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Revelations from The Creator God Horus

Elora Gabriel and Karen Kirschbaum

The Eye of Horus

The Complete Text and Updates
First Published 2005 by Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA

Chapter TWENTY-NINE: A Conversation with Sananda/Jesus on his Past Earth Life

The main topic of this Update is a channeling with Sananda which we feel will be of interest to all. We do not have at this time a lot of news about the progress of work on our Planet, but I will first of all include this excerpt from a conversation with Heru on November 7, 2006:

Elora: Heru, I would like to read you something from James Gilliland at eceti.com: “In meditation I am receiving the same message over and over from the Star Nations. ‘A big event is coming.’ I asked when and they said it will peak November 23 rd 2006 yet will be cyclic in nature building up to that point. There is a major Planetary Alignment and experts in the Mayan Calendar also say according to their calculations there is a major event in November. People that know me know I am not a Bible thumper yet the message I am getting is God is coming, it is a frequency and a force. Apparently there is a major energy or frequency shift scheduled yet the details thus far are a bit sketchy. I was told it was coming in from the South. There are major influxes of energy coming into the Poles and if I were to want to shift the frequency of the Earth I would do it through the Poles. I was told those who are not in alignment with these new energies are not going to do so well. The key word is Love, align with Love. If anyone wants to comment or receives any more insights on this Shift we are all ears. I will continue to get more information and inform people through the News Letter with a major event planned to help understand, assimilate and flow with these new energies at the Self Mastery Earth Institute, ECETI.”

Heru: I would say that information is correct. Again it is one of the many initiatives that are happening at this time.

Elora: Is there anything you’d like to add?

Heru: Just to embrace that energy, to relax into it as it comes, to practice that. And it’s correct that it will be cyclical. Let me see if I can get the timing of the pulsations. About every three to five days but increasing in frequency over time until it’s daily after a month or two. So after the initial pulse, during that six-week period or so, it will increase in frequency until it’s daily.

Elora: I think he was saying that this cyclical increase would happen prior to the November 23rd event, building up to it.

Heru: I’m getting that the first real noticeable pulse of will be then, the 23rd. He may feel the forerunner of it in a sense, but I think most people will feel it on the 23rd, then four to five days to the next pulse, then a little less time and a little less time. And it is a living, Conscious Light that can be communicated with.


Part 1 — SANANDA/JESUS speaks about His Life

Elora: Hello Sananda. One of our Readers recently asked whether we could clarify some of the details of your life as Jesus of Nazareth, or Yeshua, which I believe was your actual name in that life. Yes.

Elora: We felt that this would be of great interest to all. Are you willing to talk about this with us?

Sananda/Jesus: Yes. There may be parts that I do not want to comment on, but yes.

Elora: First, let us confirm that you are speaking from the Real Reality and not from any sub-reality, as there are so many distorted sub-realities containing much false information about you and your life.

Sananda/Jesus: Yes, let me make absolutely sure that I am fully anchored in the Real, and that Karen is fully anchored in the Real and that you are fully anchored in the Real. And I ask the Clear Light of the Highest Truth to permeate all that is said here tonight.

Elora: Before we get into the details, I know that you are one of the most projected-upon Beings on this Planet, and that this has caused you tremendous pain. Can you speak about the projections of Humans and how these affect you?

Sananda/Jesus: Yes. I guess you could say that is a rather sore subject with me. I do not hold resentment or anger towards Humans for their projections because, as with all the Beings in the Dark Sector, Humans have lost at least part of their Free Will if not all their Free Will, and are subjected to a great deal of mind control and manipulation. This mind control and manipulation is the foundational purpose for the great Religions — all religions really, all cults, all structures of belief that are limiting. To keep people under control, those who perpetrate this control create holograms and systems of belief surrounding God, Religion, Enlightenment, Liberation, Heaven and Hell, Eternal Damnation, Karma. All of these concepts were created to enslave. One of the biggest machines on this Planet is the creation of the Christian religion, focusing on the crucifixion, worshipping the death of my body and the suffering of my body, and using it as vehicle to project each person’s pain onto that collective hologram. It is not so much that the hologram and the projected thoughts hurt me as much as it is my inability to shut down compassion for Humans, and that I feel the pain they feel in this whole entrapment situation. Therefore it is difficult for me to interact with Humans freely because this projection, of course, acts as a barrier. So a person will call out to me in pain, wanting help, calling me for help, and it’s almost as if this whole projected hologram gets in the way of me responding. Multiply that by the millions and it pulls very deeply on my heart-strings. It is almost as if I am daily, through them, re-crucified.

