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Revelations from The Creator God Horus

Elora Gabriel and Karen Kirschbaum

The Eye of Horus

The Complete Text and Updates
First Published 2005 by Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA

Chapter TWENTY-EIGHT: Updates for August 2006

Although we are still experiencing an incredibly difficult time here on Earth, the Forces of Light continue to report progress towards the rescue and restoration of our Planet. The Atomic Correction is steadily rising and moving forward. It took me quite a while to be sure that I felt it, but I am now definitely able to perceive that matter has become more fluid. We have heard from many of our Readers that thought and intention are manifesting more quickly. For those who are experiencing discomfort from the Atomic Correction, Prime Creator has now made an Energetic Detox Chamber. Because the Atomic Correction cleanses the body of dense energies and “sludge”, you may find yourself feeling toxic or very tired, and this Chamber should help with that effect. As with the other Chambers, just ask your Guides to place you in the Chamber, usually during sleep, and monitor you while you are being treated.

I once gave a metaphor for the situation in which we find ourselves on Earth. I likened the dense physical realm of our Planet to a fortress which is held by enemy soldiers. We are imprisoned in that fortress, with the Forces of Light outside besieging it. While their numbers and power are far superior, they must take care not to damage us or the structure in their attempts to free us. I feel that now is the time when the first cracks are appearing in the walls of Fortress Earth, the first small openings made by the Forces of Light.

Part 1 – An Update from Heru received on JULY 31, 2006

Elora: Let’s start with a couple of Reader questions. This Reader asks: “When we get to 100% corrected at our atomic levels, will all aging and imperfections we have start to transform back to our perfect Divine Blueprint, and will we be more able to regenerate enamel on teeth and gray hair color back to its original color, etc.?”

Heru: That will be the starting point at which a person could do that; it won’t be the end point.

Elora: In other words, those things will start to become possible? Yes.

She continues: “Will there be more Earth changes and cleansings to go along with the large amount of correction?”

Heru: It is our desire for there not at present to be too many serious Earth changes. There may be some, but it would more be a consequence of freeing up log-jams of congested energy than anything that we would initiate.

And she also asks: “Will we have more recall of past lives and higher abilities?”

Heru: Many of you will, yes. Basically it is in a sense a starting point for accessing many things.

Another question: “Will you ask Heru if any Twin Flames are coming in on the Divine Tide. Or are these Beings hidden in the Tide coming for healing work only?”

Heru: Yes, there are Twin Flames there that are coming in with the Divine Tide. Some of you will find that your Twin Flames will come to you as Walk-ins.

Elora: Would you now give us an update for our Readers?

Heru: Greetings, dear Readers. It has been some time since I have spoken to you. It is not because you have not been in my thoughts; it has been because I and the rest of our crew have been quite busy. I think many of you are feeling that there is a lot of change in the air, and I would like to speak to some of this today.

First of all, in the latter part of July 2006, an initiative was launched to clean out the Dark Beings from the Inner Earth that had honeycombed your Planet, and also to apply a protective shield around this Planet so that no Dark Beings could either come in from the outside or escape from here. So what remains on this Planet is a thin crust of Darkness that is quite intense — and actually perhaps more intense than previously because some of what was above and below has been sandwiched into this layer. At this time, that is being addressed. We wish to address this in as gentle a manner as possible, but make no mistake: it is being addressed, and the days of the Rule of Darkness on this Planet are numbered. They know it, and out of fear are initiating as much chaos as they can.

Elora: Please clarify what you mean by the thin layer of Darkness — the Dense Physical Realm?

Heru: Yes. And the Dark Beings contained within it, and within some of the Beings in that Realm.

Elora: Thanks, please continue.

