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Revelations from The Creator God Horus

Elora Gabriel and Karen Kirschbaum

The Eye of Horus

The Complete Text and Updates
First Published 2005 by Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA

Chapter TWENTY-SEVEN: Update for July 2006

Part 1 - Divine Tide

We have much reason for hope, even celebration at this moment, as the great Energy Wave requested by Heru and discussed in our last Update has now reached our Planet. Karen and I discussed this wave, which is called the Divine Tide, in a conversation which was not recorded as Karen spontaneously decided to channel when we were up in the mountains on the afternoon of June 30. I have written some notes from memory.

Heru said that the Divine Tide is so massive that it will not hit with a sudden forceful blast like some of the others. It will be more sustained and it will build. While the Omniversal Energy was somewhat like wind in its action, Heru said that the Divine Tide will be more like water, thus its name - more penetrating, more able to dissolve barriers and so on, especially when guided by thought, prayer, and intention. In some ways it will be energetically like a waterfall. It will carry a tremendous amount of energy for manifestation, and it is suggested for all of us that we keep our focus on what we desire most. Heru also said that the Divine Tide will bring in the "true forms" of Angels, Elementals, and the like, and that this will help them to start working on restoring the biosphere of Earth. He believes that this energy will ultimately enable Darkness to be removed from Humans and/or for the Deca-Delta Squadrons to work on them effectively. He emphasized that the Divine Tide is something like a hundred times stronger and deeper, and with more Beings embedded in it, than the Omniversal Energy, so he expects the effects to be profound. And he also feels that it will bring more magic into this world.

Heru told us that the Divine Tide would reach Earth somewhere around Noon Eastern time on July first. In viewing this event, I felt that the fullness of the Wave did not reach us until close to 2 PM Eastern time, but as it approached I could see that forerunners of this massive energy had touched our Planet somewhat earlier. The Divine Tide is golden in color and, much as Heru had told us, did not approach rapidly and "blast" into Earth as some of the others had done, but seemed to advance in slow motion with enormous majesty and power. On July 2, we had the following conversation with Heru:

Elora: Greetings, Heru, How are you feeling with this influx of energy?

Heru: It's pretty wonderful.

Elora: So, it appears that the Divine Tide arrived on schedule. What has it accomplished so far?

Heru: It is in the very beginning stages, therefore it's not so much that it's accomplished anything as that it is just arriving and penetrating all of space. As I was saying previously to you, the grandness and vastness of this Tide will unfold over weeks, months, and even years - all that is embedded and encoded in this Tide. Imagine, if you would, the tide of an ocean - if you were to take away the waves and have a still day without waves - and you have just begun to get the first few inches of the tide. And that tide will go many feet and really many miles. So you are just getting the first taste of it. It is truly a wonderful thing, this Tide.

I believe it is programmed to at first just gently wash in and fill all the spaces, fill every atom and every Being and every molecule, and that it will take several weeks before any of the programs begin to be implemented. As we get closer to that time I will then describe which programs and which Beings are being activated. You may expect to meet many wonderful Beings. I do expect this Divine Tide to have imbedded in it the return of some of the Archangels who have left, and the return of some of the magical Beings like the Dragons and Unicorns and so on, that they will begin to appear to people. And that will be part of the key to the restoration, awakening in Humans the magic that exists in all life - the creative patterns, the many wonderful things that you were always supposed to be experiencing, not the drudgery. 

Elora: This morning when I stepped fully into the Energy of the Divine Tide, I could feel something like a rhythmic pulsing, almost like a giant heartbeat. What is this?

Heru: It is just the basic pulse of life that Prime Creator has embedded in this Wave, to energize all life and to bring all life back into harmony with that rhythm.

Elora: As we've discussed, the Divine Tide contains a strong energy for manifestation. Can you give any suggestions for our Readers regarding how to access and use this energy for manifestation and creation in their lives? Or should they just use the techniques that we've discussed?

Heru: The techniques we've already discussed would be a good focusing point. But really the most important thing for people to access is the starting point, which is this energy. And perhaps that heartbeat, that golden wave - that golden heartbeat of pulsing energy - is a good place to access it. The recommendation, then, would be to center oneself on that energy, to sit within it and do the techniques as outlined. There are also many other manifestation techniques around in the New Age community, and I think many of them would probably work.