Elora: Oh, God! I feel so much pain for you about this. I hope you will be free of this soon.

Sananda/Jesus: It is not just me, it is everyone who is involved in this. I appreciate the compassion and the understanding. I reiterate again that it is not the fault of the Humans involved, it is the fault of the Dark, and I lay no blame and have no anger or animosity there. We are all in this together. My liberation will come with the liberation of those who believe in me and are entrapped by this very sick system. And the same sickness is true with the Hindu religion and the whole entrapment of the belief in Karma, and the Caste system and everything that has generated. It is the same with the Muslim religion, and all the small religions, the Pagans and any of the small Sects that come around. Each of them has their Gods and each of these Gods is entrapped in a very similar way.

Elora: Now let’s talk about your life. Let’s start with the planning for that life, which was obviously meant to be one of great importance. Please talk about the plans that were laid, what it was desired for you to be accomplished, and so on.

Sananda/Jesus: Both Mary, my mother, and Mary, my partner, and I — the three of us — designed our lives. Mary’s mother Anne was involved in these plans as well, for us to come into the world when and how we did. I will say that my Mother was not a physical virgin. She did have union with her husband but energetically the purity there as symbolized by the virginity that the Church espouses. That purity was absolutely there, and it is still is.

Elora: What was the purpose for your life as you envisioned it?

Sananda/Jesus: One of my great purposes was to be a Rule-breaker in the most Cosmic sense of that concept: to come and shake to the foundations of this Earth, the concepts of the limitations that people were living in, and still continue to live in to this day. To manifest the impossible through the Miracles, through the Resurrection, through just living my life as a free Human Being in the midst of a very structured, limited, stupid culture.

Elora: Using our Calendar, which of course would be different from the one in use at the time of your birth, about what is the date of your birthday as Jesus of Nazareth?

Sananda/Jesus: January 27th.

Elora: Other than being a Sun sign of Aquarius, what was your astrological make-up in that life?

Sananda/Jesus: I would say Pisces moon and Sagittarius rising.

Elora: Going back to your life: There are some records of your first twelve years. After that, I believe that nothing is known of you until the age of 30. Where were you and what were you doing during these so-called “lost years”?

Sananda/Jesus: I was an initiate in several different temples and places. First I was taken away to a remote Essene compound for five or so years and tutored in the deepest esoteric Hebrew mysteries. I then went to the Temples in Egypt and studied there for a great many years till I was about 28, when I went briefly to the Far East in India and then came back to do my Mission. It’s fairly well covered in the book “Aquarian Gospel of Jesus” ; that is a fairly accurate accounting of that part of my life.

Elora: It is generally believed that your Ministry on this Planet began when you were about 30 years old and ended with your death and Resurrection at the age of 33. Is this correct?

Sananda/Jesus: I don’t compartmentalize it quite so distinctly because I would say that it really began with my trip to the Far East. I did public work there, but what is recorded in the Middle East as my Ministry — yes, those three years.

Elora: What happened to you at the beginning of this Ministry in the Middle East, when you were baptized by John the Baptist and the Heavens opened, and there was apparently some kind of descent of Spirit?

Sananda/Jesus: That was the merging of myself with my Monad, where I became a complete incarnation of my Higher Self. It is something that is possible for every Human. 

Elora: And at some point you met Mary Magdalene.

