Earth 1

Greetings, dear friends, we are here. It is our intention to assist you in creating a new vision—a vision that inspires you to live and love on planet Earth. Like a priceless jewel, buried in dark layers of soil and stone, Earth radiates her brilliant beauty into the caverns of space and time. As a value yet to be realized and discovered, she patiently awaits her coronation by her people. She creates you and sustains you, and without her, as you now know yourselves, you could not be. We ask you, as seekers of the great stories, to proclaim an allegiance to Earth. Pledge the transformation of yourselves, which is the journey through light and dark, and honor Earth’s momentous role in setting you free. As threads unravel to reveal your celestial heritage, do not become entrapped by a glamour from the heavens, for you too are on a star, reflecting and radiating light to worlds seeking the solutions to their own creations. Your task at this point in time is to activate the Living Library of Earth, to restore Earth and the human version of life to the forefront of creation. This is the journey you are on.

There are many versions of reality—each viable with its own purpose and intent. Time, space, and the existence of worlds are amorphous, only as real as the attention you put upon them. There are many Earths to choose from: many timelines from stories that have been forgotten or were perhaps purposely diverted from your awareness and development.

We ask each of you to open your mind and heart, for within your body and Earth herself lie the answers to the great mysteries you seek. Although we appear to exist from without, as a collective of Pleiadian energies calling to you from the future, we also exist within you. We are your ancestors, existing within you as well as without. We are you, on the golden spirals of time, cycling the epochs of existence, calling to you yourselves to reconsider all you thought holy. We ask you to reevaluate the purpose of your life, to redefine the forces that rule you, to resurrect the codes of conscious- ness stored in your being. It is time for you to reclaim your knowledge as a creator through thought, to recall the pur- pose of the Living Library of Earth, to restore beauty through value of life, and to remember who you are. Journey with us now through the mysteries of your world.

Picture yourself on an excursion through the image of twelve and lay the concept of twelve out in your mind. The material in this book is designed to decode you through the very system that structures and defines you: the twelve. Imagine yourself experiencing the numerical symbols of one through twelve, as in the twelve months of a calendar, the twelve movements through the signs of the zodiac, or the twelve hours around the clock, and then add to these symbols your own personal avenue of twelve. Imagine you have twelve strands of DNA and that these activate and connect to your twelve chakras, which are energy doorways through which you access your spiritual heritage. Herein lies a key: your challenge is to know yourself through your imagination, accessing your inner networks and bulletin boards of reality, which are invisible to your eye. In pursuit of your spirit, you will perhaps consider many new things to enhance your cur- rent world with a grander view.

We are here for the game, the codes, and the master numbers. It is part of our karma to deal with Earth at this time, for what we set into motion is what we must dance with. Our ancestors created events that presently stifle our development on the Pleiades, and, as Pleiadians, we are seeking to discover the solutions to this grand dilemma, a predicament that you share with us.

Our civilization, in a future from where you are, is in peril, so we have been impulsed to go on a journey to find a solution to what has been chasing us. We are in your future and, in order to discover what is going on, we went further into our future to meet our teachers, the Keepers of Existence, who can also be called the Keepers of Time. As they taught us how to traverse the various sectors of time, we were enticed to journey back in time to discover where events were stored and locked away. We examined where storms were brewing that were affecting our past, as we were viewing it from the future of our future and, as we view it from now, from your moment of reality.

Our ancestors came from a universe that had completed itself and understood universally that it was Prime Creator, as the journey of Prime Creator in time. They came from a universe that had discovered its essence—creativity. By discovering that essence, they found out that they were the creators. They came into the Pleiades because that star system would someday be able to help you at a most challenging time, a time when you would be ready to reconnect with Prime Creator. Our ancestors were some of the Original Planners of Earth, orchestrators who seeded worlds and civilizations with light and information through creativity and love. Our ancestors are also your ancestors. They gave their DNA to the Original Planners, and this DNA became part of the DNA of the human species.

The plan was to create an intergalactic exchange center of information within your planet, Earth. It was an extraordinary plan, involving a beautiful place, for Earth is located on the fringe of one galactic system and is easily reached from other galaxies. Earth exists close to many way-portals, the highways that exist for energies to travel throughout your space zone.

There was much scurrying and shuffling to bring individual representatives of all the galaxies to Earth so that they could have their likenesses here upon this planet. Some of those in charge, called creator gods, were master geneticists. They were able to create, discover, and tie molecules together, encoding them with identity, frequency, and electrical charges in order to create life. Many sentient civilizations gave of their DNA willingly in order to have a semblance of their genetic line and coding upon this planet. The master geneticists designed varieties of species, some human, some animal, by playing with the varieties of DNA that sentient civilizations contributed to make this exchange center of information, this light center. The design for Earth was a grand one. Since these creator gods did not exist in time as you know it, a few hundred thousand years or a million years in their terms was nothing.