Many of you have suffered [psychic] attacks in recent weeks, which have grown increasingly fierce, and this is a result of this work. I would like, at this point, to introduce some Beings who are from outside this Creation and who can be very powerful allies in protecting you if you are under attack. First is a Race of laser-eyed Beings known as the Ramalohans. They are very tall in appearance, though you need not see them to call on their help. Just call them in by their group name and ask them to destroy with their laser-eyed beams the Beings that are attacking you, and to use the networking ability of the Divine Tide to go after the entire class of Beings and Family of Beings that are attacking you — to go back to the source. I would like to introduce the Namarians as well. They are also a Race of Beings from outside this Creation, otherwise called the Tall Ones. Their best ability is to dissolve the effect of an attack. So if you have been attacked and feel that you have been implanted or slimed or have any residue from Dark Beings, you may call upon the Namarians and ask them to dissolve any of this structure or residue that has been placed upon you.

[Note: The Namarians have a tremendous power to create or dissolve by thought, and are helpful for many other types of work as well. Another new group of Beings which Heru did not mention, but which we recommend for protection, are the Shelorians. They are the newest and most powerful group of Light Warriors, and are distinguished by a large ray of Light which comes out of the heart area. Once you call a group of Shelorians to you, they are very faithful and will remain to protect you. They have good vision and a high degree of alertness. I believe that they came in on the Divine Tide. Heru continues:]

Also, embedded in the Divine Tide are enhanced aspects of Archangel Michael who have golden shields. You may also call upon them to protect you. It is of great concern to me that so many people are under attack at this time. Use the mantra for protection from Gonarion and that will also help. I feel that the next two months are going to be a pivotal time for your Planet. I urge all of you to keep yourselves protected. I want to tell you to stockpile — not food and candles the way you would if a hurricane were coming — but to in a sense stockpile inside of yourself. Prepare yourself for six to eight weeks of great intensity, and know that what you are enduring now will not last forever although it feels interminable.

Part 2 — The Weather and The Environment

Below are further excerpts from the same conversation with Heru:

Elora: Here is a letter from a Reader: “A brand new group of Light Beings just came in right now. They look like Angels and it seems like they protect the Fairy/Nature/Devic Kingdoms. They are Celestial and they feel very feminine. The feminine Celestial Energies will restore Nature as will Mother Goddess. They are super high Light and very bright and celestial. I feel a comfort from them.”

Heru: This is a very good description of these Beings. They came in on the Divine Tide and they are called the Samahalians.

The same Reader wrote as follows: “I also received a message about sound and I heard the Dolphins and the Whales on the Inner Planes. Something needs to be done on the sonar energy in the ocean. Sound is very key in raising frequency and if we can get the Dolphins and the Whales back in shape (yes, they are requesting our help, I hear), they can get their true sound back and if the waters, Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean especially, are cleared, the Dark will lose so much power. I see what they are doing on the ocean floors and what they are doing to the fish/mammals, vegetation, etc. I see also what is being done to crops. There is a huge urgency this week and I am hearing a “bellowing” sound right now, like a cry from the Etheric, and then I see a large hawk fly by in the Etheric and then I see Nature and the harm to animals, I see jungles, etc. I am going to work on this immediately and I am told I can because everything is going to start manifesting in the physical in August. I was told this for months. August is the month of physical manifestation so to insure that no [irreparable] harm is done to vegetation, animals, trees, mammals, wildlife, nature, reservoirs, plants, oceans, etc.” Would you comment on this, Heru?

Heru: Yes, that is correct. I am going to recommend that we call Gonarion and ask for two more words. The first word will be for the restoration of the sound of the Whales and Dolphins and it is ME-LE-FA (pronounced MEE-LEE-FA). And the second, a word for the restoration of Nature, is: RU-MEL-LO (pronounced ROO-MELL-LO). Any of the Readers who would like to help with this may use one or both of these words in their meditations to re-establish that vibration on Earth.


Part 3 – An Update from 6 August 2006

Elora: We have recently learnt that many of the constructs created by the Dark were in the process of coming down. We asked Heru:

Elora: I would like to check on structures, constructs, and the like, which were either Dark or had a lot of Darkness holding them together.

