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Moonstone, Rainbow

Sometimes known as White Labradorite, Rainbow Moonstone connects us to Divine Inspiration, and channels it into our own intuition. Working with Rainbow Moonstone encourages introspection and judgment, yielding easier decision making. It also enhances one's emotional vision, bringing greater creative abilities and freedom of expression. These properties are also enhanced by Rainbow Moonstone's ability to open one up to increased synchronicity that we often cannot see due to being wrapped up in our daily routines. Rainbow Moonstone can also offer increased patience and allowing, so those newly found synchronicities can flow into our lives unimpeded.

Rainbow Moonstone can raise our vibrational frequency to create a smoother transition into meditation. Used with the Sacral Chakra, Third Eye and Crown chakras, it calms the physical mind from the chatter that can affect our meditative state. This allows us to simply "BE" in that space with no distraction. Rainbow Moonstone allows the Crown Chakra to open and bring in loving white healing energies that will flow through us to the very core of our being. Rainbow Moonstone helps us to remember our true nature.

In general, Moonstone is associated with the Moon and thus is a wonderfully helpful stone for women. A stone of intuition and insight, Moonstone helps us to connect to all the different cycles we experience in life. Moonstone helps balance the emotional body, especially any aggressive tendencies in males or females. Many people find moonstone to be very soothing and use it to help relieve stress.

These lovely crystals are strong stones of the feminine principle, and may teach you many lessons about how you may choose to live your life.

They embody the energy of the Divine Feminine, and this may soothe overly aggressive women, and help you to feel confidence and serenity within your life.

Once you begin to have this crystal within your auric field, you may find that you begin to experience a greater number of synchronistic or serendipitous situations.

Coincidence synchronicity and serendipity are all powerful aids to move your life in a new direction.

If you open your mind to the prospects that these situations bring into your life, new possibilities for manifesting what you desire may emerge.  Within women in particular, it may stimulate the gift of psychic visions or clairvoyance.

It is strong stone to enhance your intuition, and its unique resonance may raise your psychic gifts if you hold it while doing a psychic meditation. Their frequency allows you to feel heartfelt joy, that flows out into your auric field.

You may feel a profound sense of deep inner awareness and recognition of your destiny, as the vibrations of the Moonstone fills you.

Physically, it is said that Moonstone can promote conception by aiding all aspects of the reproductive system. Many women like Moonstone for its ability to balance hormonal and menstrual cycles. Moonstone is also known to help with the digestive system, including the liver, and can aid in the absorption of essential vitamins and minerals.

Charge your Moonstone by placing it on a windowsill or outdoors overnight during the full moon. You may notice the stone getting more powerful as the moon reaches its fullest point, and losing its potency as the moon wanes.

Physical and Metaphysical Properties for



SECONDARY CHAKRA: Crown-Chakra, Third-Eye-Chakra

CRYSTAL SYSTEM: Triclinic-Crystal-System

CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Na(90-70%) Ca(10-30%) (Al,Si)AlSi2 O8,Sodium calcium aluminum

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Cancer-(June-21-to-July-22)


HARDNESS: 6-to-6.5-Hardness

COLOR: Iridescent, White

LOCATION: Australia, India

RARITY: Common

PRONUNCIATION: RAIN-bow moon-stohn


ISSUES AND AILMENTS (PHYSICAL): Arthritis, Birthing-Problems-and-Health, Breast-Health, Circulatory-Problems, Edema, Headache-and-Migraine-Relief, Health-and-Healing, Infertility, Insect-Bites, Insomnia, Menopause, Menstrual-Cramps-and-Menstruation, Multiple-Sclerosis, Muscular/Skeletal, Pancreas-Health, Pituitary-Gland, PMS, Pregnancy, Stomach-Problems/Constipation/Diarrhea

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (EMOTIONAL): Anger-Diffusing-or-Release, Centering, Composure, Emotional-Balance, Emotional-Healing, Fear-of-Dark, Happiness, Harmony, Hope, Nurture, Positive-Energy

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (SPIRITUAL): Ancient-Knowledge-and-Wisdom, Aura-Balancing, Awareness, Connecting-with-Higher-Realms, Divine-Will, Energy-Work, Enhancing-and-Stimulating-Dreams, Increases-and-Enhances-Intuition, Serving-Humanity, Spiritual-Protection, Vision-Quest

EXTRA GRADE: Beautiful white color, beautiful flash (chatoyancy), partially translucent, < 10% matrix

A GRADE: Nice white color, nice flash (chatoyancy), opaque, 10% - 25% matrix

B GRADE: Poor white color, poor flash (chatoyancy), opaque, and/or > 25% matrix

AFFIRMATION: I am balanced and in tune to my emotions.

REFERENCE 1: http://www.healingcrystals.com/What_Is_The_Difference_Between_The_Various_Colors_Of_Moonstone__Articles_10756.html