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Revelations from The Creator God Horus

Elora Gabriel and Karen Kirschbaum

The Eye of Horus

The Complete Text and Updates
First Published 2005 by Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA

Chapter SEVENTEEN: More Information on The Light Warriors

The numbers of Light Warriors are countless, and more are arriving every day. Heru and Sananda have recommended that we all call upon them to act as personal guardians. People who are prone to attacks for any reason will need more than others. It is also a good idea to call in Light Warriors to protect your home, business, and/or property. At this time, the "Second Wave" Light Warriors are the most powerful and capable group in terms of their ability and consistency in protection. A Third Wave should be arriving somewhere in January of 2005, and we expect these Beings to be even more effective. Updates will be posted. Depending on when you read this book, then, we suggest that you specify which group of Light Warriors you wish to call upon. The most recent "Wave" will always be the most powerful and effective. It is a good idea to contact your Light Warrior Guardians at least once a week to reinforce your protection.


Part 1 - Calling on the Light Warriors for Protection

Elora: Rashona, we have some further questions for you. Regarding clearing another person, or someone else's house of Discarnate Entities: Do you clear those Beings for us, or should we clear them ourselves?

Rashona: You would have to ask for that action, and then the Light Warriors can do it.

Elora: If you clear them, what do you do with them? It seems they would be very afraid if they saw one of you coming at them.

Rashona: Yes, probably they would. They are placed in a holding pen where they would await further processing. We are not equipped to process them, so they are put some place and other Beings are assigned to do work with them, such as to move them into a place of Light or whatever.

Elora: What about clearing very Dark entities that are ensouled? Can you remove them or do we remove them?

Rashona: The same applies. We have not met anything yet that is our match. [Elora: If you remove them, what do you do with them?] Again, if it is an ensouled Being it goes to a holding place to be processed by other Beings. If it is not ensouled, it is simply eliminated.

Elora: If I wish to clear a person of Dark entities, do I need to first discover all the Dark Forces within all their levels, and then ask you to clear them? Or do you find all of them and clear them without me being aware of where they are?

Rashona: It would depend on how you would phrase the request. For example, you could phrase the request to include all Dimensions, all levels of the Being, all time and space, and so on. For you see if there is a timeline on which an entity is attached to a Being in the past, you could ask to clear all the Dimensions and you would still not go back in time to that, and it would still be there. So you want to encompass your request to include everything: all Dimensions, all time, all space, all levels, and you may add parallel existences and realities as well. Therefore you don't need to find them, but if you request a broader cleansing it will be done.

Elora: May we call in Light Warriors to protect others who may not be able do so on their own?

Rashona: Very much so, as in the case of an animal or a child.

Elora: Yes, that makes clear sense. But let's take as an example a person who is Light-oriented and is in need of protection, but has a Christian belief framework. This person would not know of your existence, and might not be open to such things. 

Rashona: We would appear to him to be Angelic, so he could incorporate and accept us in that manner. If a Being is intent on pursuing Darkness - which in your example would not be the case - then the issue of Free Will comes up. In the interest of the survival of this entire Creation, and for the purpose of eliminating this Dark cloud that has invaded the Creation, Prime Creator has overridden the Free Will prime directive. This was done with great caution and with great concern, but it has been done.

I would like to express the graveness with which this decision was made, and that it was with an extreme heaviness of heart on the part of the Prime Creator. However, it was felt that all other avenues had been explored and the nature of the Dark is truly its inability to be redeemed. [Elora: This is a temporary suspension of Free Will?] Yes, it is seen that once the Dark is eliminated from this Sector of Creation, it will no longer be needed. The other part of this is that the Dark captured the will of these Beings without permission, took over their will, and made it appear that it was that Being's will.

Those Beings who are dedicated to perpetuating the Dark have been allowed to basically express themselves to the fullness of their desire. That kind of desire, of course, is never entirely satisfied, but the basic expression of it has been allowed to play out to a relative completeness. As that is done, it will not be allowed to continue, and they will reach a wall. At that point they will be put into a holding cell, separated from the Dark that they have embraced, and where they will await processing. Therefore there is still some room for Beings to move forward into Darkness, but it is increasingly limited and will reach its final stages in a relatively short time.

Elora: To return to the initial question, in the example that I gave you previously, would you recommend calling in Light Warriors to protect such a person?

