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Revelations from The Creator God Horus

Elora Gabriel and Karen Kirschbaum

The Eye of Horus

The Complete Text and Updates
First Published 2005 by Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA



With this Update we announce that the rescue of Third Dimensional Earth has begun. It will probably take some weeks before this becomes apparent to those of us living here, however the Forces of Light are in motion. Due to security considerations, we are not able to share all of the information we have been given at this time. We should be able to give fuller details in January 2006.


Part 1 - Petitioning for The Initiative

As we have repeatedly discussed in our Updates, Earth is one of last places in this Universe to be liberated. Despite miraculous changes on the Higher Dimensions, up until now we have received no real relief in this Physical Realm.

Last spring Heru spoke of the taking down of the Illuminati, the negative controllers of Earth, on the Fourth Dimensions and up. In April, he stated: "Within a very short period of time you will begin to see the entrenched power structure that controls the finances, the war machines, and the politics of your World, shake and collapse like a tower of Babel." At that time he believed these events would begin to occur in the Fall. Later, he pinpointed the time that we would begin to see cracks in the power structures as late Fall, or "by the solstice" [i.e. by December 21. ] We have already seen these predictions beginning to happen with the continuing and escalating exposure of corruption in the Bush regime.

However, for those of us enduring physical life on this Planet, we felt that these changes were still occurring too slowly - that if we did not receive radical assistance soon, it would be too late for a great many Beings. We also felt that damage to the biosphere was increasing exponentially. We placed all of this before Heru during the first week of November. Heru responded by stating that he would convene a Council at the Haven on Saturday, November 5. We were invited to attend to represent Earth. At that meeting, Karen and I each stood before the many thousands of Light Beings gathered there and made an impassioned plea for Earth. We called for immediate assistance for Earth and all of her Life Forms.

After we had spoken, Heru stated that everyone in the Council was in agreement with our request. He made a short, stirring speech which unfortunately we were not able to record in full. Below is the substance of his words, paraphrased from my notes.

"Within two weeks we will launch an Invasion of Light and begin to implement programs of Light and Healing into the Third Dimension. This will require a concerted and coordinated effort. We will bring the Atomic Correction with us when we come, and we will manifest the Atomic Correction. Sekhmet and I will lead this initiative; we will be the vanguard.

"We will prepare to begin to march within two weeks. We are embarking upon a Great Rescue. There are countless numbers of Beings assembled waiting for the right time, and this is the time. This is the last of the Great Battles. Our victory is assured. And when we meet again, it will be on the Third Dimension of Earth. We will bring the Extra-Terrestrials and the Ultra-Terrestrials and the Mass Landings will begin.

"The time is now. It has begun."


Part 2 - The Plan

As stated above, we cannot yet give full details of the Light Initiative. What we can say is as follows. First, the Third Dimension is not homogeneous, rather it is composed of twelve "layers" or levels. Just as Beings in the Seventh or Eighth Dimension are invisible to us, for example, Beings inhabiting the upper layers of the Third Dimension would also be invisible to our eyes. In addition, the Third Dimension as a whole has been cut off from the other Dimensions by a particularly dense set of Frequency Barriers.

In order to penetrate these Barriers, the Light Forces created a ship somewhat like a rocket. This rocket is made of the material from the Light Warrior Creation, being sharper and harder than anything in this Creation. Heru, Sekhmet, and an Aspect of Prime Creator launched this ship and were carried within it, to arrive on the upper levels of the Third Dimension during the early morning hours of November 19th 2005 They established a base, the location of which is not to be revealed at this time.

Once a large hole had been cut through the Frequency Barriers surrounding Earth, other Light Beings could enter. Vast numbers of Light Warriors, God Warriors, Angels, and Archangels poured through the entry point that had been created and took up stations on the higher levels of the Third Dimension. These Beings are still too high above us, Dimensionally speaking, to be visible to our eyes. However, we are assured that they are here. We have seen some of them etherically and have noted that they were denser than other Higher Dimensional Beings we've encountered.

