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Earth 5

When you think of Prime Creator, what or whom do you picture? In your society, you have been taught that the god energy represents the source and that the feminine energy represents the use or activity of it. We would say it is the other way around—the feminine represents the source and the masculine represents how the source is used.

It is true that Prime Creator is a female vibration. The Source, as we know it, is a feminine vibration. The consorts of this feminine principle, the male vibration, in competition for love of the Goddess, began splintering off in a misuse of energy millions of years ago. You are one fragmented part of that misuse of energy. Two Pleiadian sons of a mediocre god took over Earth, had a battle between themselves, and created the present-day dilemma. In the larger picture, it was a minor family squabble. The divine Mother Goddess frag- mented and made herself into many forms to be the consort of numerous gods. They wanted to appease and love and be in this vibration of the mother, because this is where all of the creative vital forces came from.


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The Goddess is of such consciousness that she allows all things. She is the source that holds things together, the glue of creation. It is a difficult concept for some to absorb, let alone consider. It is a difficult concept for women to think of an empowered entity that courses through their own blood in a likeness to themselves. It is shocking for men to think that perhaps a female vibration could be the source behind all things.

Feel in the deepest core of your identity the nurturing, the gift, and the mystery of the mother. There will be a return and an awakening to Mother Goddess energy. You will find in this decade that all of your religions are based on a false ideal. They are all based on a controlling, cold-hearted, patri- archal movement, when in actuality it is the Mother Goddess who is behind all things. We in the Pleiades have discovered the root cause of our misuse of energy: We have not honored the mother. We have done things to gain the attention of the mother, yet we have not valued the mother’s creation, the mother’s gift.

Your planet must learn who the Goddess is as a cre- ator. You must. Understanding the dark side of the Goddess is part of exploring her energy, because the Goddess did something to lose her power. It is in the cells of your being because all of you, man and woman alike, have the Goddess within you.

The Goddess is going to be birthed through you, whether you are male or female. There was a decline and fall of the Goddess for very important reasons. The Goddess energy always acknowledged the rights of fertility. The Goddess energy was not like your Western world; to her, sex was not shameful. The Goddess loved sex. Sex, of course, is your natural heritage. However, like all things, there was a misuse of sexual energy.

There came a time within the Goddess realm when there was a tremendous abuse of the male vibration. Women, influ- enced by outside sources, lost their honoring and partnership

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with men, and their sense of unity between man and woman. After a while, within the realm of the Goddess, men became nothing more than a stud service. Women got so lost in the Goddess power that the men were not considered equal. Men were considered to be objects to bring about the rights of fertility. Many men were killed after one-time fertility ritu- als with representatives of the local Goddess. Castration and other sacrifices were performed. It is true. Women misused the sexual energy of men, creating the current backlash. This is all changing, and you will find the Goddess, with compas- sion, entering the lives of those willing to feel.

The Goddess energy was infused at one time with a tre- mendous negative force and became distorted in its purpose. This was in pre-Christian times. Then, the pendulum swung the other way, so that when the male vibrations began to play their role, they acted out with vehemence in response to what some of the females had done. Your memories are stored in your cells and blood, and you determined your experience by the choices you made.

You have been overlaid with a negative, controlling Godlike energy, and it is time for the Goddess to be acknowl- edged. There is a balance that is needed, with no worship of one vibration over the other. Men, in honoring the Goddess, will learn to honor life. Women will learn to redefine how they bring life into being. Life can come in with one heck of an orgasm at childbirth. This is an area in which you are going to restructure your beliefs and experience.

When you explore the Goddess, you begin to value life. When you value life, you don’t overpopulate Earth, and you don’t kill. What must come to the forefront of the world’s paradigm is an understanding of what life is, what death is, what all species are, and the fact that everything is intercon- nected—that everything is connected to the same source.

The patriarchal movement changed your history, ban- ishing the Goddess to the whisperings of myth and leg- end. Where is the Goddess in your Bible, your Koran, your

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Torah? The battle between the Goddess and the patriarchy has been ongoing, and today you are so removed from the energy of the Goddess that you do not even have an image or role model before you as to who the Goddess can be. What Western society do you know that honors the Goddess? Yet, the very gateway to the East Coast of the United States is rep- resented by a gallant woman holding a light.

