Revelations from The Creator God Horus

Elora Gabriel and Karen Kirschbaum

The Eye of Horus

The Complete Text and Updates
First Published 2005 by Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA


ASCENSION: Ascension is the reunification of all of the Aspects through all of the Dimensions and through all space and time. For a person in a state of Ascension, it would not matter if they had a form in the Third Dimension or not. It would only matter that all of their Aspects be in harmony, in communication, and united with both the Monad and God. At that point there is no barrier between the Dimensions or between time and space, and everything that Humans would call miraculous is possible.


ASPECTS: Aspects are essentially individual "Selves" that are birthed from the Parent Monad and incarnating on lower Dimensions. Most schematics show Twelve Dimensions in our Creation, with the Monad residing on the Twelfth or highest Dimension before Source. In order to gain a wider range of experience, the Monad projects itself into the lower Dimensions. This involves a stepping down of vibratory rate, and manifesting forms [the Aspects] into the lower Dimensions. Each Dimension, or each rung down the ladder, so to speak, would represent a hundred fold decrease in the vibratory rate of existence. Each Aspect has a great deal of autonomy and individuality within the basic prismatic structure of the original Higher Being. They will all retain similar qualities but will have a good deal of variation in life style, interests, what they do, and so on. There is not always an incarnating Aspect of the total Monad on every Dimensional level, so that if a Dimension were skipped - such as going from a Tenth to an Eighth Dimensional Aspect - that would be a two hundred fold decrease in vibratory rates between higher and lower Aspects or Selves.


COSMIC PROGENITORS: Cosmic Progenitors are a specialized group of Creator Gods who are capable of creating individual Souls. Heru and his Twin Soul, Durga/Sekhmet are members of this group.


CREATION: Creation is the manifested Will of Prime Creator. It is a vast system of evolving Universes, Worlds, individual Souls and life-forms, and is structured in the form of a Lotus-flower with Prime Creator, or the Godverse being the Central Source around which the petals of Creation bloom.


CREATOR GOD: A Creator God is a Being who is capable of taking the “Stuff of Creation”, the Plasma from Prime Creator, and manifesting it into form. These forms may be as large as Universes and may be as small as microcosms.


THE DARKNESS: What Heru calls "the Dark" is a non-souled, non-living substance, antithetical in structure to the basic life inherent in every atom of Creation. It is not known where it originates from, who or what designed it. It has the tendency to permeate anything that it touches, though some Beings have been able to resist it, at least in maintaining the purity of their spirit. A possible analogy is a computer virus, which is non-living yet has the capacity to corrupt, distort, and destroy whatever it encounters, and also has the capacity to replicate itself.


For an Ensouled Being who has “Fallen” due to exposure to the Dark, Heru defines "Darkness" as the willingness to impose one's will upon another Being.


ENLIGHTENMENT: Enlightenment would be a dissolving of the barriers, or the removal of the Dark, that keeps one separated from their Highest Self, and the certainty within that the connection with God is Eternal.


FREQUENCY FENCE: The FFequency fence is a barrier created by the Dark in order to stop the flow of energy, travel, and communication between this Fallen Sector of Universes and the rest of Creation as well as Prime Creator. Within this Sector there are many, many Frequency Fences: around Planets, around Suns, and around Galaxies, in order to reinforce again the status of non-movement and non-communication. The Barrier around the Fallen Sector of Creation is often referred to as the "Great Wall". The Frequency-Fence Barrier around Planet Earth is also known in Esoteric Circles as “The Veil”.


GODVERSE: The Godverse, or Omniverse, is the dwelling place of Prime Creator, although Prime Creator is not limited to or encapsulated by the Godverse. It is the place from which all energy originates, and all of the Cosmic Plasma that the Creator Gods use to create Form originates in the Godverse. It is at the Center of all Creation.


GODINJ COLLECTIVE: Godinj is a group of Creator Gods who wove the membrane, creating the perimeters of this particular Universe around the great Plasma given to them by Prime Creator. They themselves form, in essence, the nucleus of that great cell [i.e. the Universe]. And spinning out from them are all of the Forms of this Universe, large to small.


HARA LINE: The Hara Line is an energetic line passing vertically through the center of the body. It extends beyond the center of the body in both directions, and it is the energetic axis upon which the body is manifested.


LADDER of Aspects: A term coined as the most understandable image or framework around which to describe the evolutionary descension of Aspects manifested from the Monad down through to the Third Dimension. For example, a "Ladder" might contain Third, Fourth, Sixth, Ninth, and Tenth Dimensional Beings [Aspects], and then the Monad on the Twelfth Dimension. In fact there is really no structure of this kind, however it helps to convey the idea of the chain of Aspects from the Lower to Higher Dimensions.