Sananda/Jesus: Yes, my Queen.

Elora: Would you like to speak about your relationship with her during that life? 

Sananda/Jesus: I would like to keep most of it private and she would as well. I would just state that she is my Eternal Partner, my Twin Flame, my everything. Beyond that I would like to keep the rest of that relationship private.

Elora: Is there anything you would like to say about who she was in that lifetime and who she is? 

Sananda/Jesus: Just that she is every bit as much of a Master as I am.

Elora: There is a piece of channeling called “The Magdalen Manuscripts” in which Mary Magdalene speaks. You’ve stated previously that you feel this channeling is accurate — do you have any further comments on it?

Sananda/Jesus: No, I feel it is accurate and it is an accurate representation of her.

Elora: There are a number of miraculous events recorded in the Bible that you were said to have done. I believe the first one had to do with changing water into wine. There were a number of healings, culminating with raising Lazarus from the dead. It is also recorded that you multiplied the loaves and fishes to feed a large group of people, and performed other miracles such as walking on water. Are these records essentially correct?

Sananda/Jesus: Yes, they are. And there were many more that were not recorded.

Elora: How were you able to perform these acts?

Sananda/Jesus: As I said in the beginning, my intention for this life was to break the established rules and that was one of the purposes for performing these miracles, to show that it could be done by anyone. Anything that I accomplished there is eminently attainable and re-creatable by any Human. And that is the greatest law: the Law of God, the Law of One, the Law of the Miraculous. So I am not a law-breaker, I am a rule-breaker. I break the rules of Men but I do not break the Law of God.

Elora: And did you accomplish these things by working with the Law of God?

Sananda/Jesus: Yes. Let me see if I can give any insights to this. Faith is important - faith in God, faith in the Self, faith in the Power of God to work through the Self. Merging with the Monad is also essential. I think that’s all I can really say for now. It’s not that I don’t want to reveal the secrets, it’s just that if I were to talk at length about techniques at this point I’m not sure it would be meaningful to people. There may be a time and place for that later.

Elora: Here’s a Reader question. “Sananda says he had one daughter, conceived before the Crucifixion and born after and that she is what many ‘Royal’ Lineages of Europe are descended of. Could he elaborate a little more on this? I know that many of the Annanuki/Annunaki/Illuminati believe they are of this Lineage. My feelings say that Sananda was born into this Lineage (descended Lineage of Anu) to break the Annanuki genetic system of control on the Planet, but I'm not sure. Could he tell us a little more about this part of the story?”

Sananda/Jesus: Basically yes to all of it. Yes, that I came to break the Annunaki control, the Illuminati control of the genetics. However after a time the Royal Houses all became corrupt; it didn’t matter what their bloodline was.

Elora: Is it true that you were born into the Lineage of Anu?

Sananda/Jesus: Yes. And I will say even though the Royal Houses of Europe were “lizardized”, that there does still exist that important genetic encoding that I did bring in. One of the carriers of those genetics is Karen. She is descended from that Lineage as is her whole family, so any of the offspring of her brother also carry that as well.

Elora: We were talking with Heru recently about the false soul implants and how the false Gods use them to control people. Are these false Gods, such as the false Jehovah, still out there doing their thing? Or since they’re Higher Dimensional have they been taken down, since we know the Higher Dimensions have been pretty much cleaned up?

Sananda/Jesus: It’s like they are paper dragons. The substance to them is gone but the shell remains, animated by very little, but still capable of appearing fierce and fiery.

Elora: Why doesn’t someone just get rid of them?

Sananda/Jesus: I would say they are held in place by collective belief at this point, that’s basically what’s left of them.

Elora: Almost like animated thought forms. Yes.

Elora: In “The Return of Light” you stated that you did die on the Cross, that you re-entered that body, Resurrected it, and then Ascended it. Yes.

Elora: There are many stories of your reappearance in different places after your Ascension—that you walked the Earth again, everywhere from the British Isles to the Americas. Is there any truth to these stories?