The Goddess is very generous. She has remained behind the scenes in this battle of the patriarchy because she knows she is the creative force in all things and that all things must eventually find her. In her generosity, she allows. What does it mean to give birth, to love what you have created, and to allow that creation its process of evolution without interfer- ence? Is love protective or is love allowing? If a divine force was protective of its creations, it would control what it learns from its creations and therefore could only learn so much— based on what that allows. A force that allows all things has the opportunity to learn in unlimited ways because it has this ability to say, “Show me. Teach me. I am you. You are me.” This is a state of consciousness.

We would like each of you to get to know the Goddess. Make it your quest to call the Goddess to yourself in some way. Invite the Goddess to teach you about life. She will begin working with you in ways that are quite profound. Many of you have called us, the Pleiadians, into your life. We play with you, and you know our vibration, our humor, our tricks—even we work with the Goddess.

Things must change. The Goddess is indeed orchestrating events as part of the solution. Goddess energy works with your heart to keep it open. We ask you to keep your heart open, not only for yourself, but for those whose paths cross yours at this time of great lessons. If you honor the feminine principle within yourself and on the planet, this recognition will serve as the new foundation for your communities and civilizations.

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We want you to look for that life force. Look beyond what you have been taught. Find that portion of the Goddess, the feminine energy that is in man and woman alike, that is waiting to be birthed. Playfully observe how you can affect others and how they will talk about the things you are dis- covering. Everything you are learning will be magnified and telepathed quite loudly to those who are sharing this journey with you.

The Mother Goddess represents the love principle. We have mentioned the frequency of light—light being infor- mation—and the frequency of love, enlisting creation. The deepest underside of Pleiadian information is its sensuality and sexuality—its creation through the love vibration with the Goddess. Working with the Goddess energy requires a deeper exploration of the feminine principle.

It is time for women’s knowledge to be spoken, shown, and shared in a magical, mystical way. It is time for women to discover more about their own mysteries—their processes of menstruation and birth and the cycles of their emotions. It is time to share this with men. Many women say, “What can I share? I don’t understand it myself.” Well, it is time for you to go within to say, “What are these feelings I have? If I had to explain to someone else what it is to be a woman, what would I explain? What can I do to become more of a goddess in a woman’s body—more of a magic maker?” The Goddess within is the one who knows—who takes information from one system into another.

As the decade progresses, there will be a marked increase in female teachers and leaders, for the Goddess embodies through her kind. This is not to say that the Goddess does not work with male vibrations, for men will also learn how to embody the Goddess. There is no discrimination with the Goddess, and there is no anger. The Goddess is a very allow- ing entity. She has allowed much to happen over the eons so that everyone could learn. Now the Goddess is calling for an

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honoring of what she allows to be created through the core mystery of the blood—through the very gift from her own womb.

The blood and its mysteries are key to understanding yourselves, your genetic line, and the Living Library itself. You are a part of all of your blood’s journeying—backward and forward in time, so to speak. Your ancestors and pre- decessors can be accessed, felt, experienced, and affected with conscious attention placed on blood. As humans, you grow and nourish yourselves into being with the blood of your mothers. Through females, this rich and vital substance appears, as if by magic. To male and female alike, the bleed- ing of women has been acknowledged as both an act of power and a curse of shame and ridicule.

The blood is a living symbol, demonstrating cyclic evi- dence of your connection to the ancestors and the codes of consciousness stored within all beings. You are a genetic library, and catalogued in your essence of spirit are the archives of personal, planetary, and celestial experiences. These experiences avail themselves to you, in your third- dimensional form, through your blood.

Your blood is rich with stories. It is filled with patterns and designs of a geometric nature that reorganize them- selves according to your state of consciousness and intent. In order to awaken to a new view of life, you must be willing to reconsider and make changes. Your thoughts are recorded by your blood. They are imprinted with a distinct font accord- ing to your feelings and then radiated outward for all worlds to read. You are the sum total of yourself in physical form because of your blood.

Within the bone caverns that serve as your skeletal struc- ture, blood is produced. It is enriched or deprived according to your blueprint of intent, and is combined with your ability to decode life as a series of self-created lessons. Your blood can easily be enriched and restructured.

