Selenite, Red

Red Selenite is sometimes referred to as Red Satin Spar Selenite. Red Selenite is an excellent mineral to use for power grids, by itself or with other crystals. It works well with any stone and has a female polarity. Red Selenite ranges in color from peach to deep orange and it has also been called Peach Selenite. It generally has a luster that is glassy or vitreous and is pearly and silky.

Use Red Selenite to enhance flexibility and creativity, both at home and in the workplace. It helps people work together and can be used to encourage children to help with chores and do their homework. Red Selenite helps one to have a better self-image. If you own a business, place a Red Selenite nearby to encourage people to buy.

Red Selenite has all the properties of White Selenite, connecting even more strongly to the physical body and has a strong spiritual connection. This crystal has been known to be an extraordinary healer and using Red and White Selenite together offers the benefits of both crystals.

Selenite is a crystallized form of Gypsum, which is used for good luck and protection. The powerful vibration of Selenite can clear, open, and activate the Crown and Higher Chakras and is excellent for all types of spiritual work. Selenite can also be used to strengthen the memory.

A protective stone, Selenite shields a person or space from outside influences. Selenite can evoke protection from the angelic realm and also dispels negative energy. The powerful energies of Selenite help one connect with one's guides, guardians, Christ Consciousness and Higher Self. Selenite can be held or placed around a person to facilitate such a connection.

Selenite calms and soothes, bringing a deep peace and sense of tranquility. Use Selenite in a grid around your home or in the corners of a room to create a safe and peaceful space. Meditating with Selenite aids in access to past and future lives. Selenite brings mental clarity, clearing confusion and revealing the bigger picture behind any problem.

Crystal Healing Properties, Metaphysical and Gemstone Meaning

Selenite helps with disorders of the nervous system and can also provide some help with epileptic disorders. It aligns the spinal column and increases overall flexibility. It helps with wrinkles and with age spots and is useful for those who suffer from light sensitivity. 

Selenite is best known for its ability to rapidly shift blocked energy, clear away negative energy and lessen, or remove, emotional turmoil and confusion. Selenite aids concentration and clear thinking, provides clarity of mind and strengthens your own decision making process. It can make you much more aware of things – on all levels - helps you to better understand situations around you and also helps you to reach the correct judgement in disputes. 

Selenite helps us to reach new states of consciousness. Meditating with Selenite can help to expand your sense of spirituality.

Do not wash Selenite in water, it will dissolve if left in water for too long.

Rough pieces MAY be OK to quickly dip and dry. However, cut, shaped and polished pieces should NEVER be washed as the polished finish will deteriorate rapidly.

NOTE: Selenite is a soft mineral and should be kept dry.


Physical and Metaphysical Properties for




CRYSTAL SYSTEM: Monoclinic-Crystal-System

CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: CaSo4-2 (H20) Hydrated Calcium Sulphate

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Cancer-(June-21-to-July-22), Taurus-(April-20-to-May-20)

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HARDNESS: 2-Hardness


LOCATION: Mexico, Russia

RARITY: Fairly Common


ISSUES AND AILMENTS (PHYSICAL): Fertility, Fluid-Balance, Hormonal-Balance, Nausea

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (EMOTIONAL): Self-Confidence-and-Self-Worth, Willpower

EXTRA GRADE: Beautiful red color, translucent, < 10% matrix

A GRADE: Nice red color, partially translucent, 10% - 25% matrix

B GRADE: Poor red color, opaque, and/or > 25% matrix

AFFIRMATION: I use my creative energy to adapt to all situations.