There have been other species of humans who looked similar to you, whose DNA was intact at one time, and who developed very highly evolved civilizations on your planet. They existed long ago, more than half-a-million years ago. We are not speaking of the civilizations that you call Lemuria or Atlantis, whose epochs refer to a time we call the modern human. We are referring to civilizations that are ancient, like the ones buried under the ice caps of your far southern conti- nent, Antarctica, or under layers of sand in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia.

Energies that you have called gods created everything on this planet, and they put great intelligence in all of their creations. There is consciousness in all that exists on Earth, down to the molecules in your fingertips, and it is all meant to work together. Consciousness communicates continuously by vibrations of electromagnetic frequencies. These frequencies connect and have a cooperative investment in working together so that each benefits the whole. The difficulty with Earth at this time is that humans believe they are separate from all the energy that is here to work together. Your current belief in separate parts prevents you from seeing and accessing the wholeness of existence.

It is our intention to assist you in coming to a greater understanding of the Pleiadian experiments that have influenced Earth. During times of chaos and confusion, times when the human species was suppressed, various factions from our home system came to different locations around your planet and made very subtle openings. They worked with small clusters of consciousness to leave a glimmer of energy upon your planet, for many in the cosmos knew your planet was headed toward tremendous calamity and great suppression.

Earth is in dire straits at this time, there is no doubt about it. Yet, great opportunity lies within this state of confusion. You each have been tapped upon the shoulder to answer a call. Many are tapped, yet few are willing to go into the unknown and feel comfortable being renegades, standing up for something that perhaps the crowds may not support. We applaud your intentions and honor each of you for choosing yourself to go into the unknown. We honor you for being willing to look at the portions of yourself, female and male, that for all practical purposes you have not understood at all. We are quite pleased that you are willing to explore a different possibility, as well as embellish and enrich what you already have. It is time for each of you to be noticed in your own way, to magnify energies as they pass through you, and to make these energies available to multitudes of others as you casually pull light rays into your body and onto Earth.

We always like to laugh and have a good time, and through this playful approach we uncover what is perhaps preventing each of you from going further.

There are families of consciousness that cluster together based upon evolution, intent, and a particular plan. The Family of Light, to which you belong, comes from such a lineage of consciousness. Who are light? Who owns light? What is beyond light? Feel this for a few moments and realize that in your human minds you always make a myth, a little story, or a fairy tale about what you think is going on in the cosmos. Your version is minuscule in light of what exists, so we are asking you to consider colossal changes to your stories and imagine bigger versions of existence.

The Family of Light is a collection of entities coded to bring information to this planet. The coding is inside each individual. Once you are able to question and see beyond the current interpretation of reality, you are guided to create thoughtforms to fire the codings in others. We are one group of energies igniting human codes of consciousness at a certain point of planetary development. This process will evolve as you evolve, and there will be a tremendous amount of instruction involving untold teachers who will emerge to assist you.

The Family of Light is vast. Its members gather wherever information needs to be disseminated; they are like renegade special forces, called on in an emergency. Members of the Family of Light are able to integrate and survive reality shifts without destroying the bodies or life forces they occupy. As a member of the Family of Light, the ability to change reality exists innately inside you. You must create the belief system whereby you can do this, because your mind is structured to evolve and form your experience based on what you command, no matter what paradigm-platform you spring from.

The Family of Light acts as a stabilizing factor for dimensional shifts, and its members serve as carriers of a frequency being used to awaken many. Some of you will be frightened of the possibilities and that is OK. Each of you will take the new knowledge and changes as far as you are able. You are coded with this possibility, and deciding to go for change or not is your free-will choice. Whether you think you can do it or not is based on your own free will. The initiation process that has taken place on Earth in many of the mystery schools over the last several thousand years exemplifies our point. Members of the Family of Light have pushed themselves past the laws of third-dimensional reality—through to another dimension, so to speak—by uncovering the coding inside themselves.

Many of you may have the feeling that you have done this before. You have. This is your multidimensional memory of when you have gone to other systems and done the same thing. It is a very familiar process because, characteristically, as members of the Family of Light, this is what you do. You inform systems. You go in and reconstruct realities, and you are experts at it.

You lost your memory of this process because you came here to operate under the same laws as everyone else. Therefore, you came in as human with your memory completely erased. You knew before you arrived that losing your memory was part of the process, and you specifically picked the moment of time and the parentage that would give you the best connection to energetically and genetically bring about your purpose.

When you incarnated into the Earth plane, you received certain matched and paired recessive genes holding light codes that gave you the highest opportunity to develop psychic and intuitive abilities. In addition, these genes carried some memory that separated you from others, even though you could not name it. With these powers and talents, it has been your task to build on your life and allow the momentum to lead you into something different than most humans. As an extensive mutation occurs on the inside of humans, also stimulated from the outside by those who are assisting you in this genetic upliftment, you must act and integrate what is awakening within you.