Heru: Let us look at the institution of Karma, as I gave that discourse the other day. As I said the other day it is in free fall, and it is in this point in total chaos, so it looks like the underpinnings of that structure have been dismantled. Let me make a comment about that too. One of the reasons that the Darkness wanted to create this structure was that it put the accountability for a disharmonious action into the future — and then they would manipulate time as we have discussed in the past, so that the accountability never came due. And all of this now is crashing. So their accountability is due now.

Elora: Yes, I’d say overdue. What about the Frequency Fences?

Heru: What Frequency Fences there were still are crashing down also. Even though this time looks very bad in a sense it is very good. It is truly Armageddon right now, and this is going to be the turning point for us.


Part 4 — A Discourse from Heru on Twin Flames

Heru: I would like to talk tonight about Twin Flames and the polarity structure of this Creation. I have already touched on this somewhat in The Return of Light but I would like to go into further detail.

This Universe, and this whole Creation, were founded on the structure of polarity — what you know as Yin and Yang, Positive and Negative dynamics. Not an atom moves without the polarity of the Yin and the Yang dynamic. And even though not every Being in this Universe is created with a Twin, that polarity dynamic still exerts a great sway on the structure and the function of every Being, great or small, and every thing great and small. This polarity makes the atoms move, it makes the Galaxies swirl, it makes the Universes expand.

One of the great miracles and mysteries of this vast polarity is that a particle of the unique signature of the Love of each pair of Twin Flames exists within every atom of this Creation. This is true not just for Humans but for Creator Gods as well, and anyone else who has a Twin. That Love is a truly infinite river, and when it is allowed to flow through the Human heart it brings an expanded awakening, a very rapid growth, of that Being.

I know the norm on this Planet is that when the Twins meet it’s often a train wreck, because of the distortion and the Twin Flame Rift. But for those of you reading this — if you have experienced the meeting of your Twin and have felt the great pain of this rift — I think what I have to say can bring comfort and healing. There is a great tendency to focus obsessively on the physical form of the other half of the Twin, which narrows the heart and cuts off the flow of the universality of this Love. For those of you who have met your Twins and have found the relationship to be one clouded by Karma and disharmony and heartbreak, I would recommend this: Instead of reaching forward to grasp the other, that you lean back into your heart and open yourself to this Universal River of Love and allow it to pour forth through you, opening your heart to the magnificence of this fantastic dynamic that exists in every atom of this Creation. Realize that your Love is not so small as to be contained only in two bodies, but your Love is part of what makes the Earth go around the Sun, and the Sun go around the Central Sun, and all the Stars pour forth their Light on Creation. The dynamic of your Twin Love is contained within the moonlit dewdrops in a summer’s night, it is contained within the rainbows, it is contained within the ocean spray and the nectar that the butterflies sip. Open yourself up to that magic movement and understand that you are an intrinsic part of the fabric of life, that all life within this Creation has its foundation in polarity, and polarity is the great engine that moves this particular Creation. Your Love is the fuel of that polarity; your love is the dynamic of that polarity. And once you tap into it, you can experience the Universal Love and the universal dynamic of this motion. You may constrict your focus on the physical desire for your Twin in a Third Dimensional body. But if you reverse your vision and understand that this is but the nerve endings of vast, giant hands touching, and expand that awareness to let this love flow through your heart, then more and more you will see your beloved in everything, in everyone, and everywhere.

Elora: I know that when Karen met her Twin Flame, she said that she could see herself and her Twin in every atom of the Universe, in the Yin and the Yang of everything. Another person who met her Twin on a Higher Dimension says that when she tunes in, she can feel his vibration in everything — a stone, a tree, the steering wheel of her car. Yes.

Elora: Can you give us an update on the Twin Flame Rift?

Heru: There is progress; it is slower than to my liking.

Elora: Here is a Reader question on this topic: “My Father transitioned on 3/9/06. Does Heru have any perspective on whether we will be reunited with our non-physical loved ones as part of the rescue? The longing I feel for my father’s presence is at times excruciating.” It is my understanding from our correspondence that this Reader’s Father was actually her Twin Flame.

