
Vivianite is a rare crystal that forms transparent to translucent, flattened plates that are often colorless but, when exposed to light, will change color to a deep blue, and sometimes deep purple to almost black. It is always a good idea to keep Vivianite in a dark cloth or in a dark space when not in use, to protect its color. It is also a very soft crystal, so it must be handled with care.

Vivianite encourages one who may be overly self-conscious to feel more comfortable in his/her own “skin”. It can help you navigate difficult and seemingly impossible problems and deal with them in a more realistic way, thus enabling you to reach your goals. It helps you to live in the moment. Vivianite increases intuition and is a good crystal to have near you for dream work or distance healing. Use Vivianite with Fossils, Agates or Jaspers to enhance their effectiveness. Those who care for the disabled or elderly will find more peace and patience with their charges.

Physically, Vivianite eases problems of the eyes such as cataracts, conjunctivitis or degeneration of the iris; it helps the body to assimilate iron; strengthens bones; eases senility, and helps mobility.

The Indigo color of the Vivianite is the color of virtue and maturity. It is the color of the true birthstone of those born in midwinter (January 20–February 18). Indigo colored crystals are rare and valuable. They combine the intuition of the violet ray with the trust of the pure blue ray. Indigo colored Azurite is an excellent natural birthstones for those born in midwinter. Try one and see.

Indigo colored Vivianite is used to treat imbalances in the Crown Chakra. When the crown chakra is out of balance or its energy is blocked, you will feel clumsy, uncoordinated, and at sorts with life. You will stumble in both movement and thought. You will be uninspired and out of step. The world will seem to be spinning, and you will be unsure of who you are or why you even exist. You will be rigid in your thinking, and be spiritually adrift. Your consciousness will be limited, and possibilities will not appear to you. You will have difficulty understanding relationships, ideas, and dreams.

Use Vivianite in meditations to get in touch with the Earth mother. It seems holding one in each hand and sitting quietly on the ground for a few quiet minutes seems to make many people much more aware of the earth as a living organism upon whom we are totally dependent.

Note:Handle with care and wash hands after use; it is not recommended to use Vivianite in elixirs. Keep crystal in a dark cloth or pouch when not in use to preserve color.


Physical and Metaphysical Properties for



SECONDARY CHAKRA: Sacral-Chakra, Third-Eye-Chakra

CRYSTAL SYSTEM: Monoclinic-Crystal-System

CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Fe3 2+(PO4)2 · 8H2O - Hydrated Iron Phosphate

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Cancer-(June-21-to-July-22), Capricorn-(December-22-to-January-19)



HARDNESS: 1.5-to-2.0-Hardness

COLOR: Green, Turquoise-(green-blue)

LOCATION: Bolivia, Brazil


PRONUNCIATION: viv-ee-uh-nahyt

MINERAL CLASS: Phosphates-(Vivianite-Group)

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (PHYSICAL): Bone-Disorders-and-Health, Eye-Disorders-and-Infections, Memory-Health, Mobility, Spine-Health

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (EMOTIONAL): Ambition, Intuition, Long-Distance-Healing, Self-Confidence-and-Self-Worth

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (SPIRITUAL): Astral-Projection-and-Traveling, Aura-Cleansing-and-Clearing, Dream-Interpretation-and-Recall

EXTRA GRADE: Beautiful deep blue to bluish green color, opaque, <10% matrix

A GRADE: Nice bluish green color, opaque, 10% - 25% matrix

B GRADE: Poor bluish green color, opaque, >25% matrix

AFFIRMATION: I am self-assured.

QUESTION: Are you comfortable in your own skin?