The way your blood can be altered and enriched is by

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intention. Inside your brain are tiny particles like magnets that are affected by the rays of the sun. Great waves of ener- gy and telepathic codes for civilizations are sent on cosmic highways from the Pleiades to your sun. Your sun transfers the energy to you and to the moon. The energies go into your cranium and are held through an electromagnetic process by these small magnets in your brain.

Bodywork can change the structure of your blood. As you align your consciousness to become more whole, your blood becomes more purified. It becomes something very, very sacred. Information is stored in stone and bone. The red blood cells are manufactured in the bone marrow. When you realign the bone, it starts to change what the bone does to the rest of the body. The realigned bone purifies the blood, creat- ing a more accessible blood line, and sorting out the inner secrets of identity.

Often, women have been in disdain of their menstrual blood, rather than understanding it as the source of their power. The blood carries the genetic code, and because the Mother Goddess is the source of all things, this is where the code comes from. It is where the story is hidden. Menstrual blood can be used to nurture plant life, to mark Earth, and to let Earth know that the Goddess lives again. In general, women don’t bleed into Earth anymore. Doing so is a direct transference of the energy of the Goddess. When women put their blood onto Earth, she is nurtured. Women have been told for eons that their blood is a curse, and they have become afraid of their own blood. They do not understand that it is their source and their power. As you let go of old taboos and work with menstrual blood, you will find that you have a different effect on the animals and plants of the Living Library.

Women, if you are still bleeding, become wise in hon- oring your body and your blood. Your blood is one of the highest sources of fertilization and territorial marking that you can call upon. Understanding the blood mysteries is key

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to connecting to the source of your power and deep inner knowledge.

You can mark the land where you live with your men- strual blood. You might start out with the cardinal points: north, south, east, and west. Then, over time, you can contin- ue to imprint Earth, like a painter laying strokes on a canvas. You can dilute the blood with water, thereby increasing the amount. You can bless it, and use crystals to hold the vibra- tion. This process is considered to be marking the Goddess territory. It will draw plants and animals that have a new vitality and that feel they are one with the Goddess.

In a number of your ancient stories, blood was used to ward off evil or make a statement of intent. Perhaps a door was marked with menstrual blood. No one would dare touch that door or those living behind it, because it was understood that the Goddess reigned there. In those ancient times the Goddess was still respected. It was understood that if you fooled with or disobeyed the Goddess, your work was not divine.

As you build and develop new communities, we suggest that women of all ages gather together and intend to under- stand the bleeding time and to share their power and knowl- edge as keys with men. Explore the blood mysteries as a natural process of community life. Your body, and its cycles, create the image of life. Power is a very important thing for you to comprehend. Think about the dynamics involved with a woman having a baby. She maintains a life force that cre- ates movement and desires to be born. There is a mysterious power in that. So much power that the male vibration came to fear the process and the magic of birth. Because the male forgot how to bring birth onto the planet through his body, he became threatened by the power of the female. Men need to get used to the bleeding of women and support it. There will come a time when you will want to know about your lin- eage and the responsibility of appropriate and timely child- bearing, because life is going to become very valuable.

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The bleeding of women will become a very important part of community. As women gain understanding through this power, the Goddess is galvanized and returns to all of

you.If you want to have a fertile garden, the best garden in town, use your blood diluted with water. Your garden will flourish. You will find that your blood can accelerate the growth of food. It will accelerate many, many things. It is not a mistake that women bleed. It is one of the grandest gifts. It is the elixir of the gods.

Aboriginal women save their menstrual blood in pouch- es and use it to heal wounds. There are many things that women can do with their blood. Some of you don’t like the idea that you are women. When your bleeding occurs, you find it an unpleasant, uncomfortable, painful, inconvenient time and experience. Men often have no idea what goes on, so it is an awkward time for them as well. In the days ahead, contact the Goddess, open your heart, and discover where the bleeding can take you and teach you, for within the bleeding process lie many of the keys to bringing the Goddess back onto the planet. There is a need to return to the sharing of power through partnership.