The first priority of the Light Forces was to place large numbers of Atomic Correction Generators all over the Planet, as well as in certain strategic places. Thus far, though the Atomic Correction had been quite effective on the Higher Dimensions, it had barely reached the Third. Heru has spoken previously of the importance of correcting the Atomic Distortions which have affected all matter in the Fallen Sector, particularly on the Lower Dimensions. When asked about the rescue of Third Dimensional Earth, he had told us:

"All this is going to be dependent on our making that breakthrough to the sub-atomic structure. Once we can break through we can do anything. We have the Forces, we have the numbers, we have the power to do it. And it will happen everywhere at once, once we can make this breakthrough. This is really the key."

When asked about problems of pollution, over- population, and so on, he responded:

"Once this Planet has open Portals, dialogue, and so on, those problems can be easily corrected. Populations can be moved to less populous areas off planet, and the technology does exist to clean everything that has been polluted and distorted. So it's really those first Barriers that we are dealing with. Once those Barriers come down, once the Atomic Structure has been corrected, once the doors are open, all of that can be accomplished with relative ease and speed."

Returning to the Atomic Correction Generators, the small ones are continually broadcasting the Atomic Correction, beginning the process of bringing that Correction to Third Dimensional Earth. Prime Creator also took a very large Generator and brought it to the center of our Olanet, from which point it is broadcasting this energy to all points in our world. Sananda explained:

"Essentially he will present one to Gaia and will set it up in the center of the Earth. At that point the Correction will begin to radiate out from the center of the Earth so as to affect everyone equally. So there will be many small ones on the surface of the Earth and then one large one in the center of the Earth. As the vibrations from all these begin to meet and merge the density will begin to break up."

The second priority in this Light Initiative was to ensure the safety of our Planet. We cannot give further details at this time or answer questions on this subject, except to say that this task has been completed. 

The third priority of the Light Initiative will be to work on the Government Leaders and the Media. Heru stated that vast numbers of the Deca-Delta squadrons will be released to target these people. The Deca-Delta squadrons are groups, each composed of ten Angels, who are able to remove Darkness from any Being and turn that Being back to the Light. Heru told us that it would ultimately become as though the Political Leaders and Media had taken truth serum. He said:

"They will be targeting not just the Political Leaders but the Controllers-behind the Leaders, the people who have the hidden wealth, the Illuminati on the Third Dimension. [Once this takes effect], it will not happen all at once but you will see people begin to say things they didn't mean to say, in short bursts, and then sort of clam up and regain their self control. And then those facades will increasingly disintegrate, and increasingly the truth will be told."

Elora: How long do you think it will be before these involuntary disclosures will become really major, like speaking about the Chemtrails or 9/11 or whatever?

"It will start with smaller things. Things in a sense will shut down during the holidays, not much work in the Government and such will happen. So I'm thinking that by the second or third week in January it will be very apparent that the Ruling Government in this country is illegitimate and will be moving towards a point of dissolution."

Again, there may be further delays, but I believe we will see some effects in January. When the full effect of this work is seen, it is expected that the governments will come to a screeching halt and there will be transfers of power. To quote Heru again:

"At that point we will begin to manifest to the Leaders and ask them to step aside and resign their posts. How they will do that we cannot foresee. We assume that most of them will refuse. They and their minions will at that point be rendered incapable of action. There will be some external chaos, though it will be more talk than riots or anything of that nature. We look for it to take some weeks to fully implement the incapacitation of the Leaders who are puppets of the Illuminati. There are, in every government, Beings of Light prepared to step forward and take Leadership roles. I look for the possibility of both the 2004 and 2000 Elections in the US being declared null and void. Karen tells me there is talk that the Government Accounting Office within the Government of America has come out with a study saying the 2004 Election was fraudulent and that the Ohio results were rigged. And action will begin to be taken on that."

