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Dumortierite is a stone that teaches you to stand up for yourself. It will help you to take control of your own life and increase your level of patience. This crystal is very stimulating to the brain and brings enhanced intellectual abilities as it assists with all mental skills, both mathematical and language based.

Dumortierite is a wonderful Throat Chakra stone. It is a stone of communication and can stimulate the verbalization of ideas. Dumortierite is also a wonderful stone to use when feeling scattered, unfocused and disorganized. It will help to enhance the energies of orderliness, self discipline and organizational abilities.

Dumortierite brings a feeling of relaxation, calm, and harmony, and can be used to reduce stress-related conditions like headaches and tension. Stamina is increased by Dumortierite, and the stone can help make unpleasant, monotonous tasks easier to bear. Dumortierite also provides strength and support when dealing with conditions of dis-ease.

Dumortierite offers soothing vibrations that encourage patience with the natural order of the Universe. This action can help one to remain in a state of allowing, accepting that the process of manifestation may work more slowly at times. Dumortierite also promotes an understanding of karma and forgiveness, especially self-forgiveness.

Physical and Metaphysical Properties for




CRYSTAL SYSTEM: Orthorhombic-Crystal-System

CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: (Al7O3)(BO3)(SiO4)3 Aluminum Borosilicate Hydroxide

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Leo-(July-23-to-August-22)


HARDNESS: 7-Hardness

COLOR: Indigo-(dark-blue)

LOCATION: Madagascar, Russia

RARITY: Common

PRONUNCIATION: duh-MOOR-ter-ite / doo-MORE-teer-ite

MINERAL CLASS: Silicates-Mineral-Class

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (PHYSICAL): Colic, Cramps, Diarrhea, Epilepsy, Headache-and-Migraine-Relief, Heart-Palpitations, Hypersensitivity, Mental-Clarity, Nausea, Sunburn, Vomiting

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (EMOTIONAL): Detachment, Eases-Depression, Fear, Inflexibility, Insomnia, Organization, Overexcitability, Panic, Patience, Phobias, Reducing-Stress-or-Tension, Self-Confidence-and-Self-Worth, Self-Discipline, Shyness, Stage-Fright, Stubbornness

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (SPIRITUAL): Angel-Communication-and-Connection, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Connecting-and-Communicating-with-Spirit-Guides, Mediumship, Past-Life-Recall

EXTRA GRADE: Beautiful blue color, opaque, < 10% matrix

A GRADE: Nice blue color, opaque, 10% - 25% matrix

B GRADE: Poor blue color, opaque and/or > 25% matrix

AFFIRMATION: My life is infused with tranquility and harmony.

QUESTION: What helps you remain patient?

REFERENCE 1: http://www.healingcrystals.com/Deer_Animal_Totem_Articles_12677.html

REFERENCE 2: http://www.healingcrystals.com/Crystals_For_Leadership_By_Stephanie_Arnold_Articles_6738.html