圣哲曼系列4 - 扬升大师 Ascension Master Introduction - Discourse 11

Discourse XI

August 8, 1932 


INVOCATION: Thou Mighty Infinite "Presence," Thou All౼Sustaining Power in the Cosmic World and in the Life of the individual. Thou art the only "Presence" and Energy. 0 Thou Mighty Light, clothe us with Thy Mighty Radiance that We may shine forth like the Great Sun, to heal, to bless, to enlighten all with whom We come in contact, and manifest Thy Mighty Sustaining Power. Silence and bring into subjection the outer self and activity that would spread its shadows in the Presence of the Light. 


We take Our stand with firm determination to walk, to live, to be Thy Mighty "Presence" and Light. We give no quarter to the human or outer self that would interfere. We recognize, claim, and accept only Thy Mighty Radiant "Presence," Thy Mighty Sustaining Wisdom and Strength to lead Us forth on Thy Pathway of Life౼ever upward and onward, ever sustained by Thy Mighty "Presence" until at last We have attained Thy Gift of Dominion over the outer self and enter into the Temple of Light. 



Instruction: I regret that you have not understood the importance of being in bed by midnight, so that certain Work might go on at those hours. It is important that the body be at rest by midnight. Certain Work is accomplished then; tremendous Work has been planned and cannot go on without the fullest cooperation౼and I am sure you are glad to do that. 


Obedience: In all Activity of Life the highest attainment without obedience may fall to the lowest. In the beginning when the Divine became lowered to the present density, it was through the lack of obedience. Unless you can feel this willing, joyous obedience, it is not possible to continue this Work. We are glad to give Assistance. I will give you Help and Strength to help you obey. It is only because of Love for you that We want you to hold to this condition for the Work. We cannot use any of Our Force to compel. 


Use this every day: "Today, I will stand guard; and I will not become so interested in the outer activity that it will not give me opportunity to receive the Great Radiance of the 'Presence. ' God, govern and sustain me in the governing and mastery of the outer conditions." 


Determination and Divine Will: One of the greatest and mightiest simple Truths is to know that an unyielding determination for any specific accomplishment is the Open Doorway by which the Inner Strength flows out to its accomplishment. In our present era of activity, I think it is very well that Students should understand that what has always been termed "will" by the Instructors, is but determination to hold to the Light and that Ever sustaining "Presence." 


I have observed so often that, like many other expressions used, the word "will" is not understood. There is only one Will that can be used, and that is the Divine Will. If we take a firm, unyielding determination to accept nothing but the Mighty Presence of God and that Activity of the Light, we are drawing into powerful action the Divine Will. However, I think it is much more readily understood by using this term "determination," for that cannot be misunderstood. This I am sure will help greatly the students that come under This Radiation. There is only one Energy that can be used, and that is the Life Principle in the individual, which is God's Energy. 


Please understand: Therefore when individuals aim, through the attention and determination, to use this energy constructively, then they have entered into the fullness of the outer activity that will loose the Inner Activity to do the work. Students so often unknowingly drop into the mental attitude that they of the outer have to do certain things, when the True Activity is but to keep the attention centered upon that Mighty Inner God Power which is the only "Presence" that can ever achieve any permanent results. 


The certain Victory: The conscious use of Decreeing, backed up by the conscious determination, is an Invincible Power and cannot be interfered with when the determination is held unyielding. Everyone knows what "determination" means, leaving no wavering or questioning in the mind. But to most people the word "will" leaves a peculiar sense of vacancy in the consciousness because of the uncertainty of just what it means in the individual's activity and use. I want this to be very clear and definite, for it is the stumbling block over which many trip. 

必然的胜利:有意识地运用宣告(Decreeing),并辅以坚定的决心,是一种不可战胜的力量,只要决心始终不动摇,这种力量便无法被干扰。 每个人都知道“决心”意味着什么,它在心中不会留下任何动摇或疑问。然而,对于大多数人来说,“意志”一词却在意识中留下了一种奇怪的空白感,因为个人在行动和运用中对其意义并不完全确定。我希望将这一点讲得非常清楚和明确,因为这是许多人绊倒的绊脚石。

The difference between human and Divine Will: So few, even among Students, can distinguish between what is called the human and the Divine Will. Therefore, We think it much better when referring to the Inner Activity, to use "Divine Will" ౼and "determination" when referring to the outer activity. This explanation will make it impossible for confusion to accumulate in the mind. Knowing that the outer determination to do or accomplish something, opens the Inner Door for the Inner Power to rush forth to its fulfillment ౼ this removes instantly all uncertainty that it can be done. This is so important to the Student who wishes continuous, definite progress. 


In the Retreats, every Student is given private work, particularly in regard to his or her own individual activity. Until now, there has not been given out a clear understanding so the Students could utilize and apply it, except in the Retreats. 