Elora: Is there something along the lines of a faster rebound of energy happening - something like what we might call instant Kamuz? I've noticed some incidents recently that would seem to indicate this.

Heru: Yes, there is definitely a speed-up in the manifestation of thoughts.

Elora: Is this related to the Divine Tide, or to the Atomic Correction, or both?

Heru: I think it is the overall mix of everything.

Elora: I asked God Most High to include in this Wave a sort of networking quality. This is based on the idea that the Dark and Fallen Beings are all connected somehow. Many of them are formed into groups or organizations, or belong to the same race. I also had the feeling that in a sense all of the Fallen and everything Dark is connected, that Darkness spins itself through time and space like the filaments of a fungus. Do you agree with this idea? I do.

Elora: Did God Most High give the Divine Tide the ability to work through these networks? Yes.

Elora: And how can we assist this process?

Heru: It's still too early to really see how that's going to unfold. But what I would say is that any time you encounter anything that you think is Dark, to in a sense upload the coordinates to Prime Creator or myself or one of the Archangels. Just call upon one of us and say "Prime Creator (or whoever), here is something that is very Dark." And just by saying "here" that will give us the coordinates of it automatically. I might add that we know the coordinates for the White House. What we don't have the coordinates for is somebody's pedophile uncle or something like that.


Part 2 – Update on The Atomic Correction

Elora: Heru, we'd like to check on the status of the Atomic Correction. Let's call in our group of Seers.

Heru: They say that Earth’s Central Atom is now about 22% corrected

Elora: Last time the figure was given as about 19% lighter than before. By that did they mean 19% corrected? Yes.

Elora: Here are some questions from readers on the Atomic Correction.

Reader: "Given that the recent Atomic Correction appears to be working, it would seem that we are out of the woods as far as Earth's rescue is concerned. It is my feeling that unforeseen problems can still occur with people and other life forms getting accustomed to the Atomic Correction or nuclear materials acting up as a result of the correction, for example." Elora: Heru, can you comment on that?

Heru: I don't foresee any of the nuclear materials acting up. Yes, this Planet is out of danger of immediate destruction. Any given life form at this point is not out of danger. But for the whole of Gaia herself, things have gotten to the point where she herself is out of danger, and can actively participate in the work that is going to come in terms of all the corrections that will take place.

This reader continues: "I would like to know if the above mentioned Atomic Correction is going as planned or if problems have cropped up that might delay its progress."

Heru: Nothing is stopping it. It is going slower than we had hoped, so work is being done to make it faster. And I think once the Divine Tide really starts to work, things should speed up more.

Another reader wrote: "What about developing Atomic Correction Generators which are suitable to be implanted into trees? Especially in and around big cities, they for sure would help a lot to counter the dense state of mind most people are in."

Heru: That's an excellent idea. We'll make that happen, so look for that to be available in the next few days.

[Note: Chafor, one of the Firstborn, is also developing a new enhancement for the Atomic Correction that he says will be ready within a few days.]


Part 2 - The Weather

Weather is a big concern these days, whether it is damaging storms, too much rain or not enough. I am posting this Section as it may give our Readers some ideas of how to work with problems in their areas. We asked Heru:

Elora: One of our Readers, who lives in an Eastern suburb of Denver called Aurora, wrote:

"I am working with the prairie and the elements here in Colorado and the whole prairie system. There is a drought here and the clouds are gone most of the day which is most unusual l - I can feel weather-tampering. I have been doing the meditation mentioned in the book and also asking the Light Warriors to locate and take care of the places that are doing weather-tampering. Can you please ask Heru what else we can do - and I am going to Prime Creator also - but would appreciate any input you receive."

There are some ET ships over that area tampering with the weather. They are Negative ET ships, triangular in form, and on the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions.

Reader: Can you get their coordinates, and can we get rid of them now?

Heru: I have uploaded that, and that should be taken care of fairly quickly. That is the source of many of the weather control programs that are affecting that area. 

Reader: Is there anything else in that area?

Heru: There are some bad sorcerers in that area that are also affecting this, like Dark Shamans.

Reader: Can anything be done with them?

Heru: I think that perhaps the best thing to do with them is to neutralize the effect of their negative emanations by calling for an instant return of their karma, so that everything that they put out is reversed and in a sense pushed back into them.

Reader: Whom should we ask to do this?

Heru: Archangel Michael. It would be very good to call in a lot of his Aspects. He is able to create a sort of mirrored shield that will reflect back to these Beings what they are putting out.