Heru: First, that re-uniting will happen in the way that I have described, in opening the heart to this dynamic and in finding your beloved in everything. That is the first part of the healing and that is a necessary step for everyone, whether they have met their Twin or not. But if they have that deep longing for their Twin, if they will allow that greater love to move through them in that way, they will find healing. Again it becomes problematic when there is an insistence on physical contact, physical exclusivity with the Twin. That will happen naturally when harmony has been replaced in this Fallen Sector.

Elora: Are you saying that we won’t re-unite with our Twin Flame until we have harmony in this Sector and until we’ve moved beyond the overwhelming desire to be with them on the same level?

Heru: No, I’m not saying that, but I am saying that it is not really known when that will happen and whether it will happen in this Third Dimensional lifetime for everyone. For some it will, for some it may not, and in many cases it is yet to be determined. What I am saying is that you will hasten your progress in this reuniting by surrendering to this flow of Love.

Elora: Here’s another Reader question. This Reader previously asked whether some Twin Flames would be coming in on the Divine Tide, and you said that they would and that many would be Walk-ins. “My Twin said he would not be using a host body, in other words he would have his own body, and just appear on the Planet. He also said he would be a whole Light Being. Would you ask Heru if I got that correctly; is that possible? Again, thank you. (There are other people want to know all this as well).”

Heru: Yes, that is possible. I think some rather profound breakthroughs need to take place before this can actually materialize, but absolutely without a doubt it is possible and yes, you did hear correctly.

Elora: Going back to the previous question, when all the Portals open up, giving us access to other realms, won’t we have full access to the Higher Dimensional Beings, whether through our going to them or them coming to us? Yes.

Elora: So for two Beings who are separated by the Dimensions, then once the Earth Changes really happen here, that separation should no longer be a factor?

Heru: Correct. And that is how it is in the Light Sector.


Part 5 - A Process of Purification

It has been an intense couple of weeks, and we have had very little opportunity to channel. However, we can report a few things.

At the end of July, Heru told us to prepare ourselves for “six to eight weeks of great intensity” as the last barriers fell. This would take us through the middle to the end of September. We are still moving through the process that he foretold, and it certainly has been a roller coaster.

It was forecast that when the Atomic Correction reached the 35-40% marker, the Light Forces would be able to begin their entry into the dense physical. We don’t have an exact number for the Correction right now, but it has reached and exceeded that point. However we have learned that the Mass Human Consciousness, most of which is very limited and darkened, is holding the density on the surface of our World at a lower [denser] point than it would be otherwise, given the extent of the Atomic Correction. This situation is being worked on. It has also been found that Earth’s timeline had been tampered with once again, thus not allowing our Planet to move forward into its imminent and positive future. That, too, is being corrected as I write.

The main event that I am aware of on the Higher Dimensions is a vast cleansing and purification that is sweeping through all levels. So profound is this process that at times the Higher Beings are not able to be in touch with us. The last strongholds of Darkness are being destroyed, and we’re told that all will be restored in perfection.

To check on this, we recently scanned someone whom we knew to be full of implants, probably millions of them, as this unfortunate person had been under attack daily for many years and was always surrounded by Dark Beings. No implants whatsoever were found. They had simply dissolved — vanished. This may not be 100% true across the board, but is very hopeful.

There are still some Dark Higher Dimensional Beings around, but we believe their days are very short.

We also scanned for weather constructs and the Frequency Fences. All such constructs were found to be dissolving. The larger ones will, of course, take longer. The Universes in the Dark Sector are also looking much better than they were.

We looked at the Monadic Ladder in a number of Humans. All the Dark Human Aspects had been converted to Light. This is a huge achievement. Everything except for the Dense Physical Plane and Earth’s Dimensions One and Two appears to be of pure Light. Many Dark Beings are still hiding in the First and Second Dimensions. That will be addressed soon.

This process of purification will be seen, felt, and known on dense physical Earth as soon as the last barriers come down.