在闭关期间,每个学生都有自己的工作,特别是关于他或她自己的个人活动。 到目前为止,除了闭关修炼之外,还没有一种明确的理解可以让学生加以利用和应用。

In moving in the outer world there can always be this same constant Love and Prayer for your Light and Protection. When you have been in contact with the outer vibration, it takes a very positive force to repel that outer contact and release you from that disturbing element. There may not be the slightest thing noticeable in the outer activity, but sometimes the mere contact with the disturbance of the outer world allows it to rush in if you are not on guard. 


This Work must not be interrupted for the gratification of the outer self or activity. Everywhere you go, know and use always, "God! surround me, and protect me from every outer vibration!" This is one of the rarest privileges where I have been allowed to warn the Student. Owing to our home life of long ago, it is permitted that I warn you. If this Work is uninterrupted there will come tremendous Light, Abundance, and Freedom; and tremendous things will be accomplished. The reason that I speak of this is that Obedience is the most important of all things. Nothing so destroys the attention as rebellion within; for it not only rebels to the outer but to the Inner. 

这项工作绝不能因外在自我或活动的满足而中断。无论你去到哪里,都要牢记并常常使用这句话:“神!围绕我,保护我免受一切外在振动的影响!” 这是我被允许警示学生的最为罕见的特权之一。由于我们久远的家庭生活,这种提醒才得以被允许。如果这项工作不受干扰,将会带来巨大的光明、富足与自由;伟大的成就也会随之而来。我之所以强调这一点,是因为顺从是所有事物中最为重要的。没有什么比内在的叛逆更能破坏注意力,因为这种叛逆不仅针对外在,同时也针对内在。

For writing: If you are accustomed to writing, make up your mind before you begin, to keep a certain spot as a focus. If you move, it changes the current and you never get exactly the same condition again. The time has come when the Students must anchor to a definite, perfect thing and hold to it. This Brother years ago took the determined stand to know the Truth and hold to It. All Students should take the same stand to know the Truth absolutely. Then they do not take on a condition they have to get rid of later. 


Foresight: "God in me, give me foresight and guard all future activity that all concerning it may be maintained harmoniously." "Foresight" means that we are loosing the Inner Protection against any approaching disturbance. 

远见:“神在我之中,请赐予我远见,并守护所有未来的活动,使一切相关事宜都能和谐地维持。” “远见”意味着我们正在利用内在的保护,防御任何即将到来的干扰。

Divine Memory: "Divine Memory" covers all speech, thought, and action. "Memory" is that which has accrued from former speech, thought, and action. 


The Guarding Activity of the Cherubim: Govern the feeling at all times, for it builds that which even an Ascended Master may not interfere with. A certain sudden concentration upon the Cherubim in the Student's mind, is good now. 


Where a reference is made to the Hierarchy of Cherubim, say They are direct Messengers of God. It is a very rare thing when the Cherubim can give direct Radiation, as is done here. There is usually one step down to the point given. We are sustained by our own Mighty God Self within and the Ascended Host or Watchers. The Cherubim is a Dynamo or charging forth of the Power of Divine Love. They are Guardians of Force that has been focused, and of Foci to be. Others work under Them. Sometimes there are two or three steps down, depending on the requirements of the human channels through which They are to operate. 


Always feel your own God Self holding you in Its Arms, and know that all is dispelled and you are free. 


The Cherubim guard Shamballa, as well as the Great Ones Themselves. The Cherubim guard the Ark of the Covenant. That is the case always when the Manifestation of a High Power comes within a mixed force. Whenever a Being comes like this, you can imagine the importance of the Focus established here. If the Great God saw fit to place a Cherubim as a Guardian over this Focus, you must know it is of great importance. Thus you see how great this can grow in this civilization. As you read about the buried cities of the Amazon in Unveiled Mysteries, you will see how such a Focus takes place. 


Nothing in the Universe can say nay to an individual if he chooses to turn his vision down. Very few Students get this idea fully. One must of his own volition be joyously willing to render Service to the Light if he is to have help. The Student who sees that he has made mistakes and, through the God within, has the power to consume them, will certainly take the reins and do it౼and thus rid himself of barnacles, centuries old. 


The fact is that God can consume that which has been personally generated. Anything that has been humanly generated can be dissolved and consumed, because God's Energy was used to create and, when requalified, has the Power to consume and recreate. When an individual says in a half౼hearted manner, “It is consumed," it is not necessarily so౼unless there was Power or Energy enough released to do it. When one gives a Real Command and means it, the feeling within it always carries force, and that force is its Accomplishing Power. 


Instruction on Unveiled Mysteries: The Scepter in the hand of the feminine figure in the Tapestry symbolized the focusing of the Eternal Cosmic Power for the Center in the Royal Teton. The Globe represented the fact that the future Activity of the Retreat and the Earth was known. The reason why I think you have the feeling that you should dwell considerably on that Tapestry, is because it would be well to dwell in detail on the description which reveals that They were the Founders of the Retreat. 


