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Jasper, Red

Many use Red Jasper as a calming stone and to stimulate the Root Chakra. Some Native American cultures consider Red Jasper to symbolize the blood of the Earth, making it particularly sacred. Red Jasper is full of grounding Earth energy. Red Jasper can connect one deeply to the vibrations of the Earth, bringing a greater understanding of the necessity of natural events. You can use Jasper to further your knowledge of the connection between humans and nature.

A gentle stone, Red Jasper works slowly and effectively, and is a great stone to ground anyone who is overly sensitive to crystalline energy. Red Jasper aids in resolving difficult situations and can be used to ground and stabilize the Aura. Using Jasper can bring helpful insights into view that can help to progress toward set goals, or to understand why a change may be necessary. Red Jasper is a staple of the medicine bag.

In general, Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer”. It sustains and supports during times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. Used in healing, Jasper unifies all aspects of your life. Jasper reminds people to help each other.

Red Jasper Physical Healing Energy

Red Jasper helps regulate the metabolic energies of the body, providing strength and vitality, and increasing physical stamina. It is particularly beneficial for those needing extra support during prolonged illness, injury or hospitalization. Because of its ability to help generate muscle tissue, it may be useful in weight lifting and bodybuilding, and to enhance the effects of exercise.

Red Jasper is thought to support the circulatory system, detoxifying the blood and removing blockages of the liver and bile ducts. It strengthens the heart and enhances circulation, and may be useful in treating anemia, exhaustion, and heart conditions, including recovery of bypass or transplant surgeries. 
Red Jasper has been used to increase libido and fertility, especially if undergoing treatment for conception. It is believed to help stabilize pregnancies and promote robust fetal growth, and to facilitate safe childbirth. 

Jasper is beneficial in staunching blood flow, particularly nosebleeds, and also assists in reducing hemorrhoids. It soothes epilepsy and gout, and may be used to treat the sensory loss of smell.

Red Jasper Emotional Healing Energy

Red Jasper is a stone of empowerment, bringing strength to resist emotional domination by others, and the courage to overcome domestic violence. It also sustains those in the process of healing and recovering from violent sexual experiences. Red Jasper is a perfect stone of courage and strength for a child being teased or bullied at school. It is a bright, tangible reminder and a great confidence builder. 

Red Jasper can re-activate a passion for living when one is feeling blue or unemotional, apathetic, or spiritually defunct, and is commonly used to spark sexual or creative energies. It assists in identifying one’s personal ideas and beliefs about sexual expression or orientation, and helps release shame or guilt around these issues. Red Jasper also helps maintain balance and emotional stability during difficult times, like periods of remission during a serious illness or in long treatments where the outcome is uncertain. 

Physical and Metaphysical Properties for



CRYSTAL SYSTEM: Trigonal-Crystal-System

CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: (SiO2 + Fe,O) Silicon Dioxide with inclusions of Iron Oxide

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Aries-(March-21-to-April-19), Taurus-(April-20-to-May-20)


HARDNESS: 7-Hardness


LOCATION: Africa, Brazil, China, India, Madagascar, Peru

RARITY: Common



ISSUES AND AILMENTS (PHYSICAL): Athletic-Ability, Body-Temperature-Regulation, Cancer, Circulatory-Problems, Dizziness, Libido/Sex-Drive, Liver-Disorders-and-Health, Low-Blood-Pressure, Menstrual-Cramps-and-Menstruation, Physical-Protection, Physical-Strength, Reproductive-Organs-Uterus, Stomach-Problems/Constipation/Diarrhea, Vertigo, Vitality, Weakness


ISSUES AND AILMENTS (SPIRITUAL): Dream-Interpretation-and-Recall, Kundalini-Energy, Root-Chakra

EXTRA GRADE: Beautiful bright red color, opaque, < 10% matrix

A GRADE: Nice red color, opaque, 10% - 25% matrix

B GRADE: Poor red color, opaque, and/or > 25% matrix

AFFIRMATION: I am open to all that is around me and all that is within me.

REFERENCE 1: http://www.healingcrystals.com/Zodiac_Angel_Grids_Articles_12177.html