There are many more mysteries to unveil, unfold, and reinterpret. Some of you may be wondering why we are cov- ering this subject. It is very important. If you are not interested in the Goddess energy and the mysteries of the blood, we will say to you that you will miss an integral part of life and will not understand what is occurring on the planet. If it turns you off, or if you think it is irrelevant, you are completely missing the point. This is one of the most powerful teachings that we can give you at this time to assist you in understand- ing what is coming. What you need to do completely and totally, as men and women, is honor the Goddess vibration that comes through your hearts and helps your hearts open.

Menstrual blood is highly oxygenated, the purest of blood, and it carries decoded DNA. It is the oxygen that

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decodes those strands and allows the restructuring of the data. Your scientists are now playing with a third strand of DNA. They are learning how to build strands of DNA based on photon lights—fibers in the body that we call the light- encoded filaments.

The mystery of the blood has been subverted in your modern religions. Do you ever wonder about Christian com- munion? You are told to eat the body and drink the blood of Christ. What is the significance of that? If you were raised Christian, these are words that you heard over and over again: “This is my body. This is my blood.” This ritual is a distortion. Taking the body and blood invites a sense of can- nibalism and is based on an ancient and unhealed reptilian infusion.

A pathos of the planet is the tendency of the multitudes to be willing advocates for a cause without knowing what the cause is truly about. The era of ignorance is ending. You are coming into an era of blissful knowing. We strike a few key phrases, using sound, that mean something to your minds. Yet on another level, there is a language being spoken that is decoded by your bodies, just like the crop circles.

We want to add something else to the pot here. The moon influences the rhythms of Earth. Who is to say that it is not designed? The moon reigns over the flow of energy in the body in the same way that it governs the tides on your planet. It is a very powerful electromagnetic computer. If the moon affects the tides, it also affects the tides in your own bodies, the blood in your own bodies, and the hormones within the blood.

There have been different cycles on your planet, accompanied by swings of the pendulum. There was a long reign of the matriarchal energy on Earth. Then the patriarchal energy came into rulership and eradicated any indication of feminine leadership and knowledge. Feminine knowledge was only passed on in myth and legend, where the feminine was recognized as a participant and perceiver of life. She felt con- nected to the web of existence through the birthing process.

At one time there were forces of extraterrestrial intelligence that worked to activate feminine principles. This was done because of the feminine ability to bring life and to feel. That is where the female association with the moon came from. There was an influence from the moon, which transmitted a feminine energy program. The moon is like a big computer, so different beings and forms of intelligence can own the moon or have the ability to program the moon. There were beings who programmed the moon into a feminine cycle. That is remembered because it involved a loving, benevolent time. Then, of course, things changed.

The energy from the moon has been beaming electromagnetic frequencies onto Earth for eons now to maintain the two-stranded DNA. Don’t get mad at the moon for doing this. There is nothing wrong with the moon. It is only broadcasting programs. The moon establishes a breeding program within females. This reproductive cycle creates the possibility of producing children much more often than the solar cycle.

Understand that the moon outlines your breeding program. However, as a species you can move into a new cycle for procreation. This will help stabilize the overpopulation running rampant on the planet. There are fears today of doubling the population of the United States in a very short period of time. You are already bursting at the seams. Over the next fifty years, there will be a different influence on the moon, and the moon’s cycles will change the Earth cycles. Everything is going to change drastically. You have been available to breed every month. It involves a very different experiment if you are available to breed only once a year. The changes will alter the whole female cycle so that the rate of pregnancy changes. The current system does not work; you would destroy yourselves overproducing. At this stage of exploding world population, it does not serve you to be available for conception every lunar cycle.

For many centuries the midwife was considered to be the greatest enemy to the Christian religion because she could alleviate pain, she could tell other women about the mysteries of their bodies, and she understood herbs, a sacred part of the Living Library. The Christian religion became very patriarchal and afraid of the Goddess and women. They feared that female power took authority away from the church, and away from men.

The abortion issue has nothing to do with whether you can have an abortion or not. It is designed to keep people separated and confused over female energy. It is a plan against the Goddess to disempower women and have them think they have no choice; or, when choice is available, to have them think the choice is abortion. There are plans to confuse women about their bodies to a very large degree. This is fine. There is no problem, because each of you chooses the lessons you need to learn. You can open your hearts and send healing energy to people, inviting them into a state of expanded consciousness; however, you cannot make them change.

