What Does Your Purple Aura Mean?

Your aura reflects your current energetic state. Many of us have colors in our auras, our bubbles of energy, that appear consistently, or at least more often than others. Understanding what your aura color aura color means, can be a powerful self-discovery tool.

If you often see purple in your aura (or if it’s recently appeared in your energy field), you may be wondering about a purple aura’s meaning. This also signifies that you are holding a high vibration.

Those with purple auras are uniquely intuitive and spiritual. Here’s what you need to know about the meaning of a purple aura and how to handle it.

Purple Aura Meaning

If your aura is purple, you’re probably keyed into your own intuition and know how to trust it.

This is a highly valuable skill, especially in today’s world where many people don’t know how (or are hesitant) to look inward to find answers to life’s questions.

It’s no wonder that a healthy crown chakra, which is associated with intuition, is often emitting a purple aura.

However, there’s more to a purple aura than just strong intuitive abilities. Location matters. Dull purple in a muscle aura can indicate a muscle strain.

If dark congested purple appears around your head, it can indicate you’re feeling low. And heartbreak can appear as purple in the heart chakra.

Different Shades of Purple Aura

Here’s what the most common purple shades in auras mean.


If you have a lavender aura, you are:

  • Active imagination

  • Astral travel

  • The color of the dreamer

  • Lives more in spiritual realms than the physical one

  • Can have their head in the clouds

  • Potential Psychic

  • A rich inner world filled with fantasies and mystical thoughts

Bright Purple

  • Related to the third eye chakra, which is tied to intense intuition and reasoning

  • The most common aura color for those with strong artistry and psychic abilities

  • Visionary

  • Close to experiencing equilibrium and open awareness

  • ability to access the astral dimension

  • strong intuitions and often have a different set of logic than the norms

Keep in mind that bright purple energy may not be indicative of your current emotional state. But it’s a sign that your spiritual nature is following a higher purpose and more balanced reasoning.

Dark Purple

  • You have obstacles to overcome

  • Something might be getting in the way of your intuition

  • You’re currently in the perfect opportunity for growth

  • Spiritual Attachment / Obstacles

  • Very dense karmic energy

A dark purple aura may not mean trouble. Instead, it can be a sign that you’re ready to take the plunge into making changes in your life that will lead you to greater happiness and fulfillment.


  • Intuitive

  • Deep thinkers

  • Associated with the pituitary gland

  • Caring and Watchful

  • Heart to serve

  • Innate Healer

The Connection Between a Purple Aura and Your Personality

People with purple auras are very tapped into their emotions. They’ve usually been through the depths of emotion and have come out of those low lows having become highly sensitive, intuitive, and more introverted as a result.

However, during the downtime, they’re prone to indecision. They tend to prefer to think things through thoroughly instead of acting impulsively. While this is generally a purple thing, they want to make sure their action is based more or less on the universe's higher purpose.

Purple auras radiate positive energy, are very genuine, and have a low tolerance for superficiality or pretension, including in relationships. They crave deep soul connections.

Some of the purple has access to the parallel dimension, which can appear to be drained and can lead to burnout (in yourself and in those you interact with).

We recommend engaging in a lot of self-care and investing energy in a lot of creative outlets to stay charged. This can maintain the balance between intuition and grounding.

What Makes an Aura Turn Purple?

Our auras change colors throughout our lives. Very rare people are born with natural purple energy.

These tend to be the type of people who seek out spiritual things of their own volition – people with robust meditation practices and rich inner lives.

But a purple aura can also be attained and cultivated. If you’re a person who’s gone through very low lows and come out of them having conquered those feelings, that can turn your aura purple.

Engaging in spiritual practices like meditation and creative projects can also bring about a purple aura. The common denominator is tapping into something bigger than yourself.

Challenges of a Purple Aura

Worry and Rumination

People with purple auras excel at calculating risk, but that also means they’re great at fretting over the worst-case scenarios in any given situation.

Self-Sacrifice to a Fault

They often appear to be humble and sacrifice for the sake of the whole. People with purple auras often need to work on strengthening their lower three chakras, developing their powers, and building healthy boundaries with others.

Picking Up on Other People’s Energy

Purple auras often have empathic abilities because they feel the emotions of others so acutely. However, this comes with challenges and it can be too sensitive to be around negative energies.

Purple can feel their emotions so acutely but is not yet a master to coach others, like magentas/rainbow lavender aura. Once they know this, they will learn to further strengthen the lower chakras and integrate deeper lessons. such as: letting other people make their own decisions and, sometimes, mistakes. Once their vibration reaches the next level, into magentas/rainbow lavender/ sun bright golden white/ rainbow, they are no longer bound by the tentacles of the karmic/matrix.

Need Careers that Give Them More Than Just Money or Status

Purple auras aren’t self-promoters by nature. Instead, they enjoy studying, delving deep into subjects that interest them, and specializing in one field. They follow intuition and like to involve themselves in meaningful events.

The more they follow their intuition, the easier for them to maintain their vibration. They make great scholars, artists, and experts in a specific field. If they’re stuck in a desk job that feels meaningless to them, they tend to struggle.

How to Interact with Someone with a Purple Aura

Set Boundaries

If they try to give unwanted advice, don’t let them; they may not realize they’re picking up on your energy as strongly as they are.

Keep Your Intention Pure and Simple

Purple read thoughts. If you carry a second agenda, they often feel it. So just be authentic and speak what you feel gently to them. Cleanse your aura before you see them.

Don’t Be Surprised if the Tarot Cards Come Out

Engage with them in a way that uses their spiritual energy; they love that. Your conversations with them might get deep, so be prepared!

Embrace Your Role

You might be the friend to encourage them to stay grounded, take risks, and try new things. Lean into this role.

In a friendship dynamic, purple auras tend to be the planners and thinkers, while they may surround themselves with more action-oriented types.

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