Light Mandala Activator
【Make 100gallons of Structured Water a day】【Energizing Water】with a 100gram portable device.

Worry no more!

You don't have to get into the moutain, nor you have to find Dr. Emoto for good water source. with under a RM1400, you will be able to energize your water to the energy level above the moutain water.
Energize your tap water, or at least canceling the memory from the tap water is one of the most cruicial step, many people miss.
The extraordinary life work of Dr. Emoto is documented in the New York Times Bestseller, The Hidden Messages in Water. In his book, Dr. Emoto demonstrates how water exposed to loving, benevolent, and compassionate human intention results in aesthetically pleasing physical molecular formations in the water while water exposed to fearful and discordant human intentions results in disconnected, disfigured, and “unpleasant” physical molecular formations. He did this through Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology and high-speed photographs.

【Light Mandala Activator】is a device of many use. Because of it's ability to energize water. Our body comprise of 70% water. This means applying Activator on the vital organs yields even more amazing result

【5gallon in 30 minutes】
Getting your water energize maybe take very long using some of the switzland machine. Activator can energize your water in 30 minutes. 5 gallons.

Consume energize water reduce #HeartDisease #Insomnia #ChronicIllness
Simply because, water is VERY VITAL
By improving the water quality, you improve life

Nomatter you are using 【RO Water】【Distill Water】【Filter Water】【TapWater】【MoutainWater】
#Activator can Energize all of them.

BPA Free
Wooden Casing from natural forest!

Click Send Message to learn more!

【Malaysia - Light Mandalas】
S1-15-10, Dsara Sentral, 40160 Sungai Buloh
【Switzland - Light Madalas】
Floraweg 8 – 9205 Waldkirch SG – Switzerland

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐀𝐩𝐩: 016-200-8151

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐀𝐩𝐩 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤:
#LightMandalas #immunity #releasepain #improveinsomnia #clearDepression #clearanxiety #StructuredWater #H2HydrogenTherapy #HypnotherapyHealthcare #Insomnia #Depression #Anxiety

Egyptian wall shows Plasma lamp devise being charged and illuminated by a coiled power system below.
All of us played the plasma ball once in awhile in a life time. But what If I tell you it can be use for healing ?
【Make 100gallons of Structured Water a day】【Energizing Water】with a 100gram portable device.
Liquid light is one of the important health conditioning technologies of Lemuria Light. It contains high concentration of Tachyon particles and bioenergy. Through special technology, water crystals are formed under the influence of high frequency energy. This form of water contains extremely high energy. Through this energy, it can let the human body reach a balanced state of the five elements, hence the body can restore physical and mental health in its most natural state. If consumed for a long period of time, emotional improvement will be particularly noticeable. After the negative energy is released, the mind is easier to restore its peace.
One of the purification and cleansing tools tailored by the Lemuria Light to space, Aura and negative energy purification. It contains pure natural herbs, oils and other ingredients. Each Tibetan incense is handmade, and all its raw materials are also hand-grinded. In addition, each incense will be anchored by special interstellar energy, and its main function is to strengthen the effect of Tibetan incense and strengthen the effect of dispelling negative energy.
It’s wood from a tree called Bursera graveolens, nicknamed Palo Santo, that grows in South America. For centuries, Palo Santo, which translated means “holy wood,” has been burned as an energy cleanser, says Matluck. The ritual comes from Incan tradition that says the smoke from the wood, burned during spiritual ceremonies, is medicinal.
Lemuria Light Anti EMF Earthing Pad provide a convenient way to connect to the Earth’s electrical field while indoors. This connection is called ‘earthing’ or ‘grounding’ and provides many benefits. In general, the more time you can spend grounded the better. Grounding is particularly recommended while sleeping. We spend many hours of each day sleeping; it is the time when the body is repairing, rebuilding and regenerating, and being grounded optimizes these processes, and also improves the general quality of sleep.
Many in this group will react with very unstable emotions, as what they have always believed in is shaken. We suggest to reduce exposure to too much electronic entertainment. And connect with simpler physical hobbies to keep yourself entertained. Quit feeding your mind with unhealthy images or those that resemble violence. The duration for manifesting our thoughts has shortened, we need to be careful with what we ingest mentally.
It’s time to bridge the understanding and receive positive messages from lightworkers, so that people go through less mental struggle.
Tesla, a brilliant inventor and visionary, is considered the father of scalar, zero-point technology, and the Tesla Coil, the technology used in The Violet Ray, a high frequency, low amperage source of static electricity.. Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) a contemporary of Nikolas Tesla, advocated the use of the violet ray in almost 900 of his readings. Original violet ray devices were indicated and recommended in many Cayce readings.
The energetic theory has been applauded as a bridge explaining the relationship between the beyond-light-speed possibilities and our slower-than-light world. It merges science and spirituality and blends our awareness of the quantum potential that exists and the reality we perceive.
In 1966, cutting edge quantum physicists started describing two phenomena: the zero point energy field and tachyon energy. They are both omnipresent and travel at faster than the speed of light. They have no frequency — ie, no oscillation or spin. They are probably not even really energy, but something that might be called ‘pre-energy’. Zero point is formless. Tachyon has form. Zero point is like the ocean. Tachyon is like a drop of ocean water.
The following frequency sets are for remote treatment. In all treatments, irrespective of the type of cancer/tumor, continuously detoxing the body, supporting the organs, and stimulating the immune system is of the utmost importance. Spooky contains Programs to do all of this.
A photomultiplier tube, useful for light detection of very weak signals, is a photoemissive device in which the absorption of a photon results in the emission of an electron. These detectors work by amplifying the electrons generated by a photocathode exposed to a photon flux.
Multiple published studies have shown good effects of laser acupuncture for the following conditions: hiccups, bed wetting, weight loss, post-operative nausea and vomiting, pain control, surgical anesthesia, dental anesthesia, carpal tunnel syndrome, dry eyes, and stroke-related paralysis. Obviously, as more studies are performed, more information will be found.