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Revelations from The Creator God Horus

Elora Gabriel and Karen Kirschbaum

The Eye of Horus

The Complete Text and Updates
First Published 2005 by Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA


Part 1 - Why this Planet was Created and who it is Peopled by

[Heru:] What I will say here is not unique to this discourse, for it has been discussed before. This Planet is one of twelve jewels within this Universe, and was created to hold a complete Library of genetic material of all of the races, not only in this Universe but to contain a sampling of all Universes. Therefore a Being from any Universe could conceivably come and incarnate here. There is enough similarity, even though on some planets they breathe ammonia. But with some fine tuning Beings could come from anywhere and be able to live here.

This was done knowing that this Universe was not fully of the Light, knowing that this Universe conceivably could be destroyed without having a strong resistance. With that in mind, this Planet was seeded not only with genetic material but with minerals, plants, animals, and with souls inhabiting Human bodies; not from every Universe but including a representation of every kind of Universe.

Therefore here you have the most sophisticated and highly evolved souls and you have the most unsophisticated and devolved souls, and the entire spectrum in between. You also have representatives in several kingdoms from the Dark Universes. Where did mosquitoes come from, and poison ivy, and such things? They are represented here at this time; perhaps not forever though.

As for the Humans, you could say every hierarchy of the Universal System is represented in both Human kind and all of the other Realms. For example, there are Humans who are really Angels, and Humans who are Aliens. In this context I am speaking not so much of Beings who come from other Universes - though they are here as well - but of Beings who actually represent the Alien Races within this Universe. There are also Beings who represent specific Universes, and who have come and incarnated into this world.

Thus this planet and the other eleven critical Planets are the most complex of any worlds in this Universe, and among the most complex in this System of Universes as well. There are parallels to this in other Universes, as there are some parallel situations. And there are Universes that are much simpler than this one, as well as worlds that are much simpler than this world.

As these multi-faceted Beings come to play out stories - and each of them comes with a script and intent - there is the initial burst of energy which brings them into this Universe. Then there is an incarnational energy which brings them to this Planet. And as they land on this Planet they begin to adjust. Frequently it's not a soft landing. As Beings remain here for some time, they get to know the highways and byways of life here. In some ways it is easy to spot Souls who are newly arrived on this Planet, for they frequently are disoriented or have trouble functioning, fitting in, and finding their place. They feel like strangers in the world; they feel lost and isolated.

It is also easy to spot those who have seen enough of the Earth and lived here enough to really know the ins and outs of everything: of political structures, of nature, of the way the world works. These Souls play out their incarnational stories - and stories again are very important. Ultimately a person will become introspective enough to ask the question, "What is my story?" It is when this happens that a person begins to get to the point where they can become the co-creator in their story or myth making. And when a person reaches the point of being a co-creator with the Omniversal Energy in writing and manifesting their story, then the true evolution of a Ssoul begins. The rest is growing up. It's as if the rest is school and this is the graduate program or the career path.

When a Soul reaches the point of graduation, due to the fact that this world has been so toxic, many people get to that point and decide to graduate off of it. That has been somewhat unfortunate, for much of the Light that has been accrued on this Planet is now sort of sitting in a circle around the Planet, not being able to effectively give back, to regenerate and renew. These people have chosen not to be here - but upon choosing that, because of the Frequency Fences around the Earth, they also have chosen to place themselves in an ineffective place where they can no longer be agents of change on this Planet. However as the Frequency Fences disintegrate, as they are rapidly doing, those Beings who are off planet will now be able to effect the changes that they had been prevented in so doing.

For instance let us look at your friend who intends to go through the full Ascension process. If she were to have done this a hundred years ago, there is a great likelihood that after Ascension she would have remained somewhat close to the Earth sphere. From that place, she would have looked back and realized that the greatest work would actually be to stay here and effect change and consciousness on this Planet. This happens to a great many of those who undergo the Ascension process. And yet a little known fact is that once Beings would go through the Ascension process, they would not be able to come back and incarnate. Very few have been able to do that because of the Frequency barriers. Thus the hundreds or the few thousands who have successfully made a complete Ascension have been looking for a way to come back to this Planet for the work of transforming this Earth. They are now able to do so for the first time.

By this I do not mean that the Ascended Masters will necessarily come into physical incarnation again. The Planet's vibration in many ways has shifted, so they can come here in more of a Light Body or Fourth Dimensional state. But the return of the Masters is upon us; and do not limit them to one body only, or one type of body. [Elora: What Dimensions do the Masters currently reside on?] The Eighth, Ninth, and through to the Eleventh.