As a final note, here is an interesting letter from one of our Readers, received about ten days ago:

“The God Warriors and others are really making progress. During the past Saturday and Sunday evenings, I actually was hearing thunder-like sounds with my physical ears. There was no thunderstorms or clouds in the area at the time and the sounds were as much like as artillery going off as it was thunder.
There was considerable light flashing and movement of Light Beings to be seen as well. Most of this activity was seen during the day and via the peripheral vision. The troops are here now, without a doubt.


Part 6 — The Weather Project

Our Weather Task Force has been very effective in bringing rain, and sometimes reduction in excess heat, for many areas. The initial success in our work with the weather occurred in the Denver area, where twenty some counties were considered to be in a state of emergency due to drought. After we worked in this area, it received five inches of rain. Another dramatic success occurred a couple of weeks ago here in Western North Carolina. Though we’re not actually drought stricken, it has been a very dry summer. The water table was low and a few wells were going dry. Storms would head this way but would always break up before they got here. I followed the protocol for bringing rain with immediate success. An inch of rain fell that night, and three more inches the following night. Here is a letter from Donna, who heads up the Weather Task Force.

We currently have 33 members in the Weather Task Force group with people from England, Canada, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Mexico and Australia besides the states. Every other day Mary and I work together by phone with Shonara, Heru and all the vast army of Beings on the other side.

When the Constructs are removed, healing is brought. When that is complete then the next day the whole group works with the Lords of Magnetism and the following day we meditate for rain for those areas. Then we ask for the Beings that heal Nature and bring balance to come and work. We often see the animals moving again with joy.

So far: North Carolina has rain - 4 inches. Colorado has been having consistent, gentle rain. Some sunny days, then another day of rain. (This follows the 5” of rain received earlier.) South Dakota - the Black Hills area has had rain. North Dakota - rain has started to come. (Note: a large construct near Bismark was removed a few days ago, and immediately Bismark had two inches of rain.) Minnesota - rains have come. New Mexico - this is now the greenest it has ever been in about 100 years. Arizona - has had rains, and Wyoming has had some areas of rain.

A letter from one Reader states: “I was talking to my stepdaughter in Tucson, Arizona. It had not rained at all there since October of 2005. She reported yesterday that is has rained everyday for three or four days now. The weather has been in the highs 80's and is comfortable.”

One of the Task Force Members who lives in Santa Fe wrote:

“As it is now, we are getting good rains on a regular basis here. The contrast to how this area looked several months ago is stupefying. I have mentioned that we (New Mexico) had been in the worst drought in 100 years. That is very obviously over, and the prairie up here (Santa Fe is in Northern New Mexico at an altitude of about 7000 feet) is growing grasses like I haven't seen in years. The landscape has literally gone from looking like the surface of Mars to being soft, verdant meadowlands (with cactuses). There was actually fog outside this morning when I got up. They are predicting lots of heavy rains this week all over New Mexico (Albuquerque, in the middle of the State at about 5000 feet above sea level, has flooded twice this month) and have been issuing warnings for flooding and for lightning.”


Part 7 — The Absolute Creator and the Ultimate Realm beyond our Creation

We have recently met with two very High Beings — El Baniel and Abba Nartoomid who come from realms that are far above and beyond our own Creation. El Baniel is from a vast Realm which we refer to as “The All”. I don’t know how to describe him except to say that he is of an incredibly high, pure, refined frequency and is very powerful. We have asked him to assist the process of rescue for our Planet. From a conversation with Heru:

Elora: Would you ask El Baniel whether he is having any success with the request that we made of him for Earth?

Heru: He says he is still working. He would actually like to be introduced to as many people as possible, so perhaps he could be included in the next update. The more people who connect with him the more he can do work here.

Elora: Does he have enough of a conduit to this Planet so that people can reach him without going into the All?

Heru: Let me ask him. He says yes, that you have anchored him quite well, you and Karen.