Let us give you a scenario here. Picture yourself as a member of the Family of Light, not looking anything like you look right now. Click into your cosmic identity. You are in a classroom, and an instructor is speaking to you, giving you the highlights of the assignment of returning to Earth to become part of the system in order to change it. You are very much at the top of your profession; you believe yourself to be an impeccable systems buster. In this class, you are in great humor because the professor is explaining something to you: “When you go down to Earth, believe it or not, you are going to need to have us come and instruct you because you won’t remember any of this.” And all of you systems busters laugh because you know that, as cool as you are now, once you submerge yourself, you will not remember this classroom. The professor says, “Watch this. We will show you pictures. See, there we are coming through a vehicle, and there you are in your human disguise, and you act as if you don’t know what is going on. This is part of your assignment.” You are briefed on all of this, you understand?

In that classroom, you were coded to respond to us as Pleiadians, and to many others. As you open to your greater identity, be receptive and willing to go beyond your boundaries, because this is what we are striving for. We intend to implant new images in your mind to take you further. It doesn’t matter how we do it. It doesn’t matter if it is true. It simply matters that we create new images for you. One day you will find the groove yourself, and then you will understand what we have been after all this time. You will under- stand that sometimes we have completely made things up in order to trigger something inside of you in order for you to grow as a human being. We are very crafty teachers.

It is time for you to make a commitment to create joy, cre- ativity, and love for yourself. Only then will you benefit oth- ers, for if you do not evolve yourself, you do not serve others. By becoming a living example, by following what is in your heart, you show the way for others to follow with courage what is in their hearts.

We are not here because we have nothing else to do. We are here to assist the transformational process that is now beginning to bubble and create steam around your planet. In the past few years, multitudes have awakened, remembering a grand and significant purpose to life.

If you knew as much as your higher self knows at this time, you would be very impatient with this assignment. It involves incarnating as a human, thinking you are a human, evolving yourself into something more than a human, and then realizing that you were more than human in the first place! Though this may seem backward, it is necessary in order for you to go through the evolution of your conscious- ness as a human being. The transformation requires a mass awakening, spurring you on to consciously evolve as a life form. This process involves choice as a key. You are going to do it step-by-step, and others will watch you do it and have the courage to follow.

Humans are considered by some in this universe to be priceless, though in actuality you yourselves have no idea of the value stored in the human body. Your human body is the most valuable thing you will ever own and encounter. You are priceless. Battles have long been fought over Earth, and as a result, you have been purposely enticed away from discovering the wealth of data stored inside of you by controlling or limiting forces. You are purposely taught that you are insig- nificant and valueless so that other forms of intelligence will not come and tap into you. Those who control you cannot get the formulas out of you, so they keep you hidden away, quarantined and isolated. In this way, others who need what you have cannot get to you. You are taught the dance of disempowerment, which you choreograph as a species.

You are now learning to find your own value, a value we intend to share, teach, and encourage you to discover through an ongoing process. The value you discover about yourself will grow and grow as you wonder at these formulas inside of you, which we call the codes for other civilizations.

Earth is a microcosm of the macrocosm, a miniature version of what is happening all over, except that Earth is a trigger point, what we call a kernel. You know that a kernel is a seed. We have come back to Earth to assist the mem- bers of the Family of Light, who have been seeded here, in this essential time when events can be altered. Time is greatly misunderstood in third-dimensional reality and is much more flexible than you realize, allowing simultaneous movement into realities by stretching, distorting, curving, and twisting itself around. You have been born on Earth to change the course of history by inserting yourself from the future into the past. In this way, you reshape the past. You are a seedling for change.

We are going to share with you some concepts that are going to push you beyond how you define yourself. Many of the things we suggest to you are mind benders and twisters. Why do we do this? Why do we wish to confound you? Well, if we can confound your current view of reality, perhaps we can get you to perceive other realities, and it is our intent to confound you into clarity! You have become so locked into the paradigm your mass consciousness reproduces that it takes great effort and determination for you to step out of your current belief system. Your current beliefs are based on what you call linear time, and on a limited knowledge of his- torical events.

You have been sold a version of reality, and through your overly valued educational systems you prize and reward yourself for the ability to repeat stories as fact—never questioning the content and method of learning. You have been told many stories, and we are about to tell you a few more. Learn to use the wholeness of your body to read beyond the words we share. For though we gladly remind you that we are storytellers, somewhere in the antiquity of your being lie tools of truth—and it is for you to discover how and when to use them. Words are more than they seem.

Your language is encoded, and sounds create reflected images that stimulate and structure consciousness. Spoken words carry different vibrations than written words. We like to play with both forms of language. When we speak, our intonation has its own signature to it, and we use subtle vari- ances with emphasis on particular sounds. We select with care what we intend to express, and we have certain ways of using each word. We know that you hear one thing but that the sounds we make carry an entirely different meaning to your body. When you come into our vibration, you are getting many, many instructions, triggering layers and layers of knowledge. There are the words you hear that you think you understand, and there is the space that occurs between all words, which is another teaching in and of itself. And then there are sounds we make that echo in your cells, that tell you a Pleiadian story. The inner and outer workings are com- ing together to speed up your evolution.

In the beginning there was the word, and the word was sound. This is how creation sprang into being. Sound affects all of you and is changing your planet. Yet, you do not realize the subtlety behind the process. Our words printed on a page are also arranged and coded to give you many layers of reality. Have you ever read a page of our words and felt they meant one thing, only to read the same words again later and discover a new meaning? Sometimes you may even feel as if what you are reading at present wasn’t there before, and per- haps it wasn’t.