Sananda/Jesus: Very much so, yes. I walked on basically every continent. My purpose in doing so was to cover the Planet with the image of my Light Body or the form of my Light Body, in order to cement the reality of the Rule-Breaker. I just love that term! I’m in a rebellious mood today so let me fully embrace the rebel.

Elora: I’ve always been a rebel too, so I’m in sympathy with you. A Reader asks: “How do you see your Mission at this time, from the present vantage point of the Cosmic Battle between Light and Darkness and what is happening on this Planet?

Sananda/Jesus: There are a couple big questions in there. In essence I have been shut out of the Battle for Earth because of what I described at the beginning, and that is why I am not returning in a physical form as a Second Coming.

Elora: Why do you say shut out of the battle? I’m not sure what you mean.

Sananda/Jesus: Because of the extent of the projections placed upon me, I am not able to operate freely in the Battle for Earth. I’m shut out.

Elora: Again, I pray that this ends for you soon. Is there anything else you would like to say about the whole issue of the Second Coming, which I know is another huge area of projection?

Sananda/Jesus: A tremendous area of projection. I never said I was coming back. I’m not coming back, and it is a manipulative means by the Dark to herd people into apocalyptic theology resulting in a self-fulfilling prophecy of doom, and I want nothing to do with it! I will say that I am pleased to see that there are some Christians who are becoming very ecologically passionate.

Elora: Here is a Reader question again: “Would you care to speak about your feelings, understandings and your overall relationship with God/Prime Creator from three comparative perspectives — before your Mission here in the Dark Sector; over the course of your life and Mission; and after you Ascended.”

Sananda/Jesus: That it’s never changing; it’s never changed in its essential quality. When I said I and my Father are one that was true, that is true, and that will be true. And it’s really true for every Human, it’s just that Humans have forgotten.

Elora: Heru recently made an interesting comment. Someone asked him about Lady Mary, your Mother. Heru stated, “She is an Ascended Master, along with Jesus or Sananda. And they came, they managed to get through from outside the Dark Sector, to do service here.” He seems to be saying that you and Mary arrived here later on, and didn’t come here with the mass of Light Workers who arrived 500 million years ago. Is this true?

Sananda/Jesus: Yes, and it is also true of my lovely Queen - Mary Magdalene - as well.

Elora: This was of great interest to me because about five years ago, when I first started remembering how I came here from the Light Sector, I retrieved what seemed to be a memory of how some of us got together and worked to bring you and Buddha and perhaps some other Beings here. It seemed to me that we had to open special Portals to bring you and the others in. Is there any truth to these memories?

Sananda/Jesus: Yes, that is true. Special “cloaking” was necessary and it was such a delicate endeavor that we did not try for massive numbers, just for quality rather than quantity of Beings. 

Elora: Heru’s comment about how you and Mary (your Mother in the Jesus/Yeshua life) were already Ascended before coming here, and how you were specially brought here, makes me wonder if Ascended Masters are quite rare even in the Light Universes, and if therefore they were rare among the Light Forces who came here.

Sananda/Jesus: They are not so rare in the Light Sector. There were definitely Ascended Masters among the Beings who came here en masse in that large Wave [i.e. the Light Workers who arrived in this Sector 500 million years ago]. However as they came here they were subjected to the Fall and sort of lost their Ascended nature. We came with, I guess you could say, an inoculation against that virus [i.e. an inoculation against the Darkness]. Actually, let me speak a little more about that. We are Time Travelers, and we came from the future.

Elora: The three of you?

Sananda/Jesus: Yes, to insert ourselves into what is now your past - to effect a positive change, to break enough rules, that a brighter future was possible. How do you like that?

Elora: I think that it was a great sacrifice. 

Sananda/Jesus: Yes, but it was only possible to come here inoculated by coming from the Future.

Elora: So you are saying that in the future, there will be developed an inoculation against Darkness that works?

Sananda/Jesus: Absolutely, 100%. I am incorruptible and you shall be as well.