Elora: We now have three of the very High Realms that we are working with or that have been discovered: The All, the Real, and the Core of the true Creation. Some of us are confused about what is what. Would you explain what each is? Let’s start with the Real:

The Real, for you, is a state of consciousness free of distortion. It is a very high state of consciousness. It is more than that, but that is how it will affect you. So it is like positioning yourself in the clearest non distorted place that it is possible to be in.

Now the All. We thought that the All was a Being, but it seems to be a vast Realm. Is the All a Being or a place?

The All is an Aspect of God or Creator. You could call it a place; you could call it almost a vast galaxy of energy that has an all pervasive, very subtle quality to it. In a sense the particles of it are very, very fine. One can describe Creator as all knowing, all powerful, all this and all that, and this is one of those particular ways of perceiving Creator — where God is all encompassing.

And when you say Creator you actually don’t mean our Prime Creator, do you?

No, this is far beyond, it is beyond any of the Creation Systems. So if you would, imagine that the All is this gigantic galaxy of presence within which these different concentric spheres of Creation dwell.

Elora: And is the All encompassed by the presence of a Being at the center?

Heru: There is a Being at the center of the All, yes. And there are many Beings surrounding it, as you have encountered a few.

Elora: And that Being in the center, does His/Her awareness and presence fill the entire Realm of the All?

Heru: Yes. And again that Being is not separate from Creator but it is more or less an Aspect of Creator, or a facet. So you are coming into deeper levels of oneness with the Creator along the lines of this facet, exploring it as the All.

Elora: When you say Creator what or who do you mean?

Heru: The Creator that transcends all of the Creation Systems. 

Elora: And you’re talking about a Manifest Being, not the Absolute?

Heru: No, it would be more like the Absolute, the Unmanifest.

Elora: I wouldn’t think of calling the Absolute “Creator”. 

Heru: Ultimately the Absolute is the Creator even though it is not actively creating.

Elora: Then what is the Core of the True Creation, and is it somehow related to either the All or the Real?

In a sense it would be where those two intersect. Where the All and the Real intersect would be the true Creation, the Creation that has no distortion.


Part 8 - A Conversation with Heru on the 29th October 2006.

Elora: We would like to catch up and do an update for our Readers. First of all, I think it was a few weeks ago when John said that something big was starting to happen. You didn’t want to comment on it at the time however. Would you talk about it now?

Heru: Yes. Remember I said that there was a Cosmic River of Energy out in the Absolute Realms [The Great Void] that was changing directions? The part of that River that passes through this Creation has sort of been meandering on its own. It hasn’t really had direction; it’s just been allowed to go wherever it wanted to go. It has been, in a sense, straightened out so that the energies are not meandering hither and thither through the Dark Sector and picking up distortions and so on. It is now coming directly from outside this Creation and from where there is no Darkness.

Elora: What are the ramifications of this?

Heru: The ramifications are having this Planet and this area bathed in what you would perceive to be Photon Energy, or Light Energy, that is not corrupted and is very fresh and clean. So I think the impact on Earth would be to affect people in having them wake up from their drugged slumber of mass programming and so on. There would be a furthering of that. That was the big event that I didn’t want to talk about at the time.

I also want to address the fact that there are multiple initiatives happening at this time, which are aimed at both Earth and the Dark Sector. It’s like they are so woven together that it’s hard to separate out one from another; it’s difficult to sort out which one is doing what on this Planet. But maybe I can talk about the effects, rather than what is coming from the Ashtar Initiative and what is coming from the Angelic Realms and what’s coming from the God Realms, because everybody is working and focused on this Planet right now. One thing that people are seeing is continued revelations of the extent of the Darkness of the Leadership on this Planet, and finally it is getting through to the mainstream Media and to people in general. And you will see in this upcoming Election a lot of energy towards reform. I do not want to say that one party is less corrupt than another because the entire system is all feeding at the same trough, but when a lot of people are unseated in government and a wave of reform comes in, there is reform possible. And I see that happening in this Election coming up in the US. What I see happening from that is, in a sense, a momentum that is not able to be controlled by those in power. If the Lobbyists and the Big Businesses and all of this are really those who are pulling the strings in Congress, this reform movement is going to loosen that up some. There is going to be legislation passed that the Multi-nationals will not like; it is not going to be in their favor for the first time in many years.