The energy of the Goddess is moving rapidly, ready to work with those of you who are willing to remember her call. Her instructions are to honor your bodies and Earth and your sexuality, because it is through this process that you are all created. We know that some of these ideas make you uncomfortable, and that is why we bring them up. Embrace the fullness of your bodies and of what needs to be done, and get on with it. Work together, play together.

Women, wake up and read the owner’s manual of your bodies and discover that you own something valuable. Men, you own something of value as well, and this something called a body has cycles, rhythms, and patterns. It can do miraculous things.

It is a grand distortion of your identity to think that sex is only for procreation. It is a travesty that this has been taught.

No one ever has to have a baby if she or he does not want to. Begin to think and feel in terms of influencing all of your body’s functions, including conception. You can say, “I know that my thoughts and feelings control the functions of my body. I influence it, and when I’m ready to have a baby I will energize that. Otherwise, I am not available.” This is a very freeing concept to consider.

If every woman on the planet really knew how much power she had, what do you think the patriarchy would do? Eons ago a version of the patriarchy became threatened by the power of the female. So women, in order to hide their power, doubted themselves so that men could take a stance and say, “Let us have a chance to run the world and see what it is like.” The feminine force took a back seat. Women agreed to believe that they had the curse within their bodies and that bleeding was bad. Women doubted the very life force within themselves, and whether they had any influence over it.

It is not only women who are affected and controlled by the moon. Men are as well. You are birthed through the cycle of the woman, and your sexual cycles are imprinted by this process. Also, because the moon controls the tides, and the human body is some 90 percent water, the moon affects the tides within your bodies as well. Men can also feel and work with the fluctuations of their hormones as their bodies go through their cycles; they can learn to recognize the subtlety to male rhythms. Because of relentless pressure and control around men, these cycles are not as noticeable as those of women, which are marked outwardly with symbols like the blood. The male vibration is out of tune with spontaneity, and very much in alignment with obeying. Obeying what? Obeying ideas they embrace, without feeling the appropriateness of the beliefs or ideas.

We suggest more men question authority and say, “I’m not doing that. To heck with that. I’m doing this instead.” The male vibration is currently impulsed to seek the same emotional freedom as women. Without your emotions, you cannot discover who you are. In order to understand the deeper mysteries, men must make peace with themselves and understand that their emotions are the feminine portion of themselves.

The blood is more mysterious to the male vibration because all of a man’s blood is inside him. It is not something he can see and feel each month like a woman can. War is one of the distortions brought about by the patriarchy in an attempt to give males the power of blood. Yet, this blood is not the same. It is brought about by violence, by destroying life, by maiming and killing, with emotions or feelings stifled and suppressed. There is only one appropriate way for a man to take into himself the power of blood—and that is for a woman to gift him with her blood, to share her own elixir. There are many ways this can be done. For a man to eat fruits and vegetables grown with menstrual blood is one obvious way. Also, a man may be marked on the back of his neck or the soles of his feet with menstrual blood. His body will absorb the knowledge contained within it.

Men are going to need women’s blood, and women are going to remember the Goddess inside themselves and embody the Goddess principle. This principle will teach you how to create a balance on the planet. It is our intention that each and every woman understand the mysteries of her body and share those mysteries with the appropriate male vibration, with no secrets. Sometimes men are afraid of women’s blood. Often, a man is hesitant to engage in the act of sex with a woman when she is bleeding. For a woman, anxiety can exist over whether or not a man finds the presence of blood unpleasant. If you enjoy sex during bleeding, whether you are a man or a woman, congratulations, for you have overcome a deep imprint. You are sharing with another on a profound level of cellular connection.

Having sex during menses, in a bonded relationship, is a very powerful way of sharing blood. This is a very ancient ritual, and we do not advise any random sexual exploits to share menses blood. It is a sacred and powerful act. Why do you think there has been such a taboo? Why were you steered away from the blood mysteries for eons? Perhaps because it would open doors of knowledge that the gods did not wish you to have. Blood contains the archives of personal, planetary, and celestial experience. When blood is experienced in a sexual union, you are flooded with waves of knowledge, much of it beyond your present ability to understand and integrate. It may take years for the profound knowledge decoded in your body through blood to unfold.

