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Tourmaline, Watermelon

Watermelon Tourmaline belongs to a group called Elbaite, which is a member of the Tourmaline family. Elbaite is by far the most colorful group, including Indicolite (blue to blue/green), Verdelite (green), Rubellite (pink) and Watermelon (pink with green rind and sometimes green with pink rind).

Watermelon Tourmaline works with the Heart chakra, cleansing and removing blockages. As a balancing stone, Watermelon Tourmaline aids in removing insecurities. As a balancing stone, Watermelon Tourmaline functions as a combination of male and female energies, both Yin and Yang together in one crystal. It can help to inspire both creativity and practicality, and connects the Heart Chakra to both physical and spiritual vibrations. Watermelon Tourmaline calms overactive emotions. Watermelon Tourmaline crystal is also believed to help attract love and resolve issues in relationships, infusing them with joy and Divine Love.

Watermelon Tourmaline is wonderful for connecting with nature spirits and the Earth. This can be a blessing to those who find themselves feeling disconnected or otherwise out of sorts. Watermelon Tourmaline can help to lessen depression and mend emotional wounds by allowing the owner to see the meaning for certain events in life. Meditation with Watermelon Tourmaline can aid in the release of unhealthy patterns of behavior, making room for new ways of thinking that lead to a more complete life. Watermelon Tourmaline Crystals are great for meditation, energy-work, and grid-work, and make a great addition to one's medicine bag.

In general, Tourmaline can become electrically charged as a result of heat or pressure, which is a testament to the ability of these crystals to impact ones energy field. Tourmaline is very grounding and helpful in releasing stress and tension. They can bring inspiration from higher realms into the chakras for processing within the body. All Tourmaline is thought to balance yin and yang energies, as well as the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

The Meaning Of Color In Watermelon Tourmaline

Green Meaning

Why should you know the meaning of green tourmaline? Well, because since watermelon crystal is a mix of green, white and pink so each color contributes certain meaning. Let’s start with the green. It resonates with Heart Chakra which assists you to align the entire physical body. This stone can help simultaneously balance all the Chakra energy centers. It is so powerful that can well stimulate your body. And when you look for deep profound of healing and understanding, this stone is the right choice.

Pink Meaning

Let’s continue with pink tourmaline stone, one among three color stones that create the unique watermelon crystal. This color primarily resonates with Heart Chakra which means it’s strongly related to emotional healing and love relationship. This color stone works by allowing love as deepest feeling to flow within and releasing the heart blockages.

White Meaning

The last color in watermelon is white that resonates with Throat Chakra. A bit different from the previous colors, this color stone enables people to speak the truth and with compassion, clarity and kindness. It also prevents you from speaking misjudgment or malice while at the same time, helps you to accept the true you and others. As a result, you will find yourself more connected to realm of spirit.

With such complete combination of green, white and pink, watermelon tourmaline is believed to be able to give tremendous psychic benefits especially related to spiritual side since this multi-colored tourmaline resonates not only with one Chakra energy center and later resonates with other Chakras.

Physical and Metaphysical Properties for

PROPERTIES FOR STONE: Watermelon Tourmaline


CRYSTAL SYSTEM: Trigonal-Crystal-System

CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Na(Li,Al)3Al6Si6O18(BO3)3 (OH)4, Sodium Lithium Aluminum Boro-Silicate Hydroxide

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Gemini-(May-21-to-June-20), Virgo-(August-23-to-September-22)


HARDNESS: 7-to-7.5-Hardness

COLOR: Green, Pink

LOCATION: Argentina, Brazil, Madagascar, Pakistan

RARITY: Uncommon

PRONUNCIATION: WAR-ter-mel-uhn TOOR-muh-lin/TOOR-muh-leen


ISSUES AND AILMENTS (PHYSICAL): Anxiety, Hormonal-Balance

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (EMOTIONAL): Emotional-Balance, Harmony, Joy, Peace-and-Peacefulness

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (SPIRITUAL): Connecting-with-Higher-Source, Heart-Chakra

EXTRA GRADE: Beautiful combination of pink & green color, partially transparent, 10% - 25% matrix

A GRADE: Nice combination of pink & green color, translucent, 25% - 50% matrix

B GRADE: Poor combination of pink & green color, opaque, and/or > 50% matrix

AFFIRMATION: I am thankful for the good in my life.

QUESTION: What makes you feel secure?

REFERENCE 1: http://www.healingcrystals.com/Crystals_for_Changes_and_Transitions_Articles_8564.html