Elora: I did notice that there have been some victories on the Environmental front, for the first time in a while.

Heru: Yes. The tide in the US, politically, has clearly turned. And again, I’m not touting the Democrats as the great reformers or the great uncorrupted Party or anything like that. But if they gain control, within that Party there are reformers and people who are of the Light. They will be able to have an effect that they can’t have now, and there will be a groundswell for reform that will sweep even the compromised people into voting for things that they wouldn’t ordinarily vote for. So I see that happening in the US. World-wide, a couple of years ago, there was a lot happening with the Elections in Spain and some different elections around the world where more reformist governments were formed, and I think that you will begin to see some more of that happening in the next couple of years. South America has a groundswell of reform, although not everyone has won and it’s gotten mixed up with other things so it’s not come to full fruition. But I think it will continue, and the over-reaching of the US administration will basically be halted at this Election.

Elora: What about the former voting fraud? Aren’t the voting machines are controlled by the Republicans?

Heru: I still think the Democrats are going to win. There have been efforts at reform, State by State, to counter this, so that’s already in process — where people are demanding paper ballots and so on. Not that it will be eliminated, but there is pressure for that to be straightened out.

Elora: Is there anything further in the nature of an update that you can give us?

Heru: Just that there continue to be multiple initiatives put forth by the higher level ET’s, the Angelic kingdoms, the Creator Gods, and Beings from the Light Sector, to focus on Planet Earth. It is not exactly known when or what will break through, but it is getting closer and closer to the big breakthroughs that you have been promised for so many decades. I don’t know that I can really be more specific than that because I don’t think anyone knows which one will break through, or how or where. But people are beginning to wake up. There is definitely a change, a feeling of “Things can’t go on like this any more” in people that you normally wouldn’t hear that from. People are wanting change, people are feeling that things are going in the wrong direction and wanting to change direction.

Elora: I’d also like an update on the Divine Tide, what the status is, what it has accomplished, and so on.

Heru: Part of this impetus for change is the result of the Divine Tide. The Divine Tide has that networking ability that was requested, and so most of the non-physical Dark Beings have been eliminated through this networking ability. Therefore in general attacks on Humans at this point are not multi-dimensional but are simply Human to Human psychic attacks that, until people clean their hearts up, are unavoidable.

Let me see what else has been accomplished. Those Light Workers who are open to it are finding their ability to manifest, especially money, much easier to do. I’m saying “those that are open to it”, being that many of the Light Workers have negative programs and belief systems in place that need to be worked with and removed and made conscious. There is a lot of unconscious self-sabotage that happens within those communities. But those who are aware of that mechanism and are following the Laws of Abundance which are outlined in various teachings — those who are aware and practice that without self sabotage are finding it easier to manifest.

Elora: When the Divine Tide came in, you mentioned that you would give us updates on various programs and Beings and so on that would be released. We sort of dropped the ball on that one, but is there anything you’d like to impart along those lines?

Heru: There is one thing that the Divine Tide has done; I’m sure you have noticed it maybe without really noticing it. Your ability, Karen’s ability, and even my ability to connect with Beings outside of this Creation has been greatly enhanced. Because of this you have been introduced to Conuel and El Baniel and Noahlel and been able to travel into the All. All of this is the result of the Divine Tide.

What else can we say about the effect of the Divine Tide? You have access, now, to so many Beings. It’s sort of like an apple tree with ripe apples waiting for you to discover them. There are an endless number of Beings that you can connect with and can bring to people to work with, such as when you connected with the Firstborn of the Mind of God and you connected them with people. And some people have gone on to utilize those Beings outside of your immediate circle of friends, and their work continues. That will happen with Conuel, and there are many other High Beings for you to contact who will be of great assistance.