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Revelations from The Creator God Horus

Elora Gabriel and Karen Kirschbaum

The Eye of Horus

The Complete Text and Updates
First Published 2005 by Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA

Chapter THIRTY: In Memory of Elora Gabriel

Elora Gabriel - December 20, 1950 – December 6, 2006

Elora Gabriel quietly and peacefully left this world after a long illness. She was not only a great Light to those who knew her, but brought a great teaching into this world through the work on The Return of Light . She will be deeply missed by all. After founding two successful online business, she held that The Return of Light was her greatest achievement.


A Letter From Heru


My Dear Friends and Readers,

This news of Elora’s leaving the Earth is accompanied with much sadness for many. I am here to tell you that it was her Time, and that she has completed her Mission here on Earth. She is now in a very good place, far beyond the incarnational cycles of your Planet. As she was a way-shower in her life, so too she is a way-shower in her death. Very few people have been able to break out of the cycle of birth and death on your Planet. Fewer still have made it beyond all barriers to return to their Cosmic Home. She is doing this, and in doing so, she is opening the gates to all. This will effect not only your choices at your life’s end, but also many souls that are still bound by their karmic entrapments. 

Few people, if anyone, know the full extent of her Work and Mission. Karen knows much, John her Husband knows much, but no one knows all that she has done. She will be greatly honored for the work she did in bringing Light and Liberation to this Earth and beyond. Take joy and pride in the fact that you are a part of this great Work. This Mission will not stop. The Federation of Light and I have asked Karen to continue this Work, and Karen has accepted this task. I am sure she will welcome your support and love.

To grieve is natural, but remember also to celebrate who she was on Earth and who she is in Eternity.

My Love and Blessings to All,



A Letter From Karen


Dear Friends,

I don’t know where to begin to tell you of my feelings for Elora. It was as if we had always known each other. We both felt that we had planned to come together in this life to do the work we were doing. Meeting her was a catalyst for both of us. She talked about the Book as her proudest moment in life. I could go on about her Cosmic achievements, but I feel somehow that the Work speaks for itself.

I would like to share with you some of my most favorite times with her. I came to work for her at The Green Willow Tree in January of 2003. This was a small Internet business in her home. She shared her very small home with her Husband, John, three very spoiled cats and the business with four or five employees. Somewhere in the New Testament, Jesus says something about, “How you treat the least of these (my creatures), is how you treat Me.” She held all life to be sacred and treated her employees, her environment, her pets and even the little bugs with love and care.

She was an incredible gardener. She surrounded herself with flowers and vegetables. The highlight of each day for her was her “kitty walks” in the woods. She loved being out in nature. She had a wonderful sense of humor. Recently she was telling John and me that years ago she was working to compile a funny phrase for each zodiac sign based on real statements. I am a Taurus, and she told us she had a boyfriend that used to say, “I’m only stubborn when I’m right.” There were a few other good phrases like that and we all had a good laugh. 

We shared so much love, laughter, grief, and journeys into the Greater Realms. I know that my work continues here for some time to come, but I also look forward to the day when we will be able to reunite and look back on all that we did here.

Unfortunately Karen subsequently found that she was unable to bring through further communications from Heru, and finally closed down the “Updating Project” in September 2007.