The male counterpart of menses blood is, of course, sperm. Sperm, like computer chips, carries the code of intelligence for the evolution of consciousness. This is presently being measured by the degree to which the male vibration can remember and embrace the Goddess. It is the sperm that decides whether a child will be a male or female. The egg remains the same; the sperm makes these decisions. Sperm is the Mother’s story encoded in the male vibration, and contains the interpretation of how the male remembers that story.

Can you conceive that sperm has a telepathic link with its owner? When a man has sex with a woman in her men- ses, his sperm can act as an explorer and telepath back to him the power and knowledge of the woman. During a woman’s menses, a man can access the woman’s full identity. Women, if you are going to have sex during menses, you must be ready to share the deepest secrets of who you are with your partner. You need to be ready to have your partner take on and share your power. It is the oldest mystery. In the Sumerian stories, the gods Enlil and Enki disputed with each other over the treatment and conditions of the subjects, the humans. The ruler Enki championed the humans and, through the female, gifted the race with sexual knowl- edge. The ruler Enlil strictly forbade sexual knowledge to the humans, for fear it would make them equal to the gods. These concepts and invisible, cellular root assumptions refer to a modern-day version of the creation story—Adam and Eve, the serpent, and the Garden of Eden. Sexual knowledge was Enki’s gift, while Enlil wanted to manipulate and separate the humans, to keep them from knowing the acts of the gods.

In women, blood is the vibration of the color red. In men, sperm is the vibration of the color white. Mixed together, blood and sperm are another elixir. It has been the worst heresy to even think that men would touch women who were menstruating, let alone have sex with them, let alone mix semen with their blood, let alone taste it. Yet, far back in ancient times, when the Goddess energy was understood, and when women were revered, this mixture was considered the drink of immortality for men. Men understood that when they drank menstrual blood, or mixed their sperm with it, they became enlivened and invigorated. It was one of the keys to immortality.

These gods (we call them gods loosely, and perhaps god- lings and godlets would be better terms) became so enam- ored of the energy of the Goddess that they wanted to ingest the power in the combination of semen and the woman’s blood. Remember that semen fertilizing an egg still uses blood. It uses it in many different ways. You all have this imprinting inside you. We bring it up because we want you to address this issue. We want you to remember the powerful nature of your bodies and to take your bodies beyond things that you have been ashamed of. Realize that many versions of authority have taken you completely away from understand- ing your greatest gifts—the vital forces of the white sperm and the red blood.

In the myth of the Garden of Eden, the female vibra- tion was given the name Eve. She was not the first female, of course. It is the Goddess who makes life. Later the story was changed to make it appear that the male vibration had the ability to make life. In this version of creation, woman sprang from the rib of a man. This is not so. It is always the Goddess who knows the scoop on making life, because it is the Goddess who carries the blood.

The Bible relates the story of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. The Tree of Knowledge allows you to be informed. Sexual ability and practice equate to the Tree of Knowledge, the tree that humans were forbidden to eat from. They were forbidden to participate as well with the Tree of Life.

What is the Tree of Life? Many think that the Tree of Life is something that grows a fruit. It is rumored that through ingesting this fruit of the Tree of Life you can gain immortality. In ancient times it was understood that this fruit was the blood of the Goddess. That was the fruit of the Tree of Life. Think of your body and your nervous system as a tree. The stories are not talking about fruits on trees, but to the fruits of the body—the secretions and substances that are indeed gifts of the gods. For eons, the gods have been steering you away from this knowledge.

To have sex with a woman when she is on her blood time is one of the highest vibrations because you go through doorways into other realms. To share the blood is to take on the higher consciousness. At one time these things were very “in” and were respected because people understood what was taking place. Remember, at one time the greatest enemy of the Christians was the midwife, because she could keep women in touch with their bodies and assist with the birthing process. When midwives were outlawed and abolished, women had to go to male doctors, who were not permitted for centuries to alleviate a woman’s pain in childbirth. Do you know why? Because the ancient religious laws said that women must be punished for pursuing sexual freedom. This law was actually taken into the medical field. It is only in the last hundred years or so that women have been permitted to receive assistance of some kind during childbirth, and this assistance is patriarchal, not in most cases based on their own innate knowledge.