Elora: Heru, you once stated that Earth has become toxic to many of us, and that's certainly true. Yet I love Her so much. Did the creation of Earth go wrong?

Heru: It is not that creation of Earth has gone wrong, but the fact that this Planet was put into one of the Free Will/Choice Universes. The Free Choice aspect left this Universe vulnerable to invasion by the Dark Forces, and this Planet has been poisoned by an external influence. The blueprint of the Earth itself, if it had been unsullied, would naturally be one of the most magnificent of the entire Creation. And thus your love for it is totally justified. The diversity of the genetics, the wealth and complexity of every single layer from the macrocosm to the most microscopic life - this magnificent wealth of diversity does not exist in very many places. The whole of Gaia is populated on every level with complex, beautiful, interfacing, harmonious structures. And so your intense desire to protect it from the Invasion is justified. Most worlds are very simple, where for example they might have five kinds of trees and twenty kinds of insects, instead of the incredible diversity that is here. [Elora: Do you think that the original Plan, the original concept of Gaia will be realized?] Yes. There are so many great Beings coming to her defense. Portions of the Biosphere may begin to collapse, but enough information is there, enough is salvageable to be able to rebuild it. We do not see the death of Gaia. There was a time, perhaps forty years ago, when we saw the possibility, but no longer.

Elora: Given that Earth is a Genetic Library of incredible diversity, and that this is an essential part of her role as one of the Twelve Crucial Planets in this Universe, how do the mass extinctions which are currently going on affect this role?

Heru: It is the primary intent of the Dark Forces to take the Earth out of its role, to make her incapable and unable to act as the Living Library, as the record keeper, as the placeholder. They would love to succeed in turning this incredible jewel into a piece of cement, something no more diverse than that. However, they will not succeed!

With the revealing of the Third Meditation Technique which I have given, with the breaking down of the Frequency Fences, and the outside help from the Star Brothers and Sisters, anything that is destroyed can be re-manifested. There is a hidden and safeguarded chamber within this Planet that holds the genetic codes and the molecular blueprints. This is, my dear, what you brought here, and it is secreted away for the restoration not of this Planet only but of this Quadrant of the Universe. This material is safe, for only those who are supposed to have keys have them. And that does not lessen the crime that is being committed!. But revealing this will give people hope for the regeneration of Earth - people who are heartsick at the extinctions, at the destruction - it will give them hope.

Do not underestimate the power of this Third Technique to regenerate the Earth. If you wish, go in there, holding the world in your hands with love, and see what happens.

Elora: You stated that Earth was a genetic “Living Library” of great diversity, and that it contained both very high level genetic material, as well as a sampling from the Fallen Universes. This seems to contradict your statement that her blueprint contained pure, untainted genetic material from the Godverse and brought this to Earth. Can you explain?

Heru: There have been invasions, and just as many races of Beings have populated your planets, they have brought with them some of the more noxious elements. My intent was to convey a complete collection of elements of Light, not that the original intent was to have the Dark here.

Elora: So Earth was peopled by a great diversity of pure genetic material, then the Dark elements were added, and corruption occurred?

Heru: Yes, it is more like that.

Elora: If we go back in time and look at the History of Earth, how about animals such as the dinosaurs? Were these due to a dark invasion?

Heru: There was a certain amount of the Darkness on this Planet almost from the beginning of life here. What was seen, in periods such as that of the dinosaurs, reflected the balance of Light and the Dark that existed at that time in this world. However there is nothing intrinsically Dark about lizards, however big they are, and most of them were plant eating.

Elora: Many people say there is life on Inner Earth and that it is actually physical, which means the Earth is hollow and has a source of light inside. Others say that life in the Inner Earth is strictly Etheric. Which is true?

Heru: You would see it as Etheric. Those who inhabit the Inner Earth are not Beings of the Third Dimension, but more Fifth Dimensional.