Rashona: Yes, I believe there would be no conflict or incompatibility. This Being would perceive us to be of the Angelic Realms, and would accept the help. [Elora: It is OK to do this without conscious permission from him?] Yes. And I believe with such a person there would be not a tremendous activity of interference or change; our work would be more of a protective nature.

Elora: Can you protect more intangible entities such as businesses, including those which operate mostly on the Internet?

Rashona: Oh yes. Basically the mechanism for doing that would be to call forth the Overlighting Devic Being, and call for protection around that Devic Being. Then also ask that the protection surround the entire business entity.

Elora: We asked Prime Creator: We notice that when we call on the Light Warriors for protection, they don't always see all the forms of attack and interference that may be coming at us. Are you aware of this issue?

Rashona: Yes, I am, and I can give you help in alleviating that problem. When you call them in, ask them to come to you through the Portal of the All Seeing Eye of God. And that way they will have the omnivision that you need.


Part 2 - Calling on the Light Warriors for Healing 

Elora: What types of physical healing work can you do?

Rashona: Where a body is beset with lower life forms such as pathogenic bacteria or other microbial agents, we are effective in removing those. Our primary focus and abilities are on removing and decimating that which is Dark. Therefore I would suggest that you call upon us for that type of work rather than for a broken arm. We are also able to clean up toxins in the body if they are created by and imbued with the Dark. There are some toxins that are just a by-product of life, and so there is some differentiation there.

Elora: How do we initiate this physical clearing?

Rashona: The first step is to connect with Light Warriors who will act as your Personal Guardians. These Light Warriors are essentially Human sized. Once you have made contact with them and established a rapport with them, you would ask these Beings to call in Light Warriors of the appropriate size and assignment for the toxin or microorganism involved in your body. These are the Micro Light Warriors. Upon your request, millions and millions of these Micro Light Warriors will work within every cell of your body, scavenging and waging battle against the Dark that has invaded your body. Ask for the specific condition to be addressed. And you may ask for a general cleanse as well.

Elora: So we tell our Light Warrior Guardians what type of work we want done on our bodies, and they communicate what needs to be done to the Micro Warriors. Is that correct?

Rashona: That is the easiest way to do it, yes. [Elora: Is there any need for us to communicate with the Micro Warriors, and is it even possible for us to communicate with them?] I believe certain individuals would find it easier to communicate directly with the Micro Warriors, but most Humans will find they relate better to a Being closer to their size. It would basically be a personal choice.

Elora: When the Micro Warriors are working to clear our cells of Dark-related pathogens, toxins, and so on, can we simply give you permission to clear us on a continual basis, as you see fit, regardless of what we're doing at the time and without our knowledge? Or should we sit down and be still, going into an altered state and requesting a clearing session right at that time?

Rashona: A person could do both. The second option would probably be most effective, but the first will have an effect as well. Again, I think it will be an individual choice as to what the person is comfortable with.

[Elora:] We have found that the Micro Light Warriors do seem to work more effectively while the person is in an Altered state. Also, the first group of Micro Warriors has a tendency to "drift" to areas of greater Darkness if one is not consciously working with them. The Third Wave of Micro Warriors, which is slated to arrive in January of 2005, may have less of this tendency and may be able to work within people's bodies in an ongoing way.

Elora: We could sit in meditation while you clear us, or we could ask you to clear us while we sleep. Is that correct, and which would work better?

Rashona: Yes, that is correct. Again, I don't see a hard and fast rule of one over the other. The way people are constituted is in many ways quite different, and some people would like to have that feel of immediacy and contact in the waking state. For others, the work in sleep is preferable. I cannot say one is better than the other. It would have to be a trial and error by individuals to see what they are most comfortable with.

Elora: How about pets? I have called in Light Warriors to protect my cats. I would like to have pathogens and Dark-related toxins removed from them as well. Can I also ask to have the Micro Light Warriors work on them?

Rashona: Yes, you could.

Elora: Can you remove Ddarkness and negative programming on aa cellular and DNA level?

Rashona: Micro Light Warriors would be used for this.

Elora: How do we set parameters so that your work does not go too fast for us?

Rashona: I would say that, especially for those of you who have fragile constitutions and compromised immune systems, ask the Light Warriors to proceed only at a speed that will not diminish a person's total vitality. That will protect against a healing crisis. The Light Warriors have the ability to monitor and control the intensity of the work in that way.