There was a tradition of fear around the misunderstanding of women’s power. The fear about this mystery that women carry needs to be dissolved. This is the time of partnership; it is the time of relationship.

We wish to speak of menopause. Many women are saddened by the fact that, just as they are beginning to understand the power of their menses, they are no longer bleeders. However, menopause is also a time of great power for women. In ancient times, the crone was revered for her wisdom and magic, and this respect is returning. Menopause involves a deep infusion of energy, marking the time when a woman is able to hold her own wisdom—the connection with the ancestors.

When a woman goes through menopause, she experienc- es a pause. If she is able to hold onto that pause, something transforms inside and she comes into a place of wisdom. Throughout most of recent history, when a woman stopped her menses it was believed that she was to be feared, because she could now hold the blood and keep all its power.

Most women around age forty, and some women in their thirties, begin to decree their death by energizing the aging process. Women are steered away from their own natural cycles, and through their thoughts, hates, and cursings of their own bodies, they throw their bodies off balance. There is a complete misunderstanding of menopause that is similar to the misunderstanding that bleeding is a curse; everyone tends to adopt these misunderstandings. There is a great gift in menopause, and there is nothing that is lost at this time of life. It is a time of tremendous gain and flowering, the very opposite of what you have been told.

Often, men who have vasectomies fear their own sexual power and believe they have no control over their bod- ies. The symbolic representation of vasectomies states their sense of powerlessness—that their sperm and penises do not do what they want. The fear of sperm creates a fear of the body. Those who have vasectomies also speed up difficulties with their prostates, for shutting off the flow of sperm creates difficulties in the body. We do not recommend vasec- tomy. We recommend that you learn how to use your bodies rather than condemning your bodies’ functions and creating detours. Be open to a sense of wonder as you reconsider your sexual beliefs.

The Goddess has the ability to put her secrets into blood, because it is blood that creates. This is why women bleed, and why women have been steered away from honoring their bleeding. These are all pivotal things.

We want you as people to develop an intimate relation- ship with Mother Earth. How do you do this? The primary work of the Goddess involves relationship. This is how you grow. You do not always grow by being alone. You can think, “Oh, I have more peace and quiet when I’m alone. I have more time to study. I have more time to work with my self and to do the things I choose.” Yes, and you have all the time in the world to avoid the growing that takes place when you are in relationship. It is important for all of you to devel- op relationships with one another. You need to be involved with people—in love and sexual partnership, through busi- ness and community, and with family, if not your blood fam- ily, then the Family of Light. You all carry codes inside your bodies, and you all need one another.

The Goddess energy is not necessarily something that you draw in like the pillar of light. When you imagine bringing light into your body and chakras, you are literally opening these areas. You are taking a stance on how you view yourself as a solid, dense being versus a being filled with space and light. The Goddess is a force beyond all of this. You do not have to pull the Goddess in through your fingers into your eyes and into Earth—the Goddess just is. Become aware of her vitality in the very nurturing of all systems, for the Goddess is the bringer of and maker of life.

To be alive is to know the Goddess. Look for this force in yourself, and in everything around you. Say, “Show me, Goddess, who you are. I want to meet you.” When most of you thought of Prime Creator as a male personification, you had no problem. Now, to switch to female, some of you can’t conceive of it. Life comes from the female vibration. Eve did not come out of the rib of Adam. That tale served to empower the male vibration, which desperately needed to have some kind of identity during the fighting of the Goddess culture.

We are seeking a balance. If you look around, you are male and female, and all stories of your identity and creation thread the truth of both forces together for you. When you seek balance inside yourself with male and female, in the ideal you will draw to yourself a partner who is balanced in the same way. Inner balance means that you are your own source and that your next step is to pool your source with another in order to feel and become a bigger source. Not that you necessarily need a mate. However, your natural process is to build something together—to put your keys together, as male and female aspects. These aspects correspond to physiological aspects that convey you into the spiritual and emotional realms.