Question: "Where are You going today?" 

问题: “您今天要去哪里?”

Saint Germain: To Arabia, in the Retreat. There is no time that We meet here that there is not a Direct Ray sent to Washington for consciously directed Work. We do not have a Focus in Washington like this, but We do have Messengers there. 


Angel Deva and Cherubim: Through a consciously directed focus, the Angel Deva and Cherubim can pour Their Streams of Force out through the individual's own outgoing Stream. Sleep and the Great Great Silence: "Sleep" is entering the Great Silence. As the outer self becomes inactive, the Inner Action is released. 

天使天神与智天使:通过有意识地引导聚焦,天使天神和智天使可以通过个人外放的能量流倾注祂们的力量之流。睡眠与伟大的寂静: “睡眠”是进入伟大的寂静。当外在自我变得不活跃时,内在的行动便被释放出来。



Use this constantly: "move within the core of the Ray from the Great Central, Spiritual Sun, and 'I AM' always within Its Invincible Protection!’ 

请经常使用以下宣告: “在来自伟大的中央灵性太阳的光束核心中移动,'我是'始终处于其无敌的保护之中!”

Say to your Mighty Master within: "Reveal to me something that will put my finances which are mine by Divine Right, into my hands quickly; and sustain me in it, through overwhelming and everlasting Light and Love!" Say also: "Open Your Channels for my Mighty Supply! Put it in my hands now and continue it permanently!" 

向你内在的全能大师祈请:“向我揭示某种方法,能迅速将属于我的并依照神圣权利而来的财务交到我手中;通过压倒性的、永恒的光明与爱,维持这一切!”同时宣告: “打开您的渠道,为我带来丰盛的供应!立即将其交到我手中,并使其永续不绝!”

"God! Open all channels for my money supply now, and I accept nothing else!" Your only business is with the Master within. Say to It: "Dispense this in Thy Perfect Way through me in Wisdom and Love!" 

"神!现在就为我的资金供应打开所有渠道,我不接受任何其他东西!" 你唯一的事情就是与内心的大师打交道。 对它说:"以你完美的方式,通过我以智慧和爱分配这些!"

It replies: "I, Christ, the 'Beloved Mighty I AM, ' being declared and to nothing else turning, show thee hidden riches from Secret Places.


Surrender all attention to the "I AM Presence" within you. Any one of you can now take the Consciousness of a new activity and accomplish it as surely as you live. 

将所有注意力交给你内在的 "我是临在"。 现在,你们中的任何一个人都能以新活动的意识去完成它,就像你们活着一样肯定

Say often, joyously: 'I stand with God, the Supreme, Reigning, Conquering I AM Presence'; and as that I AM Presence, 'I do not want for any good thing!" Say also: "God! Give me some money now, today!" This can no more fail than the Universe can cease to exist. 

经常带着喜悦地说:“我与神同在,至高无上的、主宰的、征服一切的‘我是临在’!作为这‘我是临在’,我不缺乏任何美好的事物!” 同时宣告: “神!今天就赐给我一些钱吧!” 这一祈求的实现就如同宇宙的存在一样不可失败。

Know: "This home is sealed in the Heart of the Cosmic Light and Love, and every right desire is created instantly!" 

请铭记: “此家园被封印在宇宙光与爱的核心之中,每一个正当的愿望都会瞬间实现!”

Remember forever: "The moment you fight a thing, it fights you back!" Always be on guard when the destructive element is discussed or read about. 

永远记住: “当你与某事对抗的那一刻,它也会反击你!” 每当讨论或阅读关于破坏性事物时,务必保持警觉。

Live every moment of the day in the Consciousness of the All౼powerful Presence of God in you. Say to yourself: "I have the Mighty Presence of God in me, and I do not give recognition or power to anything else!" There is nothing that can stand before that Invincible Presence of Almighty God, and all things must be and are compelled to bow before It and obey. 

每日生活在对内在全能神性临在的觉知中。对自己宣告: “我拥有内在的全能神性临在,我不会给予其他任何事物以承认或力量!” 没有任何事物能够在全能神性不可战胜的临在面前站立,一切事物都必须且必然向其屈服并服从。

The first thing in the morning, take the determined stand that "only the Ascended Host of Light can contact me mentally this day!" 

早晨第一件事就是坚定地立下决心: “今天,唯有光之扬升存有可以在思想上与我接触!”

Never fail to use: "There are no personalities! There is only God in Action at every point! I AM' the only 'Presence' acting!" 


Say to your God within: "My Great Love Self, I do receive instantly all of everything I require!" 


BENEDICTION: Thou Mighty "Presence"! We give praise and thanks for Thy Wondrous Radiation and Sustaining Power! All unlike the Christ is consumed; and all now goes forth clothed with the Sustaining Activity of Thy Mighty Presence, holding all within Thy Great Silence and pouring forth Thy Greatest Activity. 