LIGHT FILAMENTS: The Light Filaments are energetic threads which not only connect Beings on the Dimensional Ladder, but are also the vehicle with which to project the next level of Being in that lower Dimension. In other words, the Monad projects Light Filaments from the Twelfth Dimension down through all the Dimensional layers. At each Dimension that the Monad desires to create a body [an Aspect], those Filaments are the tool with which that is done. The Light Filaments appear in the physical body as the Meridians. Through Heru's Second Meditation Technique, these Meridians can be activated. This is important when one desires to go through the Ascension process, for through Meridian activation one then becomes consciously connected with all of one's Dimensional Selves [Aspects] and the Monad. The Light Filaments carry Prana [Celestial Energy], Light, and information between the Monad and its many Aspects or Selves.


LIGHT WARRIORS: A unique group of Beings who have been recently created by Prime Creator for the specific purpose of removing all Darkness from the Fallen parts of Creation for the start of the Great New Evolutionary Cycle. The Light Warriors have only been in this Universe for a very short period of time.


MONAD: The Monad is the first individualized creation by the Progenitor Creator Gods. It is the original Soul which is created by the Creator Gods and could be termed the "Highest Self'. Monads are Beings who dwell on the Twelfth Dimension. They extend, or project, a "Ladder" of Aspects/Selves down through the Dimensions. The Monad is the "Supreme Person" for each one of us, and in a sense is the level between ourselves and God. Heru sometimes uses the metaphor of a Mighty Oak Tree. The Monad would be the Tree with all its branches. A Earthly Human Being is a Third Dimensional Aspect of the Monad and is analogous to the tip of a branch which extends into our Universe. Higher Dimensional Aspects would be analogous to junctures along the branch, until it connects to the trunk of the Mighty Oak Tree.


OMNNERSAL ENERGY: The Omniversal Energy is a beam or ray of Cosmic Light, projected directly by Prime Creator as a beam of focused intent designed to penetrate all levels of Creation. It has, to a greater or lesser degree, penetrated and touched every atom of Creation, with the intent of restoring the true Light of Creator to all Creation. Embedded and encoded in this beam or ray of Light are many Programs and many Beings, such as the Light Warriors. These Programs and Beings are designed to activate sequentially in order to perform the restoration of the Fallen Universes, and all Beings and substances contained within them.


PRIME CREATOR: God, or Prime Creator, is that which creates, sustains, and permeates the All of this particular Creation. The Absolute Creator, preceding all of the Prime Creators who have later created the various Creations, is the Absolute Creator who does not create total Creations Itself, but who maintains the “Absolute All” that permeates all of those Creations and their Worlds.


HERU’S THIRD MEDITATION TECHNIQUE: The "Third Meditation Technique" is often referred to in the text of this Book, and is a meditation which Heru has given us. He has asked that it be shared freely at this time, as it is such a powerful tool. Also called "The Portal of Creation", this Technique allows a person to access a portion of the Void and thereby to create powerful changes within his or her life. This Meditation is described in detail near the end of this book.


THOTH: Thoth is one of the Great Light Beings who has assisted this Planet for many eons. The Egyptians knew him as a scribe and teacher. The Greeks called him Hermes Trismegistus, or thrice-greatest Hermes. According to legend, he is said to have provided the Wisdom of Light in the Ancient Mysteries of Egypt. Thoth is a great Master of esoteric knowledge and is a "Cousin" to Heru and Sekhmet.


THE TWELVE CRITICAL PLANETS: The Twelve Critical Planets are twelve planets which were especially selected within this Universe to be a repository of perfect and diverse genetic material. They are spaced in a grid pattern, so that if you divided our Universe into twelve roughly equal parts, each would have one of these Planets. Earth is one of the Twelve Critical Planets. Earth has sometimes been called a "Living Library of Bio-diversity", and this is a good description in that these Planets contain a complete store of Life-Form material. This does not mean that every Life-Form ever created is in existence here. What it means, however, is that every major archetypal system would be represented here. There is enough material, diversity, and knowledge here to create any of the forms that exist anywhere in Creation. There are, perhaps, places where Flying-cats exist, but here on Earth there is the form of the cat and the form of the bird. And it is the same with all twelve of these Planets. Each of the Twelve Critical Planets largely replicates the others. This was done for the sake of security, in hopes that the perfection and great diversity of genetic material would be preserved.


TWIN FLAME: The term "Twin Flame" or "Twin Soul" refers to Souls that are created as identical Twins, although with opposite genders. There is a tremendous magnetic attraction between Twin Flames, which is a driving force for their own evolution as well as the evolution of Creation itself.


UNIVERSE: A Universe is a structure contained within a membrane. It is created out of the Omniversal Matter, which is a free-flowing, unformed, Plasmic Cosmic material that Prime Creator has made. The Creator Gods take that Plasma, create a membrane around it, and structure it. Most of the Universes, like ours, are set up as vast collections of Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters, but there are Microcosmic Universes as well. Each Universe has a Great Central Sun which is integral to holding it together, and is integral in holding the outer membrane together.


THE GREAT VOID: The Great Void is the thought projection of space that Absolute Creator has made available for various Prime Creators to create the different “Creations” of Universes, Galaxies, Sun-Stars and Planets.