Reader: Now would you have the Seers do the same scan on our area, which is getting very dry again.

Heru: Yes, it is. The same kinds of ships are present in your area. There are plenty of Negative Shamans as well but it is somehow not having the same effect. The Seers are also saying that there is something about the forests, that they are not magnetized to draw water in the way that they normally would be. They've sort of lost their ability to pull the water in. I don't know if that has to do with the Elementals, but somehow there is a loss of magnetism to bring the water.

Reader: Whom should we call upon - the Lords of Magnetism? Yes, and just ask them to restore it.

Reader: Does that apply to the Rocky Mountain area as well? Yes.

Reader: Is there a similar magnetism in the Plains? There would be in the plants.

[Note: as of July 6th we had a letter from another Reader who also lives near Aurora, Colorado, and who learned about our work with the weather. This work was done in the very last part of June and the first day or two of July and was very effective, although there are still some areas of Colorado needing rain. In my own area of Western North Carolina, we have had success as well, as we had substantial rain in the past two days.]


Part 3 - Parallel Realities

We have previously mentioned Parallel Realities and Parallel Selves. This is a topic I have generally preferred to avoid because it seems complicated and confusing. We have now asked Heru for some definitions to help us understand this difficult subject.

Elora: Please explain what is meant by Parallel Selves.

Heru: Picture the entire soul structure as the head of a dandelion puff when it is mature and the seeds are about ready to pop off. The Monad would be in the center and each of the little seed fibers that come out would represent a Dimensional Ladder. Each of those Ladders would contain Parallel Selves, and a Soul could have several hundred.

Elora: So each seed fiber would represent an entire Monadic Ladder in a Parallel Reality? Yes.

Elora: And the Parallel Worlds?

Heru: They would be the same, the same structure. So this Earth would be in a sense connected to an Oversoul Earth with many Parallel Earths coming off of it, in a similar structure to what I described with the Soul.

[Note: In other words, a Parallel Earth would be a version of our Planet in one of the Parallel Realities. A Parallel Self would be a version of you living in one of the Parallel Realities. This is an entirely different thing from another Aspect on your Monadic Ladder. A wonderful set of novels based on the idea of Parallel Realities is Roger Zelazny's Amber series. Robert Monroe, the great out-of-body traveler, also described encountering his Parallel Self on a world quite similar to Earth. In the normal course of things the Parallel Realities would intersect one another through a series of gateways, or Portals. Normally one would be able to move freely between the Parallel Worlds and enjoy them all, and they would add to the beauty, complexity, and multiplicity of this Creation. We asked Heru:]

Elora: Did you look at the people I told you about who were getting so badly attacked? Yes.

Elora: What is going on there, given that there has been so much clean-up of the Dark and Fallen Beings?

Heru: This really deals with what we were talking about the other day - the Portals to the Parallel Worlds that are Darker than this Planet. Until that is addressed, until those Portals can be closed and a barrier placed, no amount of cleanup on this Planet will solve that problem. I am not sure how many Parallel Planets there are involved in this. It's at least one but it's my sense that it's two or three, and the worst, I believe, will have to be destroyed. I don't know the steps that will have to be taken or how long it will take for this to happen, and in the meantime I don't know how the Portals can be stopped from opening up. Perhaps we can call for the God Warriors to create a wall between this Planet and the more distorted Parallels. This would be a temporary measure until those Worlds are taken care of.

[Note: As of July 4, this Wall has been created. It is enormously thick and made of an Anti-Portal substance which is quite dense and is a very dark blue in color. So far it appears to be working. Heru continues:]

I would like you to include this in the Updates: that Karen was right when she said that she felt the whole image and mindset matrix of Armageddon and the End of the World comes from those other Parallels. It is important for people to see that, for this World is very much salvageable. There are a couple [of Parallel Earths] that are not, and the Dark have been aggressively trying to force that idea into this World.

[Note: Heru told us that if any of us find ourselves burdened by a sense of impending doom, this probably means that we have Selves on one of these Darker Parallel Earths. He also states that the Divine Tide has been released, not just into this Reality, but into all of the Parallel Realities as well. The extent to which it is penetrating each one is dependent upon how many of the Frequency Fences are still in place. However, God Most High will do the utmost to bring a flood of this Energy to all of the Parallel Realities and Worlds.]