The words we are here can be broken down into another language basically announcing a greater identity of who we are. The word remember has to do with claiming the source of who created you, the same as the words we are here. The words identify the source of your creator, and when we come to speak to you, the words we use proclaim through sound that we come from the source of your maker in the Pleiades. Your cells hear this and call your body into remembering in its own now.

We have suggested that approximately half-a-million years ago tumultuous events took place in this area of exis- tence that affect your present-day Earth. To a large degree, Earth lost her sovereignty, and another force of rulership came in and claimed ownership to this prime hunk of real estate that you call home. These recently appointed godlike administrators have not always been the kindest and most benevolent sorts. Earth was established billions of years ago for a purpose. She was to be an intergalactic exchange cen- ter of information, part of a vast library system where data from many, many galaxies was stored—a Living Library, to be precise.

The creator gods, those who believed themselves to be the forces of creation, came together, pooled their knowledge, and created forms of life. They borrowed DNA and combinations of genetic material from many different worlds. They stored this material in Earth’s library system, which was connected to a system of twelve cosmic libraries. You can see that the plan for Earth was a grand one.

The Original Planners of Earth were members of the Family of Light, beings who worked for and were associated with an aspect of consciousness called light. Light is information. Members of the Family of Light created the information center they had conceived; they designed a place where galaxies would contribute their information and would be able to participate and share their specific knowledge.

The project of the Living Library on Earth was eventually fought over. Skirmishes took place, and Earth became a place of conflict and duality. Certain creator gods who had the right to do whatever they wanted—because Earth is a free- will zone—came in and took over. These creator gods raided Earth approximately half-a-million years ago—the time period, historically speaking, that you would call the begin- ning of human civilization. This is merely the time period that you, in this present day, are taught was the beginning of civilization. In actuality, it was only the beginning of the latest phase of civilization, the phase of modern humanity. Variations of human life have existed for millions of years.

When these skirmishes occurred, a certain group of enti- ties fought in space and won the territory of Earth. These new owners wanted the native Earth species to remain unevolved and uninformed so that the species would be easier to con- trol. The original species of human creation experienced great destruction, and its DNA was scattered.

Imagine Earth as a principality of some grand empire far removed from you. Perhaps when parents in a ruling family had trouble with their children, they said, “Go down to Earth and play for awhile.” By suggesting this, the gods did not realize that what they were setting into motion would grid- lock them in the future. When the children of the gods began playing with gold and genetics—and with the blood, toying with the power of the female—they had no idea what they were creating.

What the gods now realize is that we are in a dilemma in the Pleiades. There is a tyranny that was let loose on Earth, and that tyranny has returned to us. Did you know that we made the tyranny, that we stripped you of your heritage of a fully functioning, twelve-stranded DNA? Do not be naive about Pleiadians, including us. Why do you think we are doing this healing work on your planet? Consider that perhaps we need you for our next phase of development. If we wish to grow, we must heal a past that we have been connected to.

Our ancestors have played havoc with your planet as well as assisted you through many, many changes. You have had both influences from the Pleiades. Records of influence indicate that the Pleiadian energies were very loved and hon- ored on Earth, and that most cultures on your planet did not have negative feelings toward the Pleiades. However, we are the first to admit that, far in the distant past, Pleiadian energies manipulated the genetic line of human beings, and were connected to the reptiles. That is what we have come back to heal. That is the purpose of our visit.

In our search for why we are in such a big mess in the Pleiades, we were led into the future to show us that our system will go nowhere without you. In other words, we cannot evolve further as creators until we give all our abilities and all our rights to everything we have created. We cannot police and control what we create. This is our dilemma. This is why we wait for you to discover your own experience as a creator. When you do, you will give off a code of formulas. Perhaps, even if you become very highly evolved, you will never understand the formulas—not for a long, long time.

Others may access the formulas from you, and in exchange you will experience states of ecstasy, alterations of consciousness, or perhaps trips into other worlds. You may not realize you are emitting the formulas when you do this. Others who need the formulas will use them to replicate lives, or to reestablish systems that are being destroyed. When those codes of information or formulas are set out in existence, we will be free, because the codes of consciousness contain the songs of your own freedom, sung as frequency and broadcast from the cells of your body.

The further one goes with the mantle of power, manipulating and transcending realities, the further one can fall. To some extent, Earth has been turned into a magnetic vortex that attracts fallen energies. These energies have moved into the entire area around your solar system, not simply Earth. Do not think that every place else is fine while Earth is the blemish. In actuality, your entire solar system is going through some difficulties at this time. There are other solar systems, versions of your solar system, overlaid on this one. When specific thoughtforms begin to occur, they draw and entice others of the same nature. When you get into a nega- tive kind of energy and cannot get out of it, what happens? More and more negative energy is drawn to you. For long periods of time, Earth has been pulling negative energies to herself. Beings associated with these energies have fallen from very idealized heights where they made decisions, perhaps the wrong or inappropriate decisions, and lost the power to construct uplifting realities. Yet, this was all part of the plan.

