Quartz, Smokey

A very powerful metaphysical stone, Smokey Quartz emits a high level of energy. Because of its powerful cleansing and detoxing effects, Smoky Quartz is often included in healing layouts. Use this stone to amplify the energy of all the stones surrounding it, which creates a synergy of soothing vibes, the spiritual Band-Aid to any painful emotional wounds. For a quick midday pick-me-up, hold a stone in each hand and feel the calming waves of the Smoky Quartz crystal healing properties infusing your mind and body with its powerful yet gentle spiritual nutrition.

When it comes to reaching a higher state of consciousness, the Smoky Quartz crystal is your stepping stone to vibrating at your full potential because it works torelease negative emotionslike jealousy, fear, and anger. With life's constant cycle of highs and lows, happiness is often a moving target, which makes a daily energy cleanse a vital part of your everyday wellness routine.

To get the most out of Smoky Quartz properties and its healing energy, program the stone with a specific intention, which serves as the seed that creates the future. Place Smoky Quartz at the bottom of your feet and by your sides, with the option of including other stones in a healing layout for an all over chakra detox.

Cheaper than therapy and a sustainable alternative to antidepressants, Smoky Quartz is a grounding stone known for its ability to help you move on from painful memories of the past. It’s a fine line between holding a grudge and self preservation, but when you meditate with this stone, it guides you to a higher state of being, a place where you can let go of the past so that it makes you better, not bitter.

Smokey Quartz helps ground the holder with Earth energies and is good for working with the Root and Solar Plexus Chakras. Use Smokey Quartz to absorb and transmute negative energy. Smokey Quartz is also a great stone for pain relief, and helps to prevent healing crises after a strong energy session. Smokey Quartz can help integrate messages and/or spiritual energy received in higher chakras into the lower chakras and anchor expanded consciousness into the physical body.

Smokey Quartz works with all of the Chakras, but can specifically focus its energies with the Root and Solar-Plexus Chakras. While this stone has a slow and steady energy to it, it is still very powerful in its action. This crystal has a vibe that helps to facilitate the transformation of dreams into reality.

Meditating with Smokey Quartz can bring information from other realms into the physical. Many people who work with Smokey Quartz have reported unusual sightings of spiritual entities. Smokey Quartz is great for manifestation programs and grids, and body layouts, due to its slow and methodical way of pulling higher energies down into third dimensional reality. Protective Smokey Quartz is an important mineral for one's medicine bag.


Physical and Metaphysical Properties for



CRYSTAL SYSTEM: Trigonal-Crystal-System


ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Capricorn-(December-22-to-January-19), Sagittarius-(November-22-to-December-21), Scorpio-(October-23-to-November-21)



HARDNESS: 7-Hardness

COLOR: Brown

LOCATION: Africa, Arkansas, Brazil, China, Himalayan, India

RARITY: Common



ISSUES AND AILMENTS (PHYSICAL): Abdominal-Problems, Balancing-Problems, Body-Balance, Cancer, Chemotherapy, Foot-Problems, Headache-and-Migraine-Relief, Infertility, Kidney-Disorders-and-Health, Legs, Night-Terrors-and-Nightmares, Pain-Relief, Pancreas-Health, Radiation, Remove-Toxins, Skin-Infections-and-Irritations, Tumors-and-Growths, Understanding-Death

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (EMOTIONAL): Eases-Depression, Grounding, Reducing-Stress-or-Tension, Resentment

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (SPIRITUAL): Aura-Cleansing-and-Clearing, Aura-Protection, Balances-Yang, Earth-Healing, Electromagnetic-Frequencies/Smog/Pollution, Enhancing-and-Stimulating-Dreams, Grounding, Psychic-Protection, Release-and-Dispel-Negativity, Root-Chakra

EXTRA GRADE: Dark: Beautiful dark smokey color, transparent, <10% matrix

Light: Beautiful dark smokey color, transparent to transluscent, <10% matrix

A GRADE: Dark: Nice smokey color, partially translucent, 10% - 25% matrix

Light: Nice light smokey color, partially translucent, 10% - 25% matrix

B GRADE: Dark: Lighter smokey color, opaque and/or > 25% matrix

Light: Poor light smokey color, opaque and/or > 25% matrix

AFFIRMATION: The flame of life is ignited within me.

QUESTION: What is your favorite grounding crystal?

REFERENCE 1: http://www.healingcrystals.com/Mother_Earth_Shares_Her_Secrets_Articles_13917.html