
Labradorite is a crystalline form of Feldspar, often gray in composition but known for its "flash" or "flame" when it catches the light. When polished, dark gray Labradorite flashes with colors deep within, including blue, green and gold.

Highly mystical, Labradorite heightens intuition and enhances psychic abilities, making it great for working with the Third Eye Chakra. Intuition and intellect are balanced by Labradorite, illusions are dispelled and true intentions are seen more easily with its use. Labradorite is also very protective against negative energies, balancing, strengthening and protecting the aura and sealing the aura from energy leaks.

Labradorite is a stone of transformation and change. Labradorite enhances strength of will and feelings of inner worth. It is useful for bringing up and healing old memories, including past life issues. Labradorite can also help prepare the body and soul for ascension.

Labradorite can aid in communicating with our highest self and with the creator. It helps to assists when facing and navigating all types of changes and challenges, attracting strength and perseverance. Labradorite is one of the best stones to use when dealing with any type of addiction or to break unhealthy (physical, mental, etc.) habits.

Labradorite Physical Healing Energy

Labradorite is beneficial to the lungs, and may assist with respiratory problems, bronchitis and colds. It assists in digestion, regulation, and metabolism. 

It has been used in treatment for the eyes and brain disorders, to stimulate mental acuity, and to reduce stress and anxiety. It may also be soothing during menstruation, for PMS symptoms, and for pain relief. 

Labradorite lowers blood pressure, reduces sensitivity to cold, and alleviates rheumatism and gout

Labradorite Emotional Healing Energy

Labradorite calms an overactive mind and energizes the imagination, bringing in new ideas.  It is a wonderful tool for returning joy and spontaneity back to one's life. It helps eliminate the emotional drain of daily routine or being weighed down by responsibility, and awakens a sense of adventure and change. 

As the matriarch of the subconscious mind, Labradorite brings forgotten memories to light and facilitates their understanding. It encourages contemplation and introspection, bringing the clarity of intellectual thought and intuitive wisdom to help dispel illusion, determine the root cause of an issue, and bring one to peace. It is an uplifting crystal, helping to banish fears and insecurities while enhancing faith and reliance in oneself and trust in the universe.


Physical and Metaphysical Properties for


PRIMARY CHAKRA: Third-Eye-Chakra


CRYSTAL SYSTEM: Triclinic-Crystal-System

CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: (CaNa)(SiAl)4O8 Calcium Sodium Aluminum Silicate

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Leo-(July-23-to-August-22), Sagittarius-(November-22-to-December-21), Scorpio-(October-23-to-November-21)



HARDNESS: 6-to-6.5-Hardness

COLOR: Iridescent

LOCATION: Canada, Russia

RARITY: Common

PRONUNCIATION: LAB-ruh-daw-rite/ LAB-ruh-door-ite


ISSUES AND AILMENTS (PHYSICAL): Addictions, Brain-Disorders-and-Health, Emphysema, Eye-Disorders-and-Infections, Increase-Metabolism, Psoriasis, Seizures, Skin-Infections-and-Irritations, Smoking-Addiction-and-Cessation, Stomach-Problems/Constipation/Diarrhea

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (EMOTIONAL): Codependent, Self-Confidence-and-Self-Worth

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (SPIRITUAL): Ascension-Process, Aura-Cleansing-and-Clearing, Aura-Protection, Clairvoyance, Communication-and-Connecting-with-Higher-Self, Communication-with-Spirit-and-Consciousness, Cosmic-Awareness-and-Consciousness, Enhancing-and-Stimulating-Dreams, Meditation, Mediumship, Personal-Empowerment-and-Transition, Psychic-Attack, Telepathy, Third-Eye-Chakra

EXTRA GRADE: Green stone with green, blue, yellow, purple and/or orange flash, beautiful flash (chatoyancy), partially translucent, < 10% matrix

A GRADE: Green stone with green, blue, yellow, purple and/or orange flash, nice flash (chatoyancy), opaque, 10% - 25% matrix

B GRADE: Green stone with green, blue, yellow, purple and/or orange flash, poor chatoyancy, opaque, and/or > 25% matrix

AFFIRMATION: I welcome transformation into my life.