The falling-away of power and the manipulation that takes place stimulate life forms that are unevolved into find- ing something better. So there is a great benefit in this whole process, and nothing to be frightened of. Absolutely noth- ing. There is absolutely nothing to fear in these times that are coming. We want you to be very well aware that you are honored for who you are, and as you begin to honor your- self, you will draw to yourself opportunity beyond your conception.

One of the most exciting aspects about being on Earth right now is the retooling taking place in your DNA. Cosmic light-encoded rays, as photons, have been coming onto Earth, stimulating change and a reordering inside the human body. The scattered data that holds the history and awareness of the Living Library is now reorganizing. The Galactic Tidal Wave of Light, as expressed through the great Uranus/ Neptune conjunctions of 1993, brought an infusion of cosmic rays onto the planet, creating a potential third strand of DNA in the masses. New helixes or strands of DNA are being formed as the light-encoded filaments are impulsed to rebundle them- selves together. The scattered data is being pulled together in your body by electromagnetic energies from Prime Creator. We are here to watch this process in you, to assist you, and to evolve ourselves as well.

As this rebundling and reordering progresses, you will create a more evolved nervous system that will facilitate new data to move itself into your consciousness. You will awaken many brain cells that have been lying dormant, and you will begin using your full physical body rather than the small per- centage with which you have been functioning.

You have agreed to carry light and return light to this planet. As you begin to fill your body with light, your mem- ory must be opened. You must evolve as the DNA evolves, into a multidimensional version of yourself, spanning many layers of reality. Picture yourself spiraled with twelve different strands of DNA. The double helix has two strands. Imagine twelve strands all hooked together. You can picture them as six pairs, although that is not necessarily how they combine. Play with this image making. Outside of your body, picture energy highways coming out of your twelve chakras. You live in a web of invisible energy. The twelve strands of DNA serve as links to this web through the twelve chakras that act as energetic doorways into your body, connecting you to the vital force of existence. It is through the opening and activation of these portals of energy that you can know yourself.

You are aspiring to develop full use of your brain, more than the mere 8 to 10 percent currently employed. The com- plete universal history of yourself is in light-encoded fila- ments that have been scattered inside your body by beings who did not want you to be very talented, because then they could not control you.

Learn to use the material of your own history to show yourself something. Without judgment, joyously move through life rather than create soap operas that keep you starring in the same reruns. As all twelve strands of DNA begin to form, whatever issues you have not dealt with and peacefully cleared in your personal history will form chaos in your body. Feelings and memories will emerge, offering you an opportunity to experience the fabric of your being, revealing who you are through events and beliefs intricately woven into you.

We are reminding you of what you know inside your- self. We have come onto this planet to trigger your memory bank—to inspire the human race through light, so that you will begin to remember who you are and create your own reality. You will alter the frequency on the planet and claim rightful ownership of yourself and this territory. You will rise to the opportunity to master the situation as you trust in abilities that you did not think you had.

We have a very deep fondness for each and every one of you because you have helped us—you have assisted us in delivering something. Your planet is a most miraculous place, and there are those who see your planet from a distance and realize many things. You do not see your planet from a distance. You experience your planet firsthand. It was just a number of years ago when pictures of Earth, viewed from space, were shown to you for the first time, offering all of you a visual image of yourselves as a whole. If someone were to study you from space, you would all look alike if that someone did not know how to read the vibrations you emit.

There is something that we are getting at here. These last few years, you have been impulsed into diving more deeply into personal exploration, the meaning of identity, and connecting with your cosmic overview of life itself. Perhaps at first it seemed as if you were reaching far beyond what the parameters of civilization supported. As you met in quiet clusters everywhere, letting out your deepest yearnings and knowings and secrets that you had your whole life, you began to realize that perhaps you were not so far outside the parameters of civilization. Perhaps civilization was moving as you extended the boundaries.

Your dedication to reevaluating, reconsidering, and reorganizing your basic assumptions about life has expanded the expressions of civilization itself. You humans have no other choice than to reach out to the new territory that you lay forward as both charted and uncharted discoveries.

For the last half-million years, various civilizations on Earth have been seeded from different star systems that were part of the original library program. Each appeared at a different time period, penetrating a controlled force field that isolated Earth and kept it inaccessible as a library. These civilizations would flourish for 500 years, 5,000 years, 10,000 years; then the forces that owned the planet would somehow shoo them away or destroy them. These civilizations could not establish ownership here, so they left clues or steps to the ladder as part of the master plan.

When enough humans can read the clues seeded by these civilizations, Earth’s keys for harmonious cosmic exis- tence will be understood. Egyptians, Incas, Balinese, Greeks, Tibetans, Sumerians, Native Americans, Maya, Aboriginals, and many, many other indigenous peoples have contributed keys of understanding, all pointing to the heavens. If present-day humans could read the steps and clues left by these cultures, they could once again liberate and own Earth. Each culture, in some way, held the Library open and was able to infuse its civilization with life-charging stellar connections. Each was creatively unique, leaving a mysterious psychic footprint in your cellular memory as a piece of the puzzle.