Let's take someone with a weakened immune system, who asked for help with candida. This would not be an overnight process, for if done at that speed it would surely cause a person enough distress that they would be bedridden. You would call in the appropriate Light Warriors to work on this problem on an ongoing basis, at a pace that will not lessen the person's overall vitality. It might take weeks or even months to accomplish. And I would suggest in a more long- term chronic situation like this, that the person would want to call upon and reinforce the intent of this group of microscopic warriors, perhaps on a weekly basis 

Elora: In clearing our cells of Darkness and toxins, why would we go into a healing crisis, since it would seem the toxins are not being dumped into our blood stream? Or are they?

Rashona: I believe they are. [Elora: Please explain the physical reactions we might have with your clearing, and why we would have them.] It appears that it would follow the same pattern that you would have in taking medicinal substances on the Third Dimensional level, herbs and such.

Elora: Regarding the Light Warriors who are acting as ongoing Personal Guardians, can they create an energetic "bubble" around the person they are guarding, and can they keep that bubble free of pathogens and Dark-related toxins?

Rashona: Yes. You would ask your Personal Guardians, exactly as you said, to create a bubble around you, a shield. And you can actually ask that that shield be made up of the armies of Micro Warriors. Then specify what you want to be protected from - viruses, bacteria, pollutants, etc. In this way you will be much less susceptible to these pathogens. Also, the people who are quite susceptible to these pathogens have a resonance in their bodies to these pathogens, and it would be most helpful to address that as well. The resonance itself is not a microorganism, and it could be removed by your Human sized Warriors.

To create this shield, for example, you may state: "1 call upon my Light Warriors to create a spherical shield around my physical form, containing sufficient Micro Light Warriors to guard me from Dark related pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, mold, etc." and list what you would like to be protected from. Then continue, "And I ask that this shield remain in place at all times until such time as I release it."

Elora: Can you remove Karma from a person?

Rashona: Not directly. What we can remove is any Dark motivation that had caused the person to act in a Karma-generating way. Once that is removed, then a person is better able to face and process the results of this Karma. I believe any of the Human sized Light Warriors that are assigned to you would be able to do this type of work. If a person feels that is not sufficient, they may ask for a more specialized type of Light Warrior. However the Beings that are closest to you will know you the best. There is a learning curve to the relationship.

Elora: Can you remove limiting thought-forms from a person?

Rashona: Again, not directly. If the limiting thought-form has been created by an entity, or for example an institution like a religion that has been compromised, then there is work we can do. What you are looking for in all cases is the source of the conscious intent towards Darkness. When you are looking to eliminate problems, look for an underlying Being or Consciousness and then you will be most successful. Take for instance the Catholic Church. There are many Beings who are benefiting from that institution being in place, and many Beings who are being harmed by it. If you were to look within a person who was raised Catholic, and that person says, "I want to get rid of my limiting beliefs, my guilt and shame," you would look for the underlying cause. First, it would be the programming put forth by the Church. And then you would look for the Beings who are supporting or holding that programming in place. You would specifically look for the Beings who have, in a sense, been assigned to or are directly benefiting from that person's involvement. We are speaking here of Dark Spirit Entities, and you would look for a rather vampiric energy in this instance. Then ask the Light Warriors to go after those Entities. You could simplify the process by just saying, "I have these limiting beliefs. If there is a Consciousness of Darkness behind these limiting beliefs, and which is supporting these limiting beliefs, then I ask the Light Warriors to go after them."

Rashona concluded by saying:

There is, for us, somewhat of a learning curve in what we are capable of. It is as we get on the ground and really look around that we become more and more aware - both of what needs to be done, and what we can do. And this is our joy; service is our joy.

Following this discussion on healing, we asked Heru if the Light Warriors could remove cancer from the body. He stated:

Heru: I believe that is a good possibility. Cancer is very complex in nature, sometimes triggered by pollutants, sometimes by repressed emotion and trauma. Therefore a person wishing to work on it in this manner would need to take a multi faceted approach, to in a sense go on an archeological dig to find what is triggering it - and prepare for emotional upheavals if there are emotional components to it and so on. But yes, cancer itself would be one of those things that has the Dark at its core. Cancer is very much the way the Dark has worked in this Creation.