Elora: You never had any Dark Aspect-Beings of yourself or tainted Aspects?

Sananda/Jesus: No. There are Beings masquerading as me who are of the Dark, and of course there are countless animated Thought Forms posing as me.

Elora: This inoculation, can’t we get it now?

Sananda/Jesus: It is coming soon.

Elora: In general, or with any specifics that you care to address, can you comment on what was inserted in and what was edited out of the account of your life that we now have?

Sananda/Jesus: Only that those who are going to read this could explore not just the Biblical accounts of my life. If they are interested they could also read the Dead Sea Scrolls and some of the others such as the Pistis Sophia and the Nag Hammadi Scrolls. All of those are good as well as the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus which I mentioned earlier. All of those have value to them.

Elora: That concludes the questions I had prepared about your life. I’d like to bring up another topic now. I’ve always been fascinated by Near Death Experiences and recently I stumbled across a web site which contains many records of people’s Near Death Experiences. One thing I found strange is that, when people get to the Other Side, they have what they feel is a direct perception of truth. Oftentimes one of these perceptions is that everything, even the horrors we see here on Earth, happen for a reason. This, of course, is contrary to the understanding that we have gained in the past few years. I’ll read a few excerpts:

“I knew with total certainty that everything was evolving exactly the way it should and that the ultimate destiny for every Living Being is to return to the Source, The Light, Pure Love.”

Here’s something from another woman who felt deeply that she was in the presence of God and had a communication with that Presence: “I don't recall the exact content of our discussion; in the process of return, the insights that came so clearly and fully in Heaven were not brought back with me to Earth. I'm sure that I asked the question that had been plaguing me since childhood about the sufferings of my people. I do remember this: There was a reason for everything that happened, no matter how awful it appeared in the physical realm.”

Can you comment on this, Sananda?

Sananda/Jesus: Yes. I think this was briefly discussed earlier in the Return to Light, where Heru was talking about how Humans are hardwired to believe in the purpose and the goodness and the harmony of everything. So it’s along those lines. It is just the way Humans are made. It is very difficult to believe that there is something foreign that has invaded this Creation, something that is not of the One; it is hard to believe there is something contrary to God’s Purpose. Therefore it’s almost like a stage in Enlightenment where a person will experience that, but it’s not really what I would call the ultimate Enlightenment. It’s an “Aha moment” but it does not encompass the whole reality. Does that explain it?

Elora: So when a person dies, they become unveiled to a certain extent?

Sananda/Jesus: To a certain extent, yes.

Elora: But most do not become completely unveiled.

Sananda/Jesus: Correct, because if they did they would not succumb to the illusion and the Karma and come back essentially to the same evolutionary place that they left.

Elora: In other words, the whole thing that is staged after death is controlled, and is not entirely controlled by the Light and the Highest Orders of Truth?

Sananda/Jesus: Remember the Bliss Bubbles that people on this Planet will get into with the Gurus and the certain religious sects. It is akin to that.

Elora: So things are set up so that when a person dies, they go into these Bliss Realms…

Sananda/Jesus: Yes, the Seventh Heaven or however you want to describe them.

Elora: And then because they didn’t get all the way free, they sort of recycle back.

Sananda/Jesus: Yes. It almost feels like a rubber band, where the rubber band stretches out so far and then retracts back again.

Elora: That makes sense. Here is another thing that puzzles me. The life review is such a powerful experience for people who die. Yet after reading a number of these, it almost seems to me that there is some kind of filter placed on this review. The entire focus is on the person’s interactions with other Humans. There is absolutely nothing about the person’s interactions with Nature, which I feel is equally as important, or their relationship to their own self.

Sananda: Yes, or the interactions with God. 

Elora: Right. What is this filtered life review about and who set it up?

Sananda: Well, the Lords of Karma.

Elora: And the Lords of Karma were sort of mixed between Light and Dark.

Sananda: Yes, they were to a certain extent compromised.