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Sometimes called “Angel Hair”, especially when it is found in Quartz, Kunzite, Hematite, etc., Rutile is a Titanium ore. It forms in lustrous needle-like inclusions and, as such, can often pinpoint the root of a problem or disease, making it easier to make decisions about the outcome.

Rutile strengthens the aura and can stabilize relationships, especially romantic and familial. It gives insight into past emotional trauma during astral travel. It is also beneficial during dream recall and meditation. Rutile can enhance clairsentience, further enabling the use of one’s intuition.

Rutile crystals can be used to help stabilise the digestive system and improve nutrient absorption. It is a good ally to utilise when undertaking a new exercise or diet regimen, as it helps you maintain resolve and stamina. It can be used to counter cravings for food, tobacco, caffeine and other substances to which you may be addicted. A powerful cleansing crystal, rutile protects and purifies the bio-magnetic sheath, bringing into balance with the physical body. Rutile is beneficial for lactation, cellular memory, elasticity of blood vessels, cell regeneration, bronchitis, premature ejaculation, impotence, and frigidity.

Rutile helps you feel more directed and purposeful. It can help you to overcome procrastination or reluctance and joyfully undertake new paths and projects. It creates a lightening effect in the emotional body, lessening the pressures and concerns of daily life. Rutile stabilises relationships of all kinds by creating emotional fidelity and grounding higher chakra connections.

Due to its enhancement of psychic abilities, Rutile can effectively offer you a constant and more expanded access to higher guidance without having to enter a meditative state. The appearance of Rutile within one of the quartz crystal formations is of special significance, as it greatly amplifies the energy of any configuration in which it appears. These stones can be used as ‘receivers’ for special instruction, information or knowledge to forward humanity’s current evolution. Rutile heals psychosomatic disease, going directly to the root of a problem. It pinpoints karmic causes of chronic illness and programs cellular memory. Placed on the sacra chakra, rutile counteracts sexual problems that have a past life cause, bringing the reasons for those conditions into conscious awareness for reviewing and clearing. ​Rutile fine tunes intuition, pinpointing possible pitfalls in your path before you find them and highlighting  the most productive choices to make. Often found in quartz, it integrates higher vibrations into the light body.

​Rutile aids you in expanding consciousness while maintaining a connection to the Earth. It is a wonderful ally for dream recall and for remembering deep meditative journeys. It assists in learning and knowledge retention and in communication with higher realms. Rutile imparts an ethereal quality to any crystal in which it is included, enhancing out of body journeying and angelic contact through its attunement to the Divine. Nevertheless, it is not an airy fairy crystal when accelerating spiritual growth. It goes immediately to the heart of a matter and insists that you deal with it.

Physical and Metaphysical Properties for


PRIMARY CHAKRA: Third-Eye-Chakra


CRYSTAL SYSTEM: Tetragonal-Crystal-System


ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Gemini-(May-21-to-June-20), Taurus-(April-20-to-May-20)


HARDNESS: 6-to-6.5-Hardness

COLOR: Black, Blue, Gold-(metallic-yellow), Green, Purple, Red, Silver-(metallic-gray), Yellow

LOCATION: Africa, Brazil

RARITY: Common



ISSUES AND AILMENTS (PHYSICAL): Body-Balance, Bronchitis, Cellular-Disorders-and-Healing, Food-Poisoning, Impotence, Lactating, Smoking-Addiction-and-Cessation, Veins

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (EMOTIONAL): Intuition, Relationships

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (SPIRITUAL): Astral-Projection-and-Traveling, Aura-Cleansing-and-Clearing, Clairsentience, Meditation

EXTRA GRADE: Beautiful gold color, elongated needles, high luster

A GRADE: Nice gold color, elongated needles, some luster

B GRADE: Poor gold color, broken needles, low luster

AFFIRMATION: I am insightful.

REFERENCE 1: http://www.healingcrystals.com/May_2008_Newsletter_-_Crown_Chakra_Crystals_Articles_734.html