Part 2 - Some of the Suppressed History of this World

[Heru:] First of all, let us start with the fundamental religious propaganda that has been piled upon many Humans on this Planet - beliefs such as that the world or the whole Universe was created in six days, and so on. This has been an attempt at preventing people from accessing their memories, and has been fairly effective. We look at the Darwinian evolutionary philosophy and again, the descent from the apes is an effort at obscuring Human origins. Humans have been on this Earth for three or four million years. Civilizations have arisen and fallen. And there was, up until about 500,000 years ago, much commerce and communication from other Worlds, and even some from other Universes. There are Portals that can access wormholes which not only go World to World, but Universe to Universe. There is a Portal in the Middle East that goes Universe to Universe, and another one in Tibet. The Great Pyramids are part of the World to World Portal system.

About five hundred thousand years ago, Earth was invaded by a foreign darkness. Previous to that time, things had begun to deteriorate, and the Darkness did exist here already. However, at that time there was a concerted effort on the part of the Dark Forces to secure this Planet and to secure these Portals. Many battles have been fought over the eons, and the remnants are recorded in a few scriptures. As the Planet became more securely dominated by the Dark Forces, a greater effort was made to destroy evidence and belief structures of these ancient civilizations. 

Egypt was the last flowering of an ET based civilization. At that time the Portal around the Pyramids was still open and was not in control of the Dark Forces. Your friend Thoth came and established that great civilization. And that is the last time on this Earth that this happened. There is a concerted effort to show that the entire Egyptian civilization is only 3000 to 5000 years old, and it is far older than that. So knowledge is still continuing to be suppressed under the guise of scientific evidence. Here and there in the scriptures you will find hints of people with extended life spans, of older civilizations, older than recorded history, and ET contact from other worlds. This is all fairly widely known in esoteric circles, so I am not really revealing anything new, but am re-stating it.

 There are remains and evidences of these Civilizations, but for the mainstream the knowledge is suppressed. The big battles on this Planet, and the battle for freedom, does center around the Portals that I have mentioned. Once they are opened back up again, knowledge will be flowing freely. Technologies will be available to clean and rebuild the environment. The help that Humanity has so longed for will be available. There will be a disassembling of the Frequency barriers that have kept Humanity in chains, for there is a great deal of mind control on this Planet.

Elora: You stated that Humans didn't evolve from apes. Where, then, did we come from?

Heru: If you want to know the truth, Humans were actually created first, and the Primates later. The blueprint for Humans comes highest Orders of Light and the Creator Gods. And Humans have been in existence far longer than this Planet, in other Galaxies and Star Systems. When this Planet was created it was always intended to be peopled by Humans and by even greater Beings - and greater Beings than Humans have walked on this Earth. But in the creation of all of the life systems and ecological systems, and the animals of all those systems, Primates were viewed as a valuable asset. They are valued because they have a greater intelligence and self awareness than other mammals, other than the dolphins and whales of course. But of the land animals they have the highest intelligence outside of Humans - and yet they retain their Oneness with Nature. They never separate themselves the way Humans do. The fact that Humans have that separation is both a plus and a minus. Therefore the Primates serve to remind us in a sense of whence we come, but they are not our ancestors or your ancestors. After the Fall is done with, there will be much communication between Primates and Humans, and there is much to be gained from that.

Elora: Would you explain the closeness in DNA between Humans and the higher Apes?

Heru: The reason for this closeness was to create a bridge between Humans and Mammalian Life Forms. On an Unfallen Planet there would actually be a continuous bridge of communication between all living species: linguistically, physically, and psychically. It is difficult to explain the mechanism; but if you can speak to a chimp, then the chimp can speak to a cow, and the cow can speak to a bird, and so on and so on through all of the life forms. When that chain is intact, then the collective communication is intact, and on the psychic levels Humans are able to communicate with all of them. [Elora: I thought that in an Unfallen World, there would be direct telepathic connection on all levels.] There is, but in the Fallen Realms the major part of the break in communication happened between the Humans and the Primates. Once that was broken and interfered with, the rest of it more or less fell apart.

Elora: How do you explain the fossil records which appear to be of early, very primitive Humans?

Heru: Some of those records are being called into question. Also, some Humans a long time ago did look somewhat Primate-like, and some of the Primates did look somewhat Human-like. The dividing line, in your records, is somewhat fuzzy. But you will find fossil remains of Humans that are millions of years old, leaving no doubt. There is a lot of knowledge that has been suppressed.

Elora: Heru, could you please explain something about Neanderthal Man? The records put Neanderthal Man at about 30,000 to 200,000 BC. Would this be during the Lemurian times, and were these beings Lemurians?