The fourth step of the Initiative will be the Mass Landings of the Positive ET's. When we asked Heru about this, he responded:

"They will come soon. They will come after the Governments have been disabled. Once the Governments have been rendered ineffective they will begin to appear."

Heru's initial projection was that the Initiative would take one to three months to establish, worldwide, and that the Positive ET's could possibly land within that time period. During that time he forecast that the Chemtrails and other outrages against Earth and Humanity would stop. It may be necessary to extend that original projection somewhat, as the Light Forces have met with various difficulties and delays.


Part 3 - Difficulties and Delays

As promised, Heru and Sekhmet entered the upper levels of the Third Dimension during the early morning hours of November 19th 2005. With them came an Aspect of Prime Creator Himself/Herself. Prime Creator stated that he would appear in "a coalesced Light Body, larger than a Human form. It will not look solid in the Third Dimension but I will definitely be in the Third Dimension." He added: "This is of utmost importance to me. This is where my focus is at this time. I am fully participating in the Rescue of this Planet." He also explained that during the progress of the Initiative, provisions were being made for each Human Being to receive a complete cleansing of implants, attachments, and so on.

However, progress was slower than anticipated. The Light Forces who entered the Physical Realm of this Planet found it extremely difficult to move about and to operate. They reported that it was like trying to walk in quicksand. A Headquarters was established at the landing site and many Atomic Correction Generators were set up there. More Generators were placed all around the Planet. Some of them worked. Others did not - the result, we're told, of taking something which was developed in the Fifth Dimension and applying it to the Third. By the end of November 2005, Prime Creator had reached the center of the Earth with the large Generator that He carried.

On November 25, 2005, Hem spoke to us about the obstacles encountered by the Light Forces since their arrival on Third Dimensional Earth. 

"Just to give you a comparison of the situation here v.s. some of the other inhabited planets: Where Terah [a Fourth Dimensional friend] lives on the Pleiades, there may have been a few dozen Dark programs there that were cleaned up in a matter of a week or two. The environment is being restored and it all happened very quickly and easily. On this Planet we are encountering millions, billions, trillions of Dark programs that have been set in place to keep this Planet from being freed. We know that we will win. We are not deterred, our determination is not lessened. It is just that in all of the battles, in all of the rescues, in everything that we have done, this is by far the most dense and complex issue we have come upon. But be assured that our full attention is here: the full attention of Prime Creator, the full attention of all the Archangels, the Light Warriors, the God Warriors, the Angels, the Positive ET's. Our full attention at this time is on this Planet."

Elora: Are you saying it's worse here than the other eleven Critical Planets ? "Yes, actually it is."

Elora: Really? Why?

"I think it would take a historian to get that information. My first response to that would be because Sananda was able to insert the Christ Consciousness into this Planet at the time that he did. And because of that they focused much more intensely here. 

Heru told us, in fact, that the other eleven Critical Planets have been freed although not yet restored. It is heart-breaking to find that we are last on the list due to the extreme difficulty of the situation here, however this does mean that the full attention of the Light Forces can be focused on our Planet.

By early December 2005, progress was being made. The faulty Atomic Generators were being repaired and the Light Forces were able to move around with less difficulty. But by the first week in December, we became aware that war had broken out.


Part 4 - Cleaning up the Third Dimension

By December 7th 2005, further progress on the objectives of the Initiative had to be put on the back burner in order that the Light Forces could focus on the clean-up of the Dark Beings and structures on the Third Dimension. On the 8th, Sananda told us: "This is the all-out Armageddon Battle."


On December 9th, 2005, Heru stated:

"The battle is raging very fiercely right now. If you can imagine the Third Dimension being divided into twelve layers, the Light Forces have gone down through to the ninth layer at this point. And you folks are about on the second and third level. I think it's going to take a couple of weeks, which would take us about to the Solstice or a little after. I am hopeful that they can begin the work with the World Leaders by then and that results will be seen early in the New Year."

Elora: Were these battles not anticipated? They've happened every time a Dimension has been cleared.

