle of subjugation of the Light Forces, and would have almost certainly have succeeded in that. So yes, things would not have looked good without outside help.
Elora: How did you feel about the coming of the Omniversal Energy?
赫鲁:事实上,我们在很久一切就知道它将会到来。 因为我们为此请愿了有一段时间,在我看来,它其实已经比预期到来的时间要延后了一些。 黑暗势力一直在采取拖延战术来阻止它的到来。 [埃洛拉:宇宙万能能量不是来自上帝宇宙吗?] 是的。 [那么黑暗势力怎么能拖延它的到来呢?] 这与这个星球接受外界帮助的情况类似。 这是一个自由意志的宇宙,因此需要为诸如万能能量之类的东西提出请愿书。 我们对是否需要呼请宇宙万能能量的到来进行了激烈的讨论——但结果是呼请万能能量的意见一次又一次的被否决。 [埃洛拉:所以除非呼请的要求被大家同意,否则万能能量不会到来?] 是的。 [对于这类事情是否必须在全宇宙范围内达成一致同意通过,而不仅仅是在光明势力内部?] 嗯,这是一个有趣的问题。 部分光之存有们事实上秘密召开了一次会议,并在议会其他成员不知情的情况下提出了这份请愿书。 这就是万能能量最终能够到来的原因。 然而,即使万能能量被释放,黑暗势力仍竭尽全力的阻止它到达地球。 地球上的时间线被扭曲了,带来了这种时间的滞后,所以你实际上并不处于你本应处于的线性时间中。 地球的时间线已经出现了裂隙,不知何故的脱离了它应有的位置并被扭曲。 这些黑暗存有非常聪明。
Heru: Well, we knew. We were petitioning for it for some time, and it was in my mind overdue. And there had been delaying tactics by the Dark in an attempt to stop it. [Elora: Doesn't the Omniversal Energy come from the Godverse?] Yes. [So how could the Dark delay this?] It's a similar scenario to this planet receiving help form the outside. This is a Free Will Universe, and so there need to be petitions made for something like the Omniversal Energy. And so great discussions were had - do we call for it, do we not, and again and again things were voted down. [Elora: So it was not going to come until called for?] Yes. [And does agreement have to be reached for this sort of thing, not just within the Forces of Light?] Well, that is in an interesting question. The Light Beings cloaked themselves and held a meeting and did this petition without the rest of the Council knowing about it. And that is how this was accomplished. However, even once the Omniversal Energy had been released, there was a last-ditch effort by the Dark to stop it from reaching Earth. The timeline on Earth was distorted, bringing this time lag about, so that you are in fact not in linear time where you were supposed to have been. Earth's timeline has been rifted, somehow taken out of its proper place and distorted. These Beings are very clever.
Elora: If the timeline hadn't been moved, when would the Omniversal Energy have reached Earth?
赫鲁:大约是 1976 年。 [埃洛拉:那真的是拖延了很长的一段时间。] 是的,而且这次的延迟对造物造成了诸多的伤害。
Heru: It looks like around 1976. [Elora: That's a long delay.] Yes, and much damage has been generated due to that delay.
[埃洛拉的补充说明:] 在 70 年代被唤醒的光之工作者将会对那十年中感受到的巨大的期待感,以及地球上的伟大转变即将到来的强烈感受记忆犹新。 现在我们知道,这些关于为来的感受是基于这样一个事实:万能能量本应在 1976 年左右到达我们的星球。可悲的是,当时的黑暗势力能够将地球移出这条时间线,从而推迟了这一伟大事件的到来。 然而,从这一点来看,我们可以预见,未来不会再出现任何延误。 (2023年10月14日 译者注:而从我们现在的已知的信息回头看时我们时我们不难发现,随着黑暗势力出乎意料的把地球作为了它们最后的大本营,地球的完全解放被迫往后又延迟了一段时间直到现在。但是终于随着银河联盟的介入正式开始,我们终于就要迎来我们期待已久的解放时刻。光的胜利!)
[Elora:] Light Workers who were awakened during the 70's will remember the tremendous sense of anticipation that was felt during that decade, and the feeling that the great shift on Earth was imminent. We know now that these intimations were based on the fact that the Omniversal Energy should have arrived on our Planet around 1976. It is tragic that the Dark was able to move Earth out of its timeline and therefore delay the coming of this great event. From this point, however, we can look forward in the knowledge that no more delays can or will occur.