Androgyny represents a divine aspect of the integrated male and female. Each of you have stored in you the vital force called kundalini, which is an expression of the energy of creation. A large majority of people on the planet, however, do not even understand that there is a force within them.

The ideal in all of this is to have the male and female balanced. As men and women, you have this vital kund- alini force within you. It has its own natural cycle, with great peaks of activity. You must make room for this vital force within all of your bodies in order to meet the Goddess energy and create a healing, a transformation, and a realization. This energy is likened to the serpent and is stored at the base of your spine—as it climbs the tree of your spinal column, its energy is dispersed throughout your body.

We can’t move, because you can’t move. You can’t move because we prevented you from evolving by genetically rearranging you. We did that so you would not have the abilities that we have and use them to usurp us. Now, half-a-million years later, we are in the big crunch. We know we made one heck of a big mistake, if there are mistakes to be made.

Shortly, you will discover your ability to create life and your ability to be gods. For forty years, your scientists have been pretending that they are gods as they have created life in underground laboratories as a reinactment of an Atlantian drama lesson. In the ideal, the infusion of the Goddess will reestablish moral value and the value of life, because the Goddess loves her children, including the reptiles, the insects, the cat people, and all forms of life. Then we will watch you and we will see if, as you create life, you limit it. Will you be afraid that the life you create will be greater than you? Will you want to forbid the life that you create to interact with the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life? Or will you encourage the lives you create, which are your children—the future race of blue children—to grow, seek, and change, endowing them with everything that you know? If you do, they will teach you everything in return.

We did not realize in creating you that you had anything to teach us. You were slaves; you were diggers for gold. Some gods are still trapped in illusion. However, some of us are evolving, and this is thanks to those of you who are seeded here on Earth to help us with this momentous task.

Now you must transfer your remembering into the deepest of Earth’s density to those who don’t want to remember, those who have been trapped here seemingly forever through genetic alteration. All must understand and forgive the drama of the story. The galvanization of the Goddess will anchor in a tremendous sense of healing.

The Goddess, in her compassion, allows. Embracing the Goddess energy within yourselves will bring all of you to a new understanding and valuing of life and a new and deeper love for all of creation. Embracing the Goddess will open the Living Library to you and teach you the secrets held deep within the bosom of Mother Earth, for who is the Earth Mother if not the Goddess herself?

Energy Exercise

Take a few deep breaths, consciously following your breath in and out of your body. As you breathe in, imagine your lungs being filled with highly charged oxygen, swirling and twirling as molecules of light. Imagine your lungs absorbing these light particles and sending a wave of light into your bloodstream, energizing your entire body. Locate yourself in your mind’s eye at the base of your spine. Picture this area and your entire skeletal form filled with light. See yourself microscopic in size, observing from within.

Now picture an opening to a dark and mysterious cave at the base of your spine. With courage, step forward and feel yourself walking deeper and deeper into the cave, knowing as you proceed that it is the home of a grand serpent. Feel yourself walking further in, step by step. It is completely dark, and you can feel the hairs on your body stand on end. You tingle as you are pulled into your cave of power.

Visualize a huge serpent giving off a steady hiss, its eyes glowing like green embers in the dark. Picture the jaws of the serpent opening. You walk as a glowing figure of light into the mouth of this reptile. As you walk deeper into the mouth of the serpent, which is another cave of yourself, feel what it is like to go to the very core of your own creative energy.

Now go into the belly of this serpent. This serpent is the Mother Goddess. Go beyond her belly into the reproductive area and become an egg yourself, like a ball of light. Using your intention and will, thrust the serpent that has its lair of power in your first chakra out of the dark cave. Feel it begin to coil and release its power. Feel the shimmer and sliding of the scales, the coiling effect as the serpent unwinds itself and bursts upward from the base of your spine.

Now feel it climb upward. Feel this energy rise. Feel your kundalini on the rise and feel it moving up your body and out of your head. Feel this energy lift you upward, connecting you to the web of existence. Seek to call this energy and imagine it flowing up your spine—this serpent is your kundalini, your passion for life that is your version of the vital force of existence—the force through which you can feel connected and can create. Claim your inheritance and be uplifted.