"I think they didn't realize the complexity, because pretty much as they went down through each of the Higher Dimensions they got the whole Dimension at one time. It wasn't so stratified. And on the Third Dimension each strata has another layer of forces and weapons to go through. So once again it's far more complicated than the Upper Dimensions."


On December 10th, 2005, we asked:

You said that the Light Forces were on the ninth layer of the Third Dimension. As they clear out each level, will they have the ability to move into the lower levels? For example, will they be able to get into the fourth level, just above us?

"Yes, because as things are cleared out, it's almost like they will set detonations of atomic correction on the level below and then they can get into that level. So each level that they clear out will make the preparation for the next level. And they're actually into the eighth layer today."

That's hopeful. You thought the war would be over in about two weeks. Do you think that is realistic given how stratified and complex the Third Dimension is, with each layer having its own enemy races and weapons and so on?

"I think not. I think they went through the ninth very quickly, in a couple of days. Let us give it a couple of days and see how quickly they get through the eighth and the seventh, and then I think we'll have more of an idea."

You said that as the Light Forces clear out each Dimension, they in a sense detonate the Atomic Correction into the next Dimension. Is this something beyond and more powerful than placing the Atomic Correction Generators?

Well, it's more complete. In order for them to effectively move around in the next Dimension below them that is the first step to take in the battle.

So they sort of blast in downwards, so to speak.



By December 13th, 2005, the Light Forces were working through the fifth layer of the Third Dimension. We asked:

What will happen when they have completed the clean-up of the fourth layer, the one directly above us? Will the Light Warriors and God Warriors move into the levels that we call Dense Physicality, the second and third levels and even the first level, and will there be fighting in these levels?

"There will be fighting. As for the Dense Physicality, that would probably be a whole chapter of a book in and of itself, because what you perceive as Third Dimensional Physicality really does not resemble what is natural because of the distortions. So even when these Beings are on the third level they may not always even be seen. They would be seen by some, but they may not be seen by denser Beings. "

But what about when they get to the first or the second level? Isn't the second layer where most Humans reside?

  "Yes, but because of the distortions they still may not be seen. That does not mean that they won't have an effect. "

They could be here fighting and we might not even see them?

"Yes. But I believe you [personally] would see them. "

Elora: So the War still has to go through the fourth, third, second, and first levels. "Yes."

As they go through each layer of theTthird Dimension, are they doing a very thorough cleanup, or only a partial one that could leave a lot of pockets of resistance?

"I wouldn't say a lot of pockets but there are some pockets of resistance remaining, that they will get back to later."



We wish that we had something tangible to demonstrate the progress of the Light Initiative. At this point we do not, although once again it is believed that we may see results sometime in January 2006. I would like to close this Update with a few more words from Heru:

"I would like to emphasize that even though outwardly it appears nothing is happening progress is being made, and that many people are having experiences of the Light breaking through into their own soul experience in ways that have not been possible before."

I observe that a lot of people are having a hard time, actually.

"Yes, I think both in a way are going on at the same time. There is definitely a heaviness, an oppressiveness, like the pressure cooker image which has been brought up before. Karen tells me she feels almost as though all of her Karmic experiences - the past life traumas that have happened on this Planet - are being touched and banged on, bringing up a lot of old pain that she can't really identify. It's just that wherever she is connected to this Earth, in the past, all these things are being hammered on. So yes, it is a difficult time for many, but there are also many that are having breakthroughs."

Is there anything else you would like to add?

"I would like to recommend that people call in as many Archangels and Angels into their space as possible through prayer. That is one thing people can do that will help hasten all the Light coming to this Planet."

Heru also told us, in an earlier conversation:

"The path from a degraded planet to a restored planet is such a process. I don't see how we are going to get there but I know we're going to get there, if you know what I mean. I don't see the specific twists and turns on the path to the mountain-top to tell you that in three weeks or three months things are going to be different in this or that way. I just know that we will reach that mountain-top and we will reach the total restoration of this Planet."