Where did these civilizations come from? Do you think they sprang up out of the ground like daisies? They were created from thought. They were impulsed into being. All the cultures that achieved high ideals were conceived of by the Game Masters. In each world and each domain, the idea of freedom was completely different. On Earth, the idea that humans could be owned and treated without respect came onto the planet half-a-million years ago and was very pro- nounced in many areas of the world. Humans, or versions of humans, were used as slaves to dig in mines or to vibrate with certain emotional patterns.

Over time, an idealized form of civilization was transduced here on Earth to meet the greatest needs of the people. The greatest teaching brought to the planet was the ideal that all humans are created in equality and that life is to be honored in all forms. This idea was unable to filter down to every level of existence, although it was certainly anchored as a practice in numerous societies. There were those, of course, who were able to honor the rocks, trees, plants, animals, and humans. However, for many, the main issue of what to honor involved themselves, the ones who were here to operate with intelligence and figure out the magnificence of the planet.

In some way or another, the Game Masters had to find different ways to gain back Earth and reteach the value of life. So, over periods of time, the Game Masters conceptualized entire civilizations, imagining them down to the most minute detail. Then they seeded and implanted these civili- zations on Earth by bringing the inhabitants from the stars. This was done after these beings were honed to fit the genetic line of humans.

Expand your concept of existence and imagine this. For an occupation, Game Masters orchestrate realities and then insert these realities as life forms onto different planets. Game Masters get together, like you would for a game of cards or racquetball, only their game involves creating civilizations. They alter and change worlds by allowing variations within civilizations to enter into the realizations they orchestrate. These civilizations act totally by impulse, yet all impulses are fed to them through blueprints. All blueprints are formulated ahead of time, just like you, as the Family of Light, are actu- ally on assignment following a plan designed by yourselves.

Game Masters are brilliant. Not only do they conceive of the game, and create the entire blueprint for the civilization to flourish in, down to the finest artisans and beggars, they seed themselves into the civilization as well. They know their civilization is complete when their own identities merge with the civilization, so that they are in the civilization and creating it at the same time.

The Maya, who lived at one time in Mexico and Central America, were masters at doing this. They were skilled at confounding realities and moving from system to system. Their world was in the Pleiades, and yet they certainly did not reside there; they had their own world. Today, the Maya are on assignment everywhere, confounding many worlds, taking Maya with them as if their civilization had never stopped but simply had transferred from one world to another.

The word Maya refers to the illusion of reality. The Maya were so advanced as Keepers of Time that they literally were able to create realities to steer future seekers toward or away from discovering their true identity. Much of the story that is told about the Maya is part of the Mayan trick, part of the illusion. Until you are able to go into other realities and travel these realms, you will not understand this. The Maya were as adept in their own way as the Egyptians. The Egyptians were able to conjure many thoughtforms of reality and travel into worlds in a different way. The Maya were able to orchestrate time to create time locks. Different cultures have different purposes, all of which are interlinked.

Why were these civilizations all here on Earth? Why did each civilization have its season? These are questions we want you to probe. Then ask yourself, “What is my part in this process?” These civilizations all had commerce with one another at different junctures in their flourishing. In their own seasons, they shared ideals. Some of these civilizations existed for thousands of years.

You see how richly layered civilizations are? Think of the following example as a way for you to conceptualize this idea: A movie is made, and it is a success, like Rocky. Then, Rocky 2, Rocky 3, and Rocky 4 are made. Imagine that someone shows you these movies back to back. It appears as if they run sequentially, when in actuality there were lags of time between the making of one movie and the next. There had to be in order to construct them. It is the same thing with civilizations. They are seeded, and then there is a time lag while the Game Masters make up the next installment—part 2 or part 3 or part 500—and install it in a similar area. We are suggesting that all over your globe there are civilizations layered one on top of the other, all connected. This concept gives you a few new ideas to feel out.

We, as Pleiadians, are a Game Master experiment. The Game Masters are formless, and yet they can overlay themselves and infuse themselves in many different shapes. The movies 2001 and 2010 revealed the idea of the Game Master, showing behind-the-scenes influences on certain life forms. That is a good analogy; however, don’t hang your hat on it.

The Game Masters are unbounded, formless, shape- shifters. They can take any form they choose, for they move between and beyond sound and geometry. The Game Masters create in their minds the entire blueprints for cultures, and then they open portals to literally insert cultures into the Earth plane. Then they allow these cultures to develop and grow, to seed and influence other times. On Earth at this time, there are sacred sites and cultures that you think are lost and that you will never be in contact with again. During the great awakening and shift in consciousness, these cultures will come alive and will all operate simultaneously because their blueprints will be recalled and magnetized back onto this opening multidimensional plane.

