VIII. Subpersonalities—
                Uniting the Separated Selves

The various roles and identities that you each have can be called your ''subpersonalities." These roles exist within all of you. For instance, there may be a part of you that is impulsive and does things without thinking, and a part that is careful and cautious. There may be a part that does not like other people to be angry at you, or that wants to be needed by people. There may be a part of you that is afraid or creates fears of the future, or an obsessive part that remembers painful situations and calls them to your attention all the time. Each one of these parts, in the journey through this lifetime, is being brought to a higher level of knowing and under­standing.

Learning not to identify with your subpersonalities as being the real you frees you and assists you in bringing them to the light. The journey into the higher self is the integration of all the selves, or subpersonalities, with the soul. The voice that tells you you cannot do some­thing is not the voice of the higher self. It is simply a part of you that needs to be recognized and loved, to be shown your higher vision.

These selves that exist within you can be healed and integrated with your higher vision. Perhaps they were created during times of crisis, or they base their images of reality and their programs of instruction on pictures passed on to you from parents or friends. For instance, say you keep attracting what you feel are the wrong relationships into your life. There might be a self that is bringing you relationships based on an old image. Maybe your parents in some way rejected you, so a subpersonality formed an image of rejection as an ele­ment of being loved. This self may be very good at bringing you friends—so you must acknowledge that it is trying to do something positive for you, even though your friends at some point reject you. You must not make yourself wrong if you have a pattern you are cre­ating over and over, for the clearing of that pattern is one of the ways you evolve. It is time now to bring this self into consciousness, talk to it, and give it a new image of what kind of love you want. You may have a self that believes in scarcity—that there are not enough men, or women, or enough love, money, etc. It would be good to talk to this part of you, showing it images of abundance.

Think for a moment, if you had six months to live, what would be the most important thing you would want to finish and leave behind? What would you change about your life right now? What limits do you have now that you would do away with? If you were to leave behind one gift to the planet, what would it be?

You have a part of you
that looks over and
observes your other parts—
that is your higher self.

The greatest movement to the higher self comes both in acknowledging the higher self and in evolving all the other parts. Your subpersonalities are simply parts of you that are not yet aligned with your higher self. You can very easily change the images these parts are hold­ing by first paying attention to the voices within you. When you hear a certain thought pattern, such as the voice that is doubtful, begin to see it as a part of you that is asking for help from your soul, a part that needs to be shown new images and belief systems. You can respond to any of the voices that you know are not your higher self by listening and speaking to them, telling them of your higher vision. They simply are not aware that you have changed the model by which you are cre­ating reality.

What is this higher purpose, this higher vision? All of you came into incarnation not only to achieve certain levels of evolution, but to help with the planet, to be here as people contributing to the well-being of man­kind. When things happen effortlessly and doors open, it is because you are not only on your own higher path, but you are weaving it into the higher vision of mankind. You are here to evolve certain qualities within yourself and to manifest your higher purpose. You can know what those qualities are by looking at what chal­lenges continually present themselves to you. They may present themselves as separate situations, and yet there is a pattern to what you are learning in your life and the lessons you are attracting.

Everyone is born with a higher purpose and vision. You journey through this lifetime to find and fulfill that vision. The challenge to your higher self is to constantly enlarge your vision of who you are and to put that self in more and more expansive arenas. Some of you may specialize in one specific thing, focusing on it in more and more detail. For others your path may be to reach out into new areas for knowledge. It is the interweaving of all the parts within into the higher self that is one of the goals of soul in its evolutionary cycle.

The higher self is the part of you that is beyond the world of polarities. Every voice within you that is leaning in one direction will create its opposite. This means that if you have a part that is very conservative, that wants your life to stay the same, and does not like change, then there will be the opposite of that part—a part that likes to do things spontaneously, to be free and make changes. You may find these two parts con­stantly playing against each other.

You have many parts within you, one saying one thing, and always a part that says the opposite. Resolv­ing these two sides allows the higher self to come through. One of the ways you can do this is to let the two parts carry on a dialogue. If you have a situation in your life in which you are going back and forth, saying with one part of you "This is the answer, handle it this way," and another part saying "No, it should be done this way," then you can look at it as if the two parts of you are in conflict. Imagine one of them in each hand, and create a dialogue between them. Let each of them express what good it is trying to do for you. Let each side talk to the other side, and explore a compromise that would work for both. Show them mentally what you are trying to accomplish with your life and ask them to help you with your important goals.

Every single part of you has
a gift for you and is there
as your friend.

There is no voice within you that does not have the intent to help you. It may be that it does not have an accurate picture of what you want, or it was set up many years ago and is still operating from an old pro­gram. The part of you that experiences fear, for instance, may be trying to protect you in the best way it knows. Your journey in this lifetime is to bring all those parts up into your higher vision and purpose.

Learn to love each of your selves, for as you love them you begin the process of uniting them with your higher self.



  1. Take an area of your life in which you are experienc­ing a problem, or lack. Write it here.

  2. Now, decide which part of you is creating this lack. Close your eyes and imagine what this part looks like. Is it young or old? How is it dressed? What expressions does it have on its face?

  3. Thank this part of you for trying, in the best way it knows how, to do something good for you. Ask it what good thing it is trying to accomplish. For in­stance, the part of you that is holding you back may be trying to protect you and keep you safe. There is always something good this part thinks it is accom­plishing. What good thing is it doing for you?

  4. Ask this part if it would be willing to do the same thing but in a different way, one that would contrib­ ute to your higher good and fit who you are now. You might ask that protective part to keep an eye on new ways to help you enter into a new challenge or adventure.

  5. Look again at this part of yourself. Does it look older, wiser, happier? Thank this part of you for being so willing to listen and help you with your higher goals.