Heru: Neanderthal Man was actually less primitive than is commonly believed. They did not live on Lemuria. This Planet has been populated by many races from many planets. The Neanderthal Man was much more connected with the Cosmos than current Humans, so to judge them as primitive or uncivilized is a relative term. The Lemurians were much more Pleiadian in appearance, for that is where their ancestors came from. They were tall, beautiful Beings, and more ethereal.

Elora: How similar would Earth Human DNA be to that of a Human from another Star System, like Sirius or the Pleiades?

Heru: Who do you think your parents are? It is that similar. [Elora: There are many stories of ET's procreating with Humans. Are some of these stories true, and is this possible because of having very similar DNA?] Yes, this is all true.

Elora: I would like to ask you some questions about the History of Mars and Maldek. Did they once have Third Dimensional life as we know it? 

Heru: They did. [Elora: What caused Mars to lose its biosphere?] War, attack. Specifically, something akin to your nuclear weapons, which destroyed enough of the life on the Planet that it could no longer maintain its atmosphere. [Elora: Are there groupings of pyramids still on Mars, guarded by sphinxes?] Yes, they are there. They, however, are not remains of the civilization. They were placed there at a later time by a group that Thoth travels with, as a Portal to that Planet and also as a reminder to those on Earth of your ET origins. [Elora: I remember being on another Planet in this Solar System with sweeping plains and great mountain ranges.] I believe you are remembering Mars. It was a lovely planet at one time.

Elora: How about Maldek? Did it have Third Dimensional life? [Maldek was a large Planet whose orbit was between Mars and Jupiter. The Asteroid Belt is said to be the remains of the destroyed Maldek .] 

Heru: Yes. [Elora: Was it closer to the Sun at the time? Since it is so far from the Sun, it would be quite cold there.] Its civilizations were more under water, or under glass. It was not like life on Earth. It was colonized by outsiders, and so it was a small population in a greenhouse type of operation.

Elora: What caused Maldek to break up?

Heru: There was an attack, and the Colony was destroyed. The knowledge that they had was so dangerous to the Forces of Dark that they eradicated any record that they had ever been. [Elora: By blowing up the planet?] Yes. And these were some of the Starseeds who later came to this Planet. 

Elora: The two lost civilizations of Earth have been called Atlantis and Lemuria. You said that Earth was invaded by the Darkness about 500,000 years ago. Was this during what we call the Lemurian civilization?

Heru: No, it was prior to that. The Lemurian civilization goes back probably a couple hundred thousand years. It was somewhat isolated and maintained its purity, while other parts of the world were much more contaminated and devastated. Because Lemuria was such a low technology civilization, and fairly sparsely populated, it was ignored. There were other more highly developed technological civilizations at that time that were destroyed.

Elora: Was the Lemurian Civilization located in the Pacific basin, and if so, why does there appear to be no geological record of large landmasses in that area?

Heru: It was located in the Indonesian area and there are islands still remaining; however there were higher and greater landmasses at that time. It was not huge, but more of an island civilization. The Lemurian civilization was as close to a paradise realm as this Planet has known in many, many ages.

Elora: Regarding Atlantis, there seems to be general agreement that the Atlantean civilization flourished after the fall of Lemuria, that it was more technologically oriented, at least in its later days, and that it perished due to a great struggle between the Light and Darkness. Are these basic facts correct?

Heru: Basically, yes. However there was an overlap between the Atlantean civilization and the Lemurian civilization, and Lemuria did not perish cataclysmically all at once. It was more overrun, and it declined due to low birth and so on.

As for Atlantis - yes, both your description and many of the writings about it are accurate. The Western most parts of it were in the Caribbean. There are remains there which have been explored. It extended east maybe 1500 miles or so. The maps that have been drawn of it are fairly accurate, where it has almost a rounded trapezoidal shape.

Elora: There are also countless theories as to what exactly caused the Fall of Atlantis, i.e. earthquakes and breaking up of land masses, abuse of technology, and so on. Would you comment on this please?

Heru: It was abuse of technology and overreaching of power, and a battle royal between the Forces of Light and Dark. One of the major Portals was there. The Beings of Light, rather than letting the Forces of Darkness totally take over that Portal, waged a battle. It is hard for me to say that they sacrificed Atlantis and all those lives for the sake of removing that Portal from the control of the Dark, but that is essentially what happened. That Portal was a Portal to the heart of Gaia. And had they gotten control of it, it would have meant the destruction of this Planet as you know it. [Elora: Then what they did was right.] As horrible as it sounds, yes.