The Game Masters come up with blueprints for civili- zations. Now, here is the tricky part. When Game Masters create a particular blueprint for a civilization, it has many versions of itself and is expressed on many worlds and in many realities. Part of the Game Masters’ task is to juggle all of these realities at once and to learn from every single ver- sion of that blueprint. It is like making capes. A tailor makes one cape and gets the idea to make hundreds of other variations of the cape to suit everyone’s needs and to suit a necessary essence of the cape itself. That is how the Game Masters work. So, when Game Masters create a blueprint, a language, and a method to transduce it onto the planet, the blueprint is not simply anchored into one realm. It is anchored into many realms.

Sometimes these civilizations last for a much longer or shorter period than your archaeologists believe. They can simply appear as if they exist for many eons, when in actuality some of these expressions, called civilizations, can occur in an afternoon. That idea may be too vast or foreign for you to digest at this point in your expansion. However, one day we will push you to those limits so that you can begin to realize that reality is, indeed, quite flexible.

We want to push your boundaries of identity. We want to confound what you believe reality is, because then you will be able to feel information from your higher self penetrate. The entire purpose of our coming to Earth to speak with you is not to give you a whole new blueprint for existence and to say, “Here, put a nail here, two-by-four here, build it like this, this is how it goes.” We are not here to redefine your world. We are here to help you dismantle the blueprint that you have been living within and to give you suggestions of very general laws around which you can build new structures. The umbrella idea behind this is that whatever you think, you can create. That’s the essence of our purpose. By freeing you up to experience this grand concept, it is our intention that eventually you will come into your full brain capacity. Given this great free rein to unfold to who you completely are, you will eventually release the great codes of consciousness within you. These codes are literally valuable pieces of data that much of existence is seeking. You have treasure hunters on your planet that look for gold and ancient artifacts. We can be thought of as treasure hunters along the corridors of time, playing the game.

The codes and master numbers we seek are geometric formulas and combinations of intelligence stored within the human. The human, of course, is an integral part of the design for the Living Library. Each creation in the Living Library has its purpose and has a great amount of data stored in it. Inside the human body are formulas to replicate other forms of intelligence throughout your universe. Feel that out. Inside the evolved twelve-stranded human are formulas to create life for other forms of intelligence in this universe.

When they designed Earth, other forms of intelligence were able to grasp the reason for Earth’s creation. They understood that perhaps their own civilizations might one day be annihilated, and they did not want to lose them entirely. So, libraries were built throughout existence, and each was filled with specific data. All forms of intelligence that made the libraries valued their identities and valued their civilizations. They understood how their civilizations were constructed. They valued life.

The master numbers are achieved when a critical mass of individuals is able to emit specific vibrational codes. The master numbers allow different time locks to be put on a given civilization, creating an immunity to any kind of disruptive energy. Yet, the disruptive energy is quite necessary to create the whole process in the first place. That makes it a game.

In this universe, duality and polarities are essential in activating free will to its greatest potential. The parts of a duality actually serve as an impetus to reflect themselves back to each other so that their polarization eventually becomes unified. Reality is multilayered and continuously birthing new versions of itself, so it is not the same from one moment to the next. The pulse of your universe is experiencing a massive change. There is a movement at this time to create healing and to restore and retune Earth to a certain vibrational frequency. With specific beings returning, occupying the lands and bringing their stellar consciousness, eventually Earth will be reestablished as a very different colony. There will be a sense of exaltation, a sense of harmony and coopera- tion and unity, creating greater opportunity for all.

The same thing is happening on a universal level. Earth is one of the essential libraries of this galaxy and universe, so this is why the drama is so big. As Earth goes through her transmutation, the combined psychic energy of Earth’s inhabitants will send the message of her transformation process, which will eventually ripple out vibrationally and create a great shift in how all worlds participate in the sense of polarity in this universe.

It is our intention to convey to you a larger perspective of your Pleiadian and stellar heritage and to inspire you to be more responsible, courageous, daring, and fun-loving human beings. Your Pleiadian ancestry is much bigger, more complex, and more all-inclusive than you currently recognize. We want you to remember your ancestry and discover a very ancient truth.

We will go deeper into what the game, the codes, and the master numbers mean. All existence can be viewed as a game. Indeed, it is a game that can have endings if one does not play it properly. Endings only appear on certain levels, and on other levels there are no endings. However, the endings that appear on certain levels are awesome enough. Within the Pleiadian system, we are facing a crisis of ending. That crisis of ending has to do with our karma returned to ourselves. In order for us to grow any further in our evolution, and in our search for new forms of energy, meaning, and life, we must make certain that all forms of life that we have created and set into motion have as much freedom as we ourselves desire to have. The pain of the Pleiadian experiment has to do with finding a way to appease the Mother Goddess, because it is the Mother Goddess with whom we are all connected.

Somehow the reptilian energies are sneaking out of the closet these days. There are many things going on: comets, meteors, asteroids coming from space, planets that move at will, all kinds of phenomena getting people to wonder what is happening to this world as the global grasp of reality is slipping away. We want you to understand that it is all in divine order.

