Obsidian is essentially volcanic glass. It ranges in color from an opaque black, to green, brown, mahogany, black with rainbow colors, red/black, black with snowflake patterns, black with a golden sheen and a translucent black (Apache Tears). Obsidian is a powerful grounding stone that provides an instant connection from the Root Chakra deep into the core of the Earth. It is not to be used lightly, as Obsidian will unleash undesirable truths and negative energy very quickly to the surface; however, when used skillfully, Obsidian releases these negative patterns/past emotional traumas so that true soul healing can begin.
Obsidian protects the wearer from hostility, negativity, psychic ‘vampires’ and spiritual entities that do not belong. It offers release from tension and enables one to move forward in his/her life, with a more promising outlook.
Physically, Obsidian often points to the root cause of an illness. It clears the blockages that cause disease. Use Obsidian for detoxifying, alleviating bleeding, increasing blood circulation, and helping with the pain associated with arthritis and other joint discomfort.
Emotionally, All forms of Obsidian stimulate healing of the emotional body, helping those who have lost their power to regain it by facing the darker side of one’s nature caused by the wounding of one’s spirit. Verbal and physical abuse, sudden trauma, grief, even events beyond one’s control can create destructive thoughts and unconscious patterns that inhibit one’s personal and spiritual growth. It is the basis for eating disorders and addictions, fear and insecurities, depression, aggression, and other mechanisms that hold one to the past in order to survive. Obsidian exposes these wounds, and when one is ready to accept responsibility for one’s own healing, reveals the actions needed to release them. It enables one to accept who they are with compassion and to move forward.
Physical and Metaphysical Properties for
CRYSTAL SYSTEM: Amorphous-Crystal-System
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: SiO2 Silicon Dioxide with impurities
ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries-(March-21-to-April-19), Capricorn-(December-22-to-January-19), Sagittarius-(November-22-to-December-21), Scorpio-(October-23-to-November-21)
HARDNESS: 5-to-5.5-Hardness
COLOR: Black
LOCATION: Worldwide
RARITY: Common
MINERAL CLASS: Mineraloids
ISSUES AND AILMENTS (PHYSICAL): Abdominal-Problems, Arthritis, Blockage, Body-Detox, Bones-Broken, Bruising, Circulatory-Problems, Colon-Disorders-and-Health, Digestion-and-Digestive-System-Health, Joint-Pain-and-Health, Pain-Relief, Physical-Protection
ISSUES AND AILMENTS (EMOTIONAL): Calming, Emotional-Blockages, Fear, Grounding, Patience, Reducing-Stress-or-Tension, Soothing
ISSUES AND AILMENTS (SPIRITUAL): Astral-Projection-and-Traveling, Cutting-Etheric-Cords, Earth-Healing, Enhancing-Psychic-Abilities, Past-Life-Recall, Reducing-Negative-Energy, Stop-Negative-Vibrations
EXTRA GRADE: See Specific Stone Color for Grading
AFFIRMATION: I am dependable.
QUESTION: What crystals do you depend on to release unhelpful patterns?
REFERENCE 1: http://www.healingcrystals.com/Mouse_Animal_Totem_Articles_12860.html
REFERENCE 2: http://www.healingcrystals.com/The_Energy_of_Light_-_Crystals_for_the_Summer_Solstice_Articles_12296.html