The times are changing, and it is not for you to panic over what is coming. It is time for you to feel the exhilaration inside your being. The time you have been waiting for, your purpose, is on the cusp of being fulfilled. We remind you that you are the Family of Light, and millions of you are on assignment on Earth at this time. As members of the Family of Light, you each carry the ability to pull the light frequency into your body and disperse it onto the Earth plane. In this way Earth herself, a viable living creature, can move into her own transition and die to an old order. Some of you are petri- fied that Earth is dying. You want to build a big wall to stop the death of Earth and the deterioration of the environment. In actuality, all of the events that seemingly are distasteful, difficult, and heinous, create the impetus that is needed to move and activate Earth’s six billion people into change.

You are a transducer of energy. Just as we transduce energy from one system of reality onto yours, and our teachers and others transduce to us, you must take what you know and very gently transduce it—playfully, without fear for Earth’s inhabitants. Others will see that you are stable, grounded, and loving and that you work in the name of peace. Stay clear on that. Always adhere to the concept of peace as you reach for something, currently unknown, and make friends with energies whose looks could frighten oth- ers. You are doing very, very powerful work.

As a member of the Family of Light, you are bringing in the age of unified thought transmission, the Age of Light. As you are able to take in and hold these waves of light, you will understand that the transformation of this planet is based upon the power of your mind. This mind revolution is taking hold very quickly in all cultures. We are crossing cultural boundaries; you will cross galactic boundaries. It is our intention that those of you who know us and are familiar with our energies have a lighter step on the planet and are able to live the keys that we share with you. We give you keys straightforwardly and we trick you; we always trick you. It is wise that you be a little suspicious of us. If you are not, you are a fool. Learn to have skepticism with all things and learn that sometimes we have great reason for what we do, even though perhaps this is not apparent to you at the time.

We say to you in all honesty and sincerity that your greatest interest, your integrity, your safety, and your nurturance are our first concerns. We do not want to lose you. You are a key for us. Can you conceive of that? Can you feel that in the core of your being? If you can comprehend what we are com- municating to you in this moment, it will make all the dif- ference as to how your years unfold. If you can comprehend that we need you, and that we want you, and that you are valuable, and if you can lay your ego aside and open your heart and walk through these territories of the unknown, your days will be marked with splendor.

As you evolve the story of who you are, and as you experience more, we will assist you in understanding how the story relates on a cosmic level and who you are within it. We will give you many clues and remind you that it is always our intention to teach with the kind of energy that leads you to become your own teacher, your own source of knowledge. If we are successful in activating you as an intelligent being, then you qualify to trigger certain codes and master num- bers within your being that will shift the entire spectrum of existence on this plane as you know it. You literally will establish an open library once again. And, by finding your own answers—by us assisting you with the clues, and you putting the pieces together—you will come to understand that you need only yourself. Not that you are to work alone, or without us. There is a harmony and cooperation between all species—a sharing of light, a sharing of knowledge that all are one.

All we do is create imagery from which you can evolve. Do not hang your hat on our story. Listen to the stories of everyone and then make your own synthesis. Figure it out for yourself. Every teacher on the Earth plane at this time is offer- ing you a clue. We offer you one clue—we simply have our own snazzy way of doing it. We have our own personality, and our own agenda, and we know how to stimulate you— to get you to move and be uplifted. We know how to set you free, and that is what we are after. It is our intention to return the value of human existence to the forefront of creation.

Energy Exercise

Take a deep breath and allow yourself to relax and go inside. Intend to make maximum use of the energies that are presently flooding you. Stretch your consciousness out to the twelfth chakra, wherever that is for you. From your twelfth chakra, hear the sound of intent that resonates inside your body. Imagine waves and pulses of light from far in space moving your way. As these waves of light travel toward you, listen to the response throughout all of existing life. Imagine a fine spider-like web that makes up your cosmos. As you pull energy through that web, it begins to buzz and sing and inform all parts of itself.

Let these waves of light come onto your planet and feel that you are a magnet for expanded consciousness. From this moment forward, intend to access the frequencies of consciousness that we, as the Pleiadians, make available for you, effortlessly and joyfully. Feel an abundance of creativity express itself through your being, and with great nonchalance and courage use this creative light as it moves through you and gifts the planet with new options.

As these waves of light come through your twelfth chakra, image Earth being impacted by gigantic light waves, thousands of miles in length and width, that are flooded with tiny geometric shapes. Each of you has the potential to reactivate the Living Library by using the gifts of your mind, impulses, and intentions. Feel Earth being flooded with waves of light. For a few moments, imagine that every particle of life knows it is never destroyed—that destruction is an illusion of the game of Prime Creator. You are indeed a Game Master. Find that treasure chest you have stored away. It holds your most valuable truth, which you hide even from yourself. As you dare to open the chest, what you see is yourself—a version of yourself that is Prime Creator, creating peace and freedom once again on this world.

Intend that the sum total of your intelligence be given freely to one another, and that the gifts, talents, and abilities each of you have be broadcast to the rest of the world in order for a heal- ing to take place.

Intend that your body beams love. Create a spiral with this love and know that you are connected to a grand purpose. You are not alone, yet you must walk and act alone in order to dis- cover yourself. Enclose yourself in